Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 6

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magic fruit by mary norwood ifold mr anc mrs tansy had not krife too but what ct that didn t nestle animals of ihe farm are housed fertilizer harvest time from late fall till the middle of spring is the fertilizer harvest time through this long cold season the do- alnof t all the time mixing straw with hog manura offered to take luke and hetty bas- i tell you thct ill soon be a farmer com when their mother found she then you shall have a ring as pretty would haw to go to the hospital for a as oneof course you will j dds to its bu ents waste and kngtimeit hard wm hetty sighed it seamed a long tme j handle incident- have become of them mrsbaseorowas before luke wouldbe a farmer but manure preserved properly a widow and poor and there were no a a while she grew more cheerful a a l relatives for the children to stay with an when she saw her mother on the luke and hetty tried to look cheer- station platform she forgot every- fu when they saw old mr tarsy driv- thing e ing up in a buggy to get them but it mrs bascom was astonished at the was hard work they had never lived s 0 the pumpkin and of the apple in the country much icsj on a farm why they look ike magic fruit and they wondered how it would seem to su s said and intelligently applied is one of the richest and best of ail farmmade fer tilizers it ranks with that made from sheep and poultry and whens hogs are fed liberally of a variety in eluding animal protein and mineral clatter the manure is claimed by i i i i it u41 soitf to be the richest of any produced gt odbye mother said luke i that afternoon there was a bustle n t farm 3 am going to learn to be a farmer and j the bascom kitchen luke carried then some day i shail be able to buy his pumpkin in from the back porch all sorts of things for you and ill a hetty with an important air tied buy myself a fourbladcd pecketknife 0i a b apr0 their mother was and hetty a what do you want most resting how surprised she would be hetty when she came downsttirs and saw a ring with a blue stone said p pie and apple tart under hetty but im going to learn to be w a cook and make some money and buy luke stuck the carving knife into it for myself the big yellow ball and bore down on they kept talking very fast about- it until the golden halves separated what they were going to do it some- and fell apart how helped to keep up their courage whats this he shouted suddenly you will like the country mrs my pumpkin bascom said encouragingly there it looked like a little roll of rubber are so many birds nnd flowers and the luke picked it up and unwound it and way the fruit grows is almost like something hard dropped to the floor magic j a knife a knife cried luke a that made things easier and so fourbladed knife luke and hetty were able to keep on j hetty gasped- then she said smiling to the last an made a dash for her apple an mr tansy was a silent old man instant later the apple too was wide and the children felt somewhat for- open lorn by the time the tenmile drive mines a ring aid hetty with a came to an end mrs tansy too was broad smile see luke a ring with rather quiet but she gave the little a little blue stone its as pretty as travelers a kind welcome and a good the ring the little girl in the train supper w wearing do you think we are going to hko luke was examining his pumpkin it here hetty asked her brother as little piece about four inches square they went up to bed j had been cut from it at one side and perhaps luke answered cauti- some of the meat had been scooped ously therell be the birds and flow- ou then the piece had been put back ers you know and the magic fruit and fastened in place with strips of oh yes the magic fruit said transparent paper hettys apple hnd hetty happily i had forgotten that been treated in the same way the they found as the weeks went by j two treasures had been quite safe that they did like it very much on the was it really magic fruit little tansy farm they played and work- hetty asked in an awed voice ed and learned something new every well said luke slowly i sup- day it was midsummer when they mr and mrs tansy had a good reached the farm but there was still j deal to do with the knife and the plenty of time to see things grow the ring but anyway its like magic for fruit did indeed grow like magic i want to learn how to raise things us you know then they went busily to work to myself luke had said the very first m a magic thanksgiving dessert i for their mother youths companion day and i want to learn how to cook httty chimed in then they told mr and mrs tansy i about the knife and the ring that they tat canadiangrown apples were going to buy some day and all delight in every bite is the key their plans term used by the fruit branch at ot- very well said the farmer andjtawa to a little attractively presented his wife where theres a will theres booklet on canadiangrown apples in a way j which after a brief outline of the so luke spent a good ceal of his i produce in the different provinces and time in the fields and in the garden details of the seasons of the numerous and hetty helped mrs tansy in the varieties is given in comprehensive lrom a flock of from 100 to 200 hens during the cold montns much valuable fertilizer can be made for the farm garden and truck patch t make more and better fertilizer from the flock dry soil dust or coal ashe3 are sprinkled on the droppings board every few days this not