rj tea is m and extra good is the orange pek quality health education by dr j i middleton provincial board of health ontario mmdlatoa 01 1 ah tjuttan pubtl ht tan tarooajh til column address mam a iptdle ho cmmt toronta baskets and bis strings for fishing nets the wood itself he uses in building an oil palm will bear fruit within seven years after the young tree is planted the fruit comes in what is called a regime which refiemblis aj huge bunch of grapes each fruit in i the cluster is approximately the size of a large date the outer part which is called the pericarp is almost en tirely yellow oil incased in a thick skin imbedded in the oil is the ker nel which contains a finer oll the fruit is boiled down and the kernels are dried and exported in bags to eng- agraim letter from a lady made well by dr williams pink pills easy tricks no s41 mind reading nfc what kind of person you are is due what kind of people we really are in some measure to heredity but en- there is little need of em vironment also plays a great part in the importance of heredity we ao in- your disposition and general charac- herit traits of character from our ter if you are surrounded by uplift- parents but sometimes there are ing and ennobling influences the ten- great differences even among brothers dency is for you to become a better and sisters one may have generous man or woman if on the other hand traits the other mean and hard as your surroundings are mean squalid nails brothers and sisters may not or debased there is little likelihood of even resemble each other in looks your leading a life above or even we are strange nervous mecnan- equal to that of the average mortal j isms we humans fearfully and won- show me the people you associate derf ully made with says one authority and i will i s t ballenger of new york at a tell you what you are of course convention of paint and varnisn- there are exceptions to this and in makers told this remarkable story of our minds eye wo can recount at least the effect of such a commonplace t a few great men who have brushed as wall paper a young soldier aside their forbidding environment i mentally wrecked by shellshock was and risen to heights of fame but as a j experimented on by doctors taken general rule our surroundings and ex- to a room where everything was a tcrnal influences play a great part in vivid red he shrieked with agony then they led him to a primrose yel low room he sighed htavily and drifted into deep sleep kept in this room he rapidly recovered to normal ballenger says scientists lave dis covered that a room furnished in a dark color tends to cause melancholia and an aversion to work a red room temporarily stimulates then reacts in nervous headaches blue induces calm green seems to impart happiness and vitality yellow makes people ami able contented soothed this is a good tip when ycu redecorate your home too often we are the victims of en vironment what a lot of harm can be wrought in a family by a hard hearted and thoughtless parent how many children have left the old home stead because they did not receive any affection or even consideration lack n wish from my heart 1 could per- suade every person who is run down in health to give dr williams pink pills a trial thus writes sirs louie mitchell oak point man who fur ther says about a year ago i was a weak woman suffering from a run down system and impoverished blood land where they are broken open and mue exertlon wouw cause my i the oil in them used for making mar- legs tremble and my neart to throb garine violently i could not sweep a room for hundreds of years the natives feet wltnout bc ex- have gathered the fruit of tie palm j hauste1 then began tag orwil- and have extracted the oil the waste pink pu aqd af ter ti only at first was enormous the blacks ns we and strmg ever threw away tho kernels because they 5 and nq wttnout st0 j 5sl iv5r vvs lalt if 1 isq eat again like a hungry boy were unaware stance inside of the valuable sub- london bridge the folk that live in london they cross with little heed the bridge their fathers builded to carry them at need the folk that come to london hotfoot from everywhere they loiter by the arches and lift their eyes and stare and londonborn or strangers men cross before they die the famous bridge of london beneath the london bky brie chilman thankful mothers every few seconds gasping for breath j as previously dr williams pink 1 pills will oe my standby in the future it ever my blood needs building up again and i shall always find plea- 1 sure in recommending them to anyone needing a tonic there are many troubles due to weak watery blood which can easily be overcome by a fair use of dr wil liams pink pills the sole mission of this medicine is to enrich and purify the blood and when that is done all the varied symptoms of anaemia dis appear and good health returns you can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mall at 50 cents a box by writing the dr williams medi cine co brockville ont we have spent rhillions that you may go to 1 in eeamfofff fiew steel equipment double track rock ballast powerful locomotives 4 daily california trains including the exclusively firstclass california limited fred harvey meals through pullmans- via grand canyon national park open all the year details j f t hendry gen affcnt santa fe ry ih free press bide detroit mich phono main 6u1 vast stores of food that we neglect why dont you eat insects once a mother has used babys own nearly every vegetable and animal tablets for her little one she would contributes something to the worlds use nothing else the tablets give food store yet insects are neglected such results that the mother has no- an according to some authorities thing but words of praise and thank- wasted fulness for them among the thousj why is this it is not because in- ands of mothers throughout canada sects are not good to eat in past who praise the tablets is mrs david a