stouffyillb august 7th 1924 local happenings read the advertisements a local bowling tournament was played last friday evening the win ners being dr i a free and mr p l button second there were ten teams entered and a keen con test resulted music day at the cnadian nation al exhibition mill b on thursday aug 28th wbfn there will be band instrumental nd ocul competitions and a series of outdoor concerts about the grounds by outstanding choral and operatic organizations a great deal of petty thieving in connection with autonjobiles ingoing on in markham reports have been received of siphoned gasoljnestolen tire3 and tools since tbis been reported for some aimeand appar ently no efficient actiotf taken sev eral car owners have announced their intension of keeping a shotsun within reach to protect their pro perty there is a decided suspicion aa to the identity of some of the offenders young girl wants position light house work apply to box m tri bune an ice cream social is to be held on the ringwood school lawn on wednesday august 13th a good program will be provided the young peopled mission cir cle will meet on monday evening august 11th at 8 oclock in the mennonite church stouffviue mr peter shupe a singing teacher from toronto will be with us to address the meeting on an evening with the hymn writers selections from the various composers will be sung by the audience corns along and help everybody welcome mr ambrote stover the local bread manufacturer increased the price of bread on friday last by one cent a ioacor from eight to nino cents thecafse of the increase is the sharp advance in the price of flour whch has advanced from around sto 8 per barrel the increase of a cent a loaf is not quite sufficientto cover the increased cost of the flor clean up sale boots and shoes all must go some less than cost mens work boots fine shoes and oxfords ladies one and two strap patent or kid oxfords in black suede and white white and grey sandals patent sandals for the children running shoes mens can vas boots leather soles 150 every pair a bargain j come and look them over george saunders over shaws dry goods stouffville ontario 9k30c losaoi xoe30x xqcxqx 30e30 loudens dont wait for the busy season start right jnowtand equip your barn with loudens hay fork and carriers and other barnfixtures 1 go j lawson phone 182 thk west end grocer stouffville the back of your throat gives a sigh of relief when a spoonful of cool smooth flav ored city dairy ice cream caresses it after a hard hot day it knows that the first spoon ful is just a notice that there are many more to follow the first taste calls for a dishful take home a quarttonight the worlds choicest sweet meats moirs chocolates porters phonifi 198 if ypu are thirsty get a drink of our ice cold drinks a large variety to choose from or a good dish of i neilsons ice cream which is much appre ciated on a hot day for fancy biscuits fruits vegetables and good fresh groceries- give us a trial we will try to please you we deliver to your home xoyd turner phone 909 kodak s you go outbf the pocket into posi tion release the shutter and the picture is yours thats the kodak way let us be your photographic service station kodaks jojo up kodak film eastman accessories t our devthpingbntl printing is of the superior sort films 10c prints 4 to ifc fly time keep out these pests with one of one light strong screen doors and screen windows ah sizes all prices jk harry wellman of glasgow has we understand been tecently ap pointed as a county constable for che county of ontario rev reuben stillwell of uxbridge will have charge of the morning ser vice in the methodist church while rev ceo e coulter if having his holidays perhaps the largest crowd of the season was in town on saturday evening last every available bit of space on the main straet was in use lor a few hours stourtvhios the hub of the district on saturday night mr hugh boydof consider himselfthe local followers one day last w in the altona teen inches ood may ince of the c walton for caught a trout measuring tour- the death occurred very suddenly at claremont on saturday august 2nd of mary jane boyer widow of the late a w mackay in her 74 th year the funeral was held from her late residence ou tuesday for interment in claremont union ceme tery rev mr tait bd of toronto preached an able sermon in the pres byterian church last sunday there will be no services in the presbyterian church next sunday mr young being away on his holi days mr t williamson has returned to stouffviue after visiting for a couple of months in saginaw michi gan the regular monthly meitin of the school bo3rd will be held in the school buiiding friday evening this week the first fields of early grain have been cut the past few days and ex pectations are for a bumper harvest in this section keep in mind the big liberal de monstration to be held in honor of hon mackenzie king in markham on saturday august 10th see ad- vertisment regarding program iu this issue the repairs to the reservoirs from which the town water supply is got have been completed and both re servoirs were thoroughly cleaned and are now rapidly filling with water hence the restrictions