Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 11, 1924, p. 6

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th delicious flavor drawn from the leaves of when hearts command- by elizabeth york miller green tea has won it millions of users by all grocers buy a pacrage today free sample of green tea upon request sauqa toronto tvfcm ktartt command frvm mind tk tagett etunatutng depart chapter xxxiiv plum other butter and good things plum butter wash the plums place them with a little water in a preserv ing kettle and cook until soft rub through a colander or a coarse wire sieve in order to remove skins and pits large freestone plums can bo dipped into boiling water for a feweconds until their skins crack then dipped into cold water so that the skins can be readily slipped off the flesh is then split open and the pits are rej moved if the plums are very juicy the pulp put through the colander will bo quite thin and should be boiled down to thicken somewhat before the sugar is added for each cupful of pulp whether put through the col ander or not use from onehalf to threefourths of a cupful of sugar and cook slowly with frequent stirring until the butter is as thick as desired if a tart butter is desired less sugar should be used cinnamon allspice and cloves should be added to suit the taste when the cooking is finished dutch apple cake is made with two cupfuls of flour three teaspoonfuls of bakingpowder one teaspoonful of salt ono tablespoonful of sugar one cupful of milk one egg one tablespoonful of shortening orange and the lemon cook until very thick then add onehalf cupful of chopped nut meats and pour at onco into jelly glasses and seal delicious corn pudding is made with three full ears of corn one cupful of milk two eggs ono tablespoonful of butter and onehalf cupful of cooked rice cut and scrape corn from cars add the rice beat tho eggs then add milk put all together add salt to taste place in a buttered baking dish dot the top with the butter and bake until a light brown after you have cut the corn from tho cobs put them in the kettle with a meat stew and enjoy the pleasant flavor they impart when the dish is done take out the cobs and scrape the stew that clings to them back into the kettle jnuch to me it is you who are giving j me everything oh cant you under- it was day by day sometimes pot to d ty post that alice piu off writing to his communicated itself to 1 her mother in the morning she would clun together rocked in tell hersf that shed write before studcn power of their mutual evening and at night she made the j same promise as regarded the next you happy ardeyne pead- morning twice she began a letter could you be happy if we w but it was impossible to finish it arate ardeyne knew nothing of the un- 1 wmsperc no an answer to happy conflict she suffered he dd his st not guess that she was fighting ihis j yo wont leave me 1 particular battle that all the forces t so promise all over of her better nature were ranged n this time it must be bind- against such a cruel foe as distrust promise amounting almost to hatred of her w h his r close pressed to has own mother arms around her she could do why hadnt mumsey told her tfhy othin e than he asked her had mumsey not merely permitted but j yes i promise she said huskily actually encouraged and hurried on ha for me to understand 1 love her marriage to philip if only she gq much rather die than be had told philip but most deadly of awfu burden on you i possession month after month with slow raono- tony i i did the stupid tasks of every day j with scorn and pity that the world should be full of unending duties dull and gray while all my heart ires wild for won dering i dusted scoured and swept with listless hands was this i thought the best that life could bring j to youths commands but now i sing all day as to and fro from tiny parlor to the kitchen bright with sparkling suds and crisp new broom i go j a shining path behind me what delight i to pour the scarlet jelly into molds j i love to make the slender glasses shino because this little house with all it holds is yours and mine katherine park lewis do yon perspire all the weapons levelled at alices ai t aburden tural feelings was the fact that jean iffe see how it can be other- had flatly bed when questioned about stiu want to be with you hugo and alices suspicion that he h wonde how you care might be something nearer in relation- i j ship than an uncle it had not been a simple evasion of the truth but a downright lie as alice saw it washing printed voile i wonder if every woman who makes for me your love is the most pre cious and wonderful thing in the ivorld philip shall i tell you ninp t j i loomethine im going to be horribly the days slipped by and finally s b can feel it coming on alice sent her telegram even that j rettv american girls who had been difficult but she must write i lnos a rf s vestcr- soon only what was she sort of letter she felt impi would be a terrible thing thati rrte i itnto us yestcr- soon only what was she to say the w the rigi was jealous of sort of letter she felt impelled to write s 4nd i was perfectly miserable 3xnm ho n terrible thine i a mrs egan even before we m meanwhile ardeyne