Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 4, 1924, p. 6

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the deliciou flavor sag g i drawn from tho leaves of green tea has won it millions of users sold by all grocers buy a package today free sample of breem tea upon request sauba toromto when hearts command- by blizabbth york miller whtn jucrts tmasaad frera ciin ju tag ft cevkulltngt depart now you be quiet dont you start making trouble or iii throw you over the caff and you wake up in heaven evidently tito had no wish as yet to become acquainted with his future home he stopped whining and thrust out a moist affectionate tongue kiss ing his masters hand thats au right whispered hugo somewhat mollified you just do as youre told and therell be no bad blood between us yundrstand i they advanced forward step by step feeling their way up the treach- erous briarentangled path once chapter xlii ppite the fact that they had insisted ff smakta that strange call of jean to her h w 4h m jijier every meal upon her haying all the pillows she disturbancei but oi heart could not rest at case ihere was not quak moment he satisfied himself room to swing the hammocks and no that n one had heard m way of tying them bray from one of the mules also start- how long will it last hector asked gaunt removed his pipe from she his led him it was just below him some- 1 i where he heard carlos sleepy voice mouth eh oh the rain about another hour i should think then the moon will come out by midnight it should the salad dresstntay be either w forth and finds its destination jjf wake j0u up when the hugo and jean hector gaunt and l f get sieep l s you tito wore safely camped for the night o wakc me jean grumbled j may be substituted for the cabbage sheltering in one of the big caves in there was no more dry fuel at hand grumbling harshly and he expected tito to bark but nothing happened i silence once more save for the rusbling of the little green men on the tower wall to be continued daughter in the middle of the night how are such thing to be explained by the allpowerful factor of love or would a marconi supply us with a f- scientific reason yet it would seem taiiin i tllat the ears of mm must be in futjk t 4rhi i e toucn witn tile heart in such i v ij3 enlyrtryra cssfiskx iiibtinccs for always it is the voice s j aw of love that speaks sending its im perative message across oceans and continents with no regard for time or b clear an f can i the h distance ining over the esterehcs n vl fw 1 something is wrong something has jbf clapped his hands v l happened and the beloved n i that will be splendid go to sleep brightening up our meals artist physicians dietitians and mayonnaise cooked or french some ministers join in recognizing the threefourths cup grated cheese effect of color on human well being it is a wholesome aim in planning- not only soto arrange mo avi aujyceiu avup v oamu ijr uij ytuw nuu msv ueen uiscoverea y v jl c i menu as to have the food fulfill its red dressinopor head lettuce 1 for the mules and carlo had tucked j th herbs no all escaping scalp chief aim of nourishing the bodv but one tbsp chili sauce 5 tbsp oil 2 himself away in another cave the through the hole in the roof filled the of equal parts of glycerine alcohol also as alary swartz rose so well tbsp vinegar salt to taste zer v storm raged and the rain came down cave w a pungent odor as of in- and liquid green soap after using it bim as luary owariz nose so well v sair w tasce peppe r pa t cense it was very pleasant hot and anoint the wain with a mivfun f puts it to have it a joy to all the pnka english mustard i gaunt ftund what had once been a y compared with the cold drive of m m getting rid of dandruff practice massage of the scalp twice daily not merely rubbing the skin surface but lifting the scalp tissues with the fingertips and making active a pleasant aodaareeable sveet and a 1astina benefit as well good tor teeth bread aad digestion makes the next cigar taste ssctter eing vou sneitenng in one ot the big caves in sr vf massacre brush the hair viomvuislv meali grated raw carrot makes a delight- the ruins of the ancient castle a fair- a gjaduajy died dmvn to a f j 3jl e th f ul garnish for anpale soup or salad ly dry- pjace had also been discovered jting brf f embet ttote gt not so as to voundr irntato tta aniriialeating plants are mon common than one would suppose sinci once a week use a shampoo there are five hundred species listed it botanies these carnivorous planb imprison their prey with