stouffvtlle october 30tb 1924 l fob si freeh cows afdgprsngers a choice lot dan hall stouttvhle car for saue 5 passenger overlaiidsedaijrthls car has always been jweu8en care of ana is in good nierfkfnlcal condi tion b s barkevtstouffviue cider apples we are now buyinj cider apples at the altona mills p nighswan der proprietor for sale 3 fresh cows 1 springer bay mare rising 4 years clyde 2 brood sows 1 speight wagon and box in good repair easy terms j b cooney phone 20 6np for sale ford roadster for sale in good condition d a galloway phone 6509 p herfer estray left my premises at ballantrae dark red hoifer with horns coming 2 years old dark scale over one eye and on neck kindly give infor mation to milford rose phone 3421 38p fowl for sale well bred fowl for sale one pen each white rocks barred rocks and buff wyandottes call at jacob yokes residence main streetstouff- ville fat hens i will pay a special price for fat hens sam golden apply at pen- nocks livery stock fob sale two milch cows one freshen five weeks ago the other reg durham due 8th nov both extra good cows reg yorkshire sow and ten pigs 6 weeks old bert baker phone 8412 36p perchbron colts for sale one yearling gelding grey per- cheron one spring filly grey per- cheron full brother and sister and well matched priced reasonable also about 20 white leghorn hens m hutchinson lot 5 con 7 whit church phone 3727 35p well drilling outfit for sale well drilling outfit belonging to the late j w lewis write for particulars tenders close oct 5th address mrs m l lewis queensville poultry live and dressed also domestic babbitts we pay highest market price geo d rosser phone 3708 stouffville or bring to geo lamsons stouffvil 37p v f o orders taken now for december delivery of salt nut coal and coke subscribe now for the farmers sun or renew with d h rusnell secy victoria square what mightaave been a serious accident occurred when cecil nichols was driving his fordson tractor last thursday the front- wheels locked causing it to turn turtle fortunate ly the driver got clear without any thing more serious than an injured hand and a bumped head caution is required on these jobs another accident happened the same day when r e sanderson was up examining his silo the exten sion ladder broke causing mrsan- derson to fall six or tight feet land ing on the stones of the barn bridge he was severely injured in the back ad his head cut drballstouffville was summoned and gave first aid his many friends wish for his speedy recover the mock parliament on the 21st was well attended the speaker rev mr warren read the speech from the throne sergeantatarms nichols carried in the mace the leader of the government miss cas well introduced the debate on tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all j fry opposition leader replied and he debate was general and spirited eight spoke for the government arid six for the opposition but from the members for duckland there was never so much as a quack the vote was a victory for the government 19 to 14 t lyons and the young men of his class went a visiting sunday last s the morning to tunkard church heise hill and after s s at the square to the imennonite s s at new gormley mr lyons enter tained the class to luncheon and a pleasant time was spent position wanted by girl capable of doing house work phone stouffville 409 np gormley ed harveys nen house is about completed remember the auction sale at s n doners store at 7 pm onsat urday jiix and mrs chas hoover mr and mrs s n doner with some of the russian friends attended tne service at dixon hill on sunday dont fail to see hmspianafore comic opejfa tonight in ratcliffs hall at oclock admission adults 35c children 25c mr roy brillinger has finished harvesting his splendid potato crop taking in some- over loou bass the potato harvesters have moved to e t learys we are pleased to hear that miss mae marker is spending c few months at dressmaking at mrs f harveys anything the ladies wish to have done along this line will be appreciated claremont robert and mrs burrell visited mr and mrs trueman- on sunday mr and mrs wm profit of aur ora visited with mr and mrs l pilkey on sunday stanley and mrs cook and family visited james and mrs cooper of myrtle on sunday stanley cook moved last seek into the dwelling recently vacated by james briscoe in the bundy block the trustees of our village got promptly to work and put in 3ftgal- vanized pipe where the accident occurred last week at north clare- mont siilk cows two cows for sale one fresh and the other due to calve jacob h wideman