Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 16, 1924, p. 8

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tejl3 gd tea t- next time try the finest grade x red rose orange pekoe health education by dr j j middleton provincial board of health ontario ob jllddleton vlll tw elad to antwer craeatlotu on poblto health tan through tills column addrei bis at flpedln homo bpads cnjeceat toronto full fathom five until a few years ago h was thought that no fish could live very far be neath the surface of the waves owing to the great water pressure but it has since been proved that fish actually do live miles below the surface deep sea fish do not feel the intense weight of the water tny more than a human being feels the weight of air this is because the pressure inside them exatcly balances that outside little is known of deep sea fish which nearly always live and die at a great distance beueath the waves but enough specimens have fallen into the hands of man to reveal how queer these fish are in appearance usually jthey are flat and mlshapen many bo- ing without eyes which are not needed i in the intense darkness of their mys terious realm beneath the sea m thf growing girl thee chief cause of death in the grave warnings of approaching dan- childbirth state are septicemia or gf 11 expectant mothers would wood poisoning laid albumin in the fe gtlseipancy urme both of these conditions arej could easily report these seem- largely preventable the former bet- requires a mothers constant care and watchfulness in their early teens it is quite com mon for girls to outgrow their strength and mothers should careful ter known as maternal sepsis is an infection usually transmitted from tho outside local infections such as bad teeth or infected tonsils may be the causative agents the years 1919 1920 and 1921 showed an average of 891 per cent of all maternal deaths in michigan to have occurred from sepsis what is the cause of this heavy mortality surely a large part of it is due to neglect end mismanagement statistics from toronto hospitals show that the deathrate o expectant mothers who are supervised in hos pital during the period of childbirh is very much lower than those who are not supervised if a expectant moth ers would place themselves under the care of a capable physician and have regular examinations the nuniber of cases of puerperal albuminuria could ingly trifling complaints and vigorous watch the health of their daughters medical treatment could at once bej tnis t f j j w strength is entered upon the convulsions that 6apie dy t00 rapil grow that identify themselves with the condition develops the lijcst signs of albuminuria could be prevented in noticed bv rieevishness lan- many instances by proper supervision de noticed d peeisiiness lau albuminuria extracts a toll of justjguor and headaches the face grows nineteen per cent of all puerperal pale- breathlessness nd palpitation deaths and yet we often hear of ex- 1 follow with low spirits pectant mothers never consulting a the first symptom of anaemia mothers should act at once neglect ed anaemia often leads to decline but if you see that your daughters blood is enriched there need be no cause for be cut to a minimum how often 11000 live births the same figures pregnant women experience seeming- j for all practical purposes apply to ly trilling ailments such as swelling canada of the feet headaches specks floating this is too heavy a death rate before the eyes ailments which to the among mothers and every effort must average woman uninformed about be put forth by the government and these conditions may seem not worth the public to try and reduce this mentioning but which are in reality i heavy mortality doctor at all until the pains of labor have commenced the care that expectant mothers should observe cannot be over emphasized accidents of pregnancy account for 153 per cent of deaths anxiety tho finest blood enncher in the puerperal state accidents of i ever discovered is dr williams pink labor account for 122 per cent puer- pills the pure red blood created by peralshemorrhage 98 per cent milk these pills will quickly banish all leg 4 per cent other causes follow- s 0 anaemia they will build up ing childbirth c per cent i your giri llea ana ensure her a in 1921 the unitedstates puerperal mortality rate wasg3 out of every healthy children always sleep well the healthy child sleeps well and insects with flying homes among our most curious insects are birdflies which spend their lives at- lacked to he warm bodies of various kinds of wild birds there are not many varieties of these passenger flies and among those re- during its waking hours ls never cross j cei lliscovered fa america were a but always happy and laughing it is j few spsc unown in europe this only the sickly child that is cross and extensive distribution of the few is believed to be due to the fact that the robust girlhood give your daughter a course of dr williams pink pills now make her strong like thousands of girls and women throughout can ada who have been rescued from the clutches of anaemia by dr williams pink pills you can get dr williams pink pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50c a box from the dr wil liams jedicine co brockville ont the best tobacco for the pipe ogdens liverpool easy tricks vd 330 quickness of the hand peevish mothers if your children do not sleep well if they are cross and cry a great deal give them babys own tablets and they will soon be well and happy again the tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which insects frequent certain kinds of mi grating birds these insects detach themselves from the body of their host should he die and dart off to find another bird regulate the bowels