Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 16, 1924, p. 2

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after you have used shwbieogcbapmbgibiaiagguftcmgll when hearts command- green tea ou have a standard by whicb to judge other teas salada is the finest produced in the world try it free sample of green tea upon request salada toronto by bl1zabeth yc rk miller xvhtn heart command from minds tit tagcat cowuftlingt depart kkesshbk wcnvoma j chapter xxxvi contd suppose we talk about you ar- jdeyne suggested j yes i wanted to do that mrs egan started and half rose as a sound of coughing came from the next room he noticed the quick clenching of her hands and a expression of anguish which crossed her features thats my boy my son she ex plained hes not very well i want you to have a look at him presently and advise me what to do your son ardeyne repeated then he remembered a curious refer ence hugo smarle had made to mrs egans son as though there was something a little mysterious about he tried to say goodbye then and there but mrs egan followed him out and detained him a moment longer phil i want the truth please tell me my dear child i cant tell you the lads in a bad way and his age is against him but one never knows you must get him away as soon as possible come and see me tomorrow no that wont do i shall be out of town ill come down to maidenhead phil whats the name of your place i dont feel i can wait even until mon day max has a nurse to look after him and i could motor down and back in the morning if you like ro o umr tiirutj onrui u t it sometning a nine mysterious aoout j the house is called the humble herb social j enthusiasm for anything else i moved hcr havi a son at i the rushes anyone can direct you a delightful country social i have my sewing machine into the kitchen i want to tc fi she lower- come for luncheon alice would be de- ln mind is called the humble herb i and went to work cd her eyelids hes been living in lighted social and is to be carried out when much to my surprise i found myself jamaica with my parents and thats t you yes ill come a way to raise money is the country on a real adventure for nearly every why i went out there so suddenly myljhe rushes you say ill write it piece reminded me of some past inter- father wrote that he was in poor down at once goodbye i don t know churchs problem decorate the church or hall to rep resent the attic of an old colonial farm house hang the rafters with bags and bunches of every kind of herb procurable catnip lavender dried clover blossoms thyme penny royal sage celery peppermint mul- len pine needles cat tails etc pie osting experience health and they thought the climate was bad for him but i didnt realize how serious it was and im terribly i had almost forgotten there was ever a time when i made nearly all j a a the everyday clothing for my menj anleyne rose me see him folks here were pieces of forgotten carrie that cough sounds rather suits and dresses made when the chiljbad but one never knows how old drcn were little and as i saw theso is he si sixteen then a little defiantly k pieces i could see in my minds eye the ladies on the receiving and en- just how they had each looked in the she added hes tonys child tertaining committee should be dress- completed garments im i meant that how to thank you bu im afraid there isnt very much to thank me for ardeyne said grave ly goodbye then until tomorrow he hurried away consulting his watch again in his interest in carrie egans tragic son he had almost for gotten monsieur carre and in the arrival of the french scientist and in motoringhim down to the rushes in the middle of the night and in the excitement of their long- winded conversation together the next morning ardeyne almost forgot car rie egan then he recalled her with an un comfortable jolt of memory together with the fact that he had not men tioned to alice that he had met her for every washday method tonys and mine ed m oldfashioned calico or print there were pieces of clothing made t v v hig f th dresses with tight basques and be- for mother and grandmother who long bui beyond that ardevne wondered ruffled skirts with hoops if avail- since have ceased to need what earthly w s was driving at able with oldfashioned breastpins hands can provide bits from cushions j philip i want to tell you first collars halfbands and hair-dress- and draperies with the memory of the before you see him theres some ing i joy and pride which went into their queer blood in my family tony never at the booths everything offered for makingas well as reminiscences of when ooruttle max was com sale should be made of or contain various occasions inspired by scraps bo well j i su ffcred l great deal some cxcuse he had scamsl herbspackets containing herbs for of my own clothing mothers tsideclnjd heelf crwle i seen alice that morning she had culinary use for medicinal use catnip- so the sewing of these rags seemed g