stouffville november 13th 1924 fal happenings am theatre fviday aad lay t new subscribers to the tribune 1925 we are giving the balance lis year free subscribe now get the benefit nd from uxbridge township is being shipped to the ajax pit brick co at ieaside if sand proves satisfactory it will a profitable business for the nship sand farms vambolds auction sale inmark- township last weak an untor- ite accident happened to isaac man of mount joy when he was fked down by an infuriated cow i badly trampled he is recover- ifrom the injuries received r and mrs george baker spent holiday with his mother mr3 r baker of gormtey who cele- ed her s9th birthdayat lhat time baker despite her advanced is bright happy and competent jo about with the alarcity of a h younger person uaat week one of the respected ens of this locality peter ramer ithe 9th concession whitchurch taken into a sospital at tor- i where an exray was made of lump on his throat which had n giving him considerable trou- ot late since that time the iwth has been removed by the lium treatment and the patient since suffered great pain arm implements hree or four teamster wagons gain tractor cultivator riding vs secondhand cook stoves i heaters will be sold cheap for ck sale cash or credit hherman onc loos stoaftvtue the november meeting of stouff- ville school board will be held this friday evening iu the school build ing select your christmas greeting cards now while the assortment is largest we keep them until christ mas it you desire tha tribune antichurch unionists are spread ing their gospel to the small towns and last week held a meeting in newmarket with the object ot arousing the presbyterians against union we understand there is a section opposed to the union here in stouffville and it is mooted by some that steps will be taken to force a vote in the local church mr roy f crawford clerk at sil vesters hardware is recovering from a nasty accident of monday last week when a heavy pain of glass fell on his leg inflicting a long nasty gash on the trout and side ot the shin bone six stitches were re quired to close the wound and for a few days mr crawford was com pletely knocked out the terrific wind on friday after noon and evening last was the worst blow this year fortunately there was no storm of any kind accom panying it but as it was roofs of old buildings were lifted and any thing that was not well anchored was tossed about a star car belonging to floyd brown at gravel hill was blown over an embankment and totally demolished the car was standing alone outside the barn on his mothers farm mrs hartly brown when a heavy gust drove it along some distance and finally over a 50 foot embankment the same evening the wind ditched a car on the 8th concession o whitchurch but no serious damage was done and the occupants escaped unhurt lumber coming car second class pine lumber in transit order at once robt rat- cliff phone 4809 foot expert here today at leh mans shoe store i nice selection of christmas greet j ing cards to print choose now the j quality i tribune service the methodist sunday school en tertainment will be held this year on friday evening dec isth get your christmas greeting cards printed now while the assortment is largest the tribune office remember the birthday supper served in ratcliffs lurtftomorrow night friday qicfiestra in atten dance and a short program ladies brown glove lost between 9th of markham and 7th ot picker ing kindlyueave at tribune office j w taun of wbitchurchuioved into his newly acquired house a albert street last week your patronage at auditorium friday and saturday xvill maks it possible to bring othyr big pictures direct from toronto theatres the photographer says that one reason some men ucver have their picture taken is that they hate to look pleasant for the brief space of time for sale a good raymond sew ing machine cheap tor cash also a graiued inside door mrs byam phone 3312 covered wagoni has been playing onti thanksgiving day was quietly steadily in toronto theatres since observed in stouffville quite a numl september and wjl continue until ber of old friends spending the day i eu of january here while a tew were away for he day the weather was ideal with a bright sun and quite warm tor his season of the year detective floody of the provin cial police department was in town last friday morning under instruc tions from the heau of his depart ment which stated that a still had been revealed here during the fire at wm davis place the officer visited the scene ot the former con flagration but could see nothing that warranted him adding any more trouble to that which william had on- hand through the loss of his home i have engaged mr lome iteid ot meaford to fill the vacancy in my blacksmith shop mr fleid is a thoroughly competent matranj an expert horseshoer b e beebe the remains of a body buried at bloomingion thirtyfour years ao was removed to stouffville cemetery last week the roughbox was well preserved dispite the lapse of years 100 pounds of flour free we are giving 100 pounds of quaker flour to the farmer who produces and brings to our store the largest turnip in this section call and get full particulars there isno expense attached v- if you have an account against the municipal council of stouffville see that it i3 rendered before the dec ember meeting as the town fathers are anxious