vol xxxv s3 stouffville ontario thursday october 16th 1924 old windsor linen correspondence set one note size writing tablet and two packages envelopes 50 all for 25 cents the pads contain 65 sheets note size plain with blotter and black line attached the envelopes are regular cor respondence size made in the new ridley style a very neat and attractive design market drug store g collard druggitst ktoirppvnajn ontario yorkteachersmeet large gathering heard dr duncan there was a full attendance of teachers al the annual meeting of the north york teachers institute convention held in the county build ings toronto last week ah the teachers from stouflville school j ary on sunday last when rev dr being present in the absence of the duncan of the publication branch president miss jessie mckenna b personal notes aaagajbbbaasb smsassssebbsasaasbs ilcelebrated fifty years married the congregation of the presby- t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors albert st stouffv1llk office hours mornings 9 to 12 tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 to 83u pm other hours by appointment phone 6304 anne lehman a t cm teacher of piano studio over lehmans shoe store loyal orange lodge no ioao regular meetings friday at 8 p in on or before full moon stouffville ont a the chair was taken by norman a corneil principal of newmarket public school very interesting subjects were dis cussed at length miss mabel e hay of the toronto normal school gave an interesting talk on corela tion of household science with other subjects of the school course she pointed out how household science could be made to corelate to a great advantage miss hay also spoke on the value of sewing in schools this she said was very ininporiant and something that each girl should vake a great interest in miss genevieve robinson of aurora gave a talk on how to se cure speed and accuracy in the fun damental operations in arithmetic she stated that addition multiplica tion and subtraction should be thor oughly learned and memorized w e smith of ringwood public school spoke on how his school suc ceeded in improving the school grounds and misses hacking and cairns assisted by senior teachers spoke on the difficulties expected and met during the first week of teaching mrs phillips sister of mrs a s all jurian church celebrated its anniver- leaney left this morning for her home at minden ont mr and mrs frederick marshall toronto whose brotberinlaw rev h e reid was pastor here about 25 years ago preached morning and evening the pastor rev ryoung at wivi pcsirl frail for 0 vcrs was servrd and family have returned after spending two weeks at theircottage at maple beach lake simcoe dr herbert and mrs freel arrive presided over the services and in j l0 on saturday evening from the morning gave a special welcome their bridal tour spent in the united to the methodists of the town whose church is closed for re pairs the methodist pastor rev g e coulter was also invited to a seat at the sacred desk the con gregation in the morning taxed the normal capacity of the edificewhile in the evening extra chairs wera states mr and mrs h holliday of tor onto are spending some time with mrs griffiths and mr and mrs av nolan some 50 chldren relatives and guests gathered at the home of mr and mrs e j c morris on the 9th concession of whitchurch on tues day oct 7th to commemorate the golden wedding of this venerable couple fifty years ago on this date the well known couple were united in marriage by rev j j moore baptist pastor who now resides in waterford ont at 8 oclock in the morning miss jane ann stotts daughter of wm i stotts of mark- ham was married to mr e j c business cards legal mccullough button barristers solicitors co vevances c buttons block stolflvlllk money to loan medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien ard phone 11n dental mr and airs elijah pennock aud stevivft anderson visited relatives laced in everv available bit of space ai victoria koad from friday toa ot altona at the brides in order that all might he seated j monday home and after a turkey breakfast the music was provided by the- mr and mrs p j lott and united choirs of the presbyterian j daughter of montreal visited her and methodist congregations and mother mrs s b hoover of dixon many favorable comments were hill heard respecting the excellent man- markham tot council our meat display always attracts the pleased attention of women who appreciate cleanliness in all things a visit to our shop will disclose a cleanliness pleasing to the most particular freel lettuce vegetables h leadbetter butcher phono 0701 couffvsile eyes examined free adam r yake optometrist watchmaker and jeweler 2 doors west of railway tracks phone 159 stouffville council met at unionville on mon day oct 6th all the members were present with reeve gohn in the chair communications were received from the provincial secretarys de partment acknowledging receipt of letter and copy of motion passed asking that the treasurers books be audited to sept 1 1921 and that it will receive their