Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 5, 1924, p. 7

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is good tea fine brisk flavor best of all in the orange pekoe quauty tjs health education by dr j j middleton provincial board of health ontario mlddloton wul be la4 to answer question on public health fr ter through this column- address bta at spadlna house p crescent toronto altb ut spa4lm 1 people living in country districts r perhaps far removed from a doctor are often confronted with cases of accident or sudden illness at times like this it is very hard to know just what to do on the spur of the moment most people get nervous and excited thereby adding to the goneral confu sion without giving much practical help if there is any use in saying so i would strongly advise the person who is on the spot as a helper to keep cool try and control yourself and deal with the circumstances in a commonsense way for instance if a person gets hurt and is bleeding the bleeding must be checked the best way to do this is to get a hard pad and press it firmly against the bleeding spot or else tie the pad on with your handkerchief a lot of alarm and anxiety is often caused in cases of convulsions when a fit comes on the sufferer will be ly ing down7 the best position for him but your commonsense will suggest something soft under his head and t you should use a little gentle restraint if necessary just sufficient to pre vent him from injuring himself in his struggles if the teeth are clench ed and the tongue bitten try and in sert a small stick with a piece of rag wrapped around it between the jaws cut and abrasions are perhaps the most common injury met with and to keep the wound clean is the important thing when the skin is broken it is particularly liable to be infected with septic germs which may cause blood- poisoning if you can only keep the wound clean nature will do the heal ing but nature cannot heal while her work is being interfered with by germs that cause inflammation and pus or what is known as an infection of course one can control infection by the useof antiseptic solutions but these may not be at hand so the very best thing to do is to keep the cut or abrasion clean and free from infec tion if possible you will ask what to do then first bathe thewound carefully and thoroughly with warm water to which- you may add some antiseptic solution such as boric acid better still wash the wound with warm water and soap do not touch the wound with a sponge or flannel but something reasonably clean such as a piece of new lint or clean cotton j wool if none of these are to be had a piece of clean linen such as a hand kerchief will do very well then dry the wound and paint on some tincture of iodine if it is available the iodine may smart but only for a few mo ments and you should now protect the wound by- a pad of boric lint or clean linen a bandage applied snug ly but not too tight will stop any further bleeding and at the same time keep the dressing in place if the wound does not throb or feel uncom fortable the dressing need not be changed for fortyeight hours or so severe haemorrhage is a condition that requires immediate treatment but what you can do is only of a temporary nature still you can often save life by checking or control ling the bleeding until the doctor arrives keep the patient lying down quietly andnotice whether the blood comes out in spurts or in a steady flow apply a pressure pad or even hold the bleeding point tightly with your finger until you get assistance when the pressure pad is applied bandage firmly at once elcvato the injured limb as high as possible should the blood still continue to come in spurts it is evident hstan artery has been cut or torn and you will then have to try and compress the main artery by pressure against the bone with your fingers or better still apply a tourniquet this is eas ily done by tying a handkerchief around the limb always above the wound over a piece of stick or simi lar article then twist the stick till the hankkerchief is as tight as can be borne and hold or tie the stick in position in bleeding from the nose place the patient on his back with the head and shoulders raised on pillows or any thing handy raise the arms above the head as high as possible and pinch the nostrils tightly with the finger and thumb this will often stop the flow should it not wrap some broken ice in a handkerchief and apply to the nose and to the nape of the neck a thick slice of lemon bitten and sucked sometimes acts like a charm of course the doctor should be sent for without delay if the bleeding is per sistent should you find a person lying un conscious do not try to make him sit up just let him lie and if he can swallow give a few sips of brandy in cases of sudden illness where a doctor cannot be got at once a little common sense will often work won ders in the first place get the pa tient to bed at once if the attack is severe and dont forget to loosen any clothing that may be tight fainting will usually yield quickly to lying down and sipping a stimulant cold water is an excellent stimulant if just sipped but do not give fluid un less your patient can swallow other wise it may find its way into the lungs if he is cold or shivering