Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 11, 1924, p. 7

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folks who want the very best use red rose orange pekoe health education by dr j j middleton provincial board of health ontorl or mwdleton tjm be lad to answer questions on publlo health n ten through tut column adjrew him at spadlna houae spab ofioent toronto whem in tokohto visit the- royal ontario museum 233 blaor st wert hv awnw raad lotaxat pthbabtal eablbioa to cicada arhat geolocr iltfleralofj isjsmclakio zut optt dajv id aja to b sod suada 2 to r liloor bay and ctmrrb can 3 money to loan farm loans made- mortgages purchased ynolda victoria st toronto peculiarities of canadian vegetation eighteen blue whales alongside this ship were the result cf an -cpedi- tlon into the frozen south the photograph was made at discovery inlet and i shows the ice barrier in the background kemarkabie advance has been made in the prevention and cure of disease during the past few years this can be attributed in large pare to the gen era improvement in sanitation and one cure for ah disease what is disease is it possible that diseases are really one and that one trials of iwesw new map shows areas of various forms of vegeta tion and emphasizes strik ing features of tree growth lack of knowledge of climatic and vegetation conditions has caused many prominent travellers anei visitors to canada to unjustly criticize this coun try the same and in many cases greater ignorance of canadians has permitted much of this unjust criti cism to pass unanswered and unre- futed with the result that canada has often bn nfalrly condemned the natural resources intelligence i service of the department of the in- 1 terlor partly as a result of the great j number of enquiries received has pre- easy tricks the cut foretold cal examination bv large rubber ineery ill austrics of all prospective employees i that is the startling theory of mr connection with employers liabmty j e h mcdonagh frcs discussed vs another city with a low death jn v today by mr j ab- ccmi in law pared and published an exceedingly in iiikc teresting vegetation and forest cover imon errors about 1 his p map of cadada this kuows at a 1 rouble into which people tall j glance the different zones of vegeta- many people so far misunderstand i tion and their chief distinguishing i he digestive system as to treat it like i characteristics from what are known knowledge of the scienco of healthful i r this message there arc no ranan th ramous british surgeon a machine neglecting it until it works i as the barren lands that are in no llv w uir r slum districts or squalid te mr johnston abraham believes that nhigglshly then irritating it into work sense barren but support a growth of lf h n ii nnltnh km attain one end of the city to other m beginning of a again by the use of purgatives the hardy grass and vegetation peculiar year ac ord lto figures fusmssued l water b ilstf which count in new creative crisis in modern medi- stomach needs help h all umes but to the cold climate to what is termed the census at n everf case of low mor- j cine a study of the process of digestion will the carolinian zone in southeastern wide differences in the death rate j the reasons given are prac- disease he writes if mr mc- show that purgatives as commonly in some cases a little short of tragic ticaliv the same vigilance of the donaghs thesis be accepted is simply j taken are seldom necessary and often arc shown while in other cases there health department and its result on a successful attempt on the part of harmful healthful condition of affairs pure f the city clinic the baby hos- the invading organism to rob the pro- to safeguard your digestion the diet here and there geography may ac- pjtal the water supply a constant t particles in the blood of their must be controlled overeating is al- count for the differences but in others educational campaign the services oil freg e no such explana- very similar throughout the tricts of ontario 11 some cases the especially waterborne diseases general death rate is high in some c the system of health inspection cases the infant death rate is high the schools strict quarantine regu- reverse conditions are found in otherli among adults the work of the communities antituberculosis society food inspec- a city without slums and a board of j tion and wellenforced snnitary-regu- hcalth that really functions are two lations generally added to this and important reasons given for the low of great importance is the medical death rate in one citv in ohio the fraternity of the cities concerned report says a fulftime health offil which cooperates wholeheartedly cer laid the foundation of health work land a public which sensibly recognizes which lias been continued and expand- j the value of precautionary health cd the enforcement of quarantine in contagious and venereal diseases has been very efficient mostly mod ern school buildings help keep down measures these points are worthy of consid eration if health work is to be really effective in any community mosquitoes and malaria it is estimated that the deaths an nually from malaria number some two the selfish cuckoo the curious habits of the cuckoo will never cease to be a matter of millions and this figure may probably j wonderment it appears that for