attention mr rose was heard re water course across his propertyand asked permission to drain his land into the ditch on the highway he would have liked to drain his land across mr saunders property the natural way and had offered to put in a tile drain at his own expens but mr saunders refused permission claiming it would make his land too dry the reeve said that if what mr rose had said was correct he could not understand why mr saun ders objected councillor campbell would like a grant of a couple of hundred dol lars to finish some road work on the sth concession and reeve gohn wished to purchase a car of broken stone to fix a hill but deputy smith objected saying the council must keep within the 100 a mile allow ance for each road division g h duncan and 6 other rate payers of markham and 5 of vaughan township presented a peti- i tion protesting and asking an appeal i from the award given on thursday july 24th 1924 by the assessors of i the municipalities concerned as be- i ing unjust and in violation of the spirit of the law contained in school act chap 266 sec 2s subsac 29 a resolution was passed that whereas a petition has been pre sented by several ratepayers of union schoojlsection no appeal ing against the equalization as made by the assessors of the three munici palities be it resolved by the coun cil of the municipality of markham township that the equalization of the said school section be referred to the county judge of the county of york the same being considered unjust and not in accord with school act chap 266 sec 28 subsec 29 the following general accounts were passed miss marshall of toronto is visit- ner in which they rendered the an- j a the home of her brother mr ous anthems miss marshall of to- frederick marshall local manager ronto rendered a solo both morning of the nova scotia bank and evening rev dr duncan in his opening r mrs sa ge m marks at the morning service re- clarence george and mrs h wood lerred to the affiliation which he burn of aurora visited at mr and felt to the local church during the mrs wm gywer s on tuesday last pastorate of rev mr reid dr dun cans mother and father were buried in the stouffville cemetery his morning sermon was based on the text in hebrew 11th chap and the last two verses i cheeseman mr and mrs j a gall in the evening he spoke from all of toronto spent sunday with mr abner baker has left for con sul sask to visit his daughter mrs earl nash mr baker will also visit other points in western canada mr and mrs barnes mrand mrs john 14 15 if ye love me keep my commandments these were the words jesus spoke to his disci ples during his latter days on earth wherein he requested love and cbedience both the morning and evening sermons were scholarly dis courses and should have good effect on the large congregations wants other side to the editor of the tribune dear sir it was a great surprise to me to learn that you didnt have the de cency to recognize that there are two sides to a question and refused to print the advertisements of the moderation league respecting the coming plebiscite it is to be re gretted that you acted in this way but o mr editor shed no tears for those that you uphold do not re present all the community whats the fuss about anyway why is it that you do not print the liquor advs are you and your following afraid to hear the other side of the question trying to rail road your auguments down the throats of people while they are blindfolded by you withholding the information now mr editor since coming to stouffville you have been most fair in your criticisms of town affairs but keep on the right track fairjilay ladies listen sisters and daugh away from the po false modesty ifth love suffer becau to do your duty blame but youisejves be sure to record your votyfor the ota stouffville publicity committee mrs geo boadway william ruddy 269 westmore land ave toronto visited his sis terinlaw mrs david saunders lemonville for a few days last week home for the week end from the ontario ladies college isahelle aitchison accompanied by her friend miss marion henderson of montreal mrs e meyers mrs scott and son walter scott also miss annie arid aggie scott al of barrie motored to stouffville and called on mrs uavid forsyth on sunday mrs albert wells and sister miss ness of aurora also mrs w wells and daughter bertha of temper- anceville visited mr and mrs wm malloy this week on sunday guests of mrs elias lehman were mr and mrs c h dawson and mrs mcgregor of tor onto and mr and mrs david grove and mr and mrs joseph grove of markham mrs louie perry of whitbv and miss mae mccaully of woodstock spent a few days with mrs hattie saunders also mrs fern pearson of toronto spent the week end with her mother and family do beca mothers wives not stay se of any whom you your neglect om can you with the churches 2s652 voters in east york the number of voters added to the lists in the electoral district of east york for the forthcoming pleb iscite vote shows a surprisingly large percentage of the voters were fephntcxrip js- chiropractor i church st i i