Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 11, 1924, p. 3

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i health education by dr j j middleton provincial board of health ontario dr middleton will be glad to answer questions on public health mat ters through this column address him at spadina house spadina crescent toronto the pace that kills it may be taken for granted that we dont wish to file young also that it we lire to a good old age we should like to have sufficient vigor ltt to en joy ourselves in moderate measure and not to be merely halfalive bur dens to ourselves and others well the recipe for a vigorous old age is to use the test contained in the question is it worth while a wellknown scientist says that pr- a prominent business man of to- per minute wouid contaminate the air mature jeath 0 decrepit old age is ronto was recently found dead in hisof a garage 10 feat by 10 feet due to too i expenditure of garage with the engine ot his auto- feet to the danger point in aooui mobile still running on investigatj three minutes in tno onco tlvi in energy the life forces physical 1 mi ve imiiutcs ing the case the conclusion arrived at it is not so very long ago that the wis thate mans ds watdue to newspapers contained an account of a i we have no reserve at the time we carbon monoxide poisoning carbon young girl who while taking a datn monoxide has become one of the com- was asphyxiated through having a theres nothing in the bank of vitality it is not so very long ago that the and mental aue to newspapers contained an account of aj ve have carbon young girl who while taking a bath want it weve spent so freely that iiv v v comiwas asphyxiated through having a theres nothing in the bank of vitality monest forms of gas poisoning in thesmall heating stove in the bathroom sohis advice is that we should re- cities it is now found that the deaths these accidents occur so unexpectedly straln jg expenditure by the test from this gas exceed those from any that it is well for the public to know u wortn wni other poison but deaths from carbon the danger of hot water gas maters tnat not only app to strenuous monoxide can nappe anywhere this gas can be just as fatal in small cot tages out in the country through in complete combustion in the coal fur nace or stove it can produce fatal sgsssrls wga r not where they are not properly connected to much else for instance it is not to an active flue soot gradually col- worth while to be very angry anger lects in these devices and may become makes a huge draft on our life force deal the exhaustion which follows an out- results in a garage as has been seen incandescent thus furnishing tf j conditions for the production of car break ot violent anger is nothing less bon monoride which unless removed the danger involved in running a through the flue may result m sen- gasoline engine in a small closed space for any length of time should be recognized by all automobile owners in recent tests on the exhaust of a small automobile engine it was found that it discharged approximately twentyfive cubic feet of gas per min ute samples of which gave an average six per cent carbon monoxide or orte and onehalf cubic feet of deadly carbon monoxide gas every minute larger engines will naturally give off more a ratio of fifteen parts of car- bon monoxide to ten thousand parts of air is considered a dangerous con centration to be exposed to for any considerable item and a small engine in warming up and giving off only one cubic foot of carbon monoxide ous accidents the danger of carbon monoxide is that it is odorless and the victim has thus little warning of its presence until symptoms appear the indi vidual feels dizzy and complains of headache with a feeling of sleepiness and sense of fatigue because of the great loss of motor power which the gas causes to the muscles of the body the victim may be unable to escape even though he is aware of the dan ger it is thus wel to know some thing of the dangers of carbon mon oxide and where it is liable to appear for to be forewarned is to be fore armed proper ventilation is essen tial wherever there is danger from this poison new health for suffering women obtained through enriching the blood supply many women endure with silent pa tience suffering that casts a shadow over half her life but an aching back tired limbs sideaches attacks of faint- ness and splitting headaches need not be a part o a womans life such trials indicate plainly that her blood is thin and impure that to drive away these troubles her system requires the new rich blood supplied by dr wil liams pink pills these pills are valued by suffering women who have used them above all other medicines because they make the rich red blood that makes women feel well and at their best proof of these statements is given by mrs eugene deslauriers richot man who says a few years ago my health completely failed a peep into a littleknown industry do yon know how your wallpaper is made no matter what the quality ot the wallpaper may he or the price asked for it every design is first produced in water colors after the parts of the design to be printed in each color are separately drawn they are ready for transferring to the rollers this may be done either by engraving the design on cop per rollers or by taking wooden roll ers and working out the design by means of small brass strips the spike ends of which are driven into the wood before the actual printing takes