kept her busy with every distraction he could devise they took trips on the lake and went for mountain climbs companionship was to be the keynote of their life to gether and after nil what better basis for marriage than that he told about lvirs opu ried even before i knew what i do iw ardevne laughed and the tension now quite unsulted for discipline j an irish attorney who was very lame was moved during the timo of j trouble in ireland to take part in mili tary preparations learning that among the various volunteer corps be ing raised was one of lawyers he de cided to join it my dear friend ho remarked to john philpot curran the irish wit those are not tlmesfor a man to bo idle i am determined to join the law yers corps and follow tho camp you follow the camp my little limb of the law said curran tut tut renounce the idea you never can be a disciplinarian and why not mr curran for this reason was tho reply the moment you wore ordered to when you change a tire then avoid tire trouble by clipping with aerocushion inner tires no more punctures no blow outs no noed at all of e spare tire and double the mileage tor your casings easy riding if there is no aerc- cushlou service station near you write for particulars aerocushion inner tire and rubber co limited wingham ont wat suddenly relieved t ou would im so clad he said im lm o sameeonfefsion to maker theresas bulgingeyed german n the jiotel i wonder if every woman who makes basis for marriage tnan l bulgingeyed wman am by the lovely printed oiles ana ag h as any oth man inched his square head j w crepes that we find in the stores even when i used to yield to the temptation to buy them i felt that i was being most extravagant for i could never seem to launder them successfully no matter how careful i was the colors kg mumpw would run and fade and make the use a mixture of one- 1 dress useless for anything but year just as happy as any other man everything was in getting used to an idea an immense pity for alice backed up by his anxiety for what effect the quarter cupful of sugar and one tea spoonful of cinnamon for top of cake sift flour bakingpowder salt and round home one time though when i had a blueandwhite voile of which i was dvdntnoce the brute for two pins idve punched his square head and alice laughed too j i dg i no tice him and he wasnt a brte philip l most inoffensive creature i thnk uji uj mo auj stared because he admirea us shock of christopher smarles ne 1 well im glad to think he admir- might have on her helped him in his however lets return to resolution he was not only alice s ea i us that thc air s a companion and friend he y- v hit cleared what about starting for physician as well without letting her bit cleared j h to low he watched her with loverlike j horn tomorrow nend my sugar together add milk to well- particularly fond i tried an experi- beaten egg and stir in slowly add ment which worked beautifully l melted shortening mix well pour made a soapy solution of lukewarm mixture into a shallow pan and on the water and pure soap and put it into top place slices of pared apples the washing machine sprinkle with the sugar and cinnamon i then i put my dress into it and mixture and bake in a moderate oven turned on the current and let the ma- moonshine a delectable dessert is pchine run ior about five minutes i let made with one pint of milk yolks of the soapy water out and put clear cold 11 jji- j i tfotffl tho mncrune getting back and professional solicitude as far as he could tell her mind was unusually wellbalanced even for a girl of nor mal heritage never had be como across a young woman with as much common sense and less tendency to wards systeriathan alice this curious honeymoon of theirs moved to its close it had been ar- deynes intention to return to london and arrange for a prolonged perhaps j replied s i very well then ill run around to getting use townshend hes my partner has his hands pretty full without me and ive promised to lec ture at two of the summer clinics also theres a rather celebrated am erican alienist in london just now and id like to catch him before he she- tol course philip ready to leave just as soon as you like alice three eggs and three tablespoonfuls of sugar brought to boiling point in a double boiler beat the whites of tho eggs very stiff and while beating add threo tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar pare and slice ripe peaches place in a bowl and add the two mix- water in and started the machine again for two or three minutes longer then without squeezing or wringing it a bit i lifted the dress out of the water and hung it on the line and when it was dry it looked like now the absence of squeezing or rub- place in a dowi ana auu nit- cwu uua- i int iisiv tures stirring lightly until they are bing kept the color from spreading 4 t iir in fiiooft invfllv ma- mixed peach cobbler fill a baking dish with whole pared peaches add two cupfuls of waters cover and cook until tender drain off the juice and allow to cool beat until light four eggs and a cupful of sugar add a table spoonful of melted butter a half teaspoonful of salt the juice from the peaches and a pint of new milk sift together twico a level cupful of