a be multiplied by twoor three hundred i day after the young cuckoo has hatch- if we would arrive at the total number ed out it lies quietly at the bottom of of people in the world affected by the j the nest but on the second day of its complaint jfe a change comes over it it now malaria is mainly a disease of the j becomes restless and irritable and tropics and is caused by a minute seems unable to bear the contact of parasite in the blood the parasites in one malaria patient may number anything from one hundred to a thous and millions in many cases there are more parasites in the system of a malaria patient than there are people on the earth and for ages it was be lieved that marshes and malaria were in some way connected sir ronald ross discovered tlat it was not the marsh but the mosquito which bred in the marsh which was the originator of the disease and he declares that the parasite of malaria is to the mosquito which carries it as a threepennybit would be to a hippo potamus when a diseasecarrying mosquito oitcs it injects a saliva in which arc the malaria parasites these are car ried into the human circulatory sys tem and so throughout the body the cure of malaria is quinine but the prevention of malaria is the des- traction of the mosquito in which it breeds sheep tracks sheep tracks running horizontally along tho face of steep slopes a dan ish geologist says aro a natural forma tion he calls the little paths ter- racettes and says they begin as a succession of horizontal cracks in the the other young fledglings or eggs if any of these still remain unhatched indeed it is the eggs which it first seeks to get rid of its sides seeming tdflnd the touch of the eggs unbear able therefore in moving to the bot tom of the nest its back forms a hol low space wherein the egg sometimes rolls and when this is the case the young cuckoo straightens itself and moving backwards to the rim of the nest it ejects the egg with a spring of its tiny legs and then returns to the bottom of the nest its exertions have tired it so much that for a long while it lies as if in a state of collapse but gradually as it again feels the pressure of the other tiny birds on his soft sides it grows more and more irritable and keeps restlessly jerking about at last its movements cause a stnalbbird to fall on its back and again it strains every nerve to make for the rim of the nest recovery from process finally invading organism by recapturing this elec tricity it will thus be seen that the idea underlying this revolutionary doctrine is based on the electron theory the theory which has already altered all modern ideas of physics chemistry and electricity in mr mcdonaghs view the body possesses a general protective sub stance which resist generally the basis of cure would be in every case of arganic illness the strengthening of this substance and given certain ways harmful but one must assimilate enough food to supply tho needs of the blood remember the blood has to carry nourishmeut to ah parts of the body and find fuel for its energy hence when the blood becomes weak and faiis to do its work indigestion ontario where is found almost sub tropical vegetation in the fruit belt the enormous area of canada must of necessity provide a wide range of vegetation and forest conditions in the northern country extending from the shore of hudso bay to the mac kenzie delta tho white spruce strug gles for existence while on the south eastern portion of vancouver island are found a number of caufornian types of trees the most remarkable arises therefore the sure remedy for being the madrona or arbutus the indigestion is to build up the blood j oniv broadleaved evergreen tree in if you suffer from any form of indiges- canada tion choose your diet carefully and j tlle new map is an intensely inter- take wholesome nourishment above esting one and one that will conduce all start building up your blood by to much study and investigation an taking a course of dr williams pink pills then under the influence of the new blood supply your digestive sys tem will respond naturally your ap petite improve and your food will do poisonous conditions the antidote i you good so begin to improve your most suitable for increasing the con- j digestion by starting to take dr wll- densed power of the protective par- hams pink pills now tides could bo worked out by chem- j you can get these pills from your lsts j druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box this antidote would be a cureall it from the dr williams medicine co would put reinforcements into the brockville ont system to fight the germs of all ease dis- childhood wdigestios seven modern wonders the wonders of the world are us ually divided into three periods the seven wonders of the ancient world the middle ages and the modern world though thore is some difference of opinion on tho question tho seven wonders of the ancient world are us- loose earth caused by the settling of j eiven as tho pyramids of egypt tho earth to a more stable position pharos of egypt hanging gardens of once tho crack is startod the action of j babjlon statue of jupiter by phillas the rain causes the marking to become rapidly mor distinct and it soon ro- sombles a path made by animals sheep and other animals naturally use tho paths but they do not begin them mum say bayer aspirin