x s britain takessteps to safeguard ffiss ials threatened by egyptian plotters caw by m celebrates bttthoay despatch from london says the discovery of a network jf plot throughout egypt declared to men ace the lives of british officials in that country and in the sudan from the governorgeneral dowri tc civil clerks has caused the british authorities to issue orders for the arrest and im prisonment of all prominent anti- british plotters further arrests possibly on a large scale in cairo and alexandria are expected to follow quickly the arrests j british high commissioner m e annou those pashas minister of the interior and abdul rahman fahmy declared to have been long actively engaged in plots against england it is intimated in official quarters here discovery of the numerous plots is stated to have been made by the brit ish authorities in their investigations following the murder of mnjor-gen- eral sir iee stack the sirdar for jackers in gulf of georgia country by the employment of any off bc coast methods which they conceive will esnatch fron victoria savs- benefit their cause and place it before czn th stated intends sieved by the police to have been jfrr ikto murdered when a raid was made on to safeguard the lives of ik subjects and it is the belief of the me on the eround that the best method 13 to r kr i i j hijacker in a police uniform accord- arrest the plot leaders no matter what rank cr position they may occupy in their country field marshal viscount allenby the need on thursday among others has expressed the hope and opinion of nekrash bey zaghloul j that the new egyptian cabinet will co operate in breaking up the plots in addition to accepting the british de mand that political- meetings be stopped great britain is placing much em phasis on this last demand it being explained that the murder of the sir dar and the present crisis were in the british view the result of the egyp tian governments allowing open meet- tho most part the alleged plotters are ings in which the discontented ele said to belong to the groups of ex tremist patriots who aim at achievin ing to a statement made by author ities working on the case here the beryl g took on 350 cases of liquor more than half of which was transferred to another vessel before the raid was made on her off sidney island from evidence pieced together it is said the actual boarding was accom plished by three men who rowed across san juan de fuca straits in a boati which put out from a vessel alleged oowager queen alexandia tho eightieth birthday of tho dow- canada from coast to coast st johns nfld the market for to the averager for the last ten year dry codiish in european markets has that is to say in the neighborhood ot seldom looked better than it does at 900 to 1000 million feet according to present and the newfoundland fisher- a statement made by the chief for- men are getting the biggest prices ester of the province that have prevailed since the war kingston ont work is rapidly years there is a considerable short- proceeding on the plant of the dye age of cod from norway iceland bri- and chemical co of canada recently tain and france and consequently incorporated with headquarters in there has been an active demand from this city it is expected that the plant southern european countries for this will be completed by the end of de- newfoundland product cember and in production in january charlottetown pei arrange- next production at the start will be ments have been completed by tho confined to pharmaceutical chemicals provincial government with the fed- coloring materials for foodstuffs tex- eral dept of agriculture fcr the pro- tie soap preparations and dyes for vision of a fox experimental station paper leather fur inks etc here the island fox breeders have winnipeg man it is estimated by provided the land for the ranch and the provincial dairy commissioner in addition have agreed to supply 25 that butter production in the province pairs of silver foxes the sum of this year will exceed that of last year 5000 for building and equipping the by 1500000 pounds prospects indl- ranch has been provided by the local cate that the output for 1924 will be to have been operated by seven menager queen alexandra ws celebrated government while the federal go- at least 12250000 pounds or possibly by a gathering of the royal family at e will provide an operator and i p f which amount ments were able to work on public feeling and to further such plots as the complete independence of their that for the murder of the sirdar fishing tug sinks in lake erie storm the harold g beck of buf falo with owner and part of crew believed lost a despatch from dunkirk ny says grave fears are entertained here for the safety of the fishing tug harold g beck her master captain john beck of buffalo and three mem bers of his crew two of the deck hands were picked up by the freighter belgian and taken to buffalo the missing men are capt john beck 1057 west avenue buffalo owner harold g beck engineer son of the captain two members of the crew which consisted of christ moore- of sandusky ohio harry nowickie walter zurnlsky and joe antuscewi ski all of dunkirk j the tug was returning to the liar- zlwar pasha bor from the fishing grounds last who has succeeded said zaghlul