Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 17, 1924, p. 1

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tottfftrille rtbttnt vol- xxxv no- 21 stouffville ontario thuksda july 17th 1924 bo you knjoy i every meal sometimes the digestive machin ery gets just a little off no kind of food looks good to you n yajj digestive toxic aids digestion stimulates the appetite make- eating a measure the greatest complaint we hear is the difficulty of getting enough to eat after taking it once a trial always nyal 100 a bottle market drug store g collard druggist 8toufftllk ontario t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors albert st stouffville office hours mornings 9 to 12 tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 to s3u pm other hours by appointment phone 5304 anie lehman atc m teacher of piano studio over lehmans shoe store chautauqua program ix stouffvoilk baseball news our meat display always attracts the pleased attention of women who appreciate cleanliness in all things a visit to our shop will disclose a cleanliness pleasing to the most particular fresh lettuce vegetables h leadbetter butcher phone 0701 sooiiffvdllc friends in need axe friends indeed your greatest friends are your eyes you should take the very best of care of them for you will never- have another pair our eye glasses are friends to weary or weakened eyes come and j have a pair adjusted to your night needs by means of our scien tific eye examination the examina tion costs nothing the glasses will jcost you as little as- good lenses can h sold for adam r yake p optometrist watchmaker and jeweler 2 doors west of railway tracks phone 159 stouffville the dominion redpaih chautauj qua opened here last wednesday af ternoon and continued for four days this is the fourth year that stouff- ville citizens have had the privilege of hearing such notable attractions and from all reports of approval heard regarding them this year has been no exception chautauqua fans will no doubt be glad to hear that about fortyfive public spirited busi- nes men have signed the contract and it may be concluded that we shall have the treat of hearing the chautauqua program in 1925 the popular melody trio three young women who were accomplish ed musicians anl entertainers laun ched the chautauqua on the first afternoon the tro was composed of miss dorothy river who was a pianist accordionist and reader m betty watson n vlolfnjst and miss ruth swanson a cellist their i program include semiclassical and popular instrumental numbers dia lect readings and costumed sketches all of which were most heartily en joyed during the afreyioons pro gram and their introductory pro gram on wednesday evening fol lowing them came the marko com pany magicians and illusionists they proved to to great favorites with their unique ability of proving again and again that the hand is quicker than the eye the columbus entertainers ap peared on the second afternoon there were two young ladies name ly miss beatrice baitghan pianist saxaphonist and dramatic reader and miss miriam hoovert pianist and violinist miss baughan excelled in her reading selections and was ex ceptionally well received both in the 1 afternoon and evening on thurs day evening was given the first lec ture when geoffrey f morgan took as his subject success with ease this he dealt with in a most fluent manner and showed how the biggest kind of success that which would bring about the happiness of indivi duals may only be obtained by the qualities of energy enthusiasm en durance efficiency and ethics bhaskar hivale a native of bom- hay india former newspaper man and a wellknown lecturer gave the address on friday afternoon on the new india as mr hivale was thoroughly conversant with india and her people and described condi tions as they actually exist there it j was a great privilege to hear such an informative lecture on the third night the comedy cappy ricks was given iby a metropolitan cast of actors the play was basedon one of peter b kynes stories anil was apparently enjoyed by the large j crowd who were present on saturday afternoon following a short program by the jubilee sing ers an inspiring lecturerecital was given by marshall louis mertens the subject being the gold at the rainbows end there were three phases in this address upon which he based his remarks they being the school the home and the church one of the outstanding characters was the speakers sense of humor which won enthusiastic comment mr marshall l mertens also read a number of his own writings which were ljighly commented upon sat urday evening was joy night when the plantation jubilee singers were heard in a splendid concert of plan tation songs- and lullabies miss marshall a trained juvenile entertainer was in charge of the junior chautauqua in the mornings and prepared the children for a short program which was given on saturday morning stouffville vs newmarket in order to convince the newmar ket baseball fans that stouffville has a real baseball team this year our wh1tchurchc0uncil pursuant to postponement on ac count of extended meeting of the county