drifted three says and three nights in canoe on lake simcoe miss margaret murchison sole survivor of tragedy tells of terrible ordeal still suffering from shock and badly sunburned brechin ont july 14 the lonel he however invited her to get into and terrifying vigil of miss margaret the canoe which she did without asi murchison of barrie sole survivor oflsistance and he promptly paddled her a party of three who set out on an to concord point where she was illfated canoe trip on thursday after- taken into the cottage of mr e a noon last week and were caught in wilkinson of toronto where she re- a sudden squall on kempenfeldt bay ceived all the care and attention that off barrie and carried out into lake kind hands could administer simcoe was erded here this morning mr grant stated that the girl when her frail craft drifted into shoje physically was in exceptional condi- about 500 yards north of concord tion under the circumstances althojh point i her arms and legs bore terrible sun- for three days lake simcoe had burn blisters in reply to his query retained her secret despite ceaseless as to whether she was hungry she re searches of frantic parents and sym- plied i am beyond being hungry pathetic friends hope had been prac- ji grant stated that her canoe tically abandoned although one last apparently drifted into shore dur- desperate effort was to have been j the night in the neighborhood of made today airplanes had been re- a dense and gloomy swamp she had quisitioned from camp borden to disembarked among the reeds which cruise about over the lake but with jnc the shore and had apparently the discovery of miss murchison the s among the reeds half immersed order was rescinded her companions j wa in the morning not having wilbur hoskins and edgar smith the any idea of the locality she was in latter a brother-in-law- went to their s attempted to walk along the shore death within a few hours after the but fearing the unknown and invisible storm broke for three nights and dangers of the swamp and to save her as many days the fifteenyearold girl f which were in a deplorable con faced and bore physical and mental dition sue had moved out into the torments almost beyond human en- water which was shallow at that durance during the black watches po a distance of a hundred yards of the night when successive storms at times intermingled with flashes of sh gr 1 lightning and the roll of thunder at she and her companions smjth threatened to swamp her canoe and a hosul h been caught in a under the torrid july sun of the day sl on thu evening off she stuck to her post with amazing barrlc and ulat the eano sponson fortitude and bravery unsmkable craft and fitted with a beyond severe sunburn on the arms and legs for she was clothed only in into the water she and smith man- dominion news in brief kentville ns present conditions acreages planted to grains are as fol- j in the annapolis valley are altogether lows oats 9705600 an increase of favorable for a large apple yield for per cent barley 2023000 an in- 1924 judging from reports received crease of 134 per cent rye 537800 from various points in the valley i increase 24 per cent flax 039800 de- fredericton nb according to the j crease of 26 per cent saskatchewan latest crop report of the provincial i leads with 10792600 acres of wheat dept of agriculture new brunswick i and 5136000 acres of oats with al- will have this year the largest acreage berta next with 0307609 wheat and in potatoes it has had for several 2390500 acres of oats while mani- years back local dealers in commer- tobas wheat acreage u 2124700 and cial fertilizers report their spring oats 2178000 sales to have been more than usual saskatoon sask a new marketing which indicates that a larger acreage body to be- known as the saskat- of potatoes will be planted this year chewan registered seed growers co- than in 1923 very little of last operative association was organized years crop of potatoes now remains here recently the new association3 in the farmers hands purpose is to handle warehouse clean quebec quebeds of feldspar and market registered grains and which have been reported on the north i passes for the growers of the proy- shore especially around manicouagan i nce are n under f are to be subjected to study md their tion for the erection of a cleaning real value established as a result of p d warehouse to be situated arrangements completed by which a n lcthbndge alta a large quantity herbert hartley dewart kc brilliant counsel and former leader of the liberal party in ontario who died july s at his summer home near uxbridge after a brief illness born on november 9 1861 at st johns quebec he received his early education in toronto where he became outstanding in politics at the bar and in educa tional circles he was one of the foremost criminal lawyers in canada be ing engaged for the defence in the home bank case and in the trial of hon a bathing suit she displayed no other ab s i marked evidence of physical ill effect me rtf ll f w1 tt i pet6r f treasur from her prolonged exposure despite filed wlth watcr w hos r kins came up she grabbed him and her exhaustion she was far from a ij iij succeeded in getting him a hand hold state of collapse and was able to walk ini t on the side of tne canoe although it and relate her horrifying experiences i i ii f- j- was impossible to drag him on board to interested and sympathetic