anderson new glasgow ns who writes i have used babys owi tablets for my children and from my i experience i would not be without them i would urge every other mother to keep a box of the tablets irij from insects but the only article of the house the tablets are a- mild food we actually obtain from insects but thorough laxative which regulate j honey the bowels and sweeten the stomach j j the bible there are several ln- drive out constipation and indigestion 1 stancci of insects as food moses break up colds and simple fevers and tells us of the jews eating four kinds make teething easy they are sold of crickets and john the baptist lived the an- a pack of cards is shuffled by the spectators and the wsrtormer is blindfolded he takes the cards in his hand face downward he names a card and turns the top card face upward it is the card he named in a like manner he names halt a dozen or more eardb the trick depends upon the ex ercise of little skill but of much oldfasbloned nerve in the per formers pocket are eight or nine cards arranged in a definite order which the performer has memor ised in the same pocket is a handkerchief after the cards in the pack are shuffled the performer puts them in a rather untidy heap on the table he reaches into his pocket and brings out the handker chief and hidden by the handker chief the prearranged cards he places the handkerchief carelessly on the table yoo can rem wnenyoq were a boy how eaeerly you waited for meal time to come and now you en joyed the good things your mother set before you you were young and atrong then and your digestive or gans were functioning properly but since then you tare orer- worked your digestive organs and now you may be on the highroad to becoming a confirmed dyspeptic you can quickly eliminate your trouble tone up the digestive and etiminative organs and dring- back the lost appetite of boyhood over 100000 people have testified in writing that tanlac has re lieved them of stomach trouble and kindred ailments the worlds beat tonic at all good drug stores over 40 mijlipnjjottles sold pills take tanlac vegetable constipation for can manage that the hidden cards will fall on those which have been shuffled while he is being blind folded he picks up the cards and squares them neatly reading the cards is then simplicity ltseli he should never read all that he has prearranged cup into out end pateit irita other 0 the aeries in 0 serapooojcj a bad guess two artists were wandering about spain one day after a long walk times they were eaten and relished by y arr a a shabby little posada many races and even today some ln a tiling jiear a big town tribes in asia and elsewhere make tney couja not talk a word of span- them a part of their diet europeans j isnj and were nalt dea1 w thirst eat snails and frogs and crabs and tne bun was so oot tnat they did not lobsters which are not very different dare to wlae s0 tney decided to it would take nearly thirtyfive with a little care he vears for an aeroplane travelling at two miles a minute to fly from the earth to mars it would take eighty- nine years to the sun and twenty mil lion years to the nearest star yet a wireless signal could travel to mars and back in less than seven minutes mlnards liniment rellleves pain of sympathy and lack of interest bymecli cine dealers or by mail at 25c on locusts and wild honey among members of a family are the cause of many a wrecked home then too the common practice of nagging or faultfinding is bad and often leads to dire results an environment that is pleasant and helpful makes for a higher and better standard of living and the re verse tends only to produce unhappi- ness lack of interest in things worth while and a general disposition to take a distorted view of life portions the ou palm unlike the date and the coconut palm the oil palm is not at all well known nevertheless it is exceeding ly useful in the congo writes mr isaac f marcosson in an african ad venture and for that matter in vir tually all of west africa it is the staff of life thousands of years ago tho egypt ians used the sap for embalming the bodies of their kingly dead today the oil palm not only represents the most important agricultural industry of the colony it has long since sur passed rubber as the premier product but it has an almost bewildering variety of uses it is food and drink and shelter from the trunk the na tive extracts his wine from the fruit comes oil for soap for salad dressing p and for margarine with the leaves the native makes a roof for his house with the flbro he makes his mats his a box from the dr williams medicine dent greeks also ate locusts and to co brockville ont this day many of the peoples of africa and arabia regard this insect as a great delicacy in north africa the natives collect huge numbers- of grasshoppers which are eaten raw as well as cross the atlantic on the paris the liner shes a lady wrote kip ling and he must have had in mind this namesake of the worlds enchant- ing capital the parish at first sghtj futureuse of this thoroughbred of the seas the the ancient romans used to eat the grace of her design impresses you even larvae of beetles fabre the famous more than the immensity of her pro- j entomologist tried the experiment try to get some milk one of them drew on a sheet of paper a picture of a cow the other jingled some coins in his pocket the proprietor went out making signs that he understood he returned later with two tickets lor a bullflght experts figure that a bee must tra vel 40000 miles to get a pound of honey mines planted during the war are still being picked up at sea classified advertisements money to loan when ordering goods by mail send a dominion express money order fried insects not consumed u en are dried in the sun and stored for many a man doesnt get along well boiled or i this world because he imagines he is a modern samson and tries to ac complish too much by swinging a jaw bone himself