council regular meeting of boys went over there on friday af- whitchurch tp council was held personal notes ajbaagmaaabmb sb i 3sl5 tcrnoon last and scored nine runs while not one newmarket player was able to make the circuit len nox pitched perfect ball and had ex cellent support this being a twi light game only seven innings were played the final score was 9 to 0 for stouffvile batteries stouffville lennox and reesor newmarket mchale and robinson epworth and legood the next game for stouffville will be on wednesday july 23rd when newmarket team conies here in the prme at lesca- na market owie 1- a ecbre of llovjda u ie scitajulcd be oioalivlit aad richmond h- wednesday had to be postponed on account of the rain july 2ndat the usual hour and meet ing place with all members present and the reeve in the chair communications presented and road soldier settlement board re taxes on part of east half lot it con 3 n matthews solicitor for oh forster objecting to the use of cer tain portions of road allowances at wilcox lake for camping purposes r j rogers agricultural repre sentative requesting a grant for township school fair j a l umber of those interested in r sed to the leasing of portion i if uj allowance at lake wilcox w unused for traffic purposes appear- jr ufye council and presented their- l views on the matter in ques eenslv tor j churchill mrs geo wagg jr was in the city on thursday last mr and mrs john wagg of scar- boro visited at mr and mrs delos grahams on sunday glad to see mr alymer paisley also miss nellie paisley home again the church here will be painted next week which will make a great improvement every member bring a paint brush there will be held at the home of mr and mis w ryinills on thurs day evening an ice cfeam social the proceeds tc be given to foreign mis sions chiropractor i church st i stouffville i do you tire easily if you tire easily there may be a subluxation of your spine any impingement of the nerves that emerge from the spine restricts the flow of vital force that is necessary to your well be ing come in for an analysis tttt 33 rav with the churches baptist rev w w fleischer pastor sunday july 20th 10 am sunday school 11 am church serrie 7 pm church service methodist rey g e coulter pastor sunday july 20th 10 am sunday school followed by preaching service at 11 am union service in the park at 7 pm rev r young- will preach come thou with us and we will do thee good to the sick read st johns gospel chap 14 christian church edgar morton pastor sunday july 20th stouffville 10 am sunday school 11 am worship 7 pm joint service at park bloomlngton 10 am sunday school 11 pm worship churchill 2 pm sunday school 3 pm- worship friday 9t012 am 1at stouffville ontf rlngwood 10 am sunday school 7 pm worship the christian church sunday school is having their annual picnic on friday july 18th at mussel mans lake the altona and churchill schools will join with them all friends and members are invited to attend come along and bare a good time jacksons ioixt the summer church opened last sunday for the season a number of new cottages are be ing built here this summer dr and mrs rowan returned to toronto for a few days last week lakeview hotel had one hundred and sixty 160 guests over sunday mr ross wheier of buffalo visited over sunday with his family at their cosy little cottage the hydro people have strung their wires now right down to the black river bridge mr and mrs ernie button avere the guests for part of sunday with mrs h w sanders dr jamieson of hamilton- visited over sunday with his family at havealaugh cottage mr and mrs geo silvester of to ronto paid a short visit to have- alaugh cottage last week the fishing does not seem to be very go6d this season as we do not hear of any large catches mr and mrs j foy of port cre dit are the guests of mrs chas ur- quhart at idylwild cottage mr charles urquhart of port credit visited over sunday with his family at idylwild cottage the new veldia rest home on the old glen sibbald property for poor children is filled to capacity mr and mrs f w silvester spent part of sunday with mrs dr w jamieson at havealaugh cottage property around jacksons point is still going up in value and people will soon have to be building on the water mr and mrs matthew flint of hollywood los angeles are the guests of mrs w b sanders at cherrywood cottage it is said that the new golf links here are among the finest in ontario the shares have gone up to ono hundred and fifty dollars mr j r wheler an old stouffville boy celebrated his 70th birthday last week whet fifteen of stouffville people who are here were invited the evening was spent in playing cards recitations ana speech mak ing refreshments were served in his large cottage at the waters edge the old jacksons point wharf which was to have been repaired by the dominion government got off to agood start this spring expen sive and laige solid sticks of timber were drawn and placed in position but here she stoppad short and not a tap of vbrl has been done on it since last may there was quite an exoitipg time hero a week ago last sunday for a while