audi- i i during lha next two liours he clung rnvcil xi a r i o iiri a there on one occasion his grip was to mr h a grant 81 wilson ave shaken loose by the force of the sea toronto who occupies a summer cot- v which was lashing the canoe with her tago on concord point belongs the u a j i help he managed to regain a hold at credit of making the discovery this u 4 u the end of two hours exhaustion grow- ssesktistwba him he was prfntorn lsg in the disap events he was fishing off shore this t p morning when his attention was atj her surviving companion smith traded by cries for help proceeding had helped her but later presumably from near the shore he discovered during thursday night or early fi- a girl clad in a bathing suit who was day morning although the exact hour walking in the water probably one is not known he collapsed and died hundred yards off shore and guiding his body was carried overboard by a herself by a stick he approached and mighty wave which threatened to en- questioned her and was informed that gulf the canoe he and miss murchi- she had been on the water for three son were sitting at opposite ends of days and as many nights not having the boat but she had no time to come seen any papers for several days mr to his assistance before the we grant had not known of the disap- broke upon them there appears to pearance of the barrie trio and was be no doubt that smith died in the inclined to cast doubtupon her story canoe trouble in balkans takes grave aspect revolt in brazil makes headway the little entente conference fails to adjust difficulties with russia berlin july 13 the balkans are once more in a crisis and the con ference of the little entente now pro ceeding in prague is only serving to bring out existing differences in more vivid high lights roumania seeks united support in holding bessarabia against russia which premier benes- of czecho-so- vakia is withholding roumania wants an agreement among the little entente that woum give miiitrry sup port in action if needed meanwhile russia is involved in a bulgarian internal crisis sofia re ports the country is on the verge of a communist revolution as a result of the union of the communist peasants with tho news of the release of carno comes also the tidings that the kwellin pingloh missionaries to the recsue of whom the mission party were hastening by launch whan they wero captured are safe and are all now en route to wuchow tho british government despatched a gunboat to wuchow with officials to negotiate for the immediato rolcaso of the captured missionaries the brit ish authorities declined to pay the ransom demanded by the brigands and refused permission of those con cerned to do so privately they de- geologist will prepare a report for the provincial mining branch in recent years there have been finds of feld spar reported from time to time on the north shore promoters have manifested their intention of starting of alberta wool is now being marketed in great britain according to tho secretary of tho cooperative wool growers association already muct of the new wool crop has been con- tii r w i a c tracted for there and enquiries have exploiuition if the mineral proved of 5 i hnnn wimvivaii frv fioh 1111 mc if thfl real value fort william ont there is a con siderable movement of wheat from this port at the present time up to juno 15th the total of grains of all kinds shipped from the port since the opening of navigation amounted to over 92500000 bushels winnipeg man wheat acreage in the three western provinces is 19- 224900 according to the northwest grain dealers association other been received for 500000 lbs of the western wool clip vancouver bc for the first time in the history of vancouvers grain export business new zealand ha3 been buying canadian oats the new zealand crop having been light last season about 100000 bushels have gone forward 200000 bushels are do finitely booked for shipment and an other 300000 bushels are reported t have been closed the oats are beinf used for seeding purposes ke week markets toronto man wheat no 1 north 127 u no 3 north 119 man oatsno 8 cw 46c no 1 feed 44c all the above cif bay ports am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 118 ont rye 74 la 78c peas no 2 140 to 145 millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 25 shorts per ton 29 middlings 35 good feed flour per bag 2 ont wheat no 2 white nominal ont no 2 white oats 39 to 41c ont flour ninety per cent pat in juta bags montreal prompt ship ment 6 toronto basis 6 bulk cided to hold the chinese government seaboard nominal responsible for the release and safe flourlst pats in jute sacks conduct of all the missionaries which evidently has now been accomplished prince of wales has the apple a day habit a despatch from london says those who dote on the doings of royal- j i j v v r i ty may bo interested to know that the and the macedonians which russia j j of wa ono of tll03e e3 has encouraged m benes is in the conference seek ing to i little entente domina tion by the big entente but on the 720 per bbl 2nd pats 670 hay extra no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 1750 no 2 17 no 3 15 mixed 13 lower grades 10 to 12 straw carlots per ton 950 to 10 screenings standard recleaned f ob bay ports per ton 16 cheese new large 19 to idic twins 19 to 20c triplets 20 to 21c stiltons 21 to 22c old large28 to 24c twins 24 to 