to leave a clean slate at the end of the year the practice t i of sending in accounts a year old is dalton lewis son of mr and irs troa condeumed bv the council jonas lewis has just complete him r apprenticeship to the niaeaiaist on friday this week sixty head of trade and is now on the point t e- ceiving his papers as a full fledged yearlings and twoyearold cattle machinist dalton served his time w be sold by public auction at the with mr isaac barkev at the stouit- mansion house stouffville belong- ville foundry under a mechanic ln to j a hawtin also 20 breed- who is well known to be thorough s ewe will be sold liberal terms and competent in every department at one of his business there never was a jo you know the irenfrew cream separators cant be beaten they are guaranteed to give service ot the best kind dont buy until jyou have looked over this machine the price is specially attractive too so that it does not pay to bother with a worn- out separator reo j lawson phone 182 i the west end grocer stouffville porters grocery is replete at all time3 with fresh clean goods particu lar people buy from us theres a reason keep a box of candy in the house and if its moirs or some ot our other guaranteed makes you will always be satis fied porters phonfc 198 time in the history of the world when skilled mechanics were so in demand and man or boy well skill i 1 in his line is the one worth while fall goods the farmer extra good genuine leather boots for farm use only 390 per pair also mens heavy socks five grades guaranteed wools at various prices rubber boots- leather leggings etc just the thing you will require for cold wet weather we invite you to see our stock be fore buying fall footwear a e weldon the west end shoe store stouffville ontario furnaces furnaces ilast week mrs da galloway and family moved to niagara fallsny where they will be joined by mr galloway who has a position there in a marble and granite works for several seasons the galloways had worked the arthur yake place in the east end but with mr galloway in the states it was a big undertak ing for mrs galloway to manage so much land we wish them success in their new home where opportuni ties are plentiful for a bright young family the furniture was shipped by w e mordens truck on satur day to suffer two fires within four months is enough to make a man think he is born to hard luck but such is the case in tie experience of wm bruels of hamilton owner of the property just south of the park stouffville william davis is the tenant and four months ago the barn was burned from unfcnown cause while again on thursday afternoon last the house occupied by mrpavis was also burned to the ground the second fire is supposed to have ori ginated from the coal oil stoveand only part of the furniture was saved the firemen attempted to render assistance although the property is outside the corporation but as the distance from a hycirant was great little help could be given an insurance of 1000 was on the build- jng and 700 on the furniture mr bruels will not rebuild this fall the old cement chimney on the electric light plant which had stood the weather for nearly twentyfive years was demolished by workmen on monday it had been erected by the late joan boyer and was re inforced with iron mr and mrs george collard were in toronto on tuesday attending the funeral of the late mrs a b alex ander widow of the late rev john alexander the aged lady was 85 years old and for the past eighteen years had been an annual visitor in stouffville the regular meeting ot the womens institute will be held at the home of mrs jos borinsky queens court on wednesday after noon nov 19th at 230 oclock it will be mothers day and the pro gram will be given by the older members everybody welcome why not have your home just as comfortable as possible during the cold weather furnace heating is more uniform cleaner and much less work than stoves we can install one for you for 15000 up we recommend those built for either hard or soft coal we have had a very long heating experience we can look after you right bring your furnace problem to us- radio sets the new improved westinghouse radiolas- these sets are right both in construction action and price besides you have americas largest radio corpora tion behind them as your guarantee come in and look them over and let us demonstrate phone 9601 silvester bros the annual church services of the stouffville district bible society will take place next sunday nov 16th the special speaker will be rev s g pinnock of toronto and he will address three different gatherings in the morning at li oclock mr pinnock will speak in the church at bloomington and at 3 pm in the baptist church 9th line while the evening mass meeting will be held this year in the mennonite church stouffville commencing at 7 oclock there is probably no organization deserving of more assistance than the bible society of upper canada it is one of the most vorthy causes of the day the churches in this dis trict are asked for 31000 an objec tive which they have reached on previous occasions everybody the infant son of mr elmer stick- wood of newmarket and former rink manager and store keeper in stouffville had two of his fingers mangled in a washing machine on wednesday last dr boyd and dr webb were called in and they found it necessary to amputate the childs two fingures