l stouffville october 16th 1924 f a flour that never varies your bread and cakes invariably will be bght and of perfect texture your pastry flaky and delicious if you use quaker flour always the samealwags the best oyou can depend on quaker flour it always bakes the same every milling is rigidly tested by being baked in our own bakeshop every sack of quaker flour is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction a toco of th qaaktr mills pcterboretwk mat safkatooa distributors stouffville stiver bros- uxbridge w s lapp altona the altona womens institute jield their annual meting at the home of mrs l hodgson on wed nesday the 8th inst after commun ity singing and the business of the institute had been concluded an in teresting program was enjoyed with mr e lehman as chairman the following numhers were given vio lin solos by mrs burkett j melton and mr raymer piano duetts by mrs gould mrs stafford and miss nora stapleton recitations by misses raymer and sinclair vocal duet by mr and mrs stafford piano and mouth oran selection by a meyer and j melton scears and turners quartette gave several selections in their usual happy style mrs r harding gave a splendid paper on our motto which is for home and country she reminded the voters to do their duty on oct 23rd be fore singing god save the king a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the hostess and those who assisted in the program refreshments were served to 160 people a very large attendance electors- you are the govern ment a vote for government con trol means lhat we citizens want to go into partnershipto sell booze and who wfil be our customers our own and our neighbors children and do- we wanio act as agents to eell boozeforcrewers and distillers to our own skis and daughters for a paltry iprusrt then vote dry stouffville publicity committee bakkb hiia there was a great silo filling at eli mairs on friday it was differ ent from the usual event of this kind for the filling was not only of corn but weaners cider bread and butter and the silos filled were human stomachs fred middleton acted as the lord chamberlain and invited all the young folks he made a thorough job of it too for markham township was well repre sented along with whitchurch jesse cook was stage manager for the evening and everyone enjoyed the boiled corn which fred cooked to a nicety frank harveys mill squeezed out many gallons of cider and all this with weaners made from the best animals we dont know what kind procurable made the most appetizing feed known of for ages ringwood mrs wm lemon of auroraspent a few days this week at g barnetts miss edna hoover of peaches corner spent saturday with her aunt mrs geo fockler wm ratcliff and wm bassett are at present on jury mr and mrs t grove were tor onto visitors last sunday miss doris sinclair spent a few days in toronto recently mrs kidd of toronto is spending a few days with mrs f gould mrs robt hamilton and miss bell of stouffville spent tuesday at mr j m groves mr and mrs harry spang and family and miss edna shaw of mt albert spent sunday at d l stouf- fers ringwood bloomington b ward cf sutton as at jos burnetts on suaday edgar smith of kiuhener motor ed home on monday miss erma hill of toronto was home over the week end dr j j matheson and wife of toronto were visiting relatives on sunday v miss english and friend of tor onto was home over sunday miss card and miss barnes atten ded th teachers convention in to ronto last week rev c e fockler and family of keswick and h fockier and family of newmarket were visiting at w a focklers on sunday quite a number from here attended the corn and weaner roast at the lomt- of mr and mrs e j cmorris on friday evening and report a jolly time foit sale one peter hamilton power cutting box for sale in good condition r e brown for sale two black persian ram lambs cheap also a few baskets of prunes phone 7s05 joseph betz stouff ville p stove for sale peerless peninsular range in good orderwith warming closet fslack glasgow phone 8707 p fat bens i will pay a special price for fat hens sam golden apply at pen- nocks livery ufo meeting ameeting is called for saturday night oct 11th in stouffville coun cil chamber members urged to at tend d rusnell secretary at the auditorium theatre on saturday oct 18th dont fail to see the feature pjcturfe where the north begins i with rin tin tin the wonder dofa this is a remark able picture comedy fully in sured doors open 730 commence 8 oclock admission 15 and 25c for sale the following articles will be on sale at the farm east end till nov 1st 150 yards 4ft chicken wire 2 brooders 2 feed hoppers 1 seed drill with fertilizer attachment 1 single harow single plow scuffler all mostly new and in good repair call and see them d a galloway stouffville phone 6509 p notice of application for divorce notice is hen by given chat marion g smith of the city of toronto in the cot province of ontario will apply to the p ada at the next si for sale 8 shropshire thorobred ram lambs also young shorthorn thoro bred bull about 13 months old k g tarr phone 7808 34np rercheron colts for sale one yearling gelding grey per- eheron one spring filly grey per- cheron full brother and sister and well matched priced reasonable also about 20 white leghorn hens m hutchinson lot 5 con 7 whit church phone 3727 35p sale paper h must be sound when the last animal has passed through the auction ring when every implement of the farm iuipment has been sold what then the vast majority of farm auction sales are conducted on a credit basis but if the sale is to be counted a success a trained bank ing expert must pass judgment upon the soundness of all settle ments consult the manager of the stantl- anl bank standard bank op cajktajda stouffville branch a c burkholder manager subbranch at goodwood ch3 nty of york and marrieu woman