Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 31, 1924, p. 3

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savants from all over british empire to meet in toronto british association for the advancement of science to hold convention from august 6 to 13 registration ex pected to total 5000 and more than 300 papers will be read dealing with ev ery phase of human endeavor toronto july 28 for one wecked from england on saturday has beginning aug c toronto will be a found all work well cared for by a city of superintelligence thoroughly efficient staff for to canada and toronto has to name the complete list of those fallen this year the honoi of playing who will address the convention is hosts to the british association for the advancement of science pos sibly the most famous of organiza tions devoted to the furthering of scientific progress and the dissemina- very neaily to call the roll of the scientific leaders of the empire to- day from the motherland will come over 400 of her most outstanding sons the united states is sending as many tion of scientific information to the more from lecture room and labor- world with an expected registration atory while each province of can- of more than 5000 and with thej ada is to be fully represented since presence here of many of the most it has been announced that the ma- outstanding savants of the empire jority of the addresses arc to be couch- the convention will it is said estnbed in nontechnical terms it is cx- hsh a new record even in a city which pccted that several thousand canj has won the title of the logical j adians will become members of the location for conventions association during the convention more than 300 papers dealing with period every phase of human endeavor will among the canadians who are not be read before the sectional meetings scientists in the technical sense whoj and of this number some 50 addresses are to speak to the association are western wheat nov at clltl- are to be given by distinguished can- sir henry thornton president of the j stage and harvest de- adians not only has full recognition canadian national railways hon j wtrifr been won by canadian men of science john s martin minister of agricul- penas on w earner but all detailed arrangements for theture for ontario rev canon cody winnipeg man july 24 cool convention are being handled jointly former minister of education for dry winds sweeping over the by the university of toronto and the royal canadian institute at the university library present head quarters o j b howarth general secretary of the baas who arriv- 73 financial information as an institution vtfth first hand knowledge of financial markets at home and abroad and with managers of broad experience and unbiased judge ment this bank is in a position to render invaluable information on investment and other money matters to patrons standard sbrvice ii camprikiniiv fimamdei strata the standard bank op canada jssa an unusual intimate view is given of nathan leopold jr and richard loeb millionaire youths who are standing trial for the murder of robert franks wealthy schoolboy they arc shown talking to their attorney i weather conditions favorable to crops ontario f a gaby chief engineer prairies tonight following a day of the ontario hydorelectric power commission sir robert falconer president of the university of to ronto and many others the weeks markets toronto manitoba wheat no 1 north 5148 no 3 north 140 man oats no 3 cw 58c no feed 51 ve all the above cif bay ports am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 12g ont rye 74 to 78c peas no 2 140 to 145 bakers 710 winter pas choice 725 to 735 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 310 to 320 bran 2825 shorts 3025 middlings 3625 hay no 2 per ton car lots 1650 to 17 cheese finest wests 15 to 16c finest easts 15 to 15c butter no 1 pasteurized 34 to 34c no 1 creamery 33c 2nds 32c eggs fresh extras 35c fresh firsts 30c com cows and heifers dairy type 3 slightly better heifers 4 to 450 calves g to 650 for med lots hogs good quality mixed lots 910 to millfeed del montreal freights 9 bags included bran per ton 28 i shorts per ton 30 middlings 36 good feed flour per bag 2 j quebec port fire date set directors to answer charges jury trial of home bank officials to be held on october 13 a despatch from toronto says tuesday sept 9 was fixed upon by v judge coatsworth as the date for the without moisture has improved to a trial of the charges laid under the ont wheat no 2 white red or mixed 120 to 125 fob shipping points according to freights ont no 2 white oats 39 to 41c ont flour ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt ship ment 650 toronto basis c50 bulk seaboard 630 man barley no 2 80 to 85c man rye no 2 85 to 90c man flour 1st pats in jute sacks 1760 per bbl 2nd pats 710 i hay extra no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 1750 no 2 17 no i 3 15mixed 13 lower grades 10 to 12 straw carlots per ton 950 to 10 screenings standard rccleaned f ob bay ports per ton 22 cheese new large 19 to 19c twins 19 to 20c triplets 20 to damage half million two and half million pounds of sugar melted and hay destroyed a despatch from quebec says damage estimated at nearly half a million dollars was caused by a fire which broke out at shed 21 in the port of quebec at g20 thursday evening i according to officials of the har bor there were at the time the fire broke out 25000 bags of sugar which had arrived from montreal on sun day which alone brings the loss to 180000 large shipments of marked degree the growing grain the shot blade has been reached or passed by most of the wheat and the danger stage is acute b w snow is sending reports to chicago traders that fifty per cent of the stalks in fields of that section are infected but he is not bearing down so hard on the black rust point as he did