Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 5, 1924, p. 5

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stouffvtlle june 5th 1924 local happenings the express limited tonight mrs j merriott ot the shadow lake camp has been quite ill at the home of her father dr f a dales this is cherry blossom week in thi3 district one or two of the orchards are looking very beautiful the wctu will meet at the home of mrs fairies on tuesday june 10th at 3 oclock a full at tendance is requested to complete arrangements for the county con vention which meets in the stoutf- vllle presbyterian church on june 18th and 19th recsec it treat yourself with some of our pure and wholesome confectionery that we are showing in such big variety at low prices re member we are- headquarters for the famous moir choco lates try our bulk ice cream or visit our refreshment parlors porters phonls 198 that feuow with the gloomy countenance probably forgot to pay his telephone account by last saturday whke the recent rains seriously interfered with garaenlng and farm- lirg ther has been a decided improvement the past week judging by the way the trees have sprung into leaf there is now splendid growth being made dominion day celebration stouffvilie july 1st mr peter wideman lost his fine macbrino colt last week following an operation this young beast gave promises of becoming a noted horse in canadian horse circles possessing as it did such splendid style strength and good breeding the comedy play with chautauqua in stouffvilie on july 9th is entitled cappy ricks it is a notable comedy based upon peter b kyue8 cappy ricks stories in the sat urday evening post it is a story of high finance on the high seas and the humor of the play is said to be irristible dr j norman dales will open his dental parlors in claremont the hub of the thriving district to the east of stouffvilie within the next few weeks the doctor will be a real acquisition to the village and we look for him to build up a prac tice that his ability and attentive- ness to business will justly merit the school fair in stouffvilie will be held on saturday sept 13th and the fair at vandorf takes place on sept 8 th owing to the early date on which these fairs are set it will be necessary for the teachers to do much of their work before the holi day season the reason given for holding the fairs so soon after school is called in the fall is to avoid any possibility of the fair be ing marred by cold weather as has been the experience on some occa sions in the past bananas strawberries oranges pineapples tomatoes all select fruits visit our ice cream parlor and be entertained with the crowd lloyd turner phone 909 quite a number of stouffvilie people took in the sports at clare- moot on tresday the kings birth day attend the opening ball game in memmorial park this saturday af ternoon when newmarket will try conclusions with stouffvilie rich mond hill play here the following tuesday june 10th dr dales is asking the council to have the cement curbing in front of the fire hall continued down the west side of the building affording an opportunity to plant a few flow ers around the municipal chambers this would make a decided im provement to this section of the main street when will the work be done toone a chicken belonging toone of our west end subscribers oev into the coal bin the other dayand laid an egg in the coal our citizen and his neigjtbors are noiff positive that chickens can read for on the wall was pasted an old tribune of 1898 and there in 4uite readable letters was the advertisment of a coal dealer and he heading ran thus now is the time to lay in coal the womens institute have made a formal request to the council for the reinstatement of the curfew bell in stouffvilie a number of towns have gone back to this system ot ringing the town bell at nine oclock each evening as a signal for all children under a stated age to be in their homes the council while perhaps in sympathy with the move ment are unable to enforce any such measure until such times as a con stable is appointed to carry out the measure the opening ball game of the season on stouffvilie diamond will be played next saturday june 7th between the locals and newmarket although the weather has been very cold and wet stouffvilie boys have got in some good practices and will give a good account of themselves turn out to this initial game and show your interest in clean sport use lehigh valley coal it lasts longer burns steadier gives more heat all sizes on hand seeds seed corn all varieties al quality price right also full stock of timothy red clover alfalfa alsike and sweet clover mangold seed 35c per lb turnip seed 55c per lb flour and feed bran shorts sampson chop barley chop oat feed oilcake manitoba oats five crowns flour jubilee pastry flour telephones office 169 residence 171 tuesdays toronto telegram of last week contained a splendid reproduction of the new danforth methodist church toronto erected at a cost of 150000 now completed and which was opened last sunday and will house the methodist conference at its session this month the church is of gothic architecture and possesses many features being providedwith bowling alleysgymn shower baths church parlors etc the auditorium will seat 1200 worshippers while the sunday school will accommodate 1100 rev jj coulter formerly ofuxbridge and