te jl t tood tea j j m and extra good is the orange pekoe quality health education by dr j j middleton provincial board of health ontario cr attddleton will be glad to answer questions on publlo health am tars through this column address bin at spadlna house bpadtett crescent toronto ve a thirteenyearold girl has just won a twentyfive dollar prize for writing an essay on tho subject honor thy father and thy mother she finds no difficulty in obeying this biblical injunction but states em phatically that good parents are a necessity if the child is to grow up into a good citizen her line of reas oning is very clear she says par ents have had the experience which we must get nnd owing to this they can make wise decisions when we most need them and by which we may benefit as long as we live make life easier for them and make them as happy as they make us the true friends whose love is lifeenduring mother and father it is surprising what clearness of intellect some children show in this essay contest just referred to another its kind wa3 noticed in all the metro politan newspapers and supported and escouraged by the public school auth orities just before the meeting a radio message was broadcasted in which these suggestions were offered to parents x set proper standards for your children to follow 2 be friends with your children walk and play with them occasionally we must not live above our children but with them 3 do not scold too much encourage them to do their best let us remember what phillips brooks said children are white spotted black not black spotted white 4 see that they select proper friends and associates 5 make home as comfortable and happy as your means permit 6 give your children at least a highschool education m train them in the habit of regular of the prizewinners also a thirteen- attendance at church and sunday yearold school girl evidently had paring her composition for she writes in investigating the prisons and looking over the records of the prisoners it is found that most of the prisoners of today were unfortunate in having lost their parents or in hav ing been allowed to treat them disre spectfully the compositions were read at a parents day celebration in central park new york city arrang ed by uncle robert spero a well- known philanthropist who devotes much of his time to work among un fortunate children and to inculcating among all children a sense of filial obligation the occasion the first of school 8 seo that they avoid all a thunderstorm a sunset sky of yellow murk southward a dull bluegreen with rolling cloudbanks grey and white the lightning vivid keen the rumble of the coming storm nearer and louder grows the thunders rattling cannonade loud crashing comes and goes a hurrying wind sweeps darkly by the stormclouds swiftly lower the landscape thickly veiled in grey the fast approaching shower then sudden sharp the first great drops strike on the roof and pane and all along the hillsides sweep the squadrons of the rain tho tempest blots the landscape out the crashing comes again while all the clouds let loose their floods in dashing pouring rain may howe dakln green tea imports larger statistics from ottawa show that in 1923 553977 pounds moro green tea were brought into canada than in 1921 and 906728 pounds more than in 1922 the reason given is that the fine quality green teas of india and ceylon have displaced the interior japan and china greens which due to their low price were imported heavily some years ago salnda tea company is the largest importer of india and ceylon green teas romance of a great woman now that the centenary of the birth of lord kelvin the scientist and in ventor is about to be celebrated it is interesting to recall that mrs ramsay -my- you walk in loveliness july wafting the scent of thyme and bay too swift your hours of beauty fly you set the sweet blue succory in dusty banks to cheer the way you walk in loveliness july the harebells ring as you pass by restharrow vainly bids you stay too swift your hours of beauty fly the limes are stirred with melody where wild bees flit from spray to spray you walk in loveliness july with slender spears the corn grows high and languid heads of poppies sway too swift your hours of beauty fly your stars are nightflowers in the sky your hot sun gilds the grain by day you walk in loveliness july too swift your hours of beauty fly h h rheumatism come says montreal hotel man july made some investigations before pre- games of chance a gambler never j macdonald the late wife of the prime can be a success in life 9 seo that minister was a relative of the great your children take plenty of physical man g was ag a matter of fact training in the open air it is better j kelvins niece this is one of exercise to walk than to ride in a flle tacts ment in mrs ramsay limousine 10 let your children macdonaw by herbert fell that any honor which they win m gladstone which s xymay texnt was mrs macdonalds maiden nam bring great happiness to father and was born in london a 1870 tier fore- mother and put the family name on bears were like those of her husband a higher plane of honor i of very humble origin and of the same do not forget that the future of nationality scottish they were da- this country depends upon how your mk weavers and lived in kelso and boys and girls are trained today not d of stu1 aml perseverance on how you were trained when you themselve a white cloudsail in a sea of blue mid tho splendors of the day a meadow drenched with the diamond dew and the air with newmown hay a lazy brook through a green vale flowing and never a breeze astir a sunklst flower by the wayside blow ing a swallows wing awhlr this is july of the bountiful heat month of wild roses and berries and wheat albert durrant watson nervous depression were children teething troubles babys teething time is a time of worry and anxiety to most mothers the little ones become cross peevish their little stomach becomes deranged and constipation and colic sets in to make the teething period easy on baby the stomach and bowels must be kept sweet and regular this can be done by the use of babys own tablets the ideal laxativo for little ones the tab lets are a sure relief for all the minor ailments of childhood such as consti pation colic indigestion colds and simple fevers they always do good