apply hot water bottles to the body and the feet but be sure to wrap the bottles in something woollen to avoid blistering vomiting may be relieved by suck ing ice also by applying a mustard plaster to the upper part of the ab domen i when there are broken bones to deal with efforts must be made to prevent any movement of the two jag ged ends at the point of fracture movement causes pain so bind the limb above and below the fracture to a splint which can be made out of a piece of stick or even an umbrella these bits of advice are intended to be useful in emergency but do not neglect to secure the services of a phy sician at the earliest possible moment as the fractured bones may need to be set in position before a permanent splint is applied sea fever i must go down to the teas again to toe lovely sea and the sky and all i ask is a tall ship and a wind to steer her by and the wheels kick and the winds sans and the white sails snak ing and a grey mist on thb seas face and a grey dawn breaking i must go down to the sea again for the call of the running tide is a wild and a clear call that may not be denied and all i ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying vnd the flung spray and the blown spume and the sea gulls crying i must go down to tbe sea again to the vagrant gypsy hie to the gulls way and the whales way where the winds like a whetted knife and all i ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow rover and quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long tricks over john mansfield the ciieekful w01im is one who has the rich red blood of good health the fact that oho woman is bright- eyed rosycheeked strong and cheer ful while another is pale weak and depressed is duo more often than other wise to the condition of the blood the way to remedy this depressed state is to build up the blood and for this purpose there is no other tonic can equal dr williams pink pills a case in point is that of mrs melvin abra graveley street vancouver bc who says about two years ago 1 was a very sick woman i seemed to be wasting away and getting thinner all the time i grew so weak that the doctor sent me to the hospital but the treatment there did not help me and i returned home then i tried a num ber of tonics with no better results at this stage my mother came to me and as she is a firm believer in dr williams pink pills she started me on this medicine i can only say that they did wonders for me i began to get new health and strength after i had taken a few boxes and day by day this improvement continued until i was again well and able to do all my housework and i have not had a sick day since i cannot recommend your pills too highly and urge those who are looking for health and happiness to give them a trial you can get the pills from your druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont easy tricks which card this trick requires a little prac tice but it is well worth it well presented the trick is more mysti fying than the description suggests show four cards to a spectator asking him to fix his mind upon one of them do not display them too long just long enough to en able him to see oneof the cards plainly put two of the cards on the top of the pack and two of the cards on the bottom and put the pack behind your back throw several cards on the table and ask hira to tell you whether or not his card is among them do this several times until his answer is yes you will then be able to name the card he selected the first handful of cards you throw on the table includes one of the two cards you put on the bot tom of the pack if his answer is no you will know that the se lected card is one of the three other cards the cards may be returned to the pack the next handful of cards includes one of the other cards it it is not the selected card the noxt handful will of course contain it clip this out and paste it with other of the series in a scrapboak childkood indigestion lift offno pain doesnt hurt one bill drop a llttls freazone on an aching com in- tuntly that corn stops hurting then thortiy you lift it right oft with angers your druggist sells a tiny bottle of frcezono for a few cents sufficient to rcmovo every hard corn soft corn or corn between the toes and the foot calluses without soreness or irritation nothing is more common in child hood than indigestion nothing is more dangerous to proper growth more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to dan gerous disease fully ninetenths of all the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigestion there is no medicine for little ones to equal babys own tablets in relieving this trouble they have proved of benefit in thousands of homes concerning theni mrs jos lunette immaculate conception que writes mybaby was a great sufferer from indigestion but the tablets soon set her right and now i would not be without them babys own tablets are sold by niedi cine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from tho dr williams medicine co brockville ont the warders on viniy ridge and passcuendacle our silent armies sleep through summers sun and winters gale and neath the starry deep no moro for them tho dawn of day nor sunset on tho hill their souls and songs have died away