wag rea breakfasted in her own room and tor the family pets little satchet bags more like a visit with old friends thanj ardeyne took the hand with which afterwards gone out on the river with filled with sweet scented herbs such a bit of work and i found myself s was gesticulating nervously and mr and mrs hemmersley a young as rosemary mint balm rosegeranl eager to get back to them when other held it in a firm clasp of sympathv j married couple who were staying with lum leaves myrrh rose petals laven1 duties claimed me i understand carrie your little them ln to leave philip quite dor prices range from five to twenty- when the rags were all in shape i ss s1bsi five cents each seldom over used them to crochet into an oval rug j jg avetcd nel face and nel i hemmersley puffing a pipe in the muslin slips measuring 20x20 inches i used a large wooden hook starting j p l h phn j garden the two women indoors touch- may be filled with soothing herbs and with a chain about fourteen inches n egro a mulatto tony g themselves up for luncheon alice sold as invalids pillows they may be long and using a single crochet stitch couldnt bear the sight of him even ij0 hemmersley had become decorated or not and will sell well around and around increasing stiches he was a baby she burst out ereat friends much to philips delight and at a good price mint jelly neat as needed to keep edges from rolling passionately oh i could never never lois a distant cousin of his and bath bags with fragrant herbs to in tell you what ive been through an allround good sort as he would give perfume herb relishes recipes the finished article is not only good what rve suffered tthente remembered carrie egan etc may be offered for sale and will to look upon but has for me a value poor came she dded her he hurried upstairs at once to alices be classed among the best sellers undreamed of when the work was h- j let me tell h im vourel where tho parlormaid said ho serve tea anis cookies and cakes mint started for into it is woven so much j i u bo ffl would find her the d inso 18 ideal for any washday lv method you uso you do not nave to change any of your usual steps just use rinao where you- used to use ordinary soap if you like to boil your white cot tons rinso will give you just tho safe cleansing suds you need in the boiler if you uso a washing machine follow the advice of the big washing machine manufacturers use rinso just soaking with this new kind of soap loosens all the dirt until a single rinsing leaves the clothes clean and spotless however you do your wash make it easy by using rinso rinso is sold by all grocers and department stores if you use a washing machine soak your clothes in the rinso suds as usual in the morning add more rinso solution and work the machine then rinse and dry you will have a clean sweet snow whit wash lever brothers limited toronto very quiet and sound of a motor- mint candies and various other by some of them are sad to be suremight think only for the sake c s that will suggest the herb but precious just the same and many tonys family i couldnt have 1 sandwiches meat or chicken paste of memories and hopes and plans con- and he loves me dearly ji horn quickened his footsteps filling seasoned with herbs home- j nected with the years that have gone havent neglected him as much as you made r dainties idea at the refreshment booth charg ing at least thirty cent3 for the com plete menu the committee in charge will ar range for a moderate amount of music games and recitations after noon will be the best time to hold this kind of social as in winter both men and women old and young will be able to attend and a fine sum netted for the church aside from the refresh ment of spirit to bo gained by these alice was standing before the mir- v doing something to her hair family i couldnt have h p had a nice are joyous and glad we need all the with me in england but theyre all asked wlth her swcet memories and have to have them alii dead now and it doesnt matter i j he replied so altogeth- if we are to have a wellrounded life ask mn that i nearly fovgot just a moment something rather important i met she disappeared into the next room fan at the savoy last evening and then came back beckoning to g asked to luncheon today ardeyne i sne s motoring down and will be here this is max my boy she said as moment i fancied i heard a car the doctor followed her max darling just now my old friend dr ardeyne has come th sml faded fr acej lips to see you her voice lacked nothing tha tugging sense of fear took pos- of maternal solicitude and affection sessi0n her a as had the boy lay on a couch half covered the b mning whenever she raw or and an understanding heart s r dont waste green toma toes soon jack frost will place his car essing touch on our gardens and then the problem of green tomatoes or none at all will confront many farm wives if your family is fond of a spread the old old way the good ship stems the