night when a shaft on the propeller pasha as premier of egypt he is a broke she was then in midlake moderate and was formerly president about 25 miles off this port and a of the senate in cairo and before that fierce storm was raging i minister to rome flares wer sent up which were sighted by thevister of the belgian canadian ship burns en route to buffalo the belgian wav crew all rescued put about to attempt a rescue three hawsers were put on the tug rolling i o v l f 1 in the trough of the heavy seas but coastguard boat takes col- fhey all snapped like threads inj lingvood bkipper and ten maneuvring with the lines two mem- of crew to safety bers of the deck crew of the tug sue- a ceeded in scrambling aboard the bel- a despatch from sault ste marie i ont says the steamer 3 c ford five of whom are now underarrest as the three men one in a police uniform boarded the launch a shot rang out and captain gillis fell mor tally wounded soon afterward there was a second shot and the son was killed according to the police then the bandits launch was brought alongside for transship ment of the cargo after which it is asserted the two bodies were hand cuffed together and dropped over board a despatch from seattle says a reward of 2000 each for the arrest or information leading to the arrest of owen cannonball baker and harry f sowash reputed chicago gunmen and puget sound hijackers is announced by the government of bc in connection with its prosecu tion for the murder of w g gillis and his son william on sept 18 last sandringham including their majes- defray au costs oi maintaining and 7000000 will be available for export ties the king and queen tho prince operating this experimental station regina sask sixteen thousand of wales and others the dowager kentville ns the evaporators in hundred chickens have been queen is well and enjoying good the annapolis valley located at ber- brou to regina this fall under health but has withdrawn entirely wick aylesford and kingston are the new poo car system and the sea- from public affairs she is able to working to capacity the demand for son 0 of the total drive tut almost dally the dowager evaporated apples this year is said onehalf have been shipped out queens birthday was on monday to justify the parties interested in f fomn mark l ye poultry december first this industry producing to th capa- cars specially built for the take steps to finance german ry loan british and american bank ing houses make arrange ments under dawes plan city of their plants several cars are bu moving to winnipeg as well as to cal ata following an inter local markets for exoort view wltn the mmlst of the inter- sr tnhn m n a il 10r flrme in the retiawlomond st john nb as a result of the dis are proceeding to form an agafssft gas fin under the albe dinavianamerican line has decided to a despatch from new york says- first steps in financing germanys railways as reconstituted under the i dawes plan have been taken by brit- b that will be cut in the forests of cember 1 it is renorted tbxt when hijackers hoarded the gllisl unitcd gtates fa who the province during the course of the f e to ts mi lions feet z craft beryl g the gulf of geor- paced credjt of 15j000000 at the coming winter is expected to be equal z disposal of the german state railway vancouver bc there is an ao- tive revival of lumber queries from the orient australia and africa and it is anticipated orders for approxl- ouew n rh mately 40 million feet will be placed quebec ouethe amount of lum- with british columbia mill by de- use this port on its eastbound trips the first ship of this line to use st john as a port will leave here about the end of december gian after the third line parted the beck drifted away in the fog tho master of the belgian stood by for two hours trying to locate the tug but did not sight her again he then proceeded to buffalo local fishermen say that the storm was one of the worst of the year the wind blew at 70 miles an hour and there was a dense shifting fog greater market in great britain for canadian wheat owned by capt percy ramsay and capt w t ramsay of the snult was completely burned at anchor off little trout island near detour the loss being estimated at close to 40000 which is only partly covered by insur ance the cause of the fire is un known the united states coast guard boat came to the rescue taking the 11 members of the crew safely to shore they reached the sault by tug the barge was plying her way light from cleveland to thessalon when the fire started off little trout island i capt woolner of collingwood who a despatch from london aaysit lhe i w tho crew to very probable that as a result of pnu th of the united states tho adoption of a resolution by the coa escuing the crew even british empire producers organic- 1 aft had w tion canadian wheat will find a mucli c y horngan was greater market in great britain the l iz members of resolution stated it was desirable on told him if he wanted to save economic and strategic grounds that wt the h as wa n the home production of wheat should f v th f jiad spread be materially increased and strongly lz s the wa a urged that the wheat which must still ssffifc fr0m be imported after the home supply has w n the slln but b been absorbed should be purchased