insist unless you see the bayer cross on tablets you are not getting the genuine bayer aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy sicians for 24 years accept only a bayer package which contains proven directions handy bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 21 and 100 druggisu s mausoleum of artemisia colossus of rhodes and tho temple of diana at ephesus the seven wonders of the middle ages are as follows coliseum of romo catacombs of alexandria great wall of china stonohonge in england leaning tower of pisa por celain towor of nankin and the mosque of st sophia at constantin ople the seven wenders of the world may be considered to telephone radio aircraft antitoxin spectrum analysis ray modern be the radium and x- doniinion express moriby orders are on salo in five thousand offices throughout canada aaplrla it of ttii mark ntittrtti la canada of fartr maaoraefbm cf vooo- teeuctctfcaur of kiiicjucku natures sunshade during days of prolonged sunshine and tropical heat it is not sufficiently realized that there is nothing especial ly healthy about a tanned skin tho practice of exposing ones face to di rect sunlight in ordor to get sunburn ed is both absurd and dangerous tjltiaviolel ruys destroy the animal tissues of the skin but natures anti dote is the brown pigment underneath which develops and acting as a filter shuts out the harmful influence tho most obvious precaution is a big sun hat and if the hint furnished by nature bo acted upon tho color will be light brown minards ljnimcnt relieves pain nothing is more common in child hood than indigestion nothing is more dangerous to proper growth more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to danger ous disease fully ninetenths of all the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigestion there is no medi cine for little ones to equal babys own tablets in- relieving this trouble they have proved of benefit in thous ands of homes concerning them mrs jos lunette immaculate conception que writes my baby was a great sufferer from indigestion but the tab lets soon set her right and now i wouldnot be without them babys own tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from tho dr williams medicine co brockville ont immense amount of hitherto upublish- ed information is shown thereon much research work was entailed and the notes of explorers and surveyors from those of sir alexander mackenzie sir john franklin samuel hearn and others to the more modern surveys and explorations of the different federal and provincial government de partments were carefully examined for authentic records to the student of canadian conditions the new map will be of much assistance in enabling him to segrevate the several vegeta tion zones approximate the possibili- j ties of forest exploitation and estab- iisn uie areas of known farming dis tricts from north to south from east to west all the wonderful changes in our natural vegetation arc vividly por trayed on the new vegetation and forest cover map it fills a want long experienced and will no doubt be in considerable demand copies may bo obtained from the director of the na tural resources intelligence service of the department of the- interior at ottawa this stunt is invariably success ful if it is performed in a matter of fact straightforward manner observe while shuffling the cards which card is on the bottom of the pack this can easily be done and will excite no suspicion as the trick does not immediately follow borrow a business card write the name of the card you observed on it and seal it in the envelope before doing this place the pack of cards face down on the table ask the spectator to cut the cards into two parts in the usual manner place the envelope on the packet which was the upper pack or ask a spectator to do this and place the other packet on the envelope the rest of the trick consists of showing in as impressive a manner as possible tho fact that before the cards were cut that you wrote the name of tho card at which tho spectator cut cciip this out and paste it with other of the series in a scrapbookj o minards liniment for rheumatism three golden rules of life oi a cen- j tenarian who died aged 107 were never to enter a ballroom never to j talk scandal and never to enter a bar dancers to the number of 10000 can be accommodated on the new dance floor at wembley this is the largestjnengland if not in the world his mothers spirit a little boy six years of age recent ly ran away from his home at aversa about twelve miles from naples to escape from his stepmother who ill- treated him having searched for him in vain his father informed the police soon pns- qualino was discovered at naples with his grandmother tho latter told how of course mother bobby this note from your teacher says youre the last boy in a class of twentyfive bobby well it could be worse mother i dont see how bobby it could be a bigger class eyes irritated bv sun winddust cinders butterfly culture in france butterfly culture in tho south of france is rapidly growing in popu larity there under expert scientific guidance hundreds of beautiful speci mens are bred tho farms are pro vided with special leafy trees and plants on which the eggs are hatched directly the young appear tho branch es are taken to a wellventilated room whore they are placed in