only preserves the fertiliz- irg value of the droppings but also helps to keep down offensive poultry- house odors not only from the droppings board but from the large floor of the poultry house much excellent fertilizer may be made through the cold months the litter on the poultryhouse floor keeps the birds busy while keeping their feet warmer and cleaner it absorbs floor filth and make a fair grade of fertilizer liberal bedding is the keynote t a large and valuable wnter output of manure the true farmer loves his animals and soil furnishing the animal dur ing the cold and wet months with a clean and warm bedding material to walk on sleep on or scratch in is a means of expressing his love on the side the animasdo better and the large quantities of fertilizer mada through the straw passing under the feet of the animals is a good means of making the soil of his farm fatter and fairer the successful farmer may be known by the number of manure forks he wears out every winter kitchen and they both felt very im portant and useful the farmer turned over a whole pumpkin patch to lukes special care it was a small patch but it called for much attention water had to be carried to it when there was no rain and weeds had to be pulled up and bugs destroyed luke worked hard meanwhile hetty in a big apron was learning to cook she was so small that she had to stand on a foot stool to measure flour and boat eggs but that did not discourage her she learned how to make bread as well as anybody and one day she made three whole pies all by herself later on she helped luke pick ap ples and found the largest apple that anyone had ever seen en the farm mr tansy said she might have it for her own and he gave luke the big gest pumpkin in the fine pumpkin patch that the little boy had taken care of it was nearly thanksgiving when a letter came saying that their mother was able to leave the hospital luke and hetty rejoiced at the good news but they were sorry to say goodbye to their friends and the farm youre a very useful pair said mr tansy so luke and hetty felt pleased and proud mr tansy found at the last minute that he could not spare a horse to take and plain form 115 different uses to which the king of fruits can be put these compromise many new recipes as well as some that are old and all of value and worth whil to the house keeper the apple whether fresh dried evaporated or canned is a wholesome food easily prepared at tractive and palatable at all times if eaten at the beginning of a meal or between meals it has a medicinal regulating value as well as from a dietetic standpoint furnishing neces sary mineral salts and organic acids and possessing important nutritous value supplied by the carbohydrates it contains that the canadiangrown apple has no superior is proven by the 46 prizes won at the imperial fruit show held in london england and the firsts and specials taken at other shows wher ever exhibited the apples grown in canada have always earned distinc tion in this manner doctors agree that the appleeating habit is most beneficial and every judge is of opin ion that for flavor and palatability there are none that exceed the good canadian apple the booklet referred to distributed by the publications branch at ottawa gives the details of the fruit act in regard to the grading of apples nnd thus commends itself to every dealer and grower as well as to every house- thc children back to the city and so w w it suggests should never be they would have to go back by train without a box or barrel of canadian- anyhow im going to carry my grown apples a list of the varieties big pumpkin said luke mother suitable and obtainable in the diffcr- must see that no matter what e months between september in the and i am going to carry my big one ycar may in the next year is red apple hetty said i shall make a furnished her an apple tart with it and perhaps i shall make some pumpkin pies from lukes pumpkin mrs tansy laughed shj had taken to laughing a great deal since luke and hetty came to the farm increasing potato yields in directing the work of dominion illustration stations it is the poiicy of the experimental farms to confine the illustrations to such methods and crops as are best suited for the local ity in which the station is situated in the province of new brunswick where the potato is an important money crop the growing of potatoes is given special attention according to the report of the chief supervisor of the illustration stations available at the publications branch dept of agriculture ottawa practically all of the operators of the stations are interested in maintaining and improv ing the quality of their potatoes each operator was supplied by the dept of agriculture with a quantity of certi fied green mountain potato seed in the way of a demonstration certified seed and seed of ordinary potatoes were planted side by side this oc curred at five stations and furnished a very effective demonstration of the superiority of the cetified over the ordinary seed at two of the sta tions the increase in crop from the certified seed over the ordinary was 130 days for the cruise 53 days of which are devoted to shore explorations one of the five features extra- ordinary is the overland trip haifa to jerusalem to cairo with a sail up the mile to show the voyae ers around on theirland explorations the canadian pacific has arranged for best native eludes and in terpreters fine motors and other facilities to the gateway ports of the world she has taken lifes everything