flower and a teaspoonful of baking powder stir the flour and tho other ingredi ents together pour over the peaches and bake about thirty minutes until a golden brown serve with cream sweet apple conserve requires four quarts of sweet applespared and fine ly chopped measure after chopping two cupfuls of raisins two cupfuls of lugnr juice and pulp of two oranges ind one lemon grated rind of ono 6 i and now i indulge in these lovely ma terials with a clear conscience mj to prevent sunburn mrs farmer the next time you are going to be at work in the garden or berry patch for some time before you go instead of putting on a smothering sunbonnet try smearing the face and neck thickly with unbeaten white of egg then put on a broadbrimmed hat when you come in wash with tepid water then dash cold water on you will find that instead of having a sore and sunburned face it will feel delightfully fresh and comfortable i used whte of egg for years to re lieve sunburn and one day tho thought occurred why not use it as a preven tive instead of as a remedy i found it thc proverbial ounce of prevention indefinite holiday but now he began to realize that his own salvation lay in his work he needed it to steady himself to keep him from dwelling too much upon alice and itiagnifying morbidities of mind and conscience in the circumstances their companionship was too solitary for comfort he wanted if possible not to love her less but a little more impersonally she was beginning to mean too much to him they were a strikingly handsome couple and naturally people looked at them ardeyne surprised himself by suffering little twinges of jealousy it disturbed him when men stared at her and once he very nearly came to words with a german whoso roundeyed gaze had dwelt too long and too obviously upon the little bride at present alice seemed quite un good fishing and you say the fishing is excellent here resort proprietor more young ladles have hooked husbands at this hotel than at any other on the coast s have summer heai 1 x this tinier l a warm house and a cool cellar day and night the win ter through and a saving i your coal hills of from bjtosoj a kelsey warm air generator in your cellar will ensure this the kelstyisthe most efficient j and economical system of home hooting ever devised and will heat the smallest cottage orthe largest mansion properly and healthfully may we send you particulars j tien x 11 lui cooks and see about timetables and tickets would you care to come alice hesitated then she shook her head i mu3t write a letter to mum sey she said after ardeyne had gone out she set herself resolutely to the task she had to think very hard before beginning think of so many things in the way of contingencies for instance suppose that before the letter reaches its desti nation either mumsey or she herself should have met with a fatal accident nothing can strike quite so hard as a dead hand and there can be no great er remorse than that following upon a blow levelled at one who is beyond tho power of retort yet alices feelings towards her mother had suffered a violent change there was no denying that grim fact it was useless for her to attempt garnish the salads a garnish makes the appearance of the salad much more attractive too much garnish spoils the effect with vegetables meat or fish use beets finely chopped cabbage shred ded or heart leaves used in place of lettuce carrots chopped fine for bor der eggs slices grated yolk chopped etc parsley radishes with all salads use carrot tops eel canada foundries forgings limited james smart plant brockv1lle ont popular jokes of grandmas day a bride of a year was bemoaning tho fact to her aunt in the early nine ties that her husband was beginning to spend many of his evenings attend ing lodge meetings yes said her aunt i know just how you feel your uncle was the same way until i broke him of the with all salads use carrot tops eel- 1 saum ery celery tops must be crisp in place j lodge habit you see it was like this of lettuce cucumbers lemons let- one morning your uncle john who k i t lodes tried to srieah had been to the lodge tried to sneah tuce olives pimento nuts i v potato vegetable and meat salads i in vory quietly at 2 am and hearing are generally improved in flavor if him i called in a very sleepy voice mixed with dressing andallowed to charlie and the vory rpl miys jlfter every meal a pleasant and agreeable sweet and a 1asttng bcnefllt ae well good lor teeth breatn and digestion makes tbe next cigar taste better little apron that can be slipped on and off in a moment and which is easily laundered i and this apron even more desirable when a strap is put across tho back to prevent it slipping off tho shoulders instead of putting on tho i usual patch pockets i slit the apron i tho desired width and bind with a bias band then i sew the patch on tho inside of the apron and then put a flap on thc right side a ljttlc wider than thc slit this prevents the pock ets from catching and tearing and also prevents dirt getting into them conscious of her own beauty and as far as he knew she was entirely sat- hypocrisy the j isfled with life as they had mapped it so once again siw g mann out together but mfhsitltw it could