r british parijamentdisolved date of elect set f october 29 after nine months of power labor government meets de feat when conservatives and liberals unite in pass ing vote of 364 to 188 a despatch from london says the fact that the premier remained great britain is embarked on the wih the king for an hour instead of shortest and what promises to be one th w minutes usual in the case of a formal ministerial resignation lends of the most hectic electoral campaigns wejght the nmm the throno in history j objected strongly to authorizing an prime minister macdonald beaten election on an issue which merely in- in the house of commons on wednesj volved the conduct of the attorney- day night motored to buckingham general in dropping a sedition ease palace on thursday and obtained the proceedings during the prorogation assent of king george who had hurl in the house of cmomons were purely ried back from scotland for dissoluj formal but a great demonstration uon of parliament awaited mr macdonald at the labor accordingly that body was pro- party conference which has been by rogued immediately after the irish a coincidence meeting in london dur- boundary bill had received the royal ing the present political crisis the i prime minister came to the meeting direct from the palace here the labor leader delivered a bitter speech which indicates the unrestrained language which is likely to be used by all sides during the campaign murder had been plotted and plan ned and it came off he declared in summing up the vote of censure which i defeated the government wednesday night this was a liberal motion demand- i ing an investigation of the dropping i of charges against james r camp- bell communist editor of the workers weekly who had been accused of in citing troops to mutiny the govern ment has pledged its word that politi cal considerations had nothing to do with the case and so labor regarded the demand for an inquiry as an in sult to the integrity of its ministers the present composition of the house of commons membership is as follows conservative 24g labor 187 lib eral 15g ulster unionist 11 co operative g independent 3 indepen dent liberal 2 nationalist 2 sinn ft 1 u w th mqu not su3jcc1 to ao tx s5 i r rs fcivf htem ssiv m ya4 k cs9fctil ua the weeks markets i rreimer kumsay mac- cabinet has been de- scraps of paper abovj is the reproduction ot the cheque for 29935 on which clarence settell secretary to sir adam beck of the hydro obtained the cash in hamilton escaped to niagara falls and was apprehended bound for which brought downfall of w pope secretary of the hydro com mission on the cheque are genuine and sir adam at least has acknow ledged signing it not being aware of the exact use to which it was going to be put for this reason it la possible south america settell maintains that that no forgery ot fraud charges will the signatures of sir adam and of w j be prosecuted but a letter written to toronto man wheat no 1 north sl77hi no 2 north 172 no 3 north lci i mar- oats no 2 cw 75c no 8 cw 72c extra no 1 feed 72cj no 1 feed 71c no 2 feed 09o a the above clf bay ports at corn track toronto no 8 yellow 181 1 mifced del montreal freight j bags included bran per ton 3029 shorts per ton 3225 middling 38 good feed flour per bag 225 ont oats no 3 white 53 to 56c cnt wheat no 2 winter 130 to 134 no 3 winter 128 to 132 no 1 commercial 126 to 129 fob shipping points according to freights barley malting 87 to 92c buckwheat no 2 90c rye no 2 s110 to 115 ont flour new ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt i shipment g40 toronto basis 640 bulk seaboard rofninal man flour first pats in juta sacks 905 per bb 2nd pats 855 hay no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 14 no 3 1250 straw carlots per ton 9 screnings standard recleaned f screenings standard recleaned f cheese new large 19c twins 19c triplets 20c stiltons 21 to 22c old large 23 to 24c twins 24 to 25c triplets 25 to 26c butter finest creamery prints 88 to 39c no 1 creamery 36 to 87c no 2 34 to 35c dairy 28 to 30c eggs fresh extras in cartons 48 to 51c loose 46 to 49c storage extras in cartons 45 to 46c loose 43 to 44c storage firsts 39 to 40c storage sec onds 32 to 34c live poultry hens over 5 lbs 20c do 4 to 5 lbs 17c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c sir adam just previous to the caslilng s chickens 2 lbs and over 26c of the cheque by settell which is said roos 12c ducklings 5 lbs and up to contain allegations against the hy- ig dro management will be the subject dressed poultry hens over 5 lbs of a government inquiry by commis- 26c do 4 to 5 lbs 22c j do 3 to 4 lbs clarence settell sion sir adam having requested the premier to call a commission