rliament of can- sion for a bill well drilling outfit for sale well drilling outfit belonging to the late j w lewis write for particulars tenders close oct 5th address mrs m l lewis queensville of divorce fro eustace m smi of toronto in tle private secretar adultery dated at toronto of ontario this thirteenth october ad 1924 nasmith fennbll 357 bay st toronto 38 solicitors for the applicant er husband of the city ounty of york the ground of in the province day of poultry live and dressed also domestic rabbitts we pay highest market price geo l rosser phone 3708 stouffyihe or bring to geo lawsous stouffville 37p wells drilled wells drilled and repaired quick sand a specialty terms moderate and good workmanship having had 30 years experience for informa tion apply e j cable toronto or delos graham cedar valley p phone 9208 stouffville kv- booze must mot elftaek only by voting can ontario citizens dei eat the desperate liquor interests thhe lawless liquor traffic dies hard but good citizenship is a patient executioner in ontario again and again ontario citizens have registered their determination that the moral and econo mic waste caused by booze must cease fl on october 23rd the men and women of diis province must tell the selfseeking liquor interests still more emphatically that booze shall not come back a halfmillion majority for continuance of the ontario temperance act is language that brewer distiller and bootlegger will understand 0t a is hated for its good work desperate because the ota has cut down drinking by 90 the liquor trade seeks the death of the finest temperance measure ontario has ever had distiller brewer and boot legger are arrayed against the forces of reform the issue hself is sharply drawn but john barleycorn is using a new disguise only his desperation can explain his reckless effront ery and his astonishingly low estimate of the common sense of the people no good citizen familiar with the miserable conditions before the ontario temperance act brought sobriety- to the homes and happiness to the women and children would delib- erately vote for a return to the barroom yet today ontario faces as the only alternative to the ota a step that will lead to conditions in some respects even worse than the open bar produced rally to its defence the same sordid story comes from every province where mpcalled government control has been blindly adopted more drinking more drunkenness more crime more accidents more misery more waste and above all infinitely more of the curse of bootlegging this prospect should send every earnest man and woman in ontario to the polls on october 23rd to vote for the continuance strengthening and vigorous enforcement of the ontario temperance act to legalize the sale of booze for beverage purposes though in sealed packages is to reestablish the liquor shop without the former restrictions of the licensed barroom and bring back the treating system the hippocket flask and the drinking club to vote for government sale is to bring back to old ontario the free dispensing of that botded misery which will blight and destroy the hopes- the character the life of young and old in every community where liquor shops are permitted to exist your ballot is your you know that but you must vote your weapon the ballot must be used vote yourself and use your influence to have every qualified elector witbinyour home and your place of work do likewise the only votes counted will be those placed in the ballot box on october 23rd 1924 apathy and overconfidence have lost many a good fight the liquor trinity bootlegger brewer and distiller are at work night and day foil their efforts by polling an over whelming majority for the ontario temperance act mark your ballot thus are you in favour of thecon- tj tinuancc of the ontario tem- perance act are you in favour of the tale as beverage of beer and 1 spirituous liquor in sealed pack ages under government control the ontario plebiscite committee 2toronto street toronto v g b nicholson chairman cream its the price that we get for our butter that enables us to pay the price for cream and its our accurate system of doing business that enables us to render you the service ship your cream to stouffville creamery co phone 18602 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings also agents for the delaval separator storm sash and doors for winter there is an extra good stock of lumber in our yards at present ready to be skilfully turned into storm doors sash siding etc- get your order in early so as to be ready for the winter weather stouffville planing mill stouffer and schellj phone 194 swifts garage stouffville and claremont wecarry a large stock of genu ine ford parts and springs for all cars get an auto glare shield dont be blinded by strong lights get your work done at our- work shop we recharge batteries the right way the hydro way righfaway phone 195 inexpensive changeover to firestone balloons we are in posi tion to render lowest cost changeover to fullsize balloons for we have com plete firestone equipment gum- tdipped tires steam- welded tubes and the special wheel unit call upon us for a demonstration to day if you wieb r vmlcjca cca cords 1350 fabrics 1150 oversize 1600 i 1 masseyharris farm implements repairs buy a mh no 5a binder to cut the heavy crop and a mhquebec sulky plow for light draft we are also agents and handle repairs for john deere plows and hoover po tato diggers the ontario wind engine pump co- the ok potato machinery co the pedlar peoples roofing the sawyermassey co- second hand goods for sale 1 otto back steel tire buggy 1 heavy and 2 light gang plows 3 good cream separators 1 4 hp iiic engine 1 5 hp toronto engine 1 12 hp- gilson engine mounted on trucks 1 no5 7 mh binder good repair 1 set deer- ing or mccormick binder canvass- dholden agent phone 184 stouffville