never harm the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 centb a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont the needles beneath the swiftly flying clouds the needles of tho rain are busy in the garden beds and woods and fields again their countless ilender silver points so bright in and thin snd clean go flashing in and out among the leaves and grasses green they mako the dahlias big rosettes and deftly stitch away dpon the morningglorys pink and azure bonnets gay and on tho goldenrod they tuck tho yellow plumes in placo and sew the little amber beads on ferns of emerald lace minna irving from very early years mrs mac- donald was interested in scientific questions which she seemed able to master with lltle effort it was in june 1895 that mrs mac- donald first met her future husband their views on life were similar they were both striving after the better ment of their fellow men and women within a few months they were en gaged and they were married in no vember in the following year the bride did not want to be dressed up the authoress says she wore a soft grey dress and changed into an old frock to go away in it was not unlike her once while staying with lord kel- too firmly held for that v m maodonaw wifie ha ha they say sam wr it gives one rather a common- peters got in a scrap with his wife and sense or scientific way of looking at bit her thumb i things to stay with undo william hubby nothing to it he didnt y begin to feel that everything has bite her thumb a reas and that that reason may be wifie but they say ho did found out and that things should not hubby no hed never get from de slurred over or left to chance when under it enough for that summer time when you are twenty years they say you must learn to bo wise but how can you remember thlb when there are macherel skies 7 how can you think of all they say of duty being good when tliere are hummingbirds nnd sun and orchids inthe wood weir vernon j you can direct them by taking a little more trouble and using a little j thought mrs macdonald never learned of tho high position which her husband achieved for she died in 1911 army blankets surgical bandages and even carpets are sometimes made to a certain extent of peat fibre the same substance is also used for filling mattresses in public institutions why people are low spirited and depressed nearly all women and most men suf fer at times from ffts of depression and low spirits everything seems a bur den then come periods of nervou3 ir ritability headaches and weariness people who suffer this way lack vital ity because their blood is poor and nerves are starved in consequence the only way the nerves can be reached is through the blood by en riching the blood with dr williams pink pilla the starved nerves are sup plied with just the elements they need this is proved by the experience of mrs j e dadson 12th ave east vancouver bc who says about three years ago i became very weak and nervous i had pains in my side and back and also suffered from fre quent paln3 in the back of my head and neck i was hardly able to do anything about the house i would wake with a start in the night and my heart would flutter so that it al most choked me i tried much doc tors medicine but it did me no per manent good one cay i read about dr williams pink pills and decided to give them a trial these pills pro duced such a beneficial change in a short time that i kept taking them un til i had used a dozen boxes bjvthls time there was such an improvement in my condition that friends would ask me what i was taking and of course i was only too pleased to tell them it was dr williams pink pills i am now feeling like a new person and am doing my own housework wo would not now be without dr williams pink pills in the house you can get these pills from your druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont f a mongeau tells how he recovered strength after eight years of rheumatism f a mongeau popular night clerk at the prince of wales hotel 17 and 19 mcgiu college avenue montreal canada lends his name to further the cause of tanlac the treatment that has proved of such great benefit to him after all tanlac has done for me eald mr mongeau i just feel like praising it to everybody eight years of muscular rheumatism had just about mado a cripple of me i got to whore i simply had to limp around on a cane my nerves became affected my sleep unsound and i felt complete ly knocked out six bottles of tanlac taken eight months ago made a now man of mo and i have had no further trouble with rheumatism or my health since my nerves are steady as a die i sleep fine and feel the same way anyone want ing to- know of me what tanlao will do just phone mo here at the hotel tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists accept no substitute over 40 million bottles sold tanlac vegetable pilg for constipation made and recommended by the manufacturers of tanlao easy tricks the ring and block some men never find the key to o success because they dont look in tho business despatched is business well right place inside their own minds done but business hurried is business ill done j mlnards liniment for rheumatism touring canadians royally entertained 3gsim ehhb1js6 ijp z ssjpjti i i jj6jbbzipa 3tlcgifi8rrc jjjsj ifi fisineirafl verbsasvpu ktjl4st2 njn p ii0 wssm kswli gk j5fcy ivfljeba3 vss tis3j ksi kf3if p strafffisnsa isyik something to love when yer as lonesome as lonesome kin- be git something t love if only th hard things of llfo you kin see git something f lovo if all things around you soem empty and cold you feel pessimistic and wrinkled an old dont worry an grumblo an cuss round nn scold git something v lovo whether its children or chickens or trees git something f lovo or horses or women or yollowback bees git something t love dont close your heart up to nature and things the world sometimes grumbles but mostly it sings jus take my tip man an seo what it brings plt something t lovo john e hazzard a coin a harness ring and a block of wood are used in this little illusion a pieco of paper- wrapping paper is also used but the spectators do not know how important this is the hilrnesb ring and the block of wood aro placed on the papor the coin is then marked and is placed some distance away also on the paper the block of wood is