stouffville i feel wretched this is an ordinary experi ence in many homes in this land if you feel wretched the chances are that an im pededflow of the vital force through your nerves has been strangled by displaced vertebrae and that chiro practic adjustments will allow nature to restore health monday wednesday a friday 9t012 am jflt stouffville ontf lot 15 con 4 320 8 00 ws reesor building guard rails lots 5 and 6 con 10 45 25 w r jarvis unloading lumber lot 17 con 10 29 30 hgrove work performed on bridge lots 25 26 and 27 con 8 58 85 j jarvis rep bridge between lots 20 and 21 con 6 1 00 f a ireesor lumber 31 00 t o harding weed inspector 35 50 gam davison stamps 17 50 fa reesor lumber- supplied lot 17 con 10 779 toronto western hospital main tenance w j elliott 25 days at sl50 37 50 a a eden goods supplied bridge family 36s and elliott fam- are as follows tp of markham scarboro tp 2062 tp of east york 1402 108 18 70 43 49 tpof north york markham village richmond hill stouffville leaside added total 315 3349 9331 11806 1575 661 854 813 263 total 406t28652 letters to the editor some people imagine that al their complaints whether just or unjust should be published in the news paper and they always want the y- ch v t 47 i editor to suind behind the write trade seeksthe death of the finest mennoxite church a g warder pastor regular services will be held as usual on sunday while the pastor is attending conference baptist rev w w fleischer pastor sunday oct 19th 10 am bible school 11 am subject the church its compelling task 615 pm prayer meeting in the vestry 7 pm pastor opens a series of three sermons on questions of yesterday that live today 1 a social and religious leader asks a question 2 a woman of the underworld and her question 3 a lawyer and his question everybody welcome reusing song service at opening of each service methodist church rev g e coulter pastor sunday oct 19th sunday school 10 am 11 am and 7 pm union services in the presbyterian church monday oct 20 young peoples league 8 pm wednesday oct 22 prayer meet ing 8 pm thursday oct23rd is voting day pray for the cause of prohibition desperate because the ota has cut down drinking by 90 w tweedle work performed on markham pickering tl 150 00 a van ham 10 yds stone 5 00 the following road accounts as certified by the various road com missioners and ordered paid div l l middleton 186 50 div 2 ross nichols is so div 3 j jarvis 20 div 4 ben hoover 191 50 div 4 g w hoover 30 00 the reove deputy smith and mr campbel were appointed com missioners to attend the appeal from the engineers award re allen drain before judge denton in toronto on oct 7th councillor campbell asked the reeve if the hydro electric commis sion had relald the sidewalks they tjore up at thornhlll and received an answer in the negative council adjourned to meet nov 3 births slack on saturday october 11th 1924 to mr and mrs edgar slack glasgow a daughter up wlien they are not willing to do so themselves within the last few days we have received anonymous letters from three parties one protests against the post office being closed on friday after noons particularly before 1 oclock while a second wants to know why the tribune rofused to give space to the liberty league for their ad vertisements perhaps from stand point of british fair play that both sices should be heard the tribune took a wrong stand but after we read the arguments of the liberty learnicrs as printed in those adver tisements we realized that the tri bune was the only one to lose on the stand we took thero is a third short loiter re ceived by mail without point or date of mailing and v we do not know whether it is intended as a solemn warning to us or to you dear reader it reads thus there is a big mistake this judging ronly of people and saying untruthful things now if this is uot stoped there be triibble temperance measure ontario ever had we urge you all to rally to its defence your ballot is your weapon you know that but you must vote the weapon must be used reopening services oct 26th supports newspapers stand editor of the tribune the members of the w c t u stouffville feel it their duty as mem bers of that society and as citizens to thank you for the high stand you have taken to lend the aid of your valuable paper to principles of which you do not approve and which as a citizen you could not countenance in these days of commercialism it is not always easy to throw aside what tould no doubt in this case have meant a considerable addition to the right side of your bank ac count but we hope the increased respect of your fellow citizens may in come measure more than com pensate drove to newmarket fair henry stotts and mary ann eby stood up with the happy couple they settled down on the townline of uxbridge and were blessed with 8 children as follows mrs w e barkey tilson- burg mrs wm clarkson and mrs w h burnett stouffville mrs h j jarvis unionville mrs arthur smith and mrs arthur storry bloomington deloss morris tilson- burg and carmen morris stouff ville the guests sat down to heavily laden tables of chicken