rp n from the wheat growing centres of the 1 b w on hcr last tri ot empire the resolution further urged 5 i i t- carry that steps be taken to organize and j f t an was her wa make fully available the wheat sup- a load of 1 whe the fire plies of the empire and that the gov- it r t m ca ernment institute an inquiry with the 1 wi return to view of fixing the minimum quota of s britains annual requirements which should be grown on home soil gia killed the two msn and took a valuable cargo of liquor canadas trade relations improve steady increse in goods sold and decrease in goods purchased a despatch from ottawa says canadas greatest source of wealth and optimism continues to be her for eign trade which for the twelve months ended oct 31 last showed a favorable balance of over 175000000 as compared with the previous year exports for the year ended oct 31 last were 1076632203 as compared with 994646069 in the previous year and with 815530510 in the year ended oct 31 1922 imports were 818671468 as compared with 911 759278 so that there is a steady in crease in goods sold to other countries and a continuous decrease in goods purchased from other countries the dominions largest balance of trade is against the united kingdom the exports to the mother country in the weeks markets canadian pioneer strikes belgian ship eclipse of sun on jan 24 eagerly awaited by scientists a despatch from new york says i the effect if any of the eclipse of the i sun on radio reception will be one of the subjects studied when the eclipse j takes place on january 24 a publi- cation devoted to science is co- operating with radio enthusiasts in an effort to collect data en this phase of the astronomical phenomenon prof ernest w brown of yale j chairman of the committee of the am erican astronomical society which is i arranging for general observation of j the eclipse points out that it will be dominion government vessel suffers damage in collision in the scheldt brussels nov 30 a serious col lision occurred yesterday morning in the scheldt in the channel of the walkenisse between the belgian steamer alexandre bound for new port with a cargo of iron and the canadian government vessel can adian pioneer coming from montreal to antwerp the alexandre was struck amid ships on the starboard side the level of the engineroom a wide breach was made through which water pour ed into the ship which remained afloat however and went aground on the right bank of the river efforts are being made to refloat the vessel the alexandre has a gross tonnage of 1830 and was built in 1920 the canadian pioneer also suffered damage to its stern but above the waterline it was able to continue its voyage to antwerp mexican president takes oath of office dispos company onethird of the loan will be in pounds sterling and will be under written by a london banking group toronto headed by j henry schroeder and man wheat no 1 north 176- company the new york banking no 2 north 17194 no 3 north syndicate headed by speyer and com- 165 no 4 wheat 156 pany includes the equitable trust man oats no 2 cw 66c no 3 company the chase securities cor- w 64c extra no 1 feed 64c no poration blair and company the x no 2 feed 60c bank of the manhattan company and a c p0rts t t am eorn track toronto no 2 the j henry schroeder banking cor- yellow 133 poration t millfeed1bel montreal freights organized in accordance with the dags included bran per ton 3025 dawes plan to take over the operation jh per ton 3225 middlings of german rairoads under private 38 good feed flour pr bag 225 management the german state rail- 9p- oats no 3 white 49 to 51c way company constitutes what is said si sb- ttn 2 v l ii i i i joo jno 3 winter 131 to 133 to oe the largest railway system in the no x commercial 129 to 131 fob world having 33000 miles of road shipping points according to freights twothirds of the equipment consist ing of 31000 locomotives 70000 pas senger cars and 750000 freight cars is less than ten years old the originil cost of the system barley malting 88 to 93c buckwheat no 2 82 to 85c rye no 2 110 to 112 ont flour new niiietj per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt i shipment 650 toronto basis 650 apse lines cxrend into everyoart f bulk seaboard nominal germany was 16200000000 man floui first pats in jute present capitalization consists of sacks 920 per bbl 2nd pats 870 3095000000 common stock issued iia no 2timothy per ton track j to the german government or the ger- toronto 1450 no 3 1250 i man states and 2620000000 first gtraw carlots per ton 9 sscreenings standard mrs warren harding mortgage reparation bob guaran- s f whose death occurred recently a teed by the german which have been issued spftfesfisgs appointed by the reparations com- 22c old large 23 to 24c twins 24 mission to 25c triplets 25 to 26c the company also authorized to butter finest creamery prints marlon ohio she was the widow ol twins t j president of the united slates mexico city nov 30 at noon to day plularco eiias calles school teacher and revolutionist took the oath of office as president of the moxjcan republic fifty thousand of his fellow citi zens crowded the immense mexico city stadium to witness the ceremonies by which general calles peacefully took his place as president obrcgons suc- i