for that purpose assent it had been rushed through the house of lords without amend fein 1 total 614 ment so great britains first labor the total membership of the house government came to an end with a of commons is 615 but there is a general election fixed tor oct 29 in- vacancy for the london university stead of nov 8 as had been expected constituency grand jury find no bill against squires hold that evidence is insuf ficient to warrant an indictment a despatch from st johns nfld says charge settlement of last of canadas claims bank of england and german fin ance minister luther on the repara tions loan which will be made to ger many under the dawes plan mr young carried with him the a grand jury investigating although it is some months since the c plans or and a prospectus i c ti j o i n j i j i of the loan which he will lay before if it is german indebtedness ques tion being undertaken by undersecretary of state a despatch from london says german loan sure under dawes plan dominion news in brief 18c spring chickens 2 lbs and over 30c roosters 15c ducklings 5 lb3 and up 25c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 250 per 5gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to 26c honey golb tins 13c per lb halifax ns gerald dacosta the consignor of the first carload of lr- he 5lb tins 14c senior member of the firm of gerald manitoba wheat to be shipped through 7f med 27 to dacosta fruit and produce brokers the pool was ellen foss of stonewall 29c cookcd hams 40 to 42c smo movent garden london england has who is farming in that area the ro ig to 20c cottage rolls 21 to been visiting the annapolis valley and grain consisting of 1400 bushels 24c breakfast bacon 23 to 27c spe- was much impressed with the regions graded no 1 northern cial brand breakfast bacon 29 to 31c fruit growing possibilities as a re- regina sask the highest aggre- backs boneless 33 to 38c against sir richard squires dawes report was adopted and apl former premier of newfoundland in proved among others by canadas rep- the repara commission connection with alleged irregularities resentatives no one knows how much a a11 fa bo made or when canada will benefit under it p soon after thomas mulvey undersecretary of everything now has been settled state is now in london and one of the w the j knt f i aj i t iii of some powers to the quotas assigned in the course of his administration re turned no indictment on thursday night the grand jury held that evi dence in support of charges of larceny objects of his visit is to find out it is them i in particular is under- and of receiving money in the tcsti- a question of some immediate as wellj to object to her quota but mr mony of mrs jean harsant formerly as considerable ultimate importance toj y j sanguine about the general secretary to squires was insufficient the dominion since it will affect her akrcem to warrant finding a true bill course with regard to 20000000 the former premier was placed worth of sequestrated german pro- under arrest last april on charges of perty still in government possession larceny which were the immediate out- mr mulveys principal mission was igrowth of the report of crown com- to clear up what are known as enemy missioner hollis walker the walker claims that is claims by canadians report jsustaincd charges that squires against germans and viceversa re details to be laid before re parations commission by owen d young a despatch from london says owen d young left london for paris on thursday after a conference with i suit he has d3 connection with gate crop ever grown on saskatchewan cured meats long clear bacon 60 montagu norman governor of the j severa of m apple shippers institutional farms was recorded last to701bs 1750 70 to 90 lbs 1680 an improvement in the already satis- year according to the superintendents j a pj sjmgs j factory trade between the annapolis annual report these farms comprise oa neav valley and british markets is expected two at the mental hospitals three at t p tierces 17 to 18c to result the jails and some 400 acrs near the tubs 17 to 18c pails 18 to 18c- st john nb it is stated that parliament buildings and the total prints 204 to 20c shortening 100000 head of live cattle have been crop produced amounted to 71312 tieices 15 to 16c tubs 16 to 16hc shipped to england from this port bushels jp p 17c prints 17 to 18c since the cattle embargo was removed calgary alta between 30 and 46 export steers choice 7 to 750 and 40000 have alreajy left this year men will be employed here in the do 62t o 5675 butcher steer iarge shipments are anticipated for manufacture of a new stooking ma- hsm the coming winter chine to be put on the market next but h etb ch6i6e 5 to 