m the fine qualities h463 green tea cannot be adecjuately described but they can be appreciated in tbe teacup free sample of 6reeh tea upon request salada toronto variations composers ol music have often chosen to take a theme of simplicity dignity and beauty and repeat it with subtle changes sir edward elgar wrote a series which he named enig ma giving to the sections the initials of his friends brahms took a theme from haydn as his text arensky used an idea from a song of tchaikowsky bome writers of music have borrowed from their own earlier works a melody for ingenious elaboration jlusic owes much of its charm to its modulations its shifts and its sur- pries a great deal of the joy of life at large outside the realm of music is due to the unexpected breaking in upon the familiar and the common place variety is the spice of hfbjj is the proverbial way of putting the truth that human nature delights in the refreshing differences of scene of personal acquaintance of vital experi ence therefore the vacation we need now and then to get away from the place wo know too well the people we see too much among those people we must count ourselves we must break loose from that familiar tyran nous identity that looks at us in the morning mirror eats out every meal sits at our desk and does our work and shakes hands with all our friends to feel like a new man is to put off the old one whom we have endured too long how can we bring variety into a lite bouni down to plain dull drab rou tine by family cares by ties not simp ly industrial but parental and filial and domestic how can we break away from business that must be done when there is no oor else to do it we cannot shirk our burden of duty to other shoulders we must carry on since we have no substitute what is to supply the need of change the need of a refreshing difference be tween today and tomdrrow we can make some sort of contrast if we will we can refrain from do ing the same old thing in the same old way if we set our minds on a con stant improvement in the being that we bring to every task and in the do ing of the work we ought to have an intellectual outreach beyond anything we do if the solid earth is beneath i our feet so are the stars set over our i heads to remind us that this world is i not all perhaps we cannot travel to i far places nor share the presence of i delightful people nor go when we are j tied to a delightful avocation but iwe can if we will find pleasure in i our work we can do things with ja difference and that difference should mean a quickened enthusiasm a fresh determination an unquench- able will to live and to do our best un- j der all conditions those looking for a continual holiday which means no i more than a luxurious idleness will not givemuch pleasure and comfort jto their tiresome selves but those seeking to enrich life with a fuller meaning and a greater usefulness will never he heard to lament that exist ence is dull and that there is nothing they care to do when hearts command- 3y elizabeth york miller whm heart command from minds the taget ccunsellingt depart rttr glean seed gbain fanning mills i supply screens wire oloth zlncl repairs chatham fanning mills and other makes- incubator supplies thermometers manson campbell chatham ont minards liniment heals cuts dust as evidence microscopic examination of the dirt and dust upon the clothing of sus pects is a new scheme of the french police to catch criminals after crossexamination the sus- i pects are stripped of their clothing whose superficial dust is first examined under a strong microscope a vacuum i cleaner is next applied to draw out other dirt into a pan in some instances a more thorough i process in which heating figures is used to separate all particles of for eign matter from the dirt thus se- j cured the detectives determine wheth- er the suspect has been telling the truth one murderer tried to prove an alibi by saying that he had slept in an open field the night of the crime microscopic examination of his cloth ing showed that he had slept in a quarry an unsuspected carpenter was con nected with a murder by means of sawdust found on a piece of overall which the victim had torn from his assailant ahdwhich was found at the scene of the crime the chief value of the new plan has been in breaking down the bravado of criminals they frequently con fess when shown that their first stories were lies ward is vaiabe in the diet gives more zest and na tion ki it must be item ikwithfs it uses less fuel save money by using smp enam eled ware cooking vessels they use less fuel to satisfy yourself try this convincing test in your kitchen take an smp enameled sauce pan and one of equal size made of aluminum tin or other metal into each pour two quarts of cold water place each sauce pan over the fire the water in the smp enameled sauce pan win be boil ing merrily when the water in the other is just beginning to simmer save your money use a face of porcelain and a heart of steel tbrce flnltbe fetrl wfcr two coats of prtrfr enamel liulde and out diamond war tnroe coat uxht bin and whit oat- aide whlto llntni- ctratal war throe coats pore whlto inaldo and oat with rojal blao edtin chapter xxxii gaunt wished that he had been uick enough to take the telegram rom jeans hand but before he got there she had torn it open and read it the girl stood waiting for her to sign and to know if there was an answer jean shook her head no there was no answer sign for me hugo she said she dropped limply down into one of the little iron chairs and laid her head on the table there was no sound or movement from her hugo forgot that he was annoyed he put his arm around her shoulders and bent over her jean dear jean he implored distress in others made him infinite ly miserable gaunt picked up the yel low slip of paper which had fluttered to the ground and read what was writ ten on it dont expect letters have nothing to write about just now both quite well alice that was all gaunts brows drew together in a puzzled frown and he put on his horn rimmed spectacles to make sure there was nothing he had missed let me see whispered hugo gaunt handed him the telegram well whats the matter she isnt even