1 coffee p p roasted and packed same ci f day in airtight cans easy tricks mo 343 the paint brush health education by dr j j middleton provincial board of health ontario dr mlddleton will be glad to answer questions on public health mat ters through this column address him at spadlna house spadina crescent toronto once in a while our set ideas about hot fire had to get from a distance the efficiency receive something of a on bars which were to be heated in i i t i i i t several cases they were required in shock in a large industrial plant j getting the matcr to pass through even draughty corridor leav- one of the chief aids to efficiency is j a coo the good health of the workers and in i ing th these days of strenuous health propa- monia lumbago and such troubles di ganda one would expect to find every irectly injurious to health and even to means taken to safeguard the health life itself if serious complications of the workers a few days ago i should set in not only that but the visited one of tho largest industrial expense of having men sick and delay- plants in the world here thought i ing the output of the factory was a would be efficiency reduced to a fine j distinct economic disadvantage apart art every cog would be oiled and from the actual danger to health as running smoothly and every work- for the lighting facilities they were man would be on the job this was to say the least very inadequate and actually the situation as far as pro- j the use of various kinds of artificial duction was concerned there was no light was a source of great eyestrain delay in the output of the product j one of the essentials of good hygiene the workings of the various depart- in a workshop or factory is freedom ments was a model of efficiency and as far as possible from obnoxious cooperation the thousands of work- gases or odors the presence of these men were all busy at their respective gases was at once noticeable on enter- jobs and each man knew his own par- j ing the plant and must surely prove ticular work well and was doing it injurious to the health of the workers well even the washing facilities were very but from the standpoint of health inadequate and scores of men left the it was a different matter as i pass- plant grimy and dirty rather than ed along from department to depart- i waste the time in waiting their turn ment there were many conditions no- j to get at the wash basins the cloak ticeable that could be improved upon j rooms also were far too small and not from the health standpoint to begin properly arranged to suit the conven- with there was the question of vary- j ience of those having to nake use of ing temperatures now it is very dif- 1 them these superficial observations ficult to maintain a uniform temper- were made in the course of a brief ature in different parts ot the work- visit to the plant in question one of shop especially oie where there are the finest and most uptodate indus- f urnaces and ovens the point is that j trial concerns in the country from a the material for such work should be commercial point of view the re stored in the room where the furnace sources behind it being unlimited it or blowpipe is so that the workmen j shows however that far greater in- do not need to go and transport thelterest will have to be taken by em- unfinished material to the scene of op- plovers and employees alike if the eration this is exactly what i saw health of the workers is to be ade- happening men working before a quately safeguarded his bit of work o john john exclaimed the fath er shaking his head sadly what slithering work you do its all right father replied the boy i get it past the boss and get my pay too theres more in the work my boy than in the pay said the father the pays the main thing retorted john no john it is not the main thing either let me tell you something that i heard today in the stone works a young man was suddenly set to do a piece of carving the man on the job had been taken 111 and the task had to be finish ed on time the young man did not know what the stono was for but he went at the work in his accustomed crowned with a piece of lily work why he exclaimed theres my bit of work and taking off his cap he gazed at it and said reverently thank god i did that job well i happened to overhear the remark and i spoke to him then he told me the story of that bit of work when i heard the young mans remark and saw the light in his eye john i knew then if i had never known before that i work is a holy thing right wages this is one of the most iuris of card tricks which can be per formed without skill before pre senting the trick put the four of hearts face down on the table on this face upward put the two ot hearts on this face downward put the five of hearts on the face of the pack put the three of hearts pick up the three cards with your right hand holding thtm as if they were only one card this can easily be done if you hold the cards with your fingers at one end and your thumb at the other and slightly bend the cards the convex side tc- ward tho spectators hold the pack with the other hand the three ot hearts toward the spectators show that tho three is on the pack aud the four in your right hand rub the face of the four against the face of the three the three changes to a two the heart in the center seemingly joining itself to the four because that card changes to a five tho trick is that when the rein forced four is placed on the pack the right hand carries away only the five try the trick with the cards in your hands and it will present no difficulties fcup lis out and paste it with other ot the serin in a serapbnok the passing of autumn the wizard has woven hb ancient scheme a day and a starlit night and the world is a shadowy pencilled dream of color haze and light like something an angel wrought maybe to answer a fairys whim a fold of an ancient tapestry a phantom rare and dim silent and smooth as the crystal stone the river lies serene and the fading hills are a jewelled throne for the fall and the mist his queen slim as out of aerial seas the elms and poplars fair float like the dainty spirits oftrees in the mellow dreamlike air silverysoft by the forest side whinered yellow rose the wizard of autumn faint blue- eyed swinging his censer goes archibald lampman pale anaemic girls rgatach c0jstip1ted children classified