stouffville september 11th 1924 local happenings dr luke here today miss jennie burkitt and miss ttie ratcliff spent their holidays a motor trip to north bay speml- i a brief time at huutsville where by heard the famous hand of that fn let kverybodv be at the school at 1230 pm sbzrp onxsaturday to witness the ipgcnool parade of all the differenpschools carrying their bags aaa banners miss aine lehman atcji w fc in some parts of europe they eat pain fretz of altona is reported have one of the record grairt ps in this district for 1924 we informed that off of en acres fall wheat he threshed 500 bush- of grain which is an average of y bushels to the acre jthe misses grice who live ju3t t of the baptist church were suc- sful in winning seven prizes for jcy work at the canadian nation- exhibition they carried 03 ee firsts three seconds and a rd prize out of ten entries and articles 9ent up for exhibition msted of fancy irish collars tted quilts and rug pieces bargains arm implements ne heavy teamsters wagon one ilage cutter and blower one corn der one stifftooth cultivator for ctor will be sold cheap for ck cale cash or credit h herman i o 1008 stouffville the contract for redecorating stouffvill methodist church has been awarded to a toronto arm messrs stone and crawford ehurch decorators at a cost of 5t00 resume her class in music the week j horses in china theveat rats and of september 15th jin canada hot dogsf one of the rnot interesting events of the school buirjfl be the boys and girls pubcykpeaking contests saturday ttcirfciatli next have ytyt sttii the sliver cup in shawvwindow donated by the women institute for public speak- r- ing akthe8cuool fair they are come to the cgncert in ratcliff si aiiuem hall on saturda s15 pm und stouffville w gram to consjs mental violn and monok 20c children 10c sept 13th at the auspices o institute pro bs instru- eadings chorus admission adults the eckhardt trophy bowling tournament will be played in stouff ville this friday if the weather s at all favorable all teams in the county of york are eligible to com pete and valuable prizes are offered for the runners up in addition to the trophy at a meeting in rich mond hill last week dr williams was elected president and w r sanders secretarytreasurer of the bckhardt trophy competition for the current year wholesome mch milk what we strive to give our ustomers it contains the teatest ofall food value en tourage the children to drink uore of it ceep in mind that the dairy is losed from noon until 5 oclock n sundays u tickets for 100 he maple leaf dairy word was received in stouffville on monday of the sudden death of i the rev j c wilson ba which took place at weyburn saskatche wan where he had resided for the past four years following 14 years ministration at acton ontariowhere he went from st james church stouffville he was 56 years of age and graduated from the university of toronto and knox college his widow three sons and two daugh ters together with five brothers and two sisters survive him h gilroy ione 8108 prop stouffville messrs w h brillinger and sons rev and mrs s goudie rev w m mcguire and mr a s stouffer will attend the annual conference of the mbc church to he held in new- dundee near kitchener beginning on tuesday sept 16th if you have any news for the tribune send it in early in the week if at all possible all news items should reach the office by noon on wednesday each week the drinking fountain which has been out of commission at the fire hall corner tor some weeks has been greatly missed it was appre ciated by the automobile tourist while passing this way school all roads lead jjrtsuftviile school grounds that fz dont fall to hear the kitchener band in ratoliffs kill tjfe night of the school fair mission adults 20c children 10c the w c t u will meet at the home of mrs g- robinson on tues day sept lollt at 3 oclock a full attendance is requested the mary haig senior mission baud presbyterian jywilljirjni their annual verandah sale oaprons bibs wash cloths ehjaii friday sept 19 th at the home of mrs george collard quality use servich rlacfifratb calf meal trade hiric there is an agitation on foot to have a poultry association formed in stouffville if you are interested in the project make it known to the tribune and it will be the means of encouraging those who are willing to go ahead with the organ ization after two years service as cornet- ist in the famous anglo canadian concert band of huntsville win k coates has returned home to take up farming on his fathers place at olaremont save tne milk w have a car of choice thresh ing coal on hand the kind your thresher likes n notice new wheat flour will be on the market i a f weeks now is the time to g your supply of old wheat flour on hand for ext winter quakerlq5r for bread saxon flour for pastry stiver bros phone 4501 the womens institute will have a booth at the school bair to be held on the school grounds on saturday sept 13th thoy vrll also serve lunch sandwiclies coney islands pie cake and tear