placed on the harness ring and the two are placed on the coin the inevitable magic word is said and the block of wood is lifted the coin has vanished tho block is replaced another magic word i3 said nnd both block and ring are lifted the coin reappears the harness ring is about as big as a halt dollar the opening of the ring is very neatly covered with paper the same wrapping paper mentioned as being so essential the block of wood should be nbout tho size of the ring so that the two can be lifted together without awk wardness when the ring rests on the paper the fact that it is pre pared cannot he sesn except by careful inspection of the ring be- raiuso v- paper matches perfectly tho sec t being known the opera tion of ia trick will be easily un derstood clip this fut nnfl nrafff if with other ql the rrri- in i trrapbookx mlnards liniment relieves pain buffalo milk rich x milk of the indian buffalo is said to be richer than thatbttheeuropean cow merit begets confidence confidence begets enthusiasm and enthusiasm can conquer the world among tho scientific exhibits at wembley is a microphone which on- ables you to hear a fly walking canadian weekly newspaper editors with their families aboard the 88 when sho pulled from her wharf at montreal jnno 11th with nearly six hundrod passengers aboard two hun dred of whom wero canadian weekly newspaper editors and their wives bound for europe tho canadian pa- oiflo 8s mellta looked all of the proud retscl she is under uio direction of e roy bayles manager and secretary and t r davlos of the renfrew mercury these members bf tho canadian weofc- ly ftawspapcr association rc nrw n- jftribt a tvtt ronthr trip and- follow- bs s most cutspvcheiisl uisorary arriving at brussels tho party wore given an official welcome by the bel gian government and after they had visited tho battlefields and other im portant sites they wero received by king albert paris entertained the editors and after some days in franco thoy proceeded to england on dominion day the party were re ceived by their majesties tho king and queen at buckingham palace and a tea was arranged for thorn at tho ilcusft cf commons thoy will of courts visit the british empire ex- meliu hlbition and their british itinerary will include important cities in eng land and tho trossachs loch lo mond loch katrine the country of scott and the land of burns as wouaa edinburgh and glasgow in scotland at belfast the visiting canadians will bo entertained by sir robert baird of tho nelfaat telegraph it is understood that most monitions of the party will write up their ex perience fully and the trip will do much toward strengthening tho bends of the empire founded by saxon king a memorial to wnltor hincs pago a distinguished american ambassador was rocontly unveiled at pickering wngland pickering is one of tho old est towns in yorkshire its foundation 270 years before tho christian era be ing ascribed to tho british king perlc- iurus according to a local tradition its namo is derived from tho finding is the body of a pike a ring which tho king had dropped into tho river cos ta tho castlo of pickering was the prison of richard iii after his deposi tion and elizabeth during the reign nf her sister queen mary it is always safe to end dominion express money orders a lifo without a lifo without a sun friend u like a to expectant mothers a letter from mrs smith tells how lydia e pinkbams vegetable compound helped her trenton ont i am writing to you in regard to lydia e pinkhams vege table compound i would not be with out it i have taken it before each of my children was born and afterwards and find it a great help before my first baby was born i had short- ness of breath and ringing in my cars i felt as if i would never pull through one day n friend of my husband told him what the vegeta ble compound had done for his wife and advised him to take a bottle homo for mo after tho fourth bottle i was a different woman i have four children now and i always find the vegetable compound a great help as it seems to make confinement cosier i recommend it to my friends mrs fred h smith johnst trenton ont lydia epinkham8 vegetable com pound is an excellent medicine for ex pectant mothers and should be token during the entireperiod it has a gen eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire system bo that it may work in very respect effectually as nature in tended thousands of women testify tothlafact o manyeyed insects some insects are liberally provided with eyes in general they have two kinds simple and compound simple eyes are like bur own though less ef ficient while compound eyes are com posed of numerous facets or lenses most people know how difficult it is to catch the common housefly this is not surprising when one realizes that a flys eye possesses 4000 facets consequently there is not much that is out of its line of vision the dragon flys eye has 12000 facets and the mordella beetles eye is made up of no fewer than 25000 while the compound eyes never ex ceed two the single eyes vary in num ber from one to eighteen or twenty they are situated in groups on each side of the head spiders and scorpions havo both single and compound eyes though they appear to derive little benefit from them in the transatlantic service first- class passengers pay the cost of the trip the profits are made by carrying large numbers of thirdclass passen gers classified advertisements t anted man to operate local auto supply branch ap ply canadian niagara falls auto ont shops box 154 fob6uif msoinrcinnrefresiring careworn nerveexhausted women need bitrophosphatejapure organic phosphatodispensed by druggists that new york and paris physicians pre- scripe to increase weight asd strength and to revive youthful looks and feel ings price si per pge arrow chemical coi 25 prbntst east toronto ont stiff joints llmbor up with mlnards liniment leading athletes use it clears the scalp of dandruff treatment op retiring gentjy rub cutlcura ointment with the end of the finger on epota of dandruff and itching next morning slum- poo with a suds of cutlcura soap and hot water rinse with tepid water this treatment docs much to keep the scalp clean and healthy and promote hair growth jtbt zt rt r vb mtrm ctfmtb dkrf clluut t o in ftlt wij- pftggj s uu4t6tuimmiu bh try nr nv slmla stick i66ue no 88 jh