pars of six years of pain there is a prevalent opinion on the outside of china that the custom of footbinding among the girl children of that country has been generally abandoned but such is not the case the movement appears to have taken root only in the moro populous dis tricts but at other parts the custom is still followed to a very great ex tent the foot of the infant girl is turned lindor so that the toe is bent back toward the heel and it is tightly bound in this position it means six letter from mrs ayars tells how lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound helped her spring valley sask i took tho vegetable compound before my last confinement when i got to feeling eo badly that i could not sleep nights my back ached so across my hips and i could hardly do my work during the day i never had such an easy confinement and this is my sixth baby i read about lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound in the farmers telegram and wrote you for one of your books wo have no druggist in our townbut 1 saw your medicine in t eatons catalogue i am a farmers wife so have all kinds of work to do inside and outside the house my baby isanice healthy girl who weighed nine pounds at birth i years of constant pain before the foot i am feeling fine after putting in a large a few days before she had heard a wa as soon as the caterpillars knocking at her door and on opening it she had seen to her astonishment her small grandson standing there alone who brought you here she asked a woman answered pasqualino what woman i dont know said the child who then told his grandmother that ho had run away because his stepmother beat him but had got frightened not know ing whero to go while ho was wan dering about the streets of aversa n woman camo up to him and took him has taken the desired shape and then it measures from three to five inches in length at one time a law was passed forbidding footbinding but i there was no penalty and no means of enforcing it so that no attention was paid to it by the natives twenty miles of sewing cotton may be mid in the making of a fur coat have eaten up this first supply of loaves fresh branches are provided having been in an even temperature for about two weeks the young cater pillars are taken out into tho open whore they are placed on plants pro tected from birds by nets when fully grown this protective net is removed and soon thoy retire into cocoons or roll themselves up into leaves there collected and stored in boxes supplies thermometors clean seed grain fanning mills i supply screens wire cloth sine repairs chatham fanning mills and other makes incubator garden since baby came she is as good as she can be yours la tho best medicine for women and i have told about it arid even written to my friends about it mrs annibe ayrs spring valley sask lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound is an excellent medicine for ex pectant mothers and should be taken during the entire period it has a gen eral effect to strengthen and tone up tho entire system so that it may work in every respect as nature intends all druggists sell thisdependablemedicine give ita trial c aro where in a very short time butterflies of wonderful hues aro evolvcdi cross- breeding has been tried and numcrou by the hand without speaking she experiments are conducted to obtain lifted him on to the electric tram that runs between aversa and naples holding hini closely to her all the way at naples she led him to his grand mothers houso knocked gnvo him a kiss and left him had you never seen her before asked the wondering grandmother never but she was like oiat said the boyijpolnting to a photograph of his own mother that stood un the table his mother had died when he was only a few montlis old in doubt he you aro the sunshine of my life your smile falls like lightning into my soul with you by my side i would defpr all the storms of life she is this a proposal of a weath er report tho optimist i3a barometer stuck set fair the pessimist is a baro meter stuck set stormy no sensible man would pay sixpence for cither dean inge brilliant and original markings on the wings of these insects whichare after ward sold to collectors or for tho adornment of womens hats and dress- manson campbell chatham ont not a few fellowj who tried to doic work have wound up in the peniten tiary at hard work without remun eration frame your mind to mirth and mer riment which bar a thousand harms and lengthen life o rea ship your cream to us and ob tain the best results with high est price for number onequahty uaily returns cans supplied and express charges paid write for cans now bowes co ltd toronto rub it in for pain stiffness or inflammation apply minards and rub it in bitrophosphato feeds the nerves and old peoplo need it to make them feel and look younger its the one best nerve builder for weak nerveex hausted mn and women and that is why druggists guarantee it trice 1 per pkge arrow chemical co 25 front st east toronto ont i keep the hair live and glossy with cuticura on retiring gently rub spots of dan druff and itching with cuticura oint ment next morning shampoo with a suds of cuticura soap and hot water this treatment does much to keep the scalp clean and healthy and promote hair growth issue no 36

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