advertisements agents wanted constipation is one of the most com mon ailments of childhood and the child suffering from it positively can not thrive to keep the little one well the bowels must be kept regular and tho stomach sweet to do this noth ing can equal babys own tablets why he knew samuel partridge once published an almanac in london which had a great circulation in england it was es- a ny person who wants to ealtn pecially popular among tho farmers fr money in spare time write because it predicted the weather a immediately sales manager dept year in advance w 1225 ba st toronto one day while partridge was mak ing a trip in tho country he took din ner at an inn and when about to re- children home rule should be governed by find new health through the use of dr williams pink pills most people hardly know what meditation means their idea of acti- they are a mild but thorough laxative j sume his jourey the hostler warned j vity is the activity of a squirrel in a him that it was about to rain part- cage dean inge ridge paid no attention and set out but soon returned having been drench ed by a heavy shower he was so impressed by the hostlers weather wisdom that he offered the man a crown to tell how he could pre dict with so much certainty easy enough was the reply we have partridges almanac here ah yes to be sure said partridge smiling i had not thought of that and that man went on the hostler is such a liar that when i saw the almanac set down today as fair i knew it would rain partridge paid tie crown in silence are pleasant to take and can be given to the newborn babe with perfect safe ty thousands of mothers use no other medicine for their little ones but babys own tablets they are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brcckville ont g animal suicide it is sometimes stated that animals know what is good for them as in stanced by the fact that dogs are often to he seen eating blades of grass which we like to think are selected by them for medicinal purposes but this idea is not always borne out by the facts particularly in the case of do mestic animals heifers bullocks and cows seem utterly unable to resist the peculiar attractiveness of the yew- tree wherever it is accessible and on painstaking way he chiselled out a i stem here a leaf there and flowers above the master workman approved the job and the stone left the works some months passed today the young man was walking through the great and beautiful build ing that the city had just completed and opened he came to the most pro minent pillar a handsome column i and just treatment for workmen are proper adjuncts but above and beyond them your bit of work is holy to you the bible speaks of the workman that needeth not to be ashamed that young man toiling in the dirt and din of the stone works fashioned his bit with his soul in his job and found at last his work crowning a glorious pil lar that is true of all gooj work j sooner or later the finished work will i bo crowned then who can measure anyone weak and rundown i the joy of the workman and it thatl you can set these pills through any bit of work happens to be the crown- dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid ing piece of a wellhewn character j at b0 cents a box from the dr wil- calling forth the praise of tho great i hams medicine co brockyllle ont there must be no guesswork in the treatment of pale anaemic girls and children if your daughter is ianquid has a pale sallow complexion is short of breath after slight exertion or on win pick up anythmg m wltness a re going up stairs if she has palpitation cent case where some cqws q6v0ured of tie heart a poor appetite or a ten- red wuh fata results tnere is a dency to faint she has anaemia the medical name for poverty of the blood any delay in treatment may leave her weak and sickly for the rest of her life delay may even result in con sumption that most hopeless of dis eases when the blood is poor and watery give dr williams pink pills coupled with nourishing food and gen tle outofdoors exercise the new lifegiving blood which follows a fair use of dr williams pink pills stimu lates the nerves increases the appe tite and brings the glow of health to pale cheeks mrs w e armour havelock ont says my little girl got into a very poor state of health she was weak very much run down and as the doctor did not seem to do her any good i thought i would try dr williams pink pills after taking six boxes of the pills she got nice and rosy and strong again i would re commend dr williams pink pills to more than 55000 farmers have bought their farm3 in vasorn canada from the canadian pacific a remarkable fact think there is a reason the large area of our hold ings affording choice of location and ot land to suit every farming need fair master well done good and faithful j servant the joy of the workman will i not be measured by time or by any- j thing that belongs to the world of time genius is work power genius without work wrote sam- zr3 predicted in 1840 eighty years ago a rhenish calendar published pictures of air flights which were prophetic of the zeppelins tri umph though humorously conceived the engravings show one airship burn ing while eight others are lying about celebrated treatise by a nobleman in which he seeks to prove that the horse is a fool because it will endeavor to strangle itself in its stablo if there appears to be the slightest chance of successful suicide amongst wild animals t o irstic example of apparently fooiisu suicide is that of the migration of the lem mings a point which has never yet been satisfactorily explained roughly speaking every ten years or so these little rodents collect together in the mountain districts of norway and march in one mass down to the sea where those which have escaped dogs cats men and owls are comfortably drowned the old idea that they were marching to return the lost continent of atlantis although picturesque does not seem useful as an explanation religion of the future the religion of the future will not be gloomy ascetic or maledictory it will not deal chiefly with sorrow and death but with joy and life it will not care so much to account for the evil and the ugly in the world as to in terpret the good and the beautiful it will believe in no malignant powers neither in satan nor in witches neith er in the evil eye nor in