place the paper is given a background this is done by passing the huge reels of paper through machines fitted with mechanical arms which brush the parer with a suitable coloring matter the reels of tinted paper now pass to the dryrooms where the regulated heat removes every trace of moisture in the meantime the machines are i was subject to those troubles that i made ready by arranging the pattern and rollers around a large drum as the paper is fed into one end of the machine each roller prints upon it one of the colors that go to make up the complete design the coloring matter is applied to the rollers by means of endless woven belts which passing through the color troughs insure supplies of the right color being applied to each roller after the rolls of paper are printed they pass to the drying rooms to give the wallpaper a superior finish it is passed through a machine with an engraved roller revolving against a soft plain one in this way the differ ent markings or grains are pressed into the paper thoroughly dried for the last time the paper is mechanically measured rolled and cut as the rolls are being wound the machine marks off the paper into lengths this mark the operator looks for when it appears the ma chine is stopped for a moment the paper ia cut and the neatly wound rolls are removed ready for use afflict so many of my sex added to these i suffered from constipation loss of appetite dizziness a ringing in my head and nervous prostration i consulted several doctors but their medicines failed to give me relief after much persuasion i began to take dr williams pink pills but without much hope as i believed that no medi cine would help me to my great joy however i found these pills were just what i needed and i can honestly say they have made me a well woman i can now do with ease all my own house work and i strongly urge other weak ailing women to give this medicine a fair trial feeling that what it has done for me it will do for others you can get these pills from your druggist or by mall at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont the ostrich nest nest building is done by the male ostrich a roll of egyptian papyrus fifteen feet long is being translated by an ex pert it deals with surgery and medi cal treatment as practiced three thou sand years ago by quack doctors emulation looks out for merits that she may exalt- herself by a victory envy spies out blemishes that she may lower another by defeat colton than an exhaustion of life it is not worth white to flog our brains to complete a task an over driven horse an overforced machine is never quite the same afterwards similarly with the delicate human ma chine it is not worth while hating or scheming revenge the consequent draft on the life force in us is very large even pleasures should not escape the test late hours may apparently hold no harm but that wabhedout feeling is a sign that we have parted with much of our vitality the toll has been taken and because the ordinary replacement of used vi tality takes all our time the special loss is never really made up nothing to equal babys own tablets the best tobacco for the pipe ogdens liverpool cot plug sshstf the circuit rider and the devil easy tricks mo 344 cross them out there was rain on the mountain cold drizzling marrowchilling rain i that made the methodist circuit rider as he urged his old horse to greater speed button his shabby old coat up under his chin and pull his hat down over his eyes the constant drip drip drip on the dead leaves of the forest made him think with eager anticipa tion of his little home there would be a bright cracking are of hickory logs a softly shaded lamp on the read- ing stand beside his chair and sally piump rosycheeked cheerful sally the best wife a man ever had j he had a surprise for sally safe in the old wallet buttoned up snug in the inside breast pocket ot the old j coat were two fivedollar bills and here is a tantalizing little prob- both of them were for sally money lem to present to the friend who that sally needed had come to him so prides himself upon his skill in unexpectedly that he felt that the mental mathematics write the lord had made him the custodian of it given on the left your friend as a direct gift to his wife he wat to wow ont nine ot the digits v and add the sum then being to the 111 xn 333 33 555 22 777 117 999 0m 1111 classified advertisements agents wanted agents to make 500 to 99c on a ivaal- knnlllnr cnnnu another girl i dont like your heart action said the medical examiner youve had some trouble with angina pectoris youre partly right doctor said the applicant sheepishly only that aint her name mrs georges lefebvre st zenon que writes i do not think there is any other medicine to equal babys own tablets for little ones i have used them for my baby and would use nothing else what mrs lefebvre says thousands of other mothers say they have found by trial that the tab lets always do just what is claimed ror them the tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus banish indigestion constipation colds colic etc they are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont dads lantern i ride a horse to school six miles away one night last week it was i had to stay an extra hour to practice in the gym i saddled billy gave rein to him and started home the country roads were dim and fog had settled down all thick and gray somehow i felt so tired and chilled clear through i knew that id be