will be ready for business by 1030 the seventh annual sunday school convention of the brethren christian stouffer a retired farmer i inchrist tunkers is being held in the heisa hill church gormley sept nth and 12th all are wel come thursday evening session at 7 oclock and three sessions on fri day who died in whitchurch aug 10th leaving a farm valued at 10000 and 5l750 in farm stock and im plements bequeathed his property to his son david l stouffer subject to the payment of legacies of 5500 eporrthe7resenrvegxblemarket iis son christian 5400 each to he poorest in vears and many deal- his two daughters and 550 to his the pool ers are finding it difficult to get an outlet for their products at this particular season however the local firm are shipping tons of car rots beets turnips cabbage and cauliflower to winnipeg market where there is a fair demand it is expected that the general situation will improve within a few weeks the toronto market is said to have been lulled by the high prices de manded by store keepers as com pared to the retail price at which they can buy oudens oont wait for the sy season start right w and equip your barn th loudens hay fork d carriers and other n fixtures jeo j lawson phone 1s2 e west end grocer stouffville the back of your throat gives a sigh of relief when a spoonful of cool smooth flav ored city dairy ice cream caresses it after a hard hot day it knows that the first spoon ful fs just a notice that there are many more to follow the first taste calls for a dishful take home a quart tonight the worlds choicest sweet meats moirs chocolates porters phontt198 son andrew stouffer the report that mr barton had purchased the store business at bal- lantrae belonging to gilbert wright and thus combined the two estab lishments in the village is incorrect both merchants are carrying on as usual mr wright is a returned soldier and is worthy ofjiberal pat ronage and we regret that such a report should have been circulated after this notice we expect to hear of the usual rush of business to mr wrights store again we have often heard of men fall ing off the water wagon in a figura tive or metaphorical way but leon ard staley of uxbridge township had a genuine fall one day last week resulting in a fractured collar bone mr staley who ilves on the 4th concession of uxbridge town ship was assisting the threshers which necessitated him being on top of the water tank- as he i8v76 years of age theaccident is quite serious the regular monthly meeting of the womens institute will be at the home of mrs j a lewis main street on wednesday sept 17th at 230 oclock program paper mrs connor demonstration fruit salad mrs r rae mrs hodgins mrs badgero duet mrs grove miss a barkey community singing social hour everybody welcome stouffville baseball club are still the tribune received a call from waiting orders from tle obaa as to their next game it looks like a lot of bad management on the part of obaa officials to allow a team j to stand idle so long the brer r j corson editor of markham economistvon wednesday harvest not compjukted j with the thermometer flirting around 40 degrees it was only by a miracle that farmers and garden- j ers all through the county were sewerage saved from serious losses on fri- i lay and saturday nights at some j points on friday night there was a suddeu change in the temperature j and this was followed by a drizzling j rain which continued well on into saturday but on saturday night and j sunday morning there were no cor alfeviating conditions and the great- est apprehension generally was felt i happily these fears were not real- i ized unless in the case of buck- wheat a tender grain and which may be seriously affected up to wednesday the weather still remain- j ed cold and damp smith smith land surveyors and- engineers lindsayipjitario surveying municipal engineering drainag- roadways a high ciudk elijott school yonge and alexander streets toronto invites the patronage of those who desire toget the best train ing for choice business positions write today for catalogue enter any time w j elliott principal j you are thirsty get a drink of our ice cold drinks a large variety to choose from or a good dish of neilsons ice cream which is much appre ciated on a hot day for fancy biscuits fruits vegetables and good fresh groceries- give us a trial we will try to please you we deliver to your home oyd turner phone 909 limbing furnaces our very long experience at plumbing and furnace work- enables us not only to do the work just right but suggest line of goods that are worth the money and will give you lasting satisfaction- we do not ask our customers to buy brands that we have not satisfied ourselves are ok and the makes behind the goods must be solid and durable able and willing to furnish service and repairs dont experiment- with untried firms and brands but let us look after your plumbing and heating problems we know how- we have well tested makes our prices we know are right our greatest ambition is more and more