never when she would wake up to the fact to finish it anno f that other women lived fuller deeper have been v r w y lives than hers could ever be what satisfaction ijen normally then platonic love can so easily fail different from wnai is so rarely successful she might tiro have been of it and incidentally of him and m j hearing from me but i found it so dif ficult to write mr christopher smarlo came to lucerne at once after hearing irm vou and told me about my fath- j i wish you had told me yourself itwiuld have made a difference how- cvetthere is no use in worrying about th is very beautiful here and i am torv yesterday we climbed very happy i e3w k t mixeu wiui ulv stand some timo before serving they should be kept as cold as possible to avoid becoming soaked or soggy shackletons boat 22 feet long in which he made the famous voyage of 750 miles with five men to south geor gia in quest of aid for his expedition has been presented to the explorers old school dulwich college is that you charlie and the very next day he resigned for sore feet irilnards liniment the south american oven bird builds its nest of mud which is closed save for a narrow tunnel which lead into the grass built chamber surely i the nest of a bird is a most wonderful j piece of workmanship oi lb u11u 1i1wvvv tho world was full of men whom na ture had rendered unscrupulous as regards lovemaking they had walked up the rigl tho a comfortable apron mey nuu n many of us are partial to the handy j gggggt sof zfi venture the pink and white blossom of tho cherry trees had kept them 1v- very happy ieskiuj the rigi and i was not a bit tired i hope bordighera isnt getting too lnnvo for company almost to tho very top tho air was warm and fragrant the sky cloudless they had lunched frugally by the wayside from tho contents of philips haversack scaled the height j hope boroniiwa and returned moro swiftly than they hot for you tomorrow wo lcavo for had come by tho mountain railway it london i had been a day to lock up and treasure philip is kindness itsef and if hei in ones memory box the days of were here at the moment i know he days after which everything else could w ask me to send you all affection- not help but fall a httlo flat i a messages now it was the next morning and my love to father mr gaunt and j circles around moon circles around tho moon aro caused by moisture in tho atmosphoro it frequently happens that tho sunlight reflected from the moon lo the earth is so rotrnctcd by tho atmospheric moisture that a ring or circle is form ed the moro moistnro thoro is in tho atmosphero the smaller tho clrolo will appear tho form and slzo of tho ring will depond entirely upon tho par ticular condition and quantity of mois ture in tho air they sat at breakfast in their sitting- room usually tho question was what shall we do today but philip chang- ed it alice could get ove yourself alice a meagre rr- little letter at its best but it might so easily have been worse it would ba a long time before j er the shock of dis- it alice couia get uvvi mv would you mind if we started for j cov that her mother badas sne home tomorrow he asked saw it done her an mnwwg home alice was a little bewilder- yet for all f lmned ami ad- cd for a moment she had never had as she dropped s and yours philip reminded her i w in the world it was not always she lowered her gaze and he noted ide avoided as ha had many times before how wonderfully her eyelids were fringed i dont know i feel so helpless she exclaimed suddenly then eho looked at him this cant go on to be continued i if we work upon marble it wy per- looked at him this cant go on ish if we work upon brass tm w philip dont you realize that it cant efface it if we rear w i cant live on your charity crum into dust but if we wo k he found himself trembling in every i n immo souls if we imbue them limb and a mad desire to ravo took immortal principles with the possession of him i t fear 0 god and love of felow- auserajicerlf you leave rw now j j cnerav on those tablets some- t wmt ha nh a to face life men wo engravb i swear i wont be ablo to face life rithoot youl he dropped to his knees leside her and laid his head in her ap tj fear an4 misery of losing ior had taken him unawares ho very nearly sobbed life wouldnt be worth anything without you how can you pekk of charity when yon moan so thing which will brighten all eternity daniel webster mlnards liniment heals cut i88ue no 384 a fresh youthful skin is admired by everyone you must frequently purify your skin antisep- tically to make and keep it healthy to bring to it a glowing beauty thousands of men and women have realized this which is why lifebuoy health soap has become the mait widely used toilet soap in the world s lifebuoy is a scientific skin purifier area health soap yet soap cannot be made more pure more bland moro beneficial to the skin than lifebuoy v lifebuoy protects its rich copious lather releases a wonderful antiseptic ingre dient which is carrieddown into every pore eliminating all impurities and leaving the skin thoroughly clean and safe life health soap more than soap alfealth habit lever brothers limited toronto frffi

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