as to the use of water are now cancelled stouffviue baseball team has enter ed the tournament to be held at bar- rie on monday august 11th during the annual sports day in that town besides the field sports there will bo water sports and track events heres hoping the boys bring home the plunder an ice cream social will be given by the goodwood methodist people on the lawn of mr gso stewart on friday evening august 15th ad mission to grounds 10c cafateria refreshment booth ice cream cakes pie etc program by home talent come and enjoy an evening with us the next meeting of the altona womens institute will be held at the home of mrs a carruthers on wednesday august 13th at 230 p m program as follows outside problems that concern the home- maker by mrs m harris reading by miss b reesor flower show prize for best table bouquet music selected roll call measuring day everyone is invited to attend last friday evening two horses belonging to bert stewart of fix- bridge township were killed by the canadian national flyei- near the 4th concession in that township tke animals got through the fence onto the track from a pasture field we understand the company reimbursed mr stewart to the extent of 100 which was the amount of his claim one of our local gardeners mr r mckinnon has purchased the john hutchinson farm of 18 acres sit uated on the tenth concession just north of stouffviue for the sum of 8250 the property is equipped with extra good buildings and mr mckinnon takes possession next april mr ross e brown desorves due credit for i he excellent moving pic- tirc entertinment put in in stouff- vill on wednesday evening of last wicl undei- auspices of the ford co j cf ctnada the views were not itnly rtolif htful to ljikil but tluv wire of an educative character showing canadas inland waterways of which most of us know too little yrtures to ts as well as alligators anil alii gato farm in the south the pro durtion of ford cars ami tractor j re iii of interest it is estimated tint some 800 peoplj saw the pictures which were shown in memorial park last thursday evening at the band concert on mrharvey lawsons lawn there were thirtysix members of the bandsmen present which was the largest local band ever to play in the home town complimentary re marks were heard on all sides re garding the success the band has be come and also from dr burkholder of chicago himself a member of a band and orchestra the band con sisting of thirtyfour menvbers play ed at lennox picnic on monday and will play at sutton to-morrow- fri day when individual members will assist in solo worlj at the concert in the evening following an illness of some months duration borne with chri- tian patience and fortitude mrs john w ratclitf- passed awny on tuesday morning of this week since last february her illness was regarded as noit serious 7ut not withstanding this the end camp as a shock to her many friends the late mrs racclift was a woman of kind christian character exemplified through her family and the untiring work she did on behalf of the local baptist church where she will be keenly missed horn in east flam- baro she came with her husband to stouffviue about 22 years ago be sides her husband who is a member of the locil firm of kuclif co there survives a family 6 live chil dren namely margaret mrs john morton of alberta eiuabeth mrs loney wife of rev c loney of hamilton mrsho klinck of stouff viue miss harriet at home and fred ratclift of bowmanville tho funeral takes place this thursday afternoon from her late residence to stouffviue cemetery silvester bros last wednesday evening july 30 an unique event took place on the lawn of mr ej davey the occasion being a banquet given by the friends and neighbors to mrs geo robinson on the occasion of her seventysixth birthday about twentyfive sat down to dinner and when the inner man was done full justice to tho social side was exemplified in keepr ing with the occasion dr ira freel one of the oldest neighbors was elec ted to the chair and dr smith to the vice chair dr freel in propos ing the toast to the guest mrs rob inson made reference to her estim able qualities and genial disposition which helped to make life a plea sure to herself as well as to her neighbors dr smith in responding for the guest referred to iter many life activities in social and church life and her willingness to always assist in every line of work which tended to the uplift and betterment of our town mr hodgins and mr and mrs davey also testified to her good qualities all present joined in extending to mrs robinson- many congratulations and hoping or many more such gatherings as this one the gathering closed by all joining bonds and singing auld lang syno brillinger broshave a record field of oats on llieirpropertyiii the west end over a wrge area of th3 field the grain is standing some six feet in heigh aitd exceptionally well filled if rtr issaved from any sev ere winds wstorms it is likely to be one otjhe finest crops harvested in this section at the home of her brotherinlaw joseph h mertens west of stouff- villeada leathers died last wed nesday july 30th in her 52nd year the deceased was born in cashel but had been