satisfied customers bring your plumbing and heating problems to us we will help you solve them make your home comfort able- sanitary- uptodate silvester bros the sale byywalter bennett of the fine farm or 100 acres on the 8th concession of markham town ship two miles south of markham village to david shadiock whose place adjoinsat 5110 anxacre or 511000 constitutes one of the high est prices forpurely farm lands out side of the sneculativerarea for some time the land is sjrfd to be remark ably free from weeds and for years mr bennett ms been disposing of his grain of all kinds for seed pur poses v we have heard of farmers who allow the weeds to grow on their farms higher than the corn but in stouffville the streets commission of the council allow the weeds to climb and spread until they hide the whole beauty of the community citizens should take a look at the vacant lot opposite the post office and note the unsightly appearance of one of the towns most conspi cuous corners a few cents is the small cost to clean up such spots in the community and the horticul tural society would do well to in fluence the municipal fathers to make the expenditure as this issue of the tribune is being printed the horticultural society fruit and flower show is in progress in the curling rink the number of entries in this the first exhibition of the society surpassed all expectations exhibits coming from as far away as toronto and port perry the extreme cold weather which prevailed all day was not conducive to a successful show still in the face of this the whole affair was a grand triumph the names of the prize winners will ap pear in our next issue one of the duties that devolves upon the ratepayers at the present imet istosee that he or she has his or her name properly recorded on the voters iist in this issue of the tribune and last the clerk of the various municipalities in this local ity are giving notice to all persons to examine the lists now hung up in the clerks office to make sure you are properly recorded next month there will be an important vote on the liquor question and any whose names are not on the voters list will be unable to vote stouffville school fair the stouffville district 1st annual rural school fair will take place at the school grounds on saturday sept 13th the following schools will take part in the fair- ringwood bloomington lenionville mongolia and the five divisions ofrne stouff ville public scwool mk rogers the district representative of north york is wording lsrd to make this one of the bestfairs in his district each pupi has in his or her posses sion a copy of the prize list which is varied and very extensive we expect the parents to cooperate heartily with the children in mak ing this one of the bestwhoot fairs in north york the marriage of a former stouff ville citizen ell a vonbuseck son of the late august vonbuseck a harnessinaker of this place about a quarter of a century ago took place at erie penn on tuesday sept 2nd the bride being miss elizabeth vonbuseck whose home is in erie until recently the groom had lived at sunderland where he disposed of his harness shop last spring rev mr frampton of ashbury m e church tied the nuptial knot assis ted by the brides cousin rev john h lawrence of etawah india fol lowing a visit to canada the couple will be at home to their friends in erie after the ceremony mrt and mrs lewis vonbuseck gave a recep tion for the bridal couple in west bridge road which was attended by about sixty friends and relatives boadways drug v store stouffville fall millinery we have secured the services of miss weliar an experienced mil liner and have an uptodate showing of fall hats in the latest styles and colors we invite your inspec tion mrsr wilson every farmer round here can make and save money with a gilson silo filler in dividual farmers as well as small groups whose farms lie together whats the use of paying for the hired outfit year after year to fill your silo why should you have to wait your turn and ensilage your crop before or after the corn has reached its prime within a few days after the outfits gone your silage has shrunk down considerably with a cutter of your own handy you could quickly re fill and that extra ensilage will quickly pay for your gil- son silo filler the gilson is the lightestrun ning blower cutter made its guaranteed to cut and elevate more ensilage with the same power than any other box on the market your own or your neighbors 4 hp or larger engine will run it lets get together and talk the matter over no obliga tion ill be glad to submit prices of a gilson suitable for the job mr d a pugh claremoht ont phone 2417 cminant jiliniaiity sictef tandard garage -for- day or night service phone we will guarantee all work done to at our garage we solicit your business your car used cars in stock 1922 ford touring like new v 1922 ford coupe- good condition look these over before- buying gasoline oils and free air at covered ser vice station sales stouffville and service phone 165 5 i ai