their giant strength is still the march of time goes swiftly by and brings its care and toil but in eternal youth they lie beneath a foreign soil with iron limbs and fire for breath they charged amidst tho gloom and shared along those fields of death the comradeship of doom yet not in vain they watch and wait strong champions of the right they are the warders at our gate and guard us through tho night from selfish aim and paltry ease from slavery of the soul the men that save thelndare these they point us to the goal quebec canon f g scott o he yearned to know when nebuchadnezzar ate grass with tho beasts of the field nol- emnly began the presiding cldor did ho boiler too asked young banty johnson who has an inquiring mind ask for mlnartf and uk no othar granny grannys come to our house and ho my lawzydalsy all the children round the place is 1st arunnin crazy fetched a cake fer little jake and fetched a pie for nanny and fetched a pear fer all the pack that runs to kiss their granny lucy ellens in her lap and wade and silas walker both aridin on her foot and polios on the rocker and marthys twins from aunt marins and little orphant anny alls aeating ginger bread and glgglln at granny tells us all the fairy tales every thought er wundered and bundance o other stories bet she knows a hundred bobs the one fer whittingdon and golden locks for fanny here em laugh and clap their hands listenlu at granny grannys come to our house ho my lawzydalsy all the children round tbe place is 1st arunnin crazy fetched a cake for little jake and fetched a pie for nanny and fetched a pear fer all the pack that runs to kiss their granny james whitcomb riley green tea in great demand twentyfive years ago green tea was more popular than black but due to the heavy importation of poor quality japan and china green teas tho demand fell off ceylon and india started producing green tea on a large scale only in recent years they wero of such fine quality and dolicious flavor that green tea drinkers im mediately recognized their superiority and domanded them in ever increasing quantities salada tea company is practically tho sole importer of cey lon and india green teas in canada and how they can runrj he seems always in a hurry whats the matter with him anyway trying to keep up with his running expenses ithink music a precious asset how much even a little musical ac complishment means to young men was effectively demonstrated during the war says a writer in canadian home journal the boys in a regi ment who were definitely sure of popu larity were those who could play some instrument or other or sing a song it was found that a great many had the gift of- playing the piano by ear but the lad who could really play un familiar compositions and could vary the usual fare by something high- class once in a while was honored nor did tho soldiers always insist on something lively i have heard of one young canadian officer awarded the vc posthumously for buberb bravery during the great advance of the summer of 1918 who had a most remarkable gift for playing on that haunting instrument the ukulele he had it was afterwards known a real conviction that ho was never to see canada again and the soft melan choly strains he used to evoke from his instrument were an expression of his premonition he undoubtedly gave solace to himself and much plea sure to his comrades by his music sad though it was in the trenches there was no scoff ing at music as a girls accomplish ment it was regarded as a precious asset and so the growing hoys whose ideas of the war are vague must bo taught to regard it new source of power motor tests recently made indicate that pajin and cottonseed oil may be practical and economical sources of power in the tropics keep mlnarda liniment in tha homo a man should never be ashamed to adpiit that he has been in the wrong it is but saying in other words that he is wiser today thnn he was yes terday the man who once most wisely said be sure youre right then go ahead might well havo added this to wit be sure youre wrong before you stop all at sea a girlat a public library inquired if the red boat was ihr i dont think we have the book she was told oh excuo mo said ho girl i made a mistake the title is tho scarlet launch after a search the library assistant reported that no book with that title was listed in the card catalogue but i am sure you havo tho bool tho girl insisted suddenly she open ed her handbag and produced a slip of paper on wnleh something was written then she blushed oh i beg your pardon she said its the ruby yacht- by a man named omar i want by comparison i understand you and your wife take a trip cvory summer in your fliv ver- i suppose it makes the farm work soem lots lighter when you return suggested tho relative yes by comparison agreed farmer shakewell payment for articles advertised in this column should be mado with do minion express money orders a safe wny of sending money by mall the sagacious are generally lucky nurse charrclle says tahlac brings most gratifying results nurse with 15 year expert ence urges use of tanlac tells of her mothers ex perience with worlds fa- raous tonic i have direct and personal know ledge of so many cases where tan lac has restored health and strength and