earlier in the reports which caused such a panic the rust is there but manitoba authorities still insist it is of the red variety at pre sent and this is not dangerous the saskatchewan cooperative elevator co has published a report that in central and northern saskat chewan the damage is irreparable but that the southern part of three provinces will have a good yield regina sask july 24 f h auld deputy minister of agriculture for saskatchewan in a statement on the crop conditions said bank act against the home bank directors and officials judge coats- worth will try the cases without a jury the same accused persons must face trial by jury on conspiracy charges at the criminal assizes open ing on oct 13 the date for the hearing of the charges under the bank act was set upon application of d l mccarthy kc special crown prosecutor foli lowing the decision of the privy council recently rendered mr mccarthy presented charge sheets against the directors and offi cers collectively and individual charge sheets against r p gough s casey wood kc j f m stew art f j b russill clarence f smith c a barnard ocean g smith and sidney h jones no charge sheet was put in against a e calvert who was the acting general manager when the bank stouffville branch a c burkholder manager r v every farmer round here can make and save money with a gilson silo filler in dividual farmers as well as small groups whose farms lie together whats the use of paying for the hired outfit year after year to fill your silo why should you have to wait your turn and ensilage your crop before or after the corn has reached its prime within a fewdays after the outfits gone your silage has shrunk down considerably with a cutter of your own handy you could quickly re fill and that extra ensilage will quickly pay for your gil- son silo filler the gilson is the lightestrun ning blower cutter made it3 guaranteed to cut and clevato more ensilage with the same power than any other box on the market your own or your neighbors 4 hp or larger engine will run it lets get together and talk the matter over no obliga tion ill be glad to submit prices of a gilson suitable for the job mr d a pugii claremont ont phone 2417 21c stiltons 21 to 22c old la and some stoves formed the re- large 23 to 24c twins 24 to 25c triplets 25 to 26c butter finest creamery prints 37 to 38c no 1 creamery 35 to 36c no 2 34 to 35c dairy 28 to 29c eggs extras fresh in cartons 37c extra loose 34 to 35c firsts 2s to 29c seconds 25 to 26c live poultrv hens over 5 lbs 26c do 4 to 5 lbs 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c spring chickens 2 lbs and over 45c roosters 15c ducklings 4 to 5 lbs 30c dressed poultry hens over 5 lbs 28c do 3 to 4 lbs 18c spring chick ens 2 lbs and over 50c roosters 20c ducklings 4 to 5 lbs 35c beans can handpicked lb 614c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 250 per 5gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to 26c honey golb tins 11 to llc per lb 10lb tins 11 to 12c 5lb tins 11 to 12c 2lb tins 12 to 13c comb honey per doz no 1 275 to 350 no 3 250 to 275 smoked meats hams mod 24 to 27c cooked hams 35 to 37c smoked rolls 15 to 17c cottage rolls 18 to 20c breakfast bacon 21 to 25c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 28 to 30c backs boneless 30 to 35c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 1575 70 to 90 lbs 1525 90 lbs and up 1450 lightweight rolls in barrels 29 heavyweight rolls 24 lard pure tierces 15 to 15hc tubs 15vi to 16ic pnils 15 to 16c prints 17v4 to 18v4c shorten ing tierces 15 to 15c tubs 15 to mainder of the merchandise stored in the warehouse before the fire brigade had reached the scene the fire had taken such a hold that in fifteen minutes time the wooden shed was nothing but a mass of flames the 2500000 pounds of sugar soon melted tugs belonging to the hackett steamboat co cooperated with the fire brigade and attempts were made to save some of the merchandise it was soon realized however that the efforts could only be directed toward preventing the fire from extending to other sections of the harbor there is a fair average crop south failed for some time he has been of the main line ol- the cpr in the at work on the bank books assisting districts north of the line half of the crown and the liquidators and last years crop will only be secured the announcement of the crown under the most favorable weather con- prosecutor was somewhat expected ditions from now on while nothing was said it is ex- mr auld would not venture an esti- pected the conspiracy charges against mate on the yield mr calvert will also be dropped all calgary july 24 whatever it is the defendants elected to be tried by it will be bad thus declared h w judge coatsworth without a jury and pleaded not guilv i f hellmuth kc who appeared alberta requires 10000 to harvest her crops a despatch from edmonton says ten thousand men needed in alberta for the harvesting of the crop now growing is the present estimate of the provincial employment service that estimate has been made on the wood president of the ufa and of the alberta wheat pool when questioned regarding the canadian western crop situation mr wood declined to make an estimate in bushels but said that even while rain might improve the crop situation materially the yield would be poor chicago july 24 for the first time in history the world is facing an acute shortage of all bread and food grains according to a state ment issued today by j e carney jmi official of one of the largest grain houses in chicago mr carney says he believes the united states farmer will realize 2 a bushel for wheat this season 125 a bushel for corn and 75 cents a bushel for oats for all the defendants stated that while he was not making any special complaint particulars of the charges had not been furnished to the defence his honor made an order for par