6j montreal que the canadian ex- year by the h g kemp co 10000 d good 475 to 5 do com 350 port paper co is looking forward to of these machines will be completed to 425 butcher cows cljpjce 4 to a new field opening in england as a and delivered to the prairie provinces 450 do fair 3 to 375 do can- market for canadian newsprint as the before the opening of the 1925 cropners cutters 150 to 250 butcher result of a contract entered into by season bulls good 860 to 425 do fair price bros co with the london vancouver bc nine thousand j 350 do bologna 250 to 3 daily express for the shipment of a crates of onions and ten thousand s f large quantity of newsprint to eng- cases of apples left during the weekk to s4 50- do fair 31 50 1 to 84- land regularly the amount covered far new zealand every liner saiu calves choice 10760 to ll6t5 ao in the agreement is understood to be from this port in months which has med 750 to 950 do med 750 to in the neighborhood of 15000 tons refrigerated space and bound for the 950 do grassers 4 to 5 milch which would cover a daily production antipodes has carried british colum- cows choice 75 to 90 springers tpkid to have subway despite earthquake perils a despatch from tokio says de while premier received 22000 from suiting from the dislocation of busi- j s the unknown possibilities of of 50 tons for a whole year and run bia onions this has come about choice 80 to 100 plain cows 45 the funds of the government liquor ness relations during the war the and dan ln earthquakes in the aggregate at present prices of through the embargo in the antipods to c5 s l sheep 750 to control department which was paid canadian government has had much is to have a subwa lt is ex over 1000000 j against the california product and it neavies and bucks 4 to 5 culls into his account at the bank of novajtrouble in getting a proper accounting p constructkn work will comj toronto ontreports of discover- is understood that the canadian pro- v p ch 4 p scotia instead of into the public treasj of confiscated canadian securities me b flit j ore north of sault steduct has been so favorably received 51l7o bucks 950 to 975 culls 8 ury canadian it was also charged in the rejfrom the english public trustees ink out of four original franchise three marie have reached i provincial assay that its market can now besaid to bejo port that 46000 was paid into the whose keeping they were vigorous i have lapsed and the remainin fran of fices where they are regarded asof ame account by the british empire representations have now had their is the p f the tokio g potential value tlie quest for steel corporation at a time when ne- effect and the result is the placing of gotiations were proceeding between i 3000000 to canadas account at the the company and the government for clearing office it is hoped that in renewal of the companys ore tax con- another six months it will have been tract squires was found to be a possible to pay the last canadian consenting party to both transactions claim in the walker report evidence presented against squires consisted largely of the testimony of miss jean miller secretary to squires when he was premier and who has since been married sir richard has maintained an absolute denial of the charges against him or complicity in the alleged irregularities worlds record made on vancouver elevator daily mail service ontario- quebec established by air a despatch from ottawa says a daily mail service by aeroplane has been established between haiieybury ont angliers que and the rouyn gold fields nccording to an announce ment in the october supplement to the official postal guide the service is being maintained by the laurentide a despatch from vancouver says limited and send of from shareholders to finance the con- vti says mall assume a risk te pnnll of the shinagawa line underground railway co which in- has becn going on for eome tjme tends to have subway trains running h means of diamond drilling opera- within two years time this company tions samples which have been taken was organized in 1918 with 10000000 f the drills are said to have indi- yen capital onetenth paid in and cu the location of the ore the con- since that time has virtually complet- j tent of which is as high as 65 per ed the survey and geological investiga- cen hematite iron tions for ten miles of lines winnipeg man the first shidning the company proposes to start with bill received at the offices of the man- one line of one mile and n half con- itoba wheat pool was from a woman necting uyeno and asakusa to be followed by an extension from uyeno to shinagawa the directors of the company expect to raise 4000000 yen by a call on shareholders when the uyenoasakusa line