25c trip- tlmable persons who eat an apple a day having started tho practice at col- lets 25 to 26c lege according to tho newspapers i butter finest creareryprints 36 once when queen mary went up to to 37c no 1 creamery 36 to 36 government troops fighting rearguard action re serves called out montevideo uruguay july 13 authoritative advices received here say that the brazilian revolutionists in sao paulo have won fresh vic tories over the government troops according to these advices the gov ernment forces have been badly de feated reports which have passed the cen sor assert that the situation in sao paulo is momentarily growing worse that the rebels after getting the up per hand of the government cstab- lished a provisional government iij john french sao paulo city and now are advanc- j recently released from prison for be ing upon santos which port is the ing a le valeraitc who lias boeu supply base of the government troops elected mayor of cork which are declared to be fighting a rearguard action and endeavoring though unsuccessfully to hold back finest bc timber the advance of the rebels j area swept by fire fighting is declared to be going on sixty kilometres from santos where nr rrl c ent rtnn itt c the battleship minas geraes and six m than 6000000 feet of torpedoboat destroyers are anchored douglas fir destroyed on the inhabitants of santos are report- redonda island ed to be greatly alarmed it is staled that the first line reserves arc to be vancouver bc jury 13 more called to the colors and that rein- than 6000000 feet of the finest fallen forcements for the government troops ouelas fir timber has been totally are awaited in santos to which point destroyed besides considerable log- they are proceeding from nwny parts tn equipment in the devastating of brazil i f which is still raging over rio janeiro julv 13 the jornal rcdondl lian1 according to advices do commercio says this morning with received last night by r v stuart regard to the revolt in sao paulo chl forcst rans at vancouver federal troops are continually ar- t1c fir on lh lar is stated riving to serve as reinforcements- in to be competiy out of control and an encircling plan in an endeavor to anned by strong winds is sweeping force therebels to surrender without the vast timber reserves from end to tho necessity of causing serious dam- end all efforts to check the blaze have been rendjrd futile by the in tense heat of he flames and the dense clouds of smoke v i wiicc wiieu uueen luaiv went up tu ne one big issue-russia- there is no 0xford t0 8e6 h mn was getting no m4 86c dry 28 the conference union possible and seems fruitless mission workers in china released eggs extras fresh cheese finest wents 16 to 16c finest easts 16 to 16c butter no 1 pasteurized 34 to 34c no- 1 creamery 33 to 33c seconds 32 to 32c eggs fresh extras 35c fresh firsts 80c potatoes per bag car lots 135 to 140 lambs 11 to 12 calves govern ment graded selects 925 butcher hogs 875 to 9 heavier hogs 750 sows 450 to 5 4 natural resourcecs bulletin firm steps taken by british government agents prove effective on she looked over his battels 1 86c fevtra loose 33c firsts 30c sec- which is oxford for hoardbill and on 26c found an unidentified itom for one penny daily when the queen who is a reputedly economical housekeeper asked what the money was meant for she was told it was for the princes dally apple tho story may or may not be true but the heir to the throne certainly enjoys the proverbial health attributed to those who eat their daily apple despite heavy programs of public evente for days on end for which changes in clothes and uniforms alone would sicken an ordinary mortal the much information in this- connection in tho form of pamphlets and maps is- available from the natural resources intelligence service wuchow china via hong kong july 13 rev e ii carne the aus tralian missionary who with rev r a jaffray canadian and dr h g miller and rev rex ray americans was captured by chinese bandits at fu river on may 15 has been releas- j d s ck an ordinary mortal the ib 10lb tins- 11 to 12c 6lb tins manitoba crop prospects ed and is now on his way to wuchow br s to weaken n to 12c 2ib tins 12 to 13c i rw rainfall messrs jaffray and miller were prci la never ill in fact except when comb honey per doz no 1 27o to i unprovea oy ixiiiuidii viously released by the outlaws to no falls off his horse in some break- 1 360 no 3 250to 275 live poultry hens over 5 lb 26c do 4 to 5 lbs 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 16c spring chickens 2 lbs and over 45c roosters 15c ducklings 4 to 5 lbs 30c dressed poultry hens over 5 lbj 8 do 3 to 4 lbs 18c spring chick- ens 2 lbs and over 60c roosters 20c ducklings 4 to 5 lbs s6c the natural resources intelligence service of the department of the in terior at ottawa says in speaking to the members of the new york bankers association which met in montreal recently sir honry thornton president of the canadian national hallways called attention to the great natural resources of cana da that awaited the necessry capital for their development and advised tho bankers to study these resources in thus speaking to united states bankers sir henry did not need to in clude canadians generally there are many thousands of our people how ever whose actual bread and butter depend upon canadas natural re sources who give no consideration whatever to the