steady swell the sea it glistens bright the land is fading fast to port and all is calm and quiet all save the song the blue lips sing that siren song of old which lures the hearts of gallant men upon adventures- bold the funnel fades smoke disappears a ghostly mast i see and white sails fill upon the breeze above the ancient sea it matters not the ship or crew it matters uot the day the seamaid weaves her spell and we would sail tho old old way leroine ballantyne orchids were recommended at tha scientific congress held recently at liege as a new means of combating tuberculosis men of science have discovered that the heavily scented es sential oils of orchids injected into a patient will give him a much batter chance of success in his fight for re covery simple little social gatherings that or sweets here is a palate tickler w a persian silk shawl ho was even thought of carrie egan tend toward keeping alive not only the little country church but neighbor hood interests as well mrs g s i made a rag rug we farm women rather pride our selves upon having gotten away from the rag carpet which entirely covers the floor but since our city sisters have manifested auch an interest in the various kinds of rag rugi we too have renewed our appreciation of thoir wash and quarter large green toma- startlingly handsome and extraordin- yes philip she said quietly you dont mind dear i ought to toes and put them through the foodlarily like his dead father in spite of ou aont mmu dear l ought to chopper drain off as much juice as the fact that the dark blood in his ha t hcore but x de for- you can easily cook for thirty to veins proclaimed itself much more k course i dont mind whit forty minutes then add as many cups than t dld lnhls mother wlth her of sugar as there are of tomatoes and boil slowly for two hours one sliced lemon to each gallon gives a very sat- factory flavor also pour in jars and seal hot when picking green tomatoes for pickling take the medium and smaller homelike and dependable qualities as i sized ones leaving the small ones well as their artistic possibilities whole and cutting theothers in halves with this in mind i got out my nc- cook in salt water until partly tender cumulation of hitandmiss carpet placo in jars and cover with hot vine- rags i had been saving them for gar in which sugar and spices have several years for no special reason been previously boiled except that i could not entirely got eor minco meat prepare tomatoes away from my oarly training along as for preserves to each gallon add this line these had been cut from twothirds cup of vinegar two toa- the scraps of each job of sewing and spoons each of salt and cloves three saved a handful at a time thoy woro teaspoons cinnamon one package of it had raised no more than an occa- odd question sionnl suspicion or question in philip good intentions in spite of all c ardeynesmind with him it was cer- alice voice sounded strange even to tainty herself his hair curled in soft ringlets all ardeyne hesitated should he tell over a small wellshaped head his her why carrie egan was coming he skin was coffeecolored cafe au lait might mention poor little max without and his eyes were big and brown and eoing into detais but somehow he did lustrous he held out a skinny dark not care to do so the very idea of hand to the doctor t seemed unprofessional alice would how do you do he said courtc- realize that he was keeping something ously his english marked with a faint hack better say nothing at all and trace of some foreign accent possibly let mrs- egan give what information french it is very kind of you to she chose i come to see me sir will you forgive ah noticed the hesitation of wool and cotton thin and heavy goods all new and clean and strong one day when the mud was too deep to warrant housccleaning or much raisins and six to eight cups of brown sugar according to liste boil slowly for two hours ono cup of suet chopped fine or one cup nut meats to each gal lon may also be used if desired my not getting up certainly dont move said ar deyne he drew up a chair and sat dowi beside the couch mrs egan brought id bettor go down now she said perhaps she has come and i ought to be on hand to welcome her youre a darling ardeyne tried to take hcr hand but sanctuary theres a tingly sort of feeling in tho atmosphere today and the wild goose is starting for the southland away the night wind is crooning dirges oer the lonely nest for the pilotbird is trailing the horizon in the west honk honk it is the tocsin of the dusky cavalcade flying swiftly and unerring for the southern everglad the marshland is lonely and the lone and empty nest but the pilotbird is veering forthe sanctuary blest horace seymour kelley salesmen we offer steady employment and paj weekly to sell our complete and exclu sive lines of guaranteed quality whok root freshdugtoorder trees and plants attractive illustrated samples and full cooperation a moneymaking