almost a lifelong resi dent of stouffviue and vicinity the ftrheral was held from her late residence on friday august 1st for interment in stouffviue cemetery bringing to a close two months of travel in the british islej belgium and france with a party fo cana dian newspapermen the local pub lisher a v nolan arrived home ou sunday the party sailed from glasgow on the mohtlaurier and ar rived at quebec in the short time at their dispo sal the canadians visited many pla ces of interest as well as being re ceived by the king of the belgiums the president of france and finally by king george at buckingham palace ten days were spent in london during which time the party visited the empire exhibition at wembley this great fair in our opinion cannot eclipse the canadian national toronto it is nor as large in area but still it has proved on exceedingly successful venture in bringing together the products of a vast empire stimulating trade ma terially in the next issue of the tribune a series of letters will begin describ ing our trip in greater detail quality service threshing seranton coal feeds schumacher feed bran and shorts feed oats flour learys pastry flour merry wives pastry flour marvel pastry flour saxon pastry flour quaker bread flour -j- stiver bros phone 4501 lemonville the farmers are cutting alsike a number attended the lennox picnic on monday a good time is reported mr and mrs w g white mr and mts arthur wicks and family and- john l white west toronto were with mr and mrs mckuen and mrs t drewery for the holiday the barn raising last friday at mr p raymers passed off with no accidents there were five ministers present also people from markham mount albert toronto stouffviue gormley and box grove on sunday afternoon last the pastor rev mr burgess occupied the methodist church pulpit and preached an appropriate sermon at the close of the service the sacra ment was administered all should rally to the church and encourage the pastor and his wife in their efforts on this circuit the garden party on the lawn of mr george talbot last wednesday evening was a grand success a splendid supper was served for which lemonville ladies are noted a good program was rendered and the lawn was well lighted by the caron system under mr baker of gormley it should start our farm ers thinking about lighting their farms electrically the proceeds of the garden party exceeded 75 chukchlkil everybody picking tnfrries our school teacher will be mls3 oldham after the holiday miss nellie paisley will teaeh keswick after the holiday miss velma martin returned to midland hospital on sunday mrs stanley paisley will preach here while mr morton is on hi holidays cement prices reaclt new low level ballantrae mss squires spent sunday at her mothers mr barton of toronto visited his parents last saturday mrs p meyers of hamilton visi ted at her parents mr and mrs d baker mr and mrs feasby and son of toronto visited their mother mrs j elliott over the holiday mr and mrs wagner and family of toronto visited at bert bates over the week end we are pleased to report that mrs w h imcmullen is recovering after her recent illness hazel cockerill and friend of to ronto visited the home of her par ents over the holiday mrs moves and three daughters toronto were the gutsts of thos simpson last week end mr and mrs r gilmore of ot tawa also g a momullen and wife and h a hill and family and na hill all of toronto spent the week end at their mothers mrs rhill the ladies aid society of ballan- trae methodist church will meet at the home of mrs r hill on wednes day august 13th a program is be ing provided tea served from 6 to 8 oclock admission adults 25c children 15c ah are cordially in vited we suggest you take advan tage of the drop in cement pri ces and plan those concrete im provements you have been wait- ing to do six weeks ago cement price was reduced 25 cents per barrel which reduction wearo- glad to be able to pas3 on- to bur customers place your order now john sanders stouftville 26 j has moved to its new home at the corner ifonge and alexander sts toronto fall term opens sept 2nd write today for catalogue and ar range to enter at fall opening strictly- firstclass throughout e n- ter any time wjelliott prin the maple leaf dairy up to august 14 we will accept milk tickets of the stouffviho creamery co but not after that date also please note that the dairy will not be open on sundaya be tween the hours of 12 noon and 5 oclock phone orders for cream should he made the previous evening for the morning delivery 22 tickets for 100 h gilkov prop phone 8108 stomrtvillo bargains farm implements good masseyharris binder 6 ft cut stifftooth cultivator for trac tor a good deering manure sprea der the above are jn firstclas condition cash or credit h her man phone 1903 stouffviue h herman phono 1008 stouffviho standard garage -for- day or night service phone 165 we will guarantee all work done- to your car t at our garage i we solicit your business jfr used gars in stock 1922 ford touring iike new 1922 ford coupe good condition look these ovejr before buying gasoline oils and free air at covered sei vice station sales and service stouffville phon 165