roasted he said they are the paris is french in every line juicy tender and tasty there is a and detail the furnishings the certain flavor of roasted almonds with cuisine the conveniences the com fort the atmosphere of culture and luxury are essentially french when you walk up the gangplank you are in france you enjoy six days of your visit to france before you ever set foot on her soil famous parisian decorators have made the cabins de luxe as fascinating as the rooms of any great chateau in the magnificent dining salon one recognizes the same old world cour tesies that make dining so delightful in famous parisian cafes and hotels and the same masterpieces of culinary art are offered for the travellers en- a vague aroma of vanilla the oborlgines of australia eat moths which they catch at night by means of torches while in mexico there are certain tribes which make bread from the eggs of waterbugs in central america also honeybugs are a popular sweetmeat during a famine in ireland about three hundred years ago cockchafers were cooked and eaten fascinatin maple and beech are the principal hardwoods used in distillation plants in canada products are charcoal methyl alcohol calcium acetate ket ones aldehydes and creosote oils storm sash absolutely clear pine with four lights 175 each bottom rail vents 2sc extra all made to your order no glass included thousands of french doors in stock in all woods pannill door co ltd 131 front street east main 0623 toronto ont the kitchens of the paris are a marvel ranges of polished steel and gleaming nickel long rows of steam serving tables devices for tlmelng the cooking of delicacies whiteclad chefs who take pride in their work of copverting raw material into tempt ing dishes on the paris children have the happiest of voyages governesses who speak both english and french take entire charge they teach french or ganize games and supervise the child ren at mealtime plenty of toys and a punch and judy show every day so entertaining is it that tho grownups love to visit this happy haven and join in tho merriment of tho fortunato lit tle folk the gymnasium is equipped with every contrivance for the maintenance of physical condition the promenade deck and the sundeck afford oppor tunity for healthful exercise the fresh ocean air gives zest to the morn ing walk and you may play deck ten- j nis shuffleboard golf or a variety of other sports you do not need to wait until you reach paris to onjoy the novelty of the boulevard meal on tho cafo ter race with its lowers and shrubs and tiny tables you may sip luxuriously while looking out over an lvory-crest- cd jadohuod sea for the evening there is the music of a famous orchestra for dancing in the grand salon conceit programmes and often the impromptu appearances of internationally known artists the anglosaxon visitor acquires something of tho french capacity for enjoyment for tho carefroo laughter that makes ono young again this re mains an unforgetablc inspiration one of the french line offices is situated at 51 adelaide street west toronto where information is prompt- ly supplied interesting talks on the swiftmoving progress of science and the arts are sent into the air nightly from radio sta tions by worldfamous authorities as a means of keeping posted on the progress of mankind radio is unequalled for re ception so clear that you seem to be in the room with the licturer use a tifleccnlpkoie radio receiver write tor descriptive booklet the martconi wireless tel- egraph co- of canada li-1ted- montreal toilet fixtures for sale bowie tanks washbasins also heat ing equipment including piping colls 125 hp tube boiler used lighting equipment such as conduits switch boxes etc all in building being alter ed at 73 adelaide street west this material must be sold at once real estates corporation limited top floor 73 adelaide 8t- west toronto telephone elgin 3101 fjvarm loans made agents wanted reynolds 77 victoria st toronto f foryouv tlqlqsoms gleanslng rof resiling cuiicura quickly heals eczemas and rashes in the treatment of all skin troubles bathe freely with cuticura soap and hot water dry gently and apply cuticura ointment uju ssch r br mil address canadian grpot oourera o sox 1j vntrlr try our new sharing stick mlnards liniment for rheumatism the family medfcine chest the best remedy for pains sores cuts bruises sprains thin people thin nervous underweight people take on healthy flesh and grow sturdy and ambitious when bitrophosphatc as guaranteed by druggists is taken a few weeks price 1 per pkge arrow chemical co 25 front st es3t toronto ont doctor advised an operation read alberta womans ex- eerience with lydia e pink- ams vegetable compound provost alberta perhaps you will remember sending me oneof your books a year ago i was in a bad condition and would suffer awful pains at times and could not do anything the doctor said i could not have children unless i went under an operation i read testi monials of lydia e pinkhams vegeta ble compound in the papers and a friend recommended me to take it after tak- ing three bottles i became much better and now i have a bonny baby girl four months old i do my housework and help a little with the chpjres i recom mend the vegetable compound to my friends and am willing for you to use this testimonial letter mrs a a adams box 54 provost alberta pains jn left side lachine quebec i took lydia e- pinkhams vegetable compound be cause i suffered with pains in my left sido and back and with weakness and other troubles women so often have i was this way about six months i saw the vegetable compound advertised in tho montreal standard and i have taken four bottles of it i was a very sick woman and i feel so much better i would not be without it i also uso lydia e pinkhams sanative wash i- recommend the medicines to my friends and i am willing for you to uso my let ter as a testimonial mrs m w rose 680 notre dame st lachine quebec issue no 46 24