stouffvtlle august 7th 1924 e cherries montmorency cherries will be ready in a few days let us have your orders early- the same good quality as usual ratcliff co great bargains to clear out stock 11- pair mens tan oxfords 349 womens sandals patent and tan at 199 12 pairs womens patent boots to go at 199 womens white canvas s leather soles only 49c h glehmam footwcar of merit 1 stourrvilleonl l clearing prices sale price 100 mens fine shirts reg 150 mens work shirts 75c mens khaki pants 135 peabodys overalls reg 300 mens running shoes reg 175 boys running shoes reg- 175 all shoes at reduced prices call and see them before you buy j l little sale price 200 sale price 150 sale price 125 west end stouffvilljs use lehigh valley coal it lasts longer burns steadier gives more heat all sizes on hand also solvay coke cement canada brand fall stock on hand salt 501b 100 lb- 200 lb sacks also bbls flour feed bran shorts manitoba oats oil cakes five crowns flo for bread jubilee pastry flour telephones office 169 residence 171 the tribune la published thursday afternoon terms 200 a year in advance a v nolan publisher stouffville ont editorial comment the world is said x be facing a shortage of bread and food grains 9 the difference between a man buy ing a hat and a woman engaged in the same thing is about four hours business is reported to have turn ed the corner let it be hoped that it has turned the right corner m a news item reports that in tropi cal countries snake skin is frequent ly used in upholstering automobiles well bet we know which automobile is decorated with the skins from rattlers m m ontarios 1925 automobile license plates will have yellow figures on a black background in contrast with this years color scheme of black figures on a yellow background von wont have a dull moment if you holiday in this wonderful vaca tion land any agent of the canadian nation al railways will gladly give you il lustrated literature and complete in formation oshamas xkw water towkk will re bicgkst ix world the largest elevated tank in the world and the biggest of its kind in north america is eing erected in oshawa the water tower leg steel will arrive in the city as soon as the mary street pavement will stand the strain of hauling it which will be about two weeks when an erection crew of 15 men from the dominion bridge company will com- ence the task of placing in posi tion the huge structure which will contain 550000 imperial gallons of water and itself will weigh 400000 pounds the tank itself will contain 5500- 000 pounds of water and the total weight on the foundation laid by the standard paving company will be 3150 tons there pre tank3 of equal and greater size on and in the ground none as large elevated the tank is 110 feet high and 80 feet in diameter and will be painted lead sky grey so as to blend with the sky j background and will not be un- 1 sightly on the high school grounds latest crop reports received at ottawa indicate that the wheat fields of western ontario are free from rust the official figures for the year ending june 30 show a favorable balance of canadian trade which in turn should indicate growing pro sperity coolidge davis and lafolette are running their own presidential cam paigns the first instance of the kind in american history- the result of the election is the most uncertain in many years the long arm of the law has ga thered in c a matthews jr former deputy treasurer of ontario who is wanted as a muteriai witness in the alleged treasury frauds he was running a lunch counter in santa clara at least ninetyfive cents of every dollar contributed by industry to compensation funds in canada in the last year went to workmen for com pensation this is very compli mentary but it is even more impor tant to avoid accident by every possi ble foresight president beatty of the canadian pacific railway is in denmark nego tiating with the danish government for surplus population the danes make good farmers understanding dairying and hograising especially two growing staple industries in canada the canadian national exhibition was visited by double the attendance of any of the great state fairs across the line last year or 1493000 peo ple in all the canadian dollar is marching to its own being almost on a par with the american dollar heavy shifting of balances from american cities to canada is the chief reason for the improvement m m m new york financiers have loaned the canadian national railway thirty million dollars on a 4 v per cent interest basis for railway pur poses this indicates confidence in canada dr fricker of the mendelssohn ohoir will again conduct the exhibi tion chorus at the canadian nation al inhibition over 2500 choristers have already volunteered their ser vices and four concerts will be given august 23 and 28th sept 2 and 6th all indoors in coliseum the government building at the canadian national exhibition should again be one of the most interesting structures on the grounds among other exhibits to be made by the on tario government will be a section from the provincial game preserves containing two beaver dams one of which will have 15 of the industri ous littleanimals at work bears deer moose and other live specimens will also be shown whitchurch tttt council stouffveuie markets 1 dtry eggs- 27 to 28 buttor 26 to 2s 0ttl hoo hogs smooth 860 hogs select 940 butchers 4 to s cows 3to 4 calves 700 to 900 common calves 460 bubcters 709 grain oats 40 to 48 pall wheat 100 qooa wheat barley 62 to 67 agents wanted the careful attention to our customers orders and the splen did stock supplied for yeara past warrants us in having a repre sentative or two in this county liberal commissions free out fit write at oncefor exclusive territory th09 w bowman a son