lot 8 con 5 whitchurch bethesda 37np lambs for sale shropshire dwes and ram lambs registered stock r h spofford lot 22 con 10 markham 36p1 fob sale thoroughbred from bred to lay strain cockerels buff leghorns white wyandottes black minoroe and ancona white rocks buff orpingtons apply d r stadlebar opposite pub lic school wells drilled wells drilled and repaired quick sand a specialty terms moderate and good workmanship having had 30 years experience for informa tion apply e j cable toronto or delos graham cedar valley p phone 9208 stouffville mongolia miss reta williams has returned to toronto for the winter we understand that mr victor stover has bought a house at mount joy mr and mrs coulter visited with mr and mrs k g tarr on monday evening mr and mrs john tarr of lemon- ville visited with mr andjmrs k g tarr on sunday several from here attended the furferal of mr joshua hoover of stouffville on sunday m r and mrs fockler of newmar ket visited with the latters brother mr and mrs foster wagg on sun day mr and mrs e green of toronto have moved into mr j lawries house they intend stating up a store in the near future dont fail to see hms pianafore comic opera tonight in ratcliffs hall at 8 oclock admission adults 35c children 25c auction sale of household furniture there will be sold by public auc tion at lot 33 con si pickering on- tlesdav xovbmilernth 1924 the- following property of john fahtbing upright piano kohler mahogany music cabinet 2fumed oak rock ers 2 oakcentre tables extension table sideboard small tables centre table leather couch steel couch with mattress couch stan dard sewing- machine bedroom suite 3 bedsteads mahogany wash- stands fumed oak washstand single bed mattress and springs 4 pairs springs mattress 4 wash- stands m dressers 2 bureaus fea ther bed 5 feather pillows dinner set 6 diningroom chairs 6 cane seated chairs 12 kitchen chairs 2 rockers kitchen table glass cupboard kitchen cupboard meat sate kitchen clock cook stove mcclary range kootenay new oak heater coal or wood box stove parlor lamp 3burner new perfection oil stove with oven 5 lamps 2 perfection coal oil heat ers rayo hanging lamp rayo table lamp toilet set 2 mirrors 2 toilet sets white and gold kit chen dishes pictures glassware kitchen utensils number fruit jars washing machine and wringer 2 washtubs copper boiler daisy cbjtrn no 3 butter bowl and ladle vinegar barrel 5gal vine gar jar 2 5gal coal oil cans re servoir for home comfort stove step ladder lawn mower carpet sweeper pair curtain stretchers a quantity rag carpet and small mats and numerous other articles as mr farthing is giving up house keeping everything will be sold without reserve sale at one oclock terms cash e b hoover clerk f w silversides auctioneer bring your maturing victory bonds to us holders of victory bonds matur ing on november 1st next will find it profitable and convenient to con vert them at this bank we are pre pared to pay cash for such bonds of any denomination and suggest that for the sake of safety simplicity and convenience you deposit your matur ing bonds to your credit in a stand ard bant savings account the standard bank of canada stouffville branch a c burkholder manage subbranch at goodwood i r i auction sale of farm stock hay grain roots implements etc car for sale overland car for sale in good running order phone stouffville 608 i p giving up business our entire stock of musical instruments phonographs violins records sheet music banjos etc must positively be sold by november 8th will prevail all over the store- every article has the walk ing ticket extra special one colonial phonograph regular 80 00 for only 4950 records 55 cents for further particulars sure and see large bills geo e baker stouffville in thousands of homes big broyn loaves of snowrwhite bread light cakes and crisp crunching pastry are evidences of good housekeeping most housekeepers take a pride in them thousands of home bakers depend on quaker flour for their baking success it never disappoints them v quaker flour alwatjs the same alwatjs thebt we know how quaker flour bakes for each milling must pass a satisfactory test in our own bakeshop every sack is guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction a product of the qnaltcr mill peterborough and snrkatoon tliere will be sold by public auc tion at lot 28 con 8 mark- ham on wednesday nov 12th 1924 the following property of henry brownsberger horses team black mares 9 and 10 years well matched gp bay mare 8 years p brown horse aged driving maa 7 years cattle reg hplvten oowdue ian 4th