cessor this function is usually performed montreal 9n type cows and manners ise 176000uu0 in preferred stock 39 to 40c no 1 creamery 37 to 38c fj to com h 225 and and 22500000 second mortgage no 2 34 to 3 dairy 28 to 30c 2jq mixed lots com and mod sucker kggs fresh extras in cartons 65 cal giassers 150 good to 67c loose 63 to 65c storage ex- weight hogs mixed lots 050 do tras in cartons 48 to 49c loose 17 10 lights 0 to 925 sows to 48c sterage firsts 44 to 45c stor- 750 age seconds 38 to 39c cheese finest wests 174 to live poultry hens over 5 lbs 20c fm e 17 to 17c buo do 4 to 5 lbs 18c do 3 to 4 lbs 13c no- 1 pasteurized 35c no 1 spring chickens 2 lbs and over 23c seconds 33 to roosters 12c ducklings 5 lbs and up l jctfs storage extras 48c 18c storage firsts 43c storage seconds dressed poultry hens over 5 lbs f p f- fresh 26c do 4 to 5 lbs 23c do 3 to 4 lbs l p ba car iots 70 londs which will be pledged as secur ity for the 15uo000 credit cairo government yields on all terms viscount allenby high com missioner in egypt reports situation in good order cairo nov 30the discussions be- jgj sfe lbs twee the new egyptian cabinet and jp 18c ducklin the british residency upon the terms j beans can handpicked lb 6c of a settlement of the present crisis primes 6c arc at an end as the egyptian gov- maple products yrup per imp ernment has accepted the british con- e y s tin 240 per ditions relative to the sudan and to ga map b cargo of 3132000 eggs leaves montreal port a despatch from montreal says what is claimed to be the largest shipment 6f eggs ever to leave this port on a single vessel was carried the foreign office today from vis- smoked meats hams med 26 to friday on the melita which sailed 25 to 26c k honey colb tins 13c nei the protection of foreigners in egypt 10 tins 13c 5lb tins london nov 30 despatches ro 2lb tins 16c lb 14c official despatches from the sudan s rewise report conditions easier nndsej fj fl cn likewi satisfactory n n the hall of the chamber of depu- visible over connecticut and parts ofi i ties but because tjns is one of those canada michigan and l new york j wisconsin ail of the observatories i within the zone will watch the eclipse those who are in the locality where the eclipse is total will have the op- j portunity of viewing the corona of the rare occasions in mexico when blood shed does not attend the transfer it p industry can do so was a public spectacle g cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lb- 1750 70 to 90 lbs 1680 rcci r i j 9 lb and up 1550 lightweight official figures compiled by the do- r0 j barrels 33 ieavy weight minion bureau of statistics indicate rolls 27 that for the whole of canada over 14 lard pure tierces 18 to 18vc 000000 cubic feet of natural gas was tubs 18 to 19c pails 18 to 19c produced last year the value of this p 21 t0 22c shortening tierces was 5875150 in 1923 which shows u v wfr above the figures for 1910 butcher steers good to choice 525 tft g do fair to koo 25 tq s525 there are not many industries that do com to fair 3 to 425 butcher can claim to have increased their out- heifers good to choice 5 to 575 put by 42 per cent during the past do fair t0 p to do com four years but the canadian pulp most to 4 butcher cows good to choice 350 to 425 do fair to good 3 ion and what is more it continues to set un stackers good 4 to lf0 do fair 3 to 4 calves choice 950 to 10 j do mod 550 to 9 do grassers 3 if you alow your shadow to he cast to s5 milch cows choice 70 to 90 for a short while on one of the great springers choice 80 to 100 goodj the french senate recently granted complece arunesiy to former premier joseph calllaux who was convicted of defeatist actioies during tho world war jsun this is the fringe of light around u r the edge it is of a shnge greenhh- tc i blue color which clothes tho earth with aw herefrom and to marks an ashen tinge stars will be visible tv f f i rt j in the heavens even before the crc puw j my term of oflce cent of the sun has disappeared j as a result of the removal by south pools where oil is stored in cai7ovn7it iightshecp 650 tot71 heavies and abdel aziz eriat pasfla one of the most impressive sights africa of dumping duties on can- and then move away the shadow will bucks 450 to 025 bulls 250 to egyptian minister in london upon of tho eclipse will be the band of adian paper canadian manufacturers rem- the exolnntion is siwe s owc iambs 1125 to whom has fallen the responsibility for shadow approaching frcm the west will make an effort to recapture this the heat of the sun causes as to ri 1160 bucks 8 to 950 med si0 britain or the regret folt at at an enormous speed just before the market the removal of the duty will ri minute bubbles in the oil the shn- l c i t0 ihvj i oy assassination of major- face of the sun this is most iripr from a height the removal of the duty wil entirely obscured be of great benefit to manufacturer m minute bubbles in the oil the sha- fed ind watered sofo- do v i dow cools a part of the surface ds- fob 6- do counlrv points s 7v generu sr lc jsvncrb ilvc v h vcwcd of craft paper as it was against this creasing the gis formation causing a do oft cars 10 select premium erai of c s aml slrar ot lh paper that the duty was put in force difference in diffraction 1s8 i egyptian army