ticulars subject to anything mr mc carthy may desire to bring to the attention of the court on wednesday aug 6 at 3 pm mr hellmuth promised to let mr mccarthy know what particulars are required and the crown prosecutor said they would be furnished by mon day or tuesday next the charges against the directors and officials follow the original in dictments preferred by the crown horse provided for in late masters will cancer victim cured talks with tongue gone a marvel of surgery has been brought to light by the recent visit of j sandwith campbell a despatch from kingston says under the will of the late charles a man to a london hospital he said he had brought his wife to be treated as the hospital had been successful with him eighteen years ago he stated that he had suffered from can cer and that his tongue had been cut out in 1906 the mans story sounded incredible talk i quite naturally officials of the department point out however that it is necessarily sub ject to change as the season pro gresses for better or worse it is stated that there are 4000 real who was recently reported as having bequeathed the sum of 318- 000 to the kingston general hospital provision is made for the late mr campbells favorite horse this provision of the will is to the effect that mr campbells horse ko dak of which he was very fond will be provided for by the executors of nheardof the estate d natural life or basis of reports sent in from several part as he was able to labor bureaus throughout the provj uile natura n almost unhea mcc and makes allowance for the poor lhi after such opcrouonf but lff tr be- crop conditions n certain dstncts medicai examinbu comborate1 his jjjj g u z destroy statement j nn a sum of money is being the malignant growth had gone en- sct as for tne horses maintenance lirely and the man was able to masti- to e expended at the rate of 1 per cate his food and smoke i j unt its death states 16c pails 16 to 16c prints 171 men already in the province available to 17c for harvest work leaving the number export steers choice 750 to 775 to brought in from outside at 6000 do good 650 to 7 export heifers these will be recruited largely in 650 to 675 baby beeves 750 to british columbia with some also 9 butcher steers choice 650 to from eastern canada and possibly a ihnl j limit1 numbr from the western 550 to 6 do com 4o0 to 550 butcher heifers choice 625 to 675 do med 525 to 6 do com 450 to 5 butcher cows hoice 425 to 55 do med s3 to 4 butcher bulls good 4 to 450 do fair 350 to 4 bolognns 250 to 350 can- ncrs and cutters 1 to 260 feed ing steers choice 6 to 675 do fair a despatch from new york says a s jp t0 canada by 1926 will displaco the 5560 do fair 425 to 450 mukcrs united states as second among tho springers choice 7o to 90 do fa r i j t b 545 to 60 calves choice 875 t kodproducing countries of the world 510 do med 7 to 775 do com a the opinion of louis d huntoon 54 to 650 lambs choice ewes 515 york mmng engineer and canada climbing to place as seccond gold producer to 1650 do bucks 13 to 1350 do culls 510 to 511 sheep light ewes 5 to 650 do culls 52 to 450 hogs fed and watered 5s76 do f ob 825 do country points 8 do elect fed and watered 960 do off cars long haul 5915 montreal oats cw no 2 69 to 60cj cw no 3 57 to 58c extra no 1 feed 65 to 56c no 2 local white 64 to 65c flour man spring wheat pats lsu 5780 2nds 730 strong former professor of mining and metallurgy at yale university can ada is now third africa ranking first mr huntoon after a prolonged study of tho dominions gold districts re ports his conclusions in the official journal of the american institute of mining and metallurgical engineers canadas output of gold is increasing rapidly he says while in the united states singe 1916 there has been a rapid decline british naval pageant of 194 new warships revie wed by his majesty portsmouth eng july 27 stretching away in ten lines of four niiles each great britains naval strength in home waters comprising 194 warships with 30000 officers and men was reviewed saturday in spit- head waters by britains sailor king george tho duke of connaught and the prince of wales from the deck of crs and aircraft carriers from the decks of which new types of airplanes took off and hovered over the royal i yacht j in connection with the magnificent array of fighting forces the admiral- ty issued a pamphlet describing queen vitcorias review of the fleet 1856 when 240 vessels including the royal yacht victoria and albert a paddlewheeler and several floating the pageant saturday under ad- batteries passed before the royal miral sir john m dc robcck com- yacht tod manderinchief of the atlantic fleet was the first since the great naval the kings yacht steamed along the lines accompanied by tho review of 1914 was held also in spit- admiralty yacht on which members head waters just before the outbreak of the world war every vessel in the 1914 review was obsolete while the present units were completed since tho war and most of them were of the latest types there were battleships cruisers of the labor government were pas- sengers these two boats were ac- ensconced in a comfortable deck chair luxuriating in the beauti fully furnished lounge strolling around the spacious decks or dancing to the entrancing music of the ships orchestra you speed smoothly along this ocean high way towards the old land from the moment you step aboard the ship you are delighted with tho handsome appointments the unsur passed cuisine and the attentive ser vice which has made tho canadian pacific justly celebrated as the per fect host jlsk anyjlgent of the companicd by the huge minelayer destroyers submarines mine sweep- shore princess margaret carrying rcprcj sentatives of the dominions whilo many thousands of the holidaymakers witnessed tho pageant from the seal r

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