Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 11, 1924, p. 3

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arbitration is keynote of mac- i donalds speech at geneva meeting r a despatch from geneva says will find an honored and welcome prime minister macdonald of great place britain dominated the assembly of he said it was impossible to deal the league of nations on thursday with germany while berlin remains in an hour speech during which he isolated and while there is a menaci defined the british position i irg empty chair in our midst he askj he declared against miitary alii- ed to have germany join the league ances by groups of nations he de- now j clared definitely for arbitration agree- he urged the convocation of a dis- ments he pleadsd with the smaller armament conference in europe at1 nations to base their security on in- tendd by representatives of all thej ternational arbitration agreements nations including the united states rather than on military pacts and and germany and he recommended said j also- elaboration of the covenant of j history is full of military pacts the league snd that the authority of but always there have been invasions j the coumi be exercised so as to insure he said the united states germany the continued existence and prosper- and russia must come into the league uy of th lague of nations he complimented the un- he declared likewise that the brit- itcd states for its hell in the london ishsovis i treaty was a first step to- settlcment and said europe for the ward hrihgin russia into the league past few years has not oftercd united the french delegation meeting on states a very attractive companion- j thursday afternoon following mac- ship but when the united states own donalds speech decided to endorse his heart will incline her to come in she position in its general lines us army fliers complete world trip forced to descend in casco bay maine by heavy fog a despatch from portland malno says lieut lowell h smith com mander of the united states armyj world flight and his two companions lieut erik h nelson ald lieut leigh wade were forced jffivn by fog in casco bay on frido in their flight from pictou ns their planes were not damaged and the flight to boston tius interrupted will be concluded on saturday if the weather is favorable the fliers came ashore at mere point near brunswick and arranged to spend the night at summer cottages the flight started at pictou friday morning with good weather but as tjie planes came down from the bay of fundy and headed along the maine coast the fog began to bother them they were forced to fly low most of the way- at times not more than 150 feet above the water over the telephone lieut smith gave to the press a brief account of the experiences of the fliers we ran into fog most of the way down the coast he said when we reached casco bay it was dense but we hoped we could make our way along a little farther in the thought that we might strike clear weather it could not be done and we looked around for a landing place boston sept 7 with a national presidential salute of twentyone guns flashing in their ears the us army aroundtheworld fliers floated down on boston harbor at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon completing their last jump over seas they arrived after a flight of 135 shanghai foreign settlement protected by cordon of sailors this little shack is the temporary municipal building at haileybury oaif fight for control of port waged in fields of growing grain without material progress being made by either army a despatch from washington the boundary of northern chekiang to says a protective cordon composed point west of woo sung the outer d i port of shanghai the tnird army of shanghai volunteer corps and brit- 1 g strong tf stationed ish united states japanese and j hang chow and ningpo in northern french sailors will be thrown about chekiang the foreigr ettlement in shanghai to though troops estimated to number prevent the entry of armed chinese j 40000 battled throughout the day forces there a despatch from shanghai says although only one of the three armies of gencral lu yung hshian tuchiln tario which has served the purpose following the disastrous flre which wiped out most of the town some time ago the weeks markets jdo good 650 to 7 export heifers so to 650 baby beeves 7u0 to 10 j butcher steers choice 6 to 650 do igood 550 to 6 do med 5 to 550 i com 3 to 450 butcher heifers tho shanghainanking railway to j yangtse river was lightly held control of shanghai against the as saults of general che shichyuan of kiangsu was engaged in the battle which continued throughout thursday the chekiang headquarters assert it was able to more than hold its own despite the fact that its line from toronto man wheat no 1 north 5144 j choice 6 to 650 do med 5 to lord glenavys difficult job is to pre side over the affairs of the senate of the irish free state with boundary disputes holding sway his work has been particularly exacting of late major fighting near shanghai coast no 2- north v39vi n vnorth 5575 do com 3 to 425 butcher 136 jcows choice 4 to 450 do med man oats no 2 cw 61 he no 3 to 4 butcher bulls- good 4 to 3 cw 59c extra no 1 feed 59vc 425 do fair 350 to 4 bolognas no 1 feed 58c no 2 feed 56c i t0 3 canners and cutters 1 to all the above cif bay ports j 250 feeding steers good 6 to am