with a song now come the finer years and longer free dom her heart tunes up to a new romance her spirit longs forescapeintothebiggestworld i t up and away this winter on the cruise extraordinary a great greyhound of the ocean will floatyou into the realms of romance four months of merry days on southern seas of fascina ting explorations in the gateway ports oftheworld in shopping the bazars of cairo bombay batavia peking youll find thrill ing sport in roaming the streets of algiers jerusa lem colombo shanghai youll meet people in ex ploring the holy land egypt india china japan youll learn great civiliza tions ancient cultures cel- ebrated places yet always travels fin est luxuries canadian pa cific provides its empress of france on sea lord renfrew prince of wales twice chose the empress of france for voyages she holds the transatlantic speed record cherbourg to quebec canadian pacific provides best hotels onland- its worldwide organization watches cares arranges for everything january 14th from new york is the sailing date but the time to make arrangements is now fascinating planning literature tells of the features ex traordinary covers every other detail write call or phone for it personal service service representative on cruise plan ning will call if desired address j e parker genl agent pass dept 1 king st- east toronto t c r rousidthewoe canadian pacific more than 100 bushels per acre and afe under thc m of nyinfha nnnl qq vnchrla i mp i a cosy home to field mice or some other little animals the newly planted trees will also require a winter mulch for the first year or so at least until they have become adjusted to their new growth a mulch of strawey manure will do one of the lest jobs to be done in climates the boughs may be used n0 harm and can be worked into the the garden and one of the niost im- alone as coverings they are also fine ground around the trees next spring portant is to cover everything tender f tying up tall plants instead of the in preparation for the long winter usual straw jackets the neatest method of mulching why it is important how to protect your roses bulbs and hardy flowers bushels the if a neat mulch is desired for the prehension that mulching in the win- borders or beds tha wi be obtained at the tev tvmeeovering the tender things e wtntertt is a good idea 7 i v of the oac are clean dry comfort- at another point highest yield was grand falls station where 312 bush els of crop was harvested from certi fied seed and 200 from ordinary seed what to do to obtain high egg production the requirements for high egg pro duction so says prof w r graham with strawy manure or similar ma- to run a piece of 12 chicken wire terial is done in order to prevent tne abou bfid qr borderj hoiding it up able houses that are free from direct piants from freezing on the con- with wooden stakes set m draughts over the birds and that ar were secured ihe average increase ben frozen ha and the p in yield per acre over the five stations r the mu that js p in favor of the certified seed was 702 thfim g t0 k the plan not bushels when the crop was sold cer- freezingi but rather from thaw- tified seed brought from 250 to s4 f per barrel the supervisor recom- jvj auulm woather w or straw may be put within the enclosure over the plants after the freeze holding the mulch in place with boughs or boards mends the average farmer to grow certified seed if for no other reason than that his yields will be increased from 25 to 75 per cent be sure to always keep the mulch ing material perfectly dry and under welllighted the feeding consists of a variety of grains green feed ani mal feed grit and shell which is clean w sweet and wholesome and is given to the birds regularly and in such quari- tities that they have all they want to eat before going to roost at night the annual bout rarely injure plants so wait and put cover whie it ig waiti u fce usod on the mulch when it appears that winter has really set in and then mulching is required for the roses tender shrubs hardy borders bulb apply the covers this may sometimes beds vines and boxwood edges also for the strawberry beds cold frames be as late as the middle of december the alternate freezing and thawing due to severely cold days followed by that the supply oi drinking material is clean and abundant that the atten dant is regular in his or her work and is interested in the same that the birds are bred from good laying ances tors and that they are batched at the proper season and well reared and uxo free from disease and newly sot shiubs and fruit trees manure makes the best mulch for the bell rong and father faced the thawing sun daysthe heaving of the hard bord as it c b fwworth most turkey he circled the bird wanly the soi which exposes p r0 and fw tv i when bggs are worth most looking lor a hold considerable cau- the too severe freezing of tops and lion characterized the first few min- rootsi a barm the plants it is the ternate freezing and thawing and into the ground at the time of the spring cultivation j a study of the distribution of tho before covering the perennials with egg production is most interesting and v j i i this mulch cut down their tons to important from the point of the an- that it was being conducted under heavmf of the soil which causes within three or four inches nual return from the birds egg carvcascarvecan rules tho most injury however and it is roota and burn thig deaj materia prices rise and fall with the seasons ouddcnlv thev rnmkd 1 he tir- ms condit