their leave and absorb the victims aenses so long she says as beauty blend 11 thoroughly and add rwawt i equal parts of lanolin glycerine and is a part of life and the spirit more tbsp chopped yolk hard cooked egg afire under it out of dry branches and after a while jeans eyesbegan to ros t5 the forsor feetminards liniment i- ui me s nlore vvu i iw a nre under it out ot dry branches and if l roots f tje hair a stimniii iti than meat the housewife will take tbsp chopped white hard cooked masses of dead sage and ferns with thcre wf the fading glow of j 0i a l pride in assembling her family about egg tbsp chopped pimentoes which the floor of the cave was litter- fi and of hector gaunts ppe f al a ha v each of tbsp chopped onion tbsp chopped ed it was warm and dry and cosy the silhouette of hugo with tne dog chives parsley olives or green pep- but the ground was hard to sleep on his lap growing a little indistinct pers land they quarrelled about the aish- the wind and rain reced- potatoappffo lions hector and hugo wanted jean to m she fell asleep two o h s ii wv have them all and tito tried to com- g s ppe dropped from his hand to c hot need potato 2 tbsp but- m one for himself and was his head nodded lower and lower pre- ter 13 c grated cheese cayenne promptly evicted from it hugo said fently he heaved over on his side rest crockery plate but why starve his grating of nutmeg yolks of 2 eggs or he did not intend to go to sleep at all lng h hl the hollowed sand and sense of beauty just as vellow wall- 1 wh egg xt was too glorious and tito and he pl if a ieep guard at the mouth of the e hlm iistened wh it was getting on towards midnight a board which delights the eye and makes the mouth water a hungry man absorbed in business or in love will not suffer from any conscious lack if he eats creamed cod fish and white potato with a cold white paper in a north room brings in the mix ingredients inorder given and must keep guard aunshine so does a brown crusted thoroughly shape in form of cave mklm johnny cake on its oldblue plate w a roll in flour egg and fp f wwvtals iwmum there isa pat of yellow butter on the crumbs fry n deep fat insert a ven their castle and thev are now st be to p over the light- v jal a f hipir rastlo anrf ttiov iro nnw storm uean to pass over tne light table too imagination flies to daffojdove at each end these are almost holding council of war 4ainul nins was not s0 viyid th thun as pretty if after shaping they arc y ii i in our home we already have bitf brushed over with slightly they dils for a centrepiece as pretty if after shaping they arc wemust bevtevaredevcn though der rumbled instead of crashing vio- simply brushed over with slightly they are so tiny there are hordes of tha f w s tersweet berries to dispel the winters beaten egg diluted with one tbsp cold them andjf they surround us it may h ighten the scene there water and browned in a hot oven j be another case of gulliver and the a gloom to bright are orange curtains in our dining- room of unfortunate northern expos lire and orange candles from the 5 end 10 just a little list of colorful foods will suggest an endless chain of vaca tions from which to choose reds beets tomatoes pimentoes red peppers raspberries cranberries apricots salmon lobster shrimp pa prika jellies cherries orange and yellow pumpkin squash oranges eggs carrots green peas celery spinach green peppers green beans parsley pickles relishes olives chives grapes lettuce mock bouillon two 1quart cans tomatoes 4 stalks celery 8 slices carrot onion sliced 1 small green pepper 2 cloves blade of mace t salt t pepper this is a nice brightred clear soup put all the ingredients except the salt nnd pepper into a saucepan hav ing removed the seeds from the pep per let simmer fifteen minutes strain add salt and pepper serve raw carrot salad two c raw carrot ground or grat ed ii c chopped raw cabbage 1 tbsp chopped onion salad dressing this is even better than it looks i applecranberry sauce lilliputians one quart cranberries 2 qt apples i 0ared r pvca and can you see the little gieen a c sugar men he asked cover cranberries with boiling hugo was slightly offended of water and simmer until they burst course i see them he said theyre strain add sugar and apples pared swarming all over the walls of the cored and cut in eighths cook gently ruins every time the lightning flash- untilthe apples soften but retain 6s see them look there good their shape i heavens man where are your eyes tito suddenly began to howl he laid hushed patter that gradually