corn track toronto no 2 625 do fair 450 to 5 stackers yellow 136 i good 4 to 5 do fair 350 to 425 millfeed del montreal freights milkers springers eh 75 to 100 do x bags included bran per ton fair 40 to 50 calves ch 9 to 11 scndted causing a further influx of shorts per ton 31 middlings 37 j med 56 to 850 d0j 3 50 j refugees into shanghai the chinese good feed flour per bag 210 i 4 lambs choice ewes 12 to quarter of which is already crowded 1250 do bucks 10 to 1050 do l out oats no 3 white 50 to 52c ont wheat no 2 winter 112 to 117 no 3 winter 110 to 115 no 1 commercial 107 to 112 fob shipping points according to freights barley malting 75 to 78c rye 87 to 89c ont flour new ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt shipment 575 toronto basis 575 bulk seaboard 565 manitoba flour first pats in jute sacks 790 per barrel 2nd pats s740 culls 8 to 9 sheep light ewes 650 to 725 do culls 2 to 450 hogs fed and watered 1010 tb fob 950 do country points 925 do select fed and watered 1050 do off cars long haul 1050 montreal oats cw no 2 65 to 66c do cw no 3 64 to 64c extra no 1 feed 63c do no 2 local white 6114 c competent eyewitnesses declared that neither side had made any material gain in the fighting the battlefront extended from the line of the shanghai nanking railway to the yangtse river about 18 miles from shanghai at its nearest point and about 25 miles at the most distant there was no evidence that tho kiangsu had any cooperation from naval force on the yangtse river in dications were that the chekiang troops would be able to hold that sec tor unless the attacking forces were heavily reinforced at several points the opposing fight ers were hidden from each other by fields- of growing grain through which the rifle and machinegun bullets cut their way eyewitnesses said that undoubtedly the fighterswere wasting large amounts of ammunition in the characteristic manner of chineso troops firing wildly general lu yunghsiang command- with people fleeing to escape the j cr of the defending forces styles his fighting i command the chekiangshanghai general lu has two further lines of force the defenders are divided defence the second held by 20000 j in three armies only one of which men the same number as engaged in has thus far actually been engaged in thursdays battle extends from near t fighting the chekiang leader reported their army held their positions in the centre and made some progress in- the hwangtu sector on the railway and in the vicinity of liuho on the river both sides are said to be rushing up reinforcements men and women in the affected area are being con- greetings of king and prince to fliers f spr w receive cable of congratula- s790- ho rfnnhs 7 1ft- hi rfrrtw 790 do seconds 740 do strdhg hav extra no 2 timothv ner ton j bakers 770 do winter pats choice tions from balmoral rrince track toronto 1750 no 2 17 no i 7 to 720 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 3 15 mixed 13 lower grades 10 355 to 375 bran 2925 shorts to 12 i 3125 middlings 3725 hay no straw carlots per ton 950 to 2 per ton car lots 1650 to 17 10 veal calves suckers 7 to 8 do shakes hands warmly new york sept 8 the us world fliers on their arrival on mit- chel field this afternoon received the new western vheat grading up well winnipeg man sept 7 inspec tion of the new crop of wheat up to and including friday sept 5 con sisted of 189 cars of which the fol lowing grades were represented show ing that the early wheat has been grading well no 1 northern 160 screenings standard recleaned grassers s3 to 350 lambs 750 tofcgr no 2 northern 22 cars reject- iob bay ports per ton 2250 10 sheep 350 to 6 hogs 875 to f but of ki y- who ed 8 cars and smutty 1 car one odd wv trf m ti ag 6 genera car of oats was also inspected and patrick- graded no 3 cw the total number cheese new large 20c twins 950 do better weights 20c triplets 21c stiltons 22 to 23c 1025 sows 6 to 7 old large 23 to 24c twins 24 to a 25c triplets 25 to 26c omvlr sale of fnnnrlian butter finest creamery prints 38 uick 3ale ot lanadian to 39c no 1 creamery 36 to 37c no i securities on ny market a despatch from new york says 10 to all sectors engage in civil warfare wild firing rea son for few casualties shanghai sept 7 engagements jr 34to35c dairy 28 to 30c were reported today in all sectors eggs extras fresh in cartons including changhing in chekiang pro- 45c extra loose 43c firsts 37c sec vince about 100 miles southwest of onds 30 to 31c shanghai and huchachen in kiangsu live poultry hens ove r 5 lbs province on the west shore of taihu gggg fi dvifeis national railways was oversubscribed lake 7o miles west of shanghai but r 12c ducklings 4 to 5 lbs and the books closed before noon on f the major struggle centred on the 18c friday according to an announcement small town of lieuho on the seacoast dressed poultry hens over 5 lbs by dillon read t co head of the barely 30 miles northwest of shanghai 26c do 4 to 5 lbs 22c do 3 to 4 oank s yildicate offeri ng the bonds here late mght reports confirmed the lbs 18c spring chickens 2 lbs and the offerimr drice of the bonds was outbreak of fighting sunday at tsing- over me roosters 15c ducklings 4 1 m pu east of taihu lake where the obj balmoral castle sept 8 will you of cars of barley inspected was 137 kindly convey to lieut smith and the jf we jj- 3 cvv 17 no 4 other fliers my hearty congratulations