which the much pre- which ite possibly contain dis- and usually the greatest profit is mads utes of the bout in spite of the fact a lucky cat nap the small gray kitten with jade- green eyes and the snowwhite breast so youre going to carry back thcj vcr wisa tho lituo folk worc big pumpkin and the big apple mr tansy said ho looked at his wife going away to a place that they called thanksgiving day and kitty suddenly they grappled the tur key a tough opponent slid out from yjjjt under father and the two went i the mat mother referecing from tho get the mulching material ready other end of the table was so annoycd in advance by the spotting of the mat nor to even though the winter mulch may mention the clean tablecloth that she not be needed until very late in tho awarded the first fall to thc turkey j fall nevertheless that is not sufficient warming to his work father se- reason to put off gathering the ma- cured the famous drumstick hold on terial together and having it ready i ease spores or cocoons or insects eggs where producing eggs at a season or the best mulch for the bulb border seasons of the year when prices are will be leaves or straw as manure hi p are the cmet source of egg supply they require usually from six to seven months in which to mature it is therefore possible to regulate their production in the f si months at least to some extent by ts l regulating the time they will hatch 2 main source of eggs october and novem- hatcbed pullets by are might come in contact with the bulbn and rot them how to fix the rose garden for winter well theyve been good children he gray was low in her mind for fear remarked i think theyve earned a that she eft ehind pumpkin and an apple maybe he tra them about with a ouuvj r t de is me iuuioi imwuu yumis added theyve earned even more mournful purr but tfiey were too sharpened since the iron age father an we must be right on the job to dom to muicn tne entire rose bed the deccmber the may hatched pullets the next day a happy little pair busy to notice her till little sue of pressed his advantage and succeeded apply the mulch i rth snouio no arawn irund the t f rc boarded the train for the city luke the soft sweet heart explained to the in serving three guesu probably the best material with canes of the tender sorts or around carried the big pumpkin which was kitty twas time to start ill be lone- but although the turkey was some- which to mulch most things is the al of them in severe climates in little so lartre that he could hardly et his some dear pussy a vsy from you what underweight he was fast and st litter or dry strawey stable hills before the ground freezes this arms round it and hetty had a iugc andthe kitten wailed metoo me- slipper he broke the scissors hold man this makes a fine mulch for also insures proper drainage cut npple as red as her cheeks the other too p4 piyi sf j teas or hybrid teas require w ferred to iron or other metal kettles on ktbstcs mice or cream and jh curled u spurred by pomments frorn marsh ormeadow j jjjffii gffig cooking apples authorities seem to agree that in between them look at that little curiyhaircd giri across tho aisle said hetty she hasnt any red apple like mine but oh i hadnt noticed look at her ring luke oh look at it luke looked then patted his sister little sue and on the arm never you mind hetty j agreed metoo i aupposo her brother has got a dandy son i father had on his breastbone with the m0 purposes with the exception of back the canes a third before covering tho cooking of apples either earthen 1 fork and cleverly upset fathers glass thc bulb beds which are better mulchi with the mulch the most tender or granite vcsses arc much to be prc- n of water into auntie mays lap ed with some other material teas or hybrid teas require an ferred to iron or other metal kettles jp spurred on by comments from the marsh or meadow hay or grain extra covering of leaves around them when the latter arc used an unfavor- to ringside which were becoming exceed- straw is also excellent for most pur- placed inside of chicken wire that is able flavor is liabo to be imparted to iingly caustic father threw aside p0 especially for strawberries and run around the bed this with ever- the fruit this observation is made in ft 1 lnjtl a il l i- nnmnl nf nn fnnnrlin liravun an tight like a ball of fluff and went sleep in sues gray muff how the family laughed at the ex- science and resorted to brute force he cold frames tra guest thc small gray kitten with got a stranglehold on his adversary leaves are always easy to obtain bushes in good condition until spring pies issued uy snowwhite brest and did not relax it until there was and in the suburbs or thc city may be tho ground around shrubs should the dept of agriculture at ottawa im thankful shes here said dear a helping of turkey on everyones cas to procure than straw or ma- be well covered with the mulching thc author also recommends tho use i green boughs on top will keep the a pamphlet on canadian grown ap- bushes in cood condition until snrinp pies issued by the fruit branch of the wise little cat plate then the victor released his n manure or leaves but beware of pack- of silver granite or wooden spoonf daisy d stephen- 1 grip in order to servo thc neck to evergreen boughs are very good to ing this mulch about the stem or for stirring the fruit during tho pro- little junior hold mulchings in place or in mild trunk of tho shrub where it may offer cess of cooking

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