ceased er and then the clouds broke one j great bank rolling away to the south and another to the west and out came the brilliant white moon flooding the wet masonry of the old walls with an unearthly sparkling radiance there was a strong smell of hot wet earth and pines the air was as heav ily scented as wine hugo got up cautiously and twitter ed to his little dog let mortals sleep 4920 back his head and ears like a little i th ch do the night was fox and uttered long mournful sounds for a of an unearthly quality l t r ti ta i a j paces then waited for a moment no theretito sees them too said c him back they s those hugo shut that dog up or ill hugo quickly removed tito from gaunts reach and admonished silence j two who did not b3lieve he stretched iout his thin arms with an exultant gesture i ji ah this was what he wanted ffjss ti t snl m 1 w freedom on a mountaintop the world hectorhe s a silly man but keep the ni fit his he raised his quiet we musnt let the ittlc green to w h broken wa tfet men know we re on to their game r ab t h th that would never do jean made an impatient gesture i wish you wouldnt talk such utter non sense she said her voice was sharp as it always was when hugos eccen tricities manifested themselves theres another unbeliever hugo confided to tito nobody believes in anything but you and me but we oughtnt to wame them tito they the outline of what had once been tower just a shell of three walls pierced by a window and overrun with vines from which a thin arch flung itself as a bridge to another line of broken wall how high was it thirty forty feet carlo had said it could be climbed even by mortals as hugo looked the wall and tower swarmed with tiny figures like points a comfortable winter outdoor garment 4920 teddy bear cloth eidor- really cant see the little green men of jewelled light that danced and so of course they think theyre an un the strong gleam of not there such a narrowminded the m hector and jean no doubt people you need not deny yourself the pleaauro of hoarlng famous lngers noted lectur- ert wonderful con certs in distant cities just because you can not travel if you own a mjbcondae radio receiver tho turn of a dial will make you one of the audience in the city where tho artist of your choice is per forming the happy world invites you to hare in its fun i wrf for dtmcrlfttlat booklet pu thb mabconi wirblbss tslboraph co op canada umi7ed montosal 4t14 there are more things in wouw say thoy ware ony ivy i heaven and earth horatio thar i are shivering in the light breeze that dreamt of in your philosophy some was because thev could not see as down corduroy jersey and flannel of the poor fellows in that place were we as he could hugo knew that may bo used for this design it is more intelligent than hector and t little green men were out in full a onepiece garment with drop back jean tito pon my soul they were f some of them leaned down and the pattern is cut in 4 sizes 2 there wa on chap i remember who began to beckon to him perhans they 8 4 and 6 years a 4year size re- 1 with the inhabitants of recognized him for a f riend he took auircs 2 vards of 36inch material i u- j lt t a ff ck out his handkerchief and fluttered it quires i yaras or oo men marenau from hls ndow a night but of like a flatr of truce let them know pattern mailed to any address on course when the stupid fools discov- hat he really was a friend ered what he was about they took his j tito whined and he spoke to the lit- torch away from him as a matter tie dog sternly but under his breath of fact they said it wasnt his torch that hed stolen it from one of the warders well they might have let him keep it in the irtorests of science jean tried not to listen to this mad monologue she tried even not to look at hugo but where he sat the light quantity you are doubtless puzzled of the fire threw his slender body into sometimes to know what to do with full relief and his grotesque gestures the unsaleable ones those that are vetted her distasteful attention s any receipt of 15c in silver by the wilson publishing co 73 west adelaide st toronto send 15c in silver for our up-to- date fall and winter 19241925 book of fashions selling eggs in cake if you sell eggs in any considerable are cracked misshapen too small or too large to go in the boxes you can dis pose of them in a way to make money if you are a good baker of sponge cake sponge cake requires no short ening nor milk nor icing and is tho easiest of all cakes to put together wondered at gaunt who took no more j notico