opportunity luke brothers nurseries montreal boiler kindness a language which the dumb can speak and the deaf can understand bovee water tube type 125 hp in good co ditlon also a large amount of plurab- i lng lighting and heating equipment i will sell entire or in part at great sacrifice because of alterations to our property real estates corporation limited top floor 73 west adelaide street toronto telephone elgin 3101 wanted full rigged ship models send description and full particulars t l ca8tell0 73 w adelaide st toronto chew it after everyjneal it stimulates appetite and aids digestion it makes your sood do you more oood note how it relieves that slnlly f eellna after hearty eating i whitens teeth chocolate fruit cookies one cup butter 2 cups light brown sugar 2 eggs i cup sweet milk 2 taps soda very scant a hassock and crouched on the other she slipped past him and was halfway side her eyes were tender and only tl stairs before ho quite rcaliz- left the boys face to question tho ed tha she had purposely evaded a doctor i possible demonstration of affection i from the first it was plain enough wondered a little then shrugging to philip that poor little max egan his shoulders followed more slowly was doomed tuberculosis had set its during the honeymoon alice had seal on him although ithad scarcely confessed to jealousy and in that con- seemed to touch his physical beauty nection carrie egans name had been the doctor talked to tho boy and mentioned but lately she had shown presently they were on very good no trace of such a thing either by terms word or look it was a little disap- you must get your mother to take pointing that she should do so now 3 cups flour r yr 1 cup raisins 1 cup english walnut you to switzerland ardeyne said just n tiresome too meats m cake melted unsweetened what youve never seen any snow jt was not mrs egans car lie had chocolate well youve got a treat in store for heard and she did not arrive until sueraddnf n buttcr hi ssss y p up be tte felhlffin sfkifeiste and ski the boy siting longer than was good for ft tho milk with the soda dissolved in if asked eagerly do you rerly monsieur carro was cross in conse- dredgc the chopped raisins and nuts think h quence he was not used to such a with flour mix all together this may not just at first ardeyne inter- to midday meal alice was nerv- bo baked in thin sheets and cut inupted oh at first you must take o distrait and the hemmersleys squares or dropped from a spoon on things very easily ill give your joking and curious buttered tins mother a letter to a famous doctor out to be continued there and youll live in his house i i you mean- in a sanatorium the japanese pin money boy said making a wry face i once every year seldom for longer wj w f thm a momh aml mf uj0 women mothers wrist watch a friend of mine showed me a clever idea for making hcr wrist watch easy to slip off and on or to slide it farther up on hcr arm things which one must often do during the course of the days work to keep the watch out of harm she just sewed a narrow band of silk clastic to tho watch where tho rib bon is usually fastened i tried this arrangement and it worked to per fection r e f issje no 41 mlnardt liniment heals cuts not the usual sort of sanatorium ardeyne assured him in fact its a and chnlrcn on the farms of japan sasgass tn to silk culture for pin mono have one all to yourselves and there sllk ls thelr vclvet cron excent will be the big mountains youve no th cost of fertilizer for the mulberry idea how big they are i rather envy trees that tho worms feed on the in- you going to switzerland for the first dustry requires little or no outlay a time i year ago yokohama then the premier i want to climb mountains said r port of japan was almost oblitcr- 4 j j j i j atcd by tho earthquake now it has ardeyne nodded get well first get well first then you shall he snapped openhs watch and now im afraid i must go indeed ill have to hurry if im to meet that train virtually recovered its chief business which is exporting silk for sore feet minards liniment perfect home dye ing and tinting is guaranteed with dia mond dyes just dip in cold water to tint soft delicate shades or boll to dye rich permanent colors each 15cent pack age contains direcj tions so simple any woman can dye or tint lingerie silks ribbons skirts j waists dresses coats stockings sweaters draperies coverings harg- ings everything new buy diamond dyes no other kind and tell your druggist whether the material you wish to color is wool or r silk or whether it is linen cotton orj ji mixed goods 1 feel ilie perfect balance and tie hand comfort of the srari mada axoiiarilcncd1ouhened an tempered bymenvvliokiiowhw to build double life and double value into every axe theymake ask your hardware man for a444 singebftdoubk bit anyshopeany weig jfciioj rouhonits a torqings araies plant hi brockville ont ejsa2ees5s2

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