sweeten the slom- j on wnicn t0 live ach bauish constipation colic aud in- 1 the motiler bird iay oniy 0 digestion and promote healtnful sleep i egg at a ume thjg dev6lops g they are absolutely guaranteed free to1a pecuiiai kjnd of iarva u from opiates and may be given to the j with mouler unt n whetf newborn babe with perfect safety you- can obtain the tablets through any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box or by mail post paid from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont we profess to be christians and a farm womans prayer reads keep ever in my soul a sense of the perspective that my kettles and dish cloths may not obscure the beauty of then we use the talents god has given j the rose blooming outside my door the us to discover the worst methods of it is either deposited in a suitable spot or just left to look after itself 1lx already supplied did that agent succeed in selling a washing machine to mr tightwadt for his wife no not to that man he thinks he got one when he married this stunt is not very easy to dobut when it is well practiced it is a very mystifying trick prop erly performed it usually docs a great deal to persuade folks that there really is something in the magicians stock claim that the quickness of the hand deceives the eye hold a half dollar in your right hand between the thumb and the finger tips the right hand being about six inches from the open left move the thumb away from the coin with considerable force throw the coin flat on the palm of the left hand as the coin strikes the palm the left hand moves very swiftly toward the open right and the coin flies back and is caught in the right the return of the coin to the right hand is so rapid that the eye cannot follow it and the effect is that the coin was slapped into the left hand which immediately closes the left hand is opened and is seen to be empty the right hand is opened and is seen to contain the coin clip this out and paste it with other o the series in a scrapbook mankilling sir powell robert baden- a few tips for the boys glee club in schools the hoys glee club should be con sidered by all tho school as a special- quiver of the leaves in the summer ized course of instruction in singing wind and the classic purity of the snow on the valley or hill rn3i would lten e digestive organs our smp pc ware wash board is so strong tough and durable that a f ullgroavn man or woman can stand on it without doing the rubbing surface or any part of it the least harm the enameled sur face wont chip flake or peel off think of the wear there is in such a wash board there is the same wearing qualities in all articles in smp pearl ware try out the wash board and be convinced jtfsk for pearl ware mass v tsheet metal products co mon1rcal toronto wlnpco comcron vawccuvcr cal6ahv for boys it denotes a considerable degree of talent and training al though not repaired thoro should be some premium put upon ability to read well in organizing a glee club the invita tion should be extended to every boy with the understanding that he will be given a competitive examination there are various ways and systems of giving prelllminary examinations the final test of a voice in so small an organization as a glee club is the blending quality it has with the other voices it was the writers privilege to hear a glee club of one of the uni versities recently the young men looked and acted well but tiey suf fered the handicap of poor voice selec tion which in turn caused the group to fail in putting over any great thrills that the audience fully expected an individual voice may sound one way alone but possibly quite another way when with other voices dignified standards should bo set up and when once going shculd bo rigidly adhered to troublesome rehearsal at tendance can be eliminated by keeping a waiting list of replacements this also works well in other disciplinary ca pacities however no standard should be so high as to disgust a boy no rules so rigid as to be prohibitive of trial and effort always consider that such an organization depends largely upon good will and voluntary effort this alone should bo the first evidence of j interest take this interest and build with it there is a great deal of in- tcresting work to be done with tho boys glee club lake casts up sulphate when the water of salt lake utah reaches a temperature below 30 de grees fahrenheit it manufactures sodium sulphate and accommodatingly casts it up on the beach the fact that the deposit of sodium sulphate can be gathered before it goes back into solu tion has led to the construction of a plant for harvesting and refining the material into a commercial product tho average period of production will beitwo months each year during a season- of mild winter there may be none produced and during years of cold winter the sodium sulphate may bo precipitated for three months judging by weather records of twenty years mlnards liniment relieves pain pongee silk is unbleached and in its natural color it is a product not of domestic but of wild silkworms worms do not eat mulberry leaves but browse so to speak on the leaves of the scrub oak trees of the shantung hills nova scotia exports hay for the first time in some years there has been a considerable move ment of hay from nova scotia to the boston market upwards of three hun dred tons being- shipped worlds wealth reaches amazing total the aggregato prewar wealth of the twentyodd nations actively engaged in the great war according to an esti mate completed by tho research de partment of the bankers trust com pany of new york amountod to 630- 000000000 the wealth of these same nations today is estimated to be about 619000000000 the prowar wealth of the british empire that is of great