of hugo than he did of the thunder and lightning gaunt had dug a hollow for himself 1 in the sandy floor of the cave and sat hunched up with his back to one of the wnlls smoking his pipe and half- drowsing jean twisted about trying the cull eggs mado into sponge cakes i to make herself comfortable but de- will find a ready sale often with the very ones who buy your eggs i have found it so hs dfc ho 48 24 washing without rubbing every thrifty housewife has prac tical laborsaving devices which she puts into veryday use i uso the no rub method for washing clotho3 tho night before i wash i put ray clothes to soak in cold water soaping the badly soiled spots in the morning i wring out having my boiler ready with about two pails of cold soft water ono bar of good laundry soap soaked the night before and one tablespoon of kerosene oil add white clothes moving them around occasion ally lei come to a boil slowly as soon as they start to boil remove rinse and blue i by using this method all stains dis- appear clothes woar much longer than by constant rubbing there is plenty of time to tidy my house while tho clothes are coming to a boil mrs m m h mlnards liniment haalt cut beautiful home dye ing and tinting is guaranteed with diamond dye juat dtp in cold water to tint soft delicate shades or boll to dye rich permanent colors each 15cent package contains dl- rectlons so simple any woman can dye j or tint lingerie allks ribbons skirts waists dreues coats stockings weatera draperies coverings hang ings everything new buy diamond dyes no other kind and tell your druggist whether the material yon wish to color is wool pr silk or whother it la llaea cottoa at mixed good lear sparkling v coffee the color of rich transparent amber may be made in any hotpoint per colator percolation from cold water commences within thirty seconds hotpoint percolators are equipped with ex clusive safety switches which protects the appliances should they accidentally boil dry for tale by dealer everywhere hieo horaointlivisi2a f tincture capsicum and tincture can- tharides to one pint of alcohol this should be used with some caution watching results avoid tight hats or caps or anything that will cause head to sweat dont bury the head in soft pillows but use firm ones try to keep yourself in good gen eral health with good digestion and thorough daily action of the bowels by keeping up your standard of gen eral health you do much to promote the health of the hair wine made from roses the rose long figured in the pharma copeia pliny gives over thirty reme dies compounded of roseleaves and petals and eliogabalus used to drink rose wine as a tonic after his periodi cal bouts while in much more recent times sufferers from nervous com plaints have been advised to seek re lief by swallowing roseleaf compounds or sleeping on pillows stuffed with rosepetals rosewater too was at one time widely used for flavoring foods and the chinese still have- rose fritters while the hindus delight in rosecandy dorothy eating a seedless orange oh mamma what do you think heres an orange born without- any bones in it bouse asublubcd co tmti please write for our price st on poultry butter and eggs w oua11antek them for a wee ahead p poulin co limited 3839 boniecoun market telephone meln 7107 montreal quebeo imtttenwofikejiiniviji m tepopidarkoefotiikrranean winter cruises 1925 ssprotidcme ss patria ss providence ss patria fan 10 feb 17 mar 21 apr 28 may s to ponto delzada 12 hrs n 17 feb 24 mar 23 an 19 feb 26 mar 30 may 7 an 23 mar 2 arr 3 may 11 an 25 mar 4 may 13 an 26 an 29 mar 5 apr 6 may 14 piraeusathens 24 hrs mar 8 apr 9 may 17 constantinople 24 hrs an 31 mar 10 apr 11 may 19 beyrouth 14 hrs 1eb 3 mar 13 apr 14 may 22 jaffa- jerusalem 30 hrs feb 45 mar 1415 apr 1516 may 2324 feb 67s mar 1618 apr 1719 may 2527 feb 11 mar 21 apr 22 wv- feb 13 mar 23 apr 24 w feb 14 mar 24 apr 25 may 31 length ot th cruls 35 day 3s daya 35dya 13 days minimum fare 145000 ituludlnt there excursions aad hotel st tfrpt cl comfortable and comodioui veisels especially built sot the mediterranean irado shore hicurnlons at poru-of-catl- stopover prrniited concerts lectvrri dances card puris ginies of all sorts in additioo to the tod pleasures of ocean tracl vn ar passed ftich ctihins and llrst lass serve throyfihout orchestra morinj we hires wireless news t r frttr lin irj descriptive literature apply any authorized steamship agent or elwell co inc gffr james w 17 state street new york city gent

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