missing supper too out on the farm it wasnt very gay to ride a horse to school six miles away and then go home alone im here to say that chilly wind and fog just made me blue the miles slipped by at billys lazy jog and then i saw dads lantern through the fog and dad himself came down to lift the gale we heard you in the lane its pretty late but mother seemed to think wed bet ter wajt he said to me and all i said was gee you hadnt oughta waited just for me but say ill not forget if i should be a hundred years how glad i was to see dads lantern blinking through the fog at me and how it seemed too bully to he true that all the folks were waiting supper too nina hatchltt ruffleld in youths companion the horthem etectric r4 tha aristocrat of radio this superheterodyne set is the highest development df radio science today a product of the people who made your phone it is the set which was installed on hrh the prince of wales ranch at high river a highly sensitive circuit with six peanut tubes it works with an indoor loop nodal as illustrated or with an outdoor aerial and bring in distant stations with write for information describing this set to david a mccowan distributor 8385 main st toronto ont dealers we aollclt your enquiries for catalogue and discounts wonderful tone and volume the refinement of mechanism and appearance make it an instrument it is a distinction to possess was it you an old man limped along lifes way his griefbowed head was crowned with gray somebody cheered his dreary day i wonder was it you a lonely child devoid of guile looked up and tears bedimmed its smile somebody stopped to play awhile i wonder was it you theres always someone needing aid some trembling heart alone afraid some load that could he lighter made can they depend on you pearl halloway i boyishly thrusting his hand into hia pocket just to feel the treasure when some one close beside the road cried halt the preacher realized that was in a moonshiners country peering through the misty gloom he found to his consternation that he was close to old nances cabin the notorious haven of all the evildoers of three town- ships ten dollars was a fine sum in that country at that time it is not at all strange that the rider wondered whether he were about to be robbed parson said the stranger old nance wants that you should come in and pray for her shes took that sick an jack was took off yestlddy to jail on account of the still me an my ol womans lookin after her the best we kin we heard tell that you was com- in back home this way an i been standin here fur the last hour watch- in fur ye needless to say the preacher grant ed the old womans request he read a chapter from the bible that he always carried in his saddle bag and then ex pounded it nor was that al find ing that the old crone needed material aid also he left one of the precious bills in her withered hand a good deed you say and worthy of the man yes no doubt but let the preacher tell what followed when i mounted my horse to ride on the devil got up behind me and his voice whispered now what are you going to say to sally huh huh that was an evil place and what are you going to tell sally in vain did i argue the case with his evil majesty he always- came hack with yes yes but what are you going to tell sally at last i just turned my horse round and said look here devil im going to go back and give the old wo man the other five and then well see what ill tell sally and my old horse turned round of his own accord and when id got rid of the money we jog ged on home in peace same digit four times repeated j even it you tell him what the an swer is to he he will find the task anything but simple you can ihowever easily remember which digits are to be struck out on the right the method of striking out is shown clip this out and paste tcttn other ot the series in a scrapbook his hearing restored the invisible ear drum invented by a o leonard which is a miniature megaphone fitting inside the ear en tirely out of sight is restoring the hearing of hundreds ot people in new york city mr leonard invented this drum to relieve himself ofdeafness and head noises and it does this so successfully that no one could toll he is a deaf man it is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums a request for information to a o leonard suite 437 70 fifth avenue new york city will be given a prompt reply advt vegetable ivorys uses vegetable ivory taken from tho lagua nut is widely used in making bin tons the tupelo or sour gum tree is being considered as a possible ourco of paper pulp in the south in many parts of china the women attribute magical properties for the cure of certain diseases to water drawn after midnight of the seventh day of the seventh month my work let me but do my work from day to day in field or forest at desk or loom in roaring marketplace or tranquil room let me but find it in my heart to say when vagrant wishes beckon me astray this is my work my blessing not my doom of all who live i am the one by whom this work can best be done in my own way to suit my spirit and to prove my powers then shall i cheerfully greet the laboring hours and cheerful turn when the long shadows fall at eventide to play and love and rest because i know for me my work is best henry van dyke chinas mystery creatures strange creatures said to have been found in the south of china are caus ing a great deal of scientific curiosity the most amazing ot these discover ies deals with