and other good things and after the inner man had been well satisfied mr and mrs morris were called upon to the head of the table arid presented with an illuminated address which was read by mrs roy a darrow of tilson- burg oldest grandchild and was followed by the presentation of a purse of gold by mrs w e barkey of tilsonburg the oldest daughter on behalf of the children thf ddress to mr and mrs e j c morris we your children and relatives have gathered together on this your golden wedding anniversary to try and show in some manner the high esteem in which you are held by us we want to express to you our ap preciation for the valuable and un tiring efforts you have shown with your material and paternal care and counsel also for instructing us mor ally socially and spiritually in this the long span of 50 years we hope constantly for your happiness and prosperity and that you may be long spared to share the affections of your children and numerous rela tives and friends in this community where mutual dependance reigns you have both stidwn yourselves un selfish by giving your talent and finances liberally with us in all departments of life that need co operation therefore on this occa sion we take delight in presenting to you this purse as a slight remem brance for your kindness and care which you rendered so heartilv we jas children are very grateful and presume it must he gratifying to you as parents to know that the family circle has not been broken and we are a1le to meet with you and enjoy the festivities on this your golden wedding anniversarv of october 7th 1924 the recipients made a very befitt ing reply and rev d v vannor- man of keswick followed with a short address when he dealt par ticularly with the wonderful hospi tality of mr and mrs morris at all times a feature of the dinner was the serving of a jar of preserved cherries 50 years old which were in a wonderful state of preservation the house was tastefully decorated with beautiful flowers and a fine wedding cake decked with candles occupied the centre qf the table the honored guests received many fine and costly gifts and mr and mrs moms presented the daughters and daughterinlaws with gold ibrooches mr and mrs arthur storry cele brated the 10th anniversary of their wedding in conjunction those present were mr and mrs w e barkey and son tilsonburg mr and mrs ic morris and family stouffville mr and mrs w h clarkson and mr and mrswhbur- nett stouffville mr and mrs a d morris tilsonburg mr and mrs h j jarvis unionville mr and mrs a w storry and son and mr and mrs a h smith bloomington dr and mrs mhcrosby uxbridge t o crosby and daughter zephyr mrs raymer newmarket mr and mrs r a darrow and children tilsonburg mr and mrs a w clarkson and children stouffville rev d v and mrs vannorman keswick j n dajles ms bb 8 bcntist clnremont honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto oftlce over mr scotts store phone 1405 claremont dr d c smith dentist ktoufrvlllc honor graduate ot chicago aad toronto university and tba royaj collega of dental turgeoae office over shaws store phone office 1011 resident ik no outside appoint e s barker lds odfe dentist stouffrllle honor graduate ot royal collet dental surgeons and of the univer sity of toronto office in grublns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office eirei geo crosbys store veterinary r g law v s b v sc graduate university of toronto ringwood phone 6014 boadway s drug store stouffville truman w eagleson truman w eagleson teacher of piano pupil of w f plckard conserva tory of music toronto punile visited marky 4616 fall time is here the time that you should fall in line for better bread line up for pure food products tell your gro- ceryman that you want our bread and make sure that he delivers it you know how to make sure that hell deliver it dont you s a stover flowers wedding bouquets and funeral designs glasgow mr and mrs muirhead of agin- court and mr and mrs badgerow of siloam visited at mr jas elsons recently mr and mrs w weir of uxbridge spent sunday at mr ed lewis mr and mrs f slack mr and mrs jas slack and mr and mrs wm eckardt spent sunday at mr l hopkins at brougham mrs frank forsyth spent the week end with friends at hamilton and toronto on shortest notice we also have a beautiful selec tion of roses- inquire now eloral pesigns for ami occasions muston sons phone 7001 stouffville church ente the choir church toron- annual ki baptist chu evening oc thanksgivintkature come and en- ioy the evfiing concert at 745 sec of the wctu freewill offeridff fuel baptist hold their fent in second gfii une on friday ftb program of a churchill miss annie pai3ley home from north bay over the week digging potatoes is on the go these fine days miss evelyn paisley or stouffvilie visiting her cousin miss hazel cowle here rev mr morton walked part of the way here on sunday owing to a disordered car a splendid time was had on thurs day evening last when bloomington and churchill held their endeavor meeting together bloomington rendered the program and churchill provided the lunch