ill whats the matter with you jean hugo demanded jean raised her head slowly gaunt was shocked by her expression life seemed to have gone out of her she looked like a dead woman give it to me please she said hugo gave it to her and she tucked it into the front of her blouse then she got up and went into the villa hugo plucked at- hector gaunts coatsleeve hector why is she behaving like that ought we to do anything will you go in to see whats the matter with her or shall i gaunt shook his head no leave her alone he said gruffly he began to fill his pipe and made quite a busi cerning herself do you understand apparently hugo didnt that is not fully he implied as much jean doesnt want her to know that ive ever been in broadmoor he said it might make her nervous if she thought anyone ever believed her fath er wastnsane gaunt brought his clenched fist down heavily on the table leaning for ward and trying to fix hugo with a blasting stare unfortunately hugo was not to be fixed you know you are not alices fath er gaunt said coldly why are you making this absurd pretence hugo blinked i think you mus be a little mad he murmured really hector it doesnt sound quite nice nice bellowed gaunt im not trying to be nice hush not so loud hugo threw an apprehensive glance towards the villa but jean was probably in her own room on the other side of the house gaunt modified his voice someday it may be necessary for all of us to faco facts he went on all of us i say including alice and her husband that telegram for in stance im inclined to think theres something behind it ardeyne may have found out that youre supposed to be alices father he may have told alice hugo shifted uneasily the same idea had occurred to him that is to say that ardeyne had told alice he didnt want jean to know how he had been fooling her about ardeyne all this time ih his own troubled mind that was the complete solution of alices strange silence followed by that cold and baffling telegram i wish you wouldnt keep on saying that im supposed to be alices fath er he said peevishly im not ashamed of her although i can quite well understand jeans attitude as re gards me some people might think that i really had been insane but if i i chose to speak the truth about myself i could soon put all that rlght i making wash day pleasant jusl use rinso where you used lo use bar soap for looting boiling or in your washing machine the hardest part or washday rubbing rubbing rubbing ha given way to the new method or eoaking the clothe clean with rinao this wonderful now soap gently loosens the dirt and a thorough rinsing leaves things white and sistenlng as you never could get em before only spots where the dirt is ground- in such as neck bands cuff edges and the like need a light rubbing and a little dry rinso rubbed on these spots quickly makes the dirt disappear rinso is sold by all grocer and department stores b41j made by the makers of lux ness of lighting it hugo watched him pieaded guilty and i wasnt anxiously and supplied a second match when the first did not suffice hector what was there about that telegram to make jean so unhappy he persisted i dont know gaunt replied was it because alice didnt send her love i dont know come to think of it she might have written to her own mother hugo was trying hard to work it out guilty it was the lawyers who put forward a plea of insanity as well they took a lot on themselves i can tell you carrie egan knows about it she knows just how mad i was dont go away he said address ing jean come and stay with me at the farm as i asked you to before hugo waited apprehensively for her reply he much preferred the larger world to monte nero devoted as he was to gaunt im too restless jean said thank i dont care a hang about any of that gaunt interrupted angrilythe y0 a the same hector fact remains me too hugo chimed in im dinners ready said jean from m too restless but were quite ap- the doorway preciative jean and i its most kind her face was still ghastly white but 0 y t ask us for himself she mioht have found she was composed and her voicel daunt brushed him aside as though ii i s fit e sounded cheerful hugo rose with hc had bcen an irri insect jean im asking you not to go time for a little letter even if fhe alacrity hadnt anything to write about jean j ready he repeated al ls so fond of her alice ought to have the information seemed super- fluous remembered that she ought to have thought how jean would be anxious to hear from her dont you think so hector hector nodded and puffed hard at his pipe he too was vastly per plexed where are they staying hugo asked who ardeyne and alice gaunt also rose a quest of truth the 1924 session of the british as sociation for the advancement ol science at toronto was not a meeting of savants voyaging through stranga seas of thought where ordinary mor tals cannot follow some of the con ferences dealt with issues of direct and vital consequence having to co with the nutritive value of mans daily bread what thecolloid is to chemis try the vitamin is to our food the huge and fundamental question that physicists are asking and answering what goes on within the atom becomes the everyday concern ol he repeated bordighera will bo quite endurable for another two months this villa is hot and stuffy now i grocer and housekeeper for a sound illils protested hugo aikltorotjata physique depends on the right answer to lust such questions as were raised time in the course of their long friend- 1 j want to go to london and start in ship hugo smarle had beaten himj f myself ive got a won- the first occasion of course was der schem when he followed jean in her flight jean threw him a distrustful glance to london and persuaded her to marry hug0j nc you mustnt him gaunt had no more than realized gjjg cr the fact that she had flown when the g sa gaunt once get at toronto with regard to the essen tial constituents of human diet research continues even whil2 a sensational murder trial engages an audience of distant invisible millions of e whodid you think i f f her marriage to hugo reached him a from here and youll have while multitudes have little mental nt film i wiiii viinfla full 1 n l 4- the schweizerhof