a race of dogfaced people this tribe is said to live far in the interior they have thick hair all over their bodies live in trees and are entirely savage s there have been reports also of a blue tiger a creature which is against all known laws of zoology this beast is not striped like the or dinary tiger but has a bluish fur re sembling the color of coarse dungaree during one month a scientist report ed this specimen killed and ate sixty people the eame explorer dr cald well also discovered a barger as big as a bear and shot a scrow a very rare animal which is a cross between a goat and an antelope ah these reports lend color to the theory held by many scientific men that in southern china there are many strange primitive men and animals to be discovered life in this region to day is supposed to be very like that in prehistoric times and many prehis toric animals may be still existing- the men too have probably remained almost unchanged for years the chinese themselves have believed that dragons and flying serpents exist in their country they have been scoffed at as having vivid imaginations hut may it not be a fact that these creatures still lurk in the hinterland where white men have rarely penetrated 2500 a week handling snappy xmas quick sellers for women and children dont delay write today buckleys box 2g7 london ig christmas catalog- household goods christmas goods saves dollars free upon re- quest martin company station es- toronto male help wanted dominion wide organiza- tion wants reliable men to dis tribute samples in small cities and towns splendid pay canadian dis tributors association sevenoaks vic toria bc find cure for malaria a cure for malaria has been found by dr geo h hooper member of tho staff of the william c gorgas hospi tal of tampico flo as a result malaria the white plague ot the tropics has been con quered by the experiments of dr hooper who first conceived the idea of using mercurochrone a practically new drug a specialist of johns hopkins uni versity dr hugh young is said to have been the first to use mercuro chrone in any capacity the drug it self is a red analine dye and has been employed successfully in the treat ment of infections of the kidney and in certain cases of blood poisoning mercurochrone injections for tha treatment of malaria were adminis tered last september by dr hooper for the first time and with remarkable results within fortyeight hours chronio cases of more than a years duration showed marked improvement mic roscopic examinations of the blood re turned negative results and the pa tients remained free from the malady against which quinine is powerless to afford more than a temporary relief salt gift to god among the greeks it was customary to present salt to the gods as a thank offering at the beginning of every meal keeps eyes clear bright and beautiful writemurinecochlcasoforeyecareboole the safe way to send money by mail is by dominion express money order rheumatism tofrom rheumatism sciatica or lumbago 61init of iron glres permftntnt relief eiir to use absorbed through tho feet sure in its result full psrtlculars free chas w teetzel co dent 1 1200 queen st w toronto ont money we seldom see apart from issuing the ordinary coinage of the realm the british mint makes various coins that are never handled in the united kingdom among these are aluminum coins made for use in africa including the j tenapenny piece circulated in nigeria i and the halfcent used mainly in the uganda protectorate both are per forated to conform to the native habit of carrying money on a string for ceylon there is issued a quaint little square coin worth five cents another oddity is the maltese grano which has the distinction of being our i smallest coin it is worth onetwelfth j of a penny j be prepared for colds check them at the start with mlnards liniment for rheumatism the law can touch us here and there j now and then but manners are of more importance than the laws man- ners are what vex or soothe corrupt or purify exalt or debase barbarize j or refine by a constant steady unil form insensible operation like that of j the air we breathe edmund burke the human heart is like a millstone in a mill when you put wneat under it it turns and grinds and bruises the wheat to flour if you put no wheat it still grinds on but then tis itself it grinds and wears away martin luther bothered with p10uble mlnards liniment relileves pain the fastest flowing river in tho world is the sutlei in india which j rises 16200 feet above the sea and falls 12000 feet in 180 miles tho dividends that we receive from an education are taxexempt j itched all the time caused blisters cuticura healed i was bothered with scalptrouble for a year my scalp itched all the time causing me to scratch this caused blisters and my head was so sore that i could hardly comb my hair my hair fell out in handfuls and i was nearly bald i read an advertisement for cuti cura soap and ointment and pur chased some i was completely healed after using three cakes of cuticura soap and three boxes of cuticura ointment signed miss bertha holderby mold wash june 9 1923 cuticura soap to cleanse and pu rify cuticura ointment to soothe and heal and cuticura talcum to powder and sweeten are ideal for daily toilet purposes suecu eeh tree tir jhu arjdreu carx1o upoc cauein irvo 7ik llt lfblnl prie s orntmat2srdl0cialeuasc xis4 try our now avira- stick issue no 49 24

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