company rcdgevillk ont star nurseries vat hev0 i will pay a apodal price for pat hens sam golden apply at po- nocka lltory- made especially for the vacationist imuskoka lakes are like a huge magnet whose power to attract thou sands of pleasure seekers from all over the continent grows stronger every year once the varied pleasures ofmus- koka lakes have been enjoyedthere is always- an urge to return to this pine and balsam scnted land of sun shine that cannot be denied lolling in the sunshine bathing in the clar waters or cruising amidst the hun dreds of islands dancner golfing playing tennis are only a few of fa diversions awaiting the vacationist at muskoka takes there is plenty of accommodation for everybody accommodation to suit every taste and purse from the luxuriously equipped royal muskoka to the quiet little hostelry with only a dozen guests oo to muskoka lakos this year striking tnx rate for 1024 the regular july meeting of whit church township council was held in the township hall on wednes day july 30th with all members present and reeve baker presiding important business was the striking of the tax rate for the current year after due consideration the following rates were arrived at for county purposes requiring rate of six 810 mills 1620309 for township general purposes requiring rate of 5 110 mills 1224799 communications were presented and read as follows hydroelectric power commission re payment of account for moring line poles on wilcox lake road dr c j devins regarding his account re win hulbert n l mathews solicitor for c h forster re obstruction of road at wiicox lake toronto general hospital re main tenance of dora parry jj ward and geo wilson apply ing for options of leasing or buying portions of road allowance at wil cox lake j l cohen solicitor requesting a copy of resolution or bylaw grant ing lease of road allowance to mr ash on the east and north sides of wilcox lake oliver dyke presented a claim for damages to auto while driving on second concession w t hall and john a roid trustees of ss no 4 presented re quest for the issue q debenture for loan of 10000 to erect a school building in that section resolutions were passed refusing payment of dr devins account for attendance on family of wm hulbert and also of- damage claim presented by mr o dyke instructing the clerk to notify mes j j ward and geo wilson that council is not disposing of or renting any property around wilcox lake at present accepting the application of the trustees of school section no 4 to provide the sum of ten thousand dollars for the erection of a school building in that section by the issue of debentures repayable in equal amounts annually for twenty years and instructing the clerk to have the township solicitor prepare the necessary bylaw at the expense of trustees of said section appropriating the following stated amounts tor gravelling or repairing roads at places and under commis sioners mentioned and payable by the treasurer on order of commis sioner when work is completed viz 50 opp lots 1 to 10 con 9reeve baker commissioner 50 opp lots 5 to 10 con 5 dep- reeve leary commissioner 50 between lots 20 and 21 con 6 councillor kidd commissioner bylaws were passed authorizing levy and collection of general school tax requiring a rate of three 910 mills and the collec tion o regular and special trustees rates as requested for the several sections and union sections of the township v the treasurer was instructed to pay the following accounts jesse cook 448 yds grave4 89 so abei oldham 65 yds gravel 13 00 amos lapp 46 yds gravel 9 00 f widdlfield221 yds gravel 4 4 20 canada ingot iron co for 4 metal culverts 129 90 gl bingham 136 yds grav 27 20 a topper 231 yds gravel 46 20 g evans 104 yds gravel 20 80 fred monkman work on roads building railing and materia i 52 66 j k brown 227 yds gravel shovelling 49 15 j iemprlngham culvert between lots 5 and 6 con 4 5 00 sylvanus baker 23 yds gra 16 60 ernest hunt 20 hrs with tractor on grader on tls 27 00 ernest hunt 25 vi hrs with trac tor on grader on 4th and 5th con hues 34 40 j forester work on t ls 34 75 j forester 4 days operating gra der on 4th and 5th con 10 00 jos cannlnghlg gravel and grading tls and 3rd con 89 25 jos steckloy work on tls nlow ijig ditch etc 3400 percy aun 296 yds gravel 50 20 thos ayre 110 yds gravel 22 00 harry hill work opp lots 24 to 27 con 2 25 00 e dennis 60 yds gravel 12 00 ed logan hlg and placing culvert opp lot 22 con 5 4 00 council adjourned to meet august 25tf at 10 oclock am at sam place for general business xos3loz ioe30c 30boe o d o onoi w h shaws 30e30 o d o a o still further reductions our midsummer clearing sale is still going on we have a great number of summer goods we must clear out at further reduced prices ladies voile dresses reg 600 sale price 300 ladies gingha mdresses reg 350 and 500 sale price 219 3 pieces of voile left sale price 19c- yard ladies white voile blouses clearing at 19c- boys wash suits sale price 39c- ginghams reg 25c sale price 19c ladies fancy collars sale price 19c childrens gingham dresses- sale price 100 mens fine shirts reg 150 and 200 sale price 100 mens balbriggan underwear reg- 75c- sale price 39c purses reg- 200 sale price 119 purses reg 25 and 500 sale price 198 ladies and childrens cotton hose- reg 35c sale price 19c boys caps reg 100 sale price 39c- w h shaw closes friday at 12 oclock o d o o 0 o o d o o a o a o o 5 0 o 0 o o 0 o a 0 a u o n a 0 a g phonb 9812 stouffvillb 2 8 store remains open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings i0e30 seeds for sale fresh turnip seed mangold seed seed corn lawnv grass seed also garden seeds our stocks are all new and prices are right f t hill co ilimited u e todd office phone 14l hodsb 18 managing dlrontoi