britain the dominions india and tho crown colonies was approximately 140000000000 while today tho wealth of this same group of nations is estimated by the bankers trust company to bo around 149000000- 000 the wealth of france before tho war is placed at just under 60000- 000000 and is estimated to be ap proximately tho same today the pre war wealth of the united states is placed at 200000090000 and tho wealth today at 230000000000 while the prewar wealth of germany is esti mated to have been upward of 55000- 000000 these figures are all on the gold prewar basis of values having been adjusted for inflation the per capita wealth of great bri tain today is placed at 1489 and of the different nations composing the british empiro at 418 including the wealth and population of india the wealth of franco is estimated in 1913 to be 14s4 per capita and of the united states 2000 per capita tho wealth of germany is placed at 901 per capita the bankers trust company points out that the total wealth of the former belligerents has not materially changed as a result of the war but that there has been amarked redistri bution of such wealth this redistribu tion having taken place not only as between nations but also as between the peoples within the boundaries oi each nation mfrs itec biggest dam in egypt the biggest of all dams is that at assuan in egypt where after years of failure a great wall noarly a mile and a quarter long was built across the nile at aost of 10000000 the building of this wall created a mighty lake nearly 200 miles in length which is employed for irrigation purposes hotels ao lyde hotel 15s king east y toronto meals twentyfive cents rooms dollar daily 400 weekly j headache bathe tho forehead with minards in water also inhale nothing is thought rare which is not new and followed yet we know that what was worn some twenty years ago comes into grace again i beaumont and fletcher teach your children that home is a place where everything should be pleasant and you will have taught them one of the most valuable lessons in life bssesand i frequently eo together some peoplo only suffer from head noises leonard ear oil relieves both deafness and read noises just rub it back of thecarsin sert in nostrils and follow directions of dr j b bergoson for care ot hearing enclosed n each package leonard ear oil iafor ealeeverywhcrc interesting do acriptiva folder bent upon request la e sth avctw b0nt do thssj tjsb mm s sent woman to bed great change after taking lydia e pinkhamv vegetable compound sarnia ontario after my girlie was born i was a wreck my nerves were too terrible for words and 1 sim ply could not stand or walk without pains i suffered with fainting spells until i was lib longer any good for my household duties and had to take to my bed the doctor said 1 should have an operation but i was net in a fit condition at that time my neighbor said why dont you try lydia e pinkhams veg etable compound i am sure it will do you good and will save those doctors bills so i was advised by my husband to try it after i told him about it 1 am very thankful to say that i was soon able to take a few boarders for a while as rooms were acarce at that time my baby is 17 months old now and 1 have not yet had an operation thanks to your medicine i have recommended tho vegetable compound to a few people i know and have told them the good it lias done me i know i feel and look a dif ferent woman these last few months and i certainly would not be without a bottle of your medicine in the house you can use this letter as you see fit as i should be only too glad for those suffering as i have to know what it has done for me mrs robert g mac- gregor jr r no 2 sarnia ontario a recent canvass of women users of the vegetable compound report 08 out of 100 received beneficial results this is a remarkable proof of its merit 0 1 sweeten the stomach buy your outoftown supplies with dominion express money orders aqueducts cut for twenty miles through the solid rock of ben nevis are part of a vast scheme now being i started for harnessing water power i over an area of 300 square miles of the scottish highlands the number of native hawaiinns is j rapidly decreasing about 25000 of pure blood remaining on the islands minardi llnlmit for ftyivitum troubled with eczema on face very itchy caused erup tions could not sleep cuti he i was troubled with eczema on my fac it broke cut in a rash on my chin and was very itchy scratching caused eruptions and in few weeks it spread all over my hep 1 could roi sleep and when ever i washed my face i would almost have to screpm i read nn adveitisement for cu ticura scap and ointment and or dered a free sample i purchased more and after using two cakes of soap and one box of ointment 1 was healed signed miss kath leen rothenbuah box 40 duff sask ue cuticura soap ointment and talcum dally and keep your skin clear and healthy ft p t n rm tinsdian ipfii cotleaa p o b sms wttv- bbs afc oiwntimoc twaimsc ew try our new suvini slick insist on bayer tablets of aspirin unless you see the bayer cross on tablets you are not getting the genuine bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed b physicians 24 years for colds headache pain toothache neuritis neuralgia lumbago rheumatism issue no 41 24 accept only package which contains proven directions handy bayer boxes of 12 tabletsvlso bottles of 24 and 100 druggists aiplrln ij the trade mark reslterl la canada ot narer manufacture of ifonoaertla- tclrtmtw of kallerllcacw jicnrl sallfjlk aeld 1 s a wnllc it la well icnoim tbat aspirin n barer maimraelnrc to imiat uw puolle antnat imitations the tablatai of barer company will b atatned win tneir geterol ud mark thai bunx orwa

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