cw no e ft 11 rejected on completing for the first time in and 2 barley and wild oats new crop history the circle of the world by rye naturally showed the heaviest ta- spections totalling 484 cars the sm dominion of canada offering of aeroplane i have followed with ln j sections totalling 4 cars ine 20c j 26000000 30year 4 per cent terest and admiration the progress of nl cw 30 ko 2 tsly bonds for the account of the canadian their historic undertaking george cw 30 1 cw 5 no grade 136 miles in little less than two hours from casco bay me where a thick fog forced them down friday they set tled in sheltered water off noddle is land the armys airport in east bos ton at 210 oclock although maine soil was the first in the united states they touched after their epochal circumterrestrial beans canadian handpicked lb ii jr- i c i etuis vjimmiiiiii iiuuu- wviveu iui y ot 475 per cent jectiveof the kiangsu troops is sum- 6c primesc the offering contr to the kiang a city only about 20 miles south- 1 maple products syrup per imp strength of the canadian dollar which west of shanghai late reprts from gal 52 per 5gal tin 240 per has been at par or a fraction above the hwangtu sector northwest of gah maple sugar lb 25 to 26e for the past week the canadian doli shangnai indicated that the chekiang honeyg0lb tins 13c per lb commanded a premi of 132 of advance had reached liutuchao fab tins if 5-tt- t he cent on fhda an eyewitness returning tonight tins hio ioc m from lieuho reported that the che- 1 leashams med 27 to 29c cooked hams 42 to 44c smoked t i j r kiang troops were withstanding all at- rolg 18 to 20c cott rolls 21 to new zealand continues their historic undertaking george r i from the prince of wales the fliers received personal congratulations after the ceremonies at mitchel field grand stand lieut smith and his five planetgirdling brothers were pre sented to the prince i am delighted to meet you said the prince as he shook hands with lieut smith your achievement has been wonderful flight their arrival here was their tacks though the kiansu line hadbeen 24cj breakfast acon 23 tojj7c spe- to reduce taxation official return to this country and it advanced about a mile just south of cial brand breakfast bacon 29 to 31c was attended with pomp ceremony i lieuho the desertedtown was under backs boneless 36 to 40c- despatch from wellington new and a tremendous display of enthusi- 1 heavy shell fire and continuous ma- 1 cured meatsljng clear bacon 50 zeaundi says zealand is one sm that indelibly imprinted itself chine gun and rifle fire of both 7 p lightweight 9 the few countries which is able to rolls in barrels 32 heavyweight steadily reduce its taxation this rolls 27 j yoars budget reduces the land tax by lard pure tierces 17 to 18c 10 per cent and the income tax by tubs 17 to 18c pails 18 to 18cj 1313 p cen mr massey prime- upon those who witnessed it northern ontario teacher encounters bear in woods fort william sept 8it evident- j sk 20 the number of casualties ly takes more than a bear to scaro continues out of proportion to the tre- miss thelma bradley from tho pathi a 1 l 7 t of duty she has just come to the witness rdated the haphazard method district to take charge of no 1 f the tr ying that the sol- school in pardee township and one dl t d rifles and even of her early experiences was an en- pcces utterly regardless of aim- counter with a bear as she was walk- m sm p them at the ing from her boarding place to the schooihouse canadians returning the trail lay through a section ofi tdzvs umitrn otatpo the woods and after she had gone a rkum uinhjuj blaltb short distance along it she looked up and saw a big black bear trotting immigration officials see be- along toward her for a moment she ginning of large influx of thought of flight but not for long p xj 1 the bear had a peaceful expression dominion workers on its face which gave her confidence i a despatch from windsor says and she calmly continued her walk to what local immigration officials be- meet it j lieve to be the beginning of a large i didnt feel a bit afraid- she influx oi canadians from tho united baid i was quite confident that if states is seen in the monthly figures i did nothing to excite the bears issued by the department for august hostility he would never dream of s that last month 852 per- harming me sure enough when s entered canada at the port of the two were a few paces apart bruin j windsor of that number 410 were looked up saw miss bradley quietly canadians returning home after years disputing the right of way gave a of sojourning in the unittd states snort shd turning off into the bushj vfctc 38 persons refused ad- by the side of tha trail vanished amid j mission 50 chine gun and rifle fire of both sides to 70 lbs 17 70 to 90 lbs 1650 general ho fangling defence com- 90 lbs and up 1550 lightweight missioner of shanghai under lu yunghusien the governor of cheki ang spent the day in this sector per sonally directing the chekiang army the wounded there numbered per- 1519000 visitors at canadas fair prints 20 to 20c shortening minister also intends to ask the house tierces 16 to 16c tubs 16 to to reducc the amuscment ta and th 17c oails 17 to 17c orints 18 to v fl 1 13- the rustling of shrubbery england is inundated with flood of pennies l at wnlkcrville ont of 56 persons admitted 45 were canadians returning from various