when a young lady and gen tleman were upset out of a canoe out in the lake at the time there were few on the beach but- fortun ately it was noticed at the time by someone and the alarm was given in ten minutes the beach was black with people and boats from all direc tions speeded to the scene just in time when they were pulled into a boat in an exhausted condition toy reesor lang a few minutes more and there would have been a double drowning jacksons point has only now got nicely started to boom the wet cold weather put everything out of order but now that the weather is some warmer things are beginning to look up ice cream parlors candy and fruit stands dance halls pool tables and nearly everything else that goes to make up a summer resort are now all on the hum and everybody seems happy the radial railway is bringing in new people every day the boarding houses are now being filled the sports have be gun and everybody seems pleasant and delighted all in for a good time 23 00 so the treasurer was instructed to pay mr rogers district representa- fifteen dollars for township school fair and the following acj counts as presented viz j a beaver 205 yds grav 41 00 1 j mclaughlin lday with team 550 h pegg work with team and men bet lots 2s25 con 9 43 50 av beach and others overtime work opplots 2025 cons 15 50 j gray 130 yds clay for road bet lots 2021 con 7 2g 00 h dewsbury placing culvert opp lot 16 con 4 25 00 w h ash s days as constable at wilcox lake 20 00 j p forester grant on hill and around lake con 3 lot 7 work in div 2 con 3 77 00 j a cjarke assessor equaliz ing union school sections 10 00 canada ingot iron co for 5 metal culverts ljo 00 e conner forg05 yds gravel for lake road etc 121 00 dr cj devins for 1 visit to g anthony authorized by reeve 5 00 en penrose cleaning ditches opp lots 3031 con g evens 4 04 yds gravel for 2nd con line 800 f stephens and others grading etc bet lots 303i con 2 20 00 r gould building bridge bet lots 2s26 con 2 and repair ing another 90 00 w talbot grading opp lot 15 con 6 5 50 e murphy grading opp lot 15 con 6 5 50 s baker 12s yds gravel for div 1 con 8 arid 2maysfiiiing- bt5 gravel 29 60 resolutions were passed rescinding resolution authorizing a charge of fifty cents per lot for ap proval of subdivision plans present ed passed at last meeting of council providing for annulment of agree ment with mr ash re use of portion of road allowance at lake wilcox if found to be illegal instructing the clerk to order three 10 metal culverts for use on roads at different parts of the town ship appropriating following stated grants for roads repair or improve ment at places stated viz 40 bet ween lots 85 and 86 con 1 coun cillor dennis commissioner 14 between cons 5 and 6 lot 16 coun cillor baker commissioner 35 between lots 30 and 31 con 8 councillor kldd commissioner 25 opposite lot 1 con 6 councillor baker comlssloner council adjourned to meet again at vandorf hal wednesday 30th inst at 10 oclock for general busi- ness editors entertained by lord beavbrbrook lord beavrbrook the former montreal financier who is now newspaper publisher in london had 500 guests at dinner last thursday nignt july 10th to meet the weekly paper editors from can ada who arc now concluding a tour of europe the guests included lloyd george lord birkenhead and winston churchill you are welcomed as kinsmen to j the old hearthstone declared lloyd george addressing the gathering we have not forgotten what our partners in the empire did with us in the name of honor and humanity when we accepted the most formid able challenge ever hurled i have thought in fear and trembling of whatmight have happened if that million men from overseas had not come europe is not in a satisfact ory state today but it is getting on it will work through it is a trou bled old continent but it is a gallant old continent too and sotae how finds its way in its own muddled fashion continuing mrlloyd george said canada could maintain 600000000 people but we must study the empire as well as its possibilities its true mission is to consolidate and recon cile all the diversities into one great pattern setting aside prejudice and predilection mr george watson spent tuesday in toronto mrs j a helse was in gormley for the week end renewing old ac quaintances mr copland of toronto is visit ing his daughter mrs g r w tnomas miss jennie peterman of toronto is spending a week with 5irs geo baker mr and mrs john ramsay of to ronto visited with their sister mrs e tarr on sunday mrs chas reid of toronto spent a few days with mrs a v nolan last week mrs wm reynolds of goodwood spent tuesday m town with mrs e p miss vera harper of the 9th line spent last week with her grandpar ents in town miss erma burkholder is spending some time at home owing to the illness of her mother mrs f gordon miss j burkett and little edra and mildred spent the week end in toronto mrs w reesor left last week for a trip to the west going as far as jasper park north of edmonton mr and mrs h m nicholls of winnipeg man spent a few days this week visiting airs w t byam mr and mrs j e huckins and family of toronto