the malign suggestion when its disciple en counters a wrong or evil in the world his impulse will be to search out its origin source or cause that he may attack it at its startingpoint charles w eliot eyes irritated by sunwinddust 6cinders cold in the head heat mlnards and inhale often splendid for catarrh british tailors are said to be the best in the world their products lead the worlds fashions and bring mil lions of dollars of foreign money to england every year holy year in the roman catholic church begins on the eve of next christmas day and lasts twelve months this is due to an edict made in 1470 which declared every twenty- fifth year a jubilee rheumatism zt rheumatism sciatica or lumbago spirit of ilton ium permanent relkr easy to us absorbed through the feet lure in 1u results full particulars free chas w teetzel co dent j 1200 queen st w toronto ont uel smiles is certainly a dumb a high tower bearing posters anrounc- oraclo and it is unquestionably true ing departures of airships for mont that the men of highest genius have blanc new york vienna peking and i f be amo arships ha tw combined with abundant fertility ofi most plodding hardworking and gas bags others only one all are intent men their chief characteristic i propelled by steam engines emitting apparently consisting simply in tholr billows of smoke power of laboring more intensely and i the aircraft have rudders resemb- offectlvely than others ling fish tails and two wings or- fins i women standing on tho tower waving where is the first kerchiefs to the airships carry small a mother introducing her four-year- pasols and wear poke bonnets and eoil good climate and social condl- j intent men tlons make farm life there desirable and attractive thousands more will jelect their farm from our virgin lands from our improved farms and with some capital and determination to work can make a homo and pay for it write for our booklet the prairie provinces of canada and leaflet western canada forges ahead c l norwood land agent canadian pacific railway desk w windsor station montreal que old daughter to her second cousin was astonished when the little girl said so youre my second cousin did the other one die its up to you to look your best young girls old girls plain girls pretty girls dont we all know those days be fore the mirror when with a sigh we turn away and say gosh i do look plain on those days when our skin looks bad and wont get right our noses wont powder our eyes are dull we all know them but wise women watch their skin and at the first sign of some thing take the best remedy a dose of wide hoopskirts the men wear stocks fancy frilled waistcoats and tight trousers and have burnsides english alphabet is old etholbort king of kent who be came a christian through tho gentle influence of queen bertha was reign ing in britain in 597 when the anglo- saxon alphabet was devised from the roman alphabet this particular al phabet lasted until 1200 when the frenchenglish alphabet took its place and was in use until 1600 when the so- called english alphabet came intoi existence and lasted materially un- changed until 17s9 when further re- 1 visions were made more than 70 perl cent ot the english language words were of grecolatin origin pay your outoftown accounts dominion express money ordera mlnards liniment far rheumatism more phosphate if you want your a site in the strand london which complexion to clear eyes to brighten cost 200 a foot in 1919 is now 350 and skin to become soft and smooth a foot so great is the increase in thin nerveexhausted people grow west end ground rents strong on bitrophosphate and drug gists guarantee it price 1 per pkge arrows are most steady when they arrow chemical co 25 front st east are all in a quiver cucura quickly relieves ming skins bathe freely with cutlcura soap and hot water dry and apply cutl cura ointment to the effected parts for eczemas rashes itchlngs irri tations etc they arc wonderful nothing so insures a clear skin and good hair as making cutlcura your everyday toilet preparations smjti each fret toy msil address canadian depot cutlcura t o box 1116 kratrul prfies ointment 25 and mo taleoin 25c s35p try our now shaving stick t c vsi- toronto ont by careless grandma sympathetic person hello if thoy purify tho blood clear the skin make yon happy bright and attractive sold bvcryivlicre in canada is the matter lost little boyycs known bcltcrn to little boy what iro ycu i am come o mlghta out with grandma shes always losln sump- j in mlnards liniment retlleves pain insist on bayer tablets of aspirin unless you see the bayer cross on tablets you are not getting the genuine bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for headache neuralgia lumbago rheumatism accept only bayer package which contains proven directions handy bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 and 100 druggist aspirin i too trade oark rejrlsterrd in canada of bajrr manufacture of monoaeetie- adilcatcr of sallcjilcaem aoeljl saltcjlle acm a 8 a while it la well hiom that aaplrln mcaok rarer manufacture to aaalst the public acalnat imitations the tablet of hajcr cotspanj- will be atamped with their general trad mark the baer ooaa nerves better now received much benefit bf taking lydia e pinkhama vegetable compound chatham ontario i started to get weak after my second child was born and kept on getting worse until i could notdo my ownhouse- work and was so bad with my nerves that i was afraid to stay alone at any time i had a girl working for me a whole year before i was able to domy washing again through a friend i learned of lydia e pinkhama vegeta- ble compound and took four bottles ot it- i gave birth to a baby boy the 4th day of september 1922 i am still doing my own work and washing of course i dont feel well every day because i j dont get my rest aa the baby is so cross j but when i get my rest i feel fine i j am still taking the vegetable com- pound and am going to keep on with it until cured my nerves are a lot bettor since taking it ican stay alone day ot night and not bis the least frightened you can use this letter as a testimonial and i will answer letters from womet askingabout the vegetable compound mrs cnartxs carson 27 forsyth street chatham ontario mrs carson is willing to write to any girl or woman suffering from femald troubles issuc no 4 24 i i 4l