holstein hefer 2 years due nov 23 holstein heifer 1 yr bw cow calf by side bw cow calf by side bw cow calf by side bw cow calf by sido bw calf by side bw cow due nov 24th red cow milking brw cow milking 2 heifers rising 2 years 2 yearling heifers hogs and fowl 5 fat hos fat sow sow and 11 pigs 5 weeks old 9 pigs 6 weeks old number of rir hens 2 geese and 1 gan der hay grain roots quantity timothy hay and clover hay quan tity oats and ensilage quantity mixed grain 400 bus mangolds 600 bus turnips harness 2 sets double har ness 2 sets single harness set plow harness number of collars implements c mh binder g foot cut truck and carrier good m h mower hay terfder deering l-horso- rake steel roller mhhoe drill scnffler m h sprjngtooth cultivator fw stifftooth cul tivator set harrows 4 sections set harrows 3 sections 2 wilkinson plows no 7 bain wagon and box truck 3 tires buggy set adams sloop sleighs new democrat cap 900 lbs old cutter barrie cutter hay rack cuttingbox corn rack fanningmill root pulper cream separator gravel box ideal engine brantford 4 hp good as new 25 ft line shaft 3 pulleys 3 belts wheelbarrow 40 rods wire fence ladder emery wheel grindstone 2 logging chains 2 chop boxes 2 dozen grain bags bag truck fire- extinguisher scoop shovel set wagon springs root dump box wheel for binder tongue manure bottom milk vat number pine boards number sacks number of apple barrels meat tub hand saw xcut saw rip saw brace and bit 200 ft sling rope 3 pul leys set rope for wagon- etc furniture isteel range box stove coal oil stove 4 burner fortyfive gallon furnace bureau set scales 240 lbs milk pails secretary book case strainer in cubator 240 egg cap plunger vinegar barrel daisy churn num ber glass jars 2 5gal oil cans forks rakeshoes and other articles no reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming terms hay grain roots en silage fat hogs small pigs calves fowl andall sums of 1506 and tinder- cash oyer that amount 11 months credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent per annum off for cash sale at 1230 sharp ora reaman clerk f w siiversldes auctioneer prosperity follows the dairy cow with the service accurate and most reliable way of doing business with- no exception as to the quantity of cream you ship summer or winter itenables you to keep more cows agents for the delavaljseparators stouffville creamery co phone 18602 i i storm sash and doors for winter there is an extra good stock of lumberin our yards at present ready tobe skilfully turned into storm doors sash siding etc- get your order in early so as to be ready for the winter weather stouffville planing mill stouffer and schellj phone 194 h swifts v garage stouffville tad claremont 2m distributors stouffville stiver bros- uxbridge ws lapp i notice of application fob divorce notice isherebv gven that marion g smith of the city of toronto in the county of york and province of ontario married woman willapply to the parliament of can ada at the next session for a bill of divorce from her husband eustace m smith of the city of toronto lav thecountyof york private secretary on the ground of adultery dated at toronto in the province of vontario this thirteenth day of october ad 1924 nasmith fennell 357 bay st toronto 38 solicitors for the applicant boadway s drug store stouffvdlle we carry a large stock of genu ine ford parts and springs for all carsy get an auto glare shield dont be blinded by strong lights get your work done at our work shop we recharge batteries the right way the hydro way right away phone 195 inexpensive citangeover to firestone balloons tttno ftoslslx bclloen cna dtfrp4 cards we are in a posi tion to render lowest cost changeover to fullsize balloons for e have com plete firestone equipment guin hipped tires steam- welded tubes and the special wheel unit call upon us for a demonstration to day if you wish cords 1350 fabrics 1150 oversize 16-00- masseyharris farm implements repairs buy a masseylharris engine to do your hardwork and a quebec sulky to plow the hard ground we also7sell plow shares for most all makes of plows we are -also- agents and handle repairs for the ontario wind engine pump co- the pedlar people roofing john deere mfg go sawyermassey co and canadian potato machinery co we have the following second hand goods to sell 1 oliver sulkey plow no 21 bottom frost wood sulke plow 1 cockshutt gang plow 1 steel tire buggy 1 light spring wagon 1 ton 1 set of slings with 60 ft of track 2 500 lb separators 1 700 lb in good repair 1 4hp 1 5hp and 1 12hp engines dholden agent hom 184 stoimwi