is completed the property will be used as collateral for j loans the proceeds of which will be i used along with another payment permanent hogs fed and watered 1035 fob 975 do country points i 950 do off cars 1075 do selects ed and watered 1135 j montreal seadl oats no 2 cw 78c no 3 cw 1 feed- 76c flour officials of the canadian growers association have inspected 77c extra no to date 730 fields belonging to 891 man spring wheat pats lsts 926 farmers the total acreage represent- do 2nds 875 strong bakers 855 ed is 18000 and the volume of grain winter pats choice 665 to 675 425781 bushels only such crops as oats ba 90 lbs 390 to 4 have been grown within the inspected area will be able to obtain a seed cer tificate a tj man hsuuiiiu un nsk x ne reouire- what is said to be a worlds record in ments for tnis raai arc a gram elevator construction is the j r oii u on oift arta j ma the address side claim for the spillcrs big 20200000- mai rau be w canadian exports of wheat bushel capacity structure 45 day3 the workhouse were completed canadian b day basement to cupola they were j n b air finished on oct 9 the total height 5 inc eup 3 royal prince lives the workhouse with its battery of 150 bins each of twocar capacity was constructed in 29 days rising to height of 204 feet in that time besieged by cougar two nights in lerbeau tent a despatch from nelson bc eays sam cnvanagh engaged in trail cutting on the gaynor creek in tho larboau was besieged two nights jn his tent by abig cougar while without a gun the big cat brushed the tent with his tail as it patrolled a beat around it but made no attack it also disregarded cavanaghs cltorts to scare it away when it had worn its wclcomo threadbare it finally left in poverty in london still another dethroned notability showed considerable increases barley showed a heavy decrease flour ex- ports in september this year amount- ed to 5798510 as against 2455151 in the same month last year wheat exports were 13525025 as compared with 586346s exports of oats to- as compared with 561885 and barley i dropped to 545955 from 1304721 in the same month last year i has found temporary refuge in eng- tailed 899353 as compared with land in a combined bedsitting room 691592 rye amounted to 7947621 in the working class kings cross dis trict of london lives the exiled prince milo of montenegro nephew of the late king nicholas and cousin of the queen of italy he shares this cheap room with an exiled montenegrin journalist hoping to get the english people to help them the journalists daughter helps out their slender re sources by working at dressmaking according to the evening news the prince made the statement that there has been much construction activity on the edmonton ditnvogan and british columbia railway this summer steel has now been laid on the new extension from grande prairie to wembley a distance of 151 miles there arc two new towns on i bran 3025 shorts 3225 mid dlings 3825 hay no 2 per ton car lots 16 to 1650 cheese finest wests 17c finest casts 17c butter no 1 pasteur ized 36 to 36c no 1 creamery 35c seconds 34c eggs storage extras 44c storage firsts 38c stor age seconds 32 to 33c fresh extras 52 to 55c i canners and cutters 125 to 175 good veals 9 medium 8 grassers 3 good iambs 1050 to 1075 hpgi mixed lots average quality 975 se lects 1035 sows 650 to 790 j turks are reinforcing j mosul villayet troops a despatch from london says the turks are understood to be re- i inforcing their troops in the mosul villayet in british mandated turkey and have not yet replied to two notes i of protest which the british have ad- j dressed to them concerning troop i movements there in diplomatic circles the situation is regarded with dismay as british prestige in tho east will suffer if the i turks refuse even to reply to british protests and attack british troops on the other hand the present pacifist government does not wish to tako strong measures j elfridgi drives auto 124 so miles an hour this extension steel has likewise been 30000 of his countrymen have been laid from bcryn to brovnvac on the exiled simply because they struggled central canada extension giving this to gain montenegros independence i territory also two new towns the khalifat al masslah head of the ahmadlyya movement in islam is oire of the striking figures at he conference on some living religions in tho british empire which is in fcisicn in london ho employs thirteen sccre- a despatch from paris says tho thiglish automobile driver elfridgi at the new autodrome at montlhcry thursday drove his car five kilo metres 311 miles in 1 minute 29 25 seconds elfridgis average of 201 kilometres 12400 miles an hour is sajd never i to have been approached before