above the knuckles plan to be present at the birth day supper served by the garrett mission circle in ratcliffs hall on friday evening november 14th from 6 to 8 pm there will be twelve tables each table to repre sent a mohtlrotthe year orchestra in attendance and a short program admission adiilts 3t6 and children 25c- rpi a ford car driven by the son of a farmer in markham township suc cessfully disputed tne right of way with another ford belonging to geo valder ot stouffville who was driv ing his own car along the 6th con cession of markham in company with ernie stonffer the garage man at the east end the local men were pro ceeding south to unionville but when they came to tne cross road at cashel the other ford with full speed ahead ushered forth from the east stearing a straight course to ward the west side ot the township as the two gas wagons came toge- i ther there was a sickening thud and the car from the east which evi- o varybody is inj dently had the greater speed sent vited to the sunday meetings to hear g d k hurling through the work of the society expounded- there will be no collections taken at these services many of our readers who received bulbs from the horticultural society for fall planting are enquiring if the same are suitable for pot planting and we give a few pointers for their production there are different ways of growing flowering bulbs in the house but perhaps the most con venient method is to grow them in prepared fibre this material can be procured from almost any florist and clean odorless and inexpensive it is received in dry condition and looks like moss a layer of fibre about an inch and a half deep is put into a china or glass bowl flower pot or other receptacle no hole for drainage being necessary and the bulb placed on this so as not to touch each other the spaces are then filled with fibre leaving the tips of the bulb exposed do not pack too tightly the fibre should then be thoroughly watered the surface water drained off and the bulbs placed in a dark cool well ventila ted cellar or room and left until roots are formed rnea they ahoud be brought into the tight and a warmer temperature where they will soon flower a small green wooden box can be useil it leslred since no holes in the bottom of the receptacle is necessary as when soil used for potting a saucer need not be used to catch the surplus water the fibre should b kept moist but not wet the bulbs can be started at any time during tne fall or early winter the air their car turning two com plete noseend stunts all went dark and hazy for a few seconds then ernie was seen ushering through the windshield fearful as to the fate of his companion who during the turnover of the car had in some way disappeared from behind the stearing wheel and was penned in the back seat like a squirrel in a cage when george got out he had a mouth full of cushion hair but no serious bruises the gar age man was not quite so fortunate for in his excitement when heading through the wind shield he received a nasty gash on the temple which fortunately did not penetrate deep ly the driver of the other car escaped uninjured and only slight repairs to his car are necessary valders car had greater damage in flicted after rolling over twice head first the battered flivver came home under her own steam however and at the garage was found to have sustained a wecked wind shield broken lights and crumpled fenders as well as a tew other scars of battle that will take longer to repair than it takes henry ford to build a new oar which is exacfly eight min utes not made it was lived auditor ium this friday and saturday read the advt for quaker flour in this issue stiver bros phone 4501 ask your dealer for snowflake pastry flour once tried always used- for sale by all leading grocers molasses oilcake bran shorts distillers grain and poultry feeds in stock at all branches highest prices paid for wheat and oats markham flour mills d n reesor sons markham cedar grove locust hill cherrywood our stock of groceries canned goods fruits etc are always fresh and uptodate ice cream parlor in con- nection we also carry a full line of neilsons candyibslk and boxe3 also bars of all kinds fresh roasted pea nuts always on hand v phone us your orders lloyd turner we deliver to your home phone 909 give it a trial aurora belle pastry manufactured from the finest ontario winter wheat every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded sole agent for stouffville f c ftowbotham fine confectionery phone 5601 hiioice groceries town orders delivered store closed until saturday we will be open saturday afternoon and even ing nov- 15th to close out balance of stock last weeks business was even better than the week before- the people knew they were getting bargains and they bought to their hearts content our slogan big sales and small or no profit went over 1 violin reg 1425 for 370 i trombone reg36 ror 5000 1 phonograph reg 110 with 10 selec- tions tor 5450 red sen records half price 1 clarionet 995 sheet music 7c records reg 75c for 39c or 3 for 100 banjo and case reg 3600 for 905 2 phonographs reg 9500 for 1875 sewing machine oil 8c mouth organs rnlf price sewing mach needles 9 for 25c phonograph needlos 3 pkg for 34c plant reg 650 for 37900 phonograph cabinets res- 1200 for 5 buy your christmas presents now we save you money geo e baker stouffville i i