ardeyne meant at said then i shall write and tell alice what i think ofhor hugo announced firmly shes an ungrateful daugh ter gaunt threw him a dark look please dont forget that she doesnt even know youre supposed to be her father he said hugos expression was subtly stub born he favored his friend with one of those sly sidewise glances of his i i your hands full i employment on anv plane above 1aza as things were it seemed impossible she rose and the men followed her l the whims of flappers science to continue the discussion just now jnto narrow strip of garde a up it was a most uncomfortable meal hugo- pulling at gaunts arm and pro of flappers pays no tribute to sensationalism it jean was lively and chatty overflow testing all the time that he didnt discounts flamboyant prophecies in- ing with high spirits she talked of mean t0 be kept in bondage that if tended to- advertise the prophet its wanting a change the villa charmil jean wanted to leave bordighera what sole concern is for the fact and when was getting tiresome bordighera was affair wfis it 0 hectors hundreds cross the ocean for such a much too hot not an ideal summer re- tor don you reaiizc that t deliberation it is reassuring to those sort by any means they would move netmir uon c juu reaua ii r on hugo and she unhappy and restless jean said hugo clapped his hands and ably f h wh ea enou seconded her suggestions gaunt was b has forgotten me already very gloomy he couldnt bear the dont understand you my i i want to get away thought of his loneliness nor the wnere l can forget which told so little yet conveyed an thbugrit of jean wanderingabout havi gft away from yourself expression of infinite wisdom ing the care of that little madman with p de sal fty i shall sign it uncle john of t0 help her in case she needed it oni w is course he said nevertheless that who are inclined temporary epoch even decadent age to regard our con- a frivolous and 16s doesnt alter my right to tell her what i think of her even in these days a father has a few rights gaunts expression grew a little darker he sat down in the chair de serted by jean leaned his elbows on the stone table and puffed very hard indeed at his troublesome pipe there again was this thing which had so worried jean hugos cool assumption of fatherhood it must be scotched once and for all else there might be rocks ahead no one can foretell the demands of the future gaunt pointed to a chair on the other side of the table sit down hugo i want to talk to you hugo slipped furtively into the chair in a defiant schoolboy manner argument was written large all over his weak little face gaunt who knew him of old must have realized that he was in one of his peculiarly stubborn moods but gaunt too could be stub born and in the long ago it had bcen i easy enough to deal with hugo smarle a word or frown from the beloved idol had always brought hugo to his knees perhaps hector gaunt traded too heavily on his past knowledge of this odd little man i what do you want to talk torrhe about hugo asked with a great as- sumption of meekness j about alice and your supposed- re- j iation to her gaunt replied it mayj become necessary to tell the truth con- ontario gollege of art grange pa rli toioruo drawingpaintingmodeilincdesign dipioma course junior course teachers course- commercial art gare1d rca- principal session 19245 opens october 6th for prospectus apply to registrar healthy 1 of course the temperance lecturer warmed to his subject best for you and hugo setting aside what is this menace this vicious the fact that i want to be able to look plague that threatens the nation he after you i cried can any of those within the hugo took from his pocket the bam- hearing of my voice name the thing boo pipe he had made and stared at it y robb tbe youth of our land mrmowfm h id of satt lit up he set the pipe to his lips j fui accomplishment and even of life and played a few notes throwing l crea ship your cream to us and ob tain the best results with high est price for number one quality daily returns cans supplied and express charges paid write for cans now bowes co ltd toronto issue no 35 24 kelseyheaiin xsjlght heaiin the kelsey warmalrgen- erator will heal every room in your hou3alt 1s7 easy to operate and costs less for fuel than any other heating method heats both small and large houses with equal satisfaction wnrre for particulars james smart plant rockvuu ont gaunt and jean his sly sidewise glance- waving the pipe he cried i could be quite nappy at the villa tatina gaunt looked at jean and a faint color mantled her wan checks and you he asked i was happy there once she re- plied too happy that garden swarms with ghosts maddelipa is such a good cook pleaded hugo theres the tower room i could take up my painting again you said you didnt want me to go into business jean if i can be happy at the villa tatina why cant we go there its just because i want to go i suppose whatever i want j everybody opposes as far as hugo was concerned- any t change however silght was better than none at all j and theres tito hc went on id give anything for a dog meddcline would let me have him i know at least shed let me pretend hes mine- while were there maddelina is such a gfod coik and you unow how both ered youse been with louisa it was settled by hugo and gaunt between them but jeans consent did not prove difficult to obtain in spite of the ghosts which haunted the gar den she was drawn to the dear old place in less than a week they had ex changed their very modest quarters for the more spacious domain of the j villa tatina 1 it was like coming home after twenty long years of lonely wandering to he continued o for sore feet mlnarda ualmeiit tater bugs responded a voice from the rear of the hall shrill anxious to see at wembley a little girl accosted an official outside the australian section and asked him please sir can yon tell me what time the australians are fed fter every meal cleanses mouth and teelb and aids digestion relieves that over eaten feeling and actd mouth its iast1ng flavor satlslles the craving for sweets wrlgleys is double value in the benefit and pleasure it provides staled in it parity package r23 shejlavorlasis