basic raw materials which our natural resources provide our lands forests waterpowers mines and fisheries are back of all industry and sir henry as head of a gerat rail- in cartons way system recognizes that it is in the development of the natural resources of canada that the success of canadas railways and her farmers her arti sans her commercial and industrial interests and her people in general depends study of what natural resources canada has what development is tak ing place and what the possibilities beans can handpieked lb 6c primes 6c maplo products syrup per imp gal 250 per 6gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to 26c honey 60lb tins 11 to llc per are is most interesting and educative carry the demands for ransom while neck race the prince of wales seems mr raj subsequently made his eminently successful in keeping tho escape i doctor away from st james talace age to the city- of sao paulo prince of wales sails for canada on august 25 a despatch frcni southampton says it 13 announced that the prince of wales will sail for canada with four or flro friends on august 25 and will j terior of british columbia and- light after fighting for the last two days 200 men untbr the supervision of dominionforcst officials have got the fire in the cowichan area under control calgary juy 13 rains in the in return to england about tho begin ninjr of october no elaborate arrange ments are being made for tho trip and the prince at his own rtquest will travel as nn ordinary firstclass pas- songer o govcmak uses up a large quan tity of eggs one ixjndon house alone showers in parts of northern aberta have improved the fire hazard situa tion at kamloops there is one fire and the hazard conditions arc fair col logan and ambassador kellogg when the representatives of the allies assemble in london to discuss ways and means of putting the experts recommendations regarding germany intoforce the united states of america will bo represented by its ambassa dor in london frank u kelleggshown above on the right and by col james a logan jr who at present is serving as the republics unofficial observer on ihe reparations commission contrary to the procedure at re cent conferences these two representatives will be not merely mute note- atj takers and reporters but will alsi he empowered actively to participate in sieamous 1050 acres have been burnj tllc par whenever qjnecu3nrise directing involving tho united states ed over siree the big electrical storm ipats lsts 766 2nds 670 strong this development is in pari- a loxlcal sequel of the appointment by president bakers 650- wintec pats choice 7 that started so many fires on july smoked meats hams mod 23 to a despatch from winnipeg says 24c cooked hams 34 to 36c smoked the time ra early this week ltmm tolled materially improvedcrop pros- cial brand breakfast bacon 28 to 3tc p mtioba according to the backs boneless 28 to 34c report of the provincial agricultural cured meats long clear bacon 50 department issued on thursday to 70 lbs 1850 70 to 90 lbs 18 j tho crops arc reported to be of a 60 lbs and up 17 lightweight rolls f good color in all districts al- in barrels 37 avy weight rolls 32 though the present general outlook is lard pure tierces 14 to istfc tubs 15 to 15e pails 15to 16c c rather light straw par- prints 18 to 18c shortening tierces i ticularly in the eastern and southern 14 to 14c lubs 14 to 16c pails parts of the province throughout 16 to 15c prints 16 to 17c the entire province damage from export steers choice 775 to 8 f hail or pests have been negi- do good 725 to 760 export heir- e ttzjftt l owing to the lateness of the season 725 do good 625 to 650 do t a expected that the hay crop will mod 550 to 6 do com 5 to be somewhat lighter than usual 525 butcher heifers choice 650 to i lvn c t0 6 d0 is worlds largest wireless 4o0 to 5 butcher cows choice 475 to 515 do mcd 350 to 450 but- station in english town chcr bulls good 425 to 6 do fair 350 to 4 bolognas 250 to 350 the worlds biggest wireless station jcanners and cutters 125 to 250 ls b iuih at ilillmorton a little to feeding steerschoice 6 to gjo the south ot rugby and the little way- kilsby and crick in on the london mid- railway is ad un- 850 to 950 do med 7 to 775 usually busy spot just now says a do com 4 to 650 lambs choice london despatch it is there that all ewes 14 to 1450 do culls 10 to the material for this most powerful of 11 sheep light ewes 550 to 6 wireless stations in the world is being do culls s2 to 450 hogs fed and delivered watered 825 do fob 775 do the ereat nor maes an1 country points 7oo do select f and widewill be supported on- w 90 do off cars long haul 86 each there are 300 tons ousted work in montreal each mast oats no 2 cw 51 to 52c no 3 the wireless station is to be under cw 50 to 50c extra np lfeod xintrol of the government and it 49to 49c no 2 local white 45 j wli uo capable of maintaining cora- to 46c flour man spring wheat i wih coci of gen charles g dawes and owen i young as american reprc- it is estimated that about five hun- mnntcalion with the remotest corners iftw unas ou sironx j 50wintecpats choice 7 lho e to 710 rohcdoatfe 90 j don comparc t p thei requiring 250 yolkshwcek in on acres of merchntabetimber hav nv on tcommiuce of experts which last spring reported upon con sgtts 8 to w process of preparing kid i been burned ditlons in germany car lotst 1650 to 17 both of them