helped weak rundown people to get on their feet that i know it to be an unusual medicine is the emphatic manner in which mrs m e chappelle blue mount and thomas ave wau- wotosa wis a practical nurse of fif teen years experience pays tribute to the famous treatment time and again i have urged tan- lacs use and it always brings the most gratifying results my own mother now eighty years old took tanlac five years ago and it has been her standby ever since nothing helps her as tanlac does and she is as strong an advocate of the medicine as i am only recently mother be came generally rundown her stom ach was disordered her appetite ut terly failed her and she came near having a nervous breakdown tan lac gave her a vigorous appetite cor rected all complaints and left her not only well and happy but so strong and active that she looks after the home and visits around as well and mother thinks the tanlac vegetable pills are the greatest ever in all my long years of experience as a nurse i have never known the equal of tanlac tanlac is for salo by all good druggists accept no substitute over 40 million bottles sold take tanlac vegetable pills the nightingale he deadens all birds with the note of his so hale and lusty throat and with his singing each copse each hedge is ringing where sits he that i cannot mark but for his voice now hark hark hark how his voice sallies ring through these leafy alleys what is he say a censer high by angel hands swung sightlessly whence heavenward taper smokewreaths of perfumed vapor what is he say a belfry chime finetoothed finethreaded quick to rhyme though unbeholden alert exultant golden he is where i can reach him not a sparkof fire a message caught from roofs high over those low roofs us that cover it irks me not though old i be that he the laurel bear from me sweet bird i know it tis yours the crown as poet for what man yet could fathom all the riches of that treasure hall of wondrous singing the nightingale is king in kenneth hare classified advertisements anly tendollars remodel your old style ford with a da luxe streamline hood write for cir cular burrowcs mfg co toronto i adies wanted to do plain i and light sewing at home whole or spare time good pay work sent any distance charges paid send stamp for particulars national manufacturing co montreal strawberry plants habit is one of the few things in the world that it is harder to break than to make to be perfectly proportioned a man should weigh 28 lbs for every foot of his height tap otrawberry plants kj williams glen mary and dr burrill 600 per thousand 125 per hundred premier kelloggs prize marvel and parsons beauty 150 per hundred all prepaid fred w whitehall sub 10 london ontario mm for your holesdmscieansingrefreslrtng say bayer aspirin insist unless you see the bayer cross on tablets you are not getting the genuine bayer aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy sicians for 24 years accept only a m oy- 2lit y bayer package which contains proven directions handy bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 and 100 druggists aspirin is tho trade mark reglstrrtd to canada of bayer manufacture of moalh accllcacldtatcr of sufcyllcaclcl cuticura cares for your skin and hair make cuticura soap ointment and talcum your everyday toilet prep arations and watch your skin and hair improve the soap to cleanse the ointment to heal end the tal cum to powder f i stvapl each fr t7 mail address canadian i i ddot outiaara i o box 1018 montreal i soap 25c ointment 25 and 60c talcum 25c i try our new shaving stick i to gain weight druggists guarantee uitrophosphate to rebuild shatteredtierves to replace weakness with strength to add body weight to thin folks and roklndlo am bition in tiredout people price 1 per pkge arrow chemical co front st east toronto ont chapped hands minards is excellent lor chapped hands and all skin diseases excruciating pains cramps entirely remedied by lydia e pinkhams vegetable i compound ebertsont i started with cramps and bearingdown pains at the age of eleven years and i would getso nervous i could hardly stay in bed and i had such pains that i would scream and my mother would call tho doctor to give rrto something to take at eighteen i mar ried and i have four healthy children but i still have pains in my right side i am a farmers wife with more work than i am able to do i have taken three bottles of lydia e pinkhams vege table compound and i feel that it is helping me every day my sisterinlaw who has been taking your medicine for some timeand uses your sanative wash told me about it and i recommend it now as i havo received greafc relief from it mrs nelson yotttr b 1 eberts ont lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound is ft medicine for ailments com mon to women it has been used for such troubles for nearly fifty years and thousands of women have found relief as did mrs yott bytakingthissplcndid medicine if you are buffering from irregularity painful times nervousness hadache backache or melancholia you should at once begin to take lydfa k pinkhams vegetable compound it is excellent to strengthen tho system and help to per form its functions wilh eacc and regu larity o issue no 22 21

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