spent the week end with mr and mrs geo e coul ter mrs cliff of toronto and mrs robinson of lansing mich spent a few days this week with their uncle mr n forsyth mr and mrs herb porter and mr and mrs ira anderson motored to fenelon falls and spent the week end there miss m l clark is holidaying for a couple of weeks on an island off georgian bay the summer home of prof and mrs scarrow toronto mr ind mis j h forester of toronto were week end visitors with mr john atkinson and miss atkinson mrs mary jane reesor and mrs geo robinson were in markham on saturday for the funeral ofmrf w robinson mr clayton stoiiffer and mrs j murison attended the funeral of their aunt mrs w robinson in markham last saturday mr and mrs bruce clark and family from jacksons point were callers on mr and mrs a s col lins on sunday evening mr and mrs ingleton and son of agincourt visited with mrs h kester mrs boothby and her niece returning with them last sunday misses sanderson and williamson of toronto mr m mclean and miss d anderson of uxbridge have been visiting with mr and mrs h ander son mr and mrs allan mustard were visiting dr and mrs s s ball over the week end taking little margaret ball home to toronto with them oh their return mr and mrs harry walker of regina mr and mrs j t power and master jbond of guelph spent last wiednesday with mr powers mother mr irobt l dales left last mon day for nova scotia to continue his duties in the eastern provinces on the inspecting staff of the bank of nova scotia drs s s ball and f a dales messrs clayt baker w h shaw and ross- davis attended the ma- sonic grand lodge in toronto on wednesday miss greta smith daughter of dr d c and mrs smith is holidaying at bigwin inn in- muskoka along with a number of college girls from toronto university and also some from queens mr and mrs jos plewes brother- inlaw and sister of rev e morton spent part of this feek in stouffville mr and mrs plewes motored from saskatchewan a few days ago with a ford car 2000 miles and only had one puncture ton the way they have many optario friends to call on before returning home where they have been farming for 31 years business cards legal mccullough button barristers soucitok3 am vkyancks c htttoxs block btouvfyiuji money to loan medical dr s s ball phyiuciau and sujteon office cor 0 in atd hath x utiue 190 dental dr d c smith dentist stouffvtlle honor graduate of chlcaeo a toronto university and the royal college of dental surgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 101i no outside appointments e s barker lds dds dentist stouffvillo honor graduate of royal college t dental surgeons and of the univ- slty of toronto office in grublns block ruone 8201 markham every tuesday office over geo crosbys store veterinary i r g laav v s b v sc graduate universitj of toronto i ringwood phone 6014 boadways drug store stouffville real estate for sale house with 10 rooms in bloom ington one quarter acres good fruit with outbuildings at 1500 house property in stouffville all kinds and all prices 50 acres near the hydro line brick house bank barn nice stream good land 6000 j 7 acres with buildings in whit- 1 church 1000 also 60 acres to 100 acres and- lots of others jacob yake real estate agent office over buttons store stouffvillo msummer births urqahart at the general and mar ine hospital owen sound july 5tb 19247 to mr and- mrs wm hector- urquhart a son hare in stouffville on saturday july 12th 1924 to mr and mrs robert hare of mill street a son lad injured by car your appetite wont weaken this glad summertime if you order the proper food our bread belongs on your menu ingredients which go to make stovers bread maple leaf flourt formerly called cream of the west diamond crystal salt pure granulated sugar maltextract milk easiflrst domestic shortening flelsch- mans compressed yeast a stover boadways drug store stouffvtllk a very serious accident occurred at the corner of obrien avenue and main street last sunday evening about 830 young wilbur gower son of mr and mrs iwm gower of obrien avenue was on his way to the station carrying a couple of suit cases to the sunday evening train when he was struck by mr charles sbackels car as tuere were a large number of autos coming from the east returning from church it is supposed that the boy was watching those so did not see the other car coming from the west mr shackel was not driving fast but was not atole to stop his car before the front wheel had passed over the boys body he was carried into dr balls office where first aid was given and then taken home having received bruises from his fall and also a concussion of the brain from latest reports he is doing as well as can be expected and his many friends will look forward to hit having a complete recovery a why not be enthusiastically and electrically happy all of the electrical helps you need in your home are priced by us in such manner that you can pay a small deposit down and finish the payments from week to week or month to month leiois arennedy electrical supplies h fixtures r lehmans shoe touffvlilt- o

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