parts of the united states the majority of them however being from detroit there were 134 i rejections a ls- of s of t- not struck off any since 1922 is unde- 1 ic h t lnnd f w cided whether to coin any next year sams coun tho london gas light co which is a proprietor of the largest number of trade treaty between clot meters in this city has an nccumj canada and netherlands ulation of 17000000 pennies which it aers choice s750 to 77 tobacco duty thus making the re missions of 03000 pounds in all a despatch from london says- k out ere is a glut of pennies in this t i ffts i ia unable to unload the mint can well afford to let up on tho manufacture of copper coins j customs duties by both parties i3 pro as it is stated officially that a profit in n trade treaty between can- a despatch from ottawa says j mostfavorednation treatment increase of 26000 over 1923 attendance gives evidence of prosperity toronto sept 8 for the first timo in the history of the canadian nation al exhibition the millionandahalf mark has been passed and as a result and rejected 5 cars five of missing men picked up in gulf of st lawrence sydney ns sept 7 five of tho fifteen men missing from the three- masted schooner raymond which was torn from her moorings in st pierre harbor during last thursdays gala and wrecked on the rocks at fortune bay nfld were picked up in the gulf of st lawrence by the cgs arras friday and landed at north sydney yesterday the men were practically exhausted and unable to stand on be ing taken aboard the rescuing craft hope is expressed for the safety of tho remainder of the raymonds crew the rescued five stated that they saw the other boats early on friday morn ing and the expectations of an uniden tified sailing vessel which came in stays several miles from the arras- the year 1924 will go down in the and shortly after resumed her course records of the fair as one of the peaks lead to the belief that she had hova of optimism and owing to the finej pick t ten u spirit displayed by the citizens in gen- c fruitfinds market eral the opinion has been strengthen- s rruitrinds market ed that the era of depression has pass- in england and germany f ed its lowest point and the country is s more on the up grade towards a despatch from london says prosperity the grand total of at- hon s f tolmie states that arrange- tendance at the end of the two weeks ments have been concluded whereby stood at 1519000 compared with the a hamburg firm takes half a million highrecord figure of 1493000 of the i boxes of canadian apples if procur- year previous and while there were able mr dettart acting for their fluctuations in the attendance during agent sails on saturday on the pitts- the two weeks the temper of the peo- burgh for halifax and will see the pie was fairly even and the majority i nova scotian merchants there before of the days showed increases over the he proceeds to british columbia via corresponding days of the year before kootcnay mr cosgravc of the dept i of trade and commerce has also con- j family of fourteen eluded a deal with a leading british t 1 f t 1 nrm prepared to take an unlimited i ravel on une 1 icket quan of firstclass fruit and i freight mr dettart is also this firms sole agent the deal offers exception- j railroad rules are made to keep so al opportunities to the canadian fruit when mrs frank scott of jcyc t iowa presented one ticket to ac bi and q conductor today for herself committee of guarantees and thirteen children all under five g way to dawej pj years of ne the conductor gasped j out took the ticket a despatch from paris says tho mrs scott carried the family bible commission decided on to prove that all the children ar her th that duri tho ap 7m sh mother of nineteen f h awes reparation plan the children there are five sets of trip comm gnarantem not lets and two sets of twins the chit1 ttvuiccjv j i j ti exercise the attributions conferred dren occupied five double seats in the train they were on their way to jrcgina canada prairie du chen wis sept 8- i to interest canadian manu facturers in 1925 exposition a despatch from london says f 1 w bridges who organizes tht jhip- j ping engineering and machinery trade upon it by the treaty of versailles and by the schedule of payments of may 1921 s 4500 in old stamps are found in london a despatch from london says during the turning over of old docu ments in the record office here l rtrtrt i lllirm3 in iliu iwivlu wiuti ihii u exhibition held yeary since 1906 at tatih f new south waes posuga olympia has sailed for quebec to in- f th 1855 issue was di3cover j terest canadian manufacturers m c establishing a canadian section in the exposition in november 1925 mr bridges who is in touch with the high- j est class manufacturing concerns here sfmq0mu the prlnce 0 wa ning ast ear due to the uso on friday legislation will be ncces- f silver coi of a new alloy in this currency j vii i mu1j mitivii ll uv sary to give the treaty effect re at mcadowbrook during the international polo matches the f several of them he last visited prince is a known player of ability canada thirtysix years ago ed collectors value them at 4500 the stamps were attached to a re port sent to the colonial secretary by the governor of new south wzlet if you dont know what you want others will sell you what ybodont want

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