brother of rev geo coulter of stouffvilie is the pastor remember the concert tonight thursday in ratclitfs hall owing to the demand for space in this issue of the tribune a leng thy report of whitchurch council proceedings- received i wednesday morning is unavoidably held over till next issue do not fail to see the express limited in ratcltffs hall tonight thursday under auspices of the womens institute oxbridge talent admission 35c and 25c on wednesday dr smith left for owen sound to attend the annual meeting of the presbyterian general assembly he was one of twenty elected by the presbytery of toronto and unless he changes his ideas as quickly as some men who go to par liament he will be found marking his ballot in favor of church union his honor judge mcconnell had only to sign his name to a few papers ot a documentary nature and the meeting of the second division court was adjourned until the next regular sitting there being no cases to proceed with monday morning was the regular court sitting for stouff vilie but in this peaceabiding locality there is little in the way of court disputes to occupy the time of a court there was uo one present at the sitting excepting his honor judge mcconnel and court clerk rj corson of markham also one legal advisor mr fl button george swift aged six years son ot mrand mrs a w swift hap pened with an accident one evening last week which might easily have proved very serious the little lad was playing near dr sangsters re sidence running along the road and looking backward at some other children he crashed into a horse and buggy driven by win pipher of ringwood the animal knocked the lad down and in attempting to rise he struck the front hub of the buggy sending him down again he was again struck by the rear wheel and a severe gash was inflicted on his forehead the little fellow may always have a scar to remind him of his accident quality servtch seed core seed corn all varieties no 7 government standard mangold seed turnip seed feeds of all kinds bread flour pastry flour stiver bros phone 4501 the annual conference of the christian church of ontario will be held at bloomington next week the first meeting will open on wednesday june 11 at 2 oclock there will be service every night but saturday at 8 oclock three services will be held on sunday morning afternoon and night the officals invite the public to any or all of the services the bloomington and churchill people will 1e prepared to take care of the crowd harry leadbetter is a firm belie ver in safety first while driving his car from markham at a late hour on wednesday eveghe sudden ly came upon a large touring car standing in such a position on the road as to block the traffic three men stood in the way and put up their arms which harry took for a highball to draw a halt however fearing that he might fall into the hands of thieves and robbersharry stepped on the gas in no uncertain manner swerved into the ditch and passed the standing car like an auto polo driver and made all haste for home his wouldbe associates were outwitted and if they had any de signs on harrys pocket book which happoned to be full ot the filthy lucre at the time it was a lucky thing their illdevised plan failed we are informed that other attempts to stop passengers have been made the council met on monday even ing as a court of revision on the assessment roll for the year 1924 prior to the regular meeting of the council at s oclock only two ap peals were received against the assessment as carried out by harry perry norman to mclean appealed his assessment on the ground that it was too high assessment sustained the canadian express co appealed against being assessed and as the company is now part of the cana dian national system it has been determined through a test case in toronto that the express business is not assessable separate from the railway and therefore the court allowed the appeal and struck them from the roll the express limited the three act comedy to be presented in ratcliffs hall tonight thursday was given in port perry last week and the local paper there makes this comment the uxbridge dramatic club was well received by a full house when they presented their play the express limited in the town hall port perry on may 20th the parts were all so well taken and such thorough training was shown that it would be difficult in deed to mention any character in par ticular tommy and mary were the fun makers of the evening tommy being a very susceptible young lad with a funny feeling around his heart inspired by any lady who happened to be present the station scene was exceptionally good and from that scene the play derived its name mongolia mr and mrs adam bets visited with mr and mrs jos betz on sun day mr and mrs w rennie mr and- mrs k g tarr mr and mrs geo thomas were the guests ot mr and mrs j rennie on sunday mr and mrs ernest madiil visi ted at mr hopkins on sunday there passed away on tuesday morning of this wees at her home in almira a lady ot very high christian character in the person of mrs spofford wife of mr h h spofford general merchant of that place mrs spoffords maiden name was annie degeer she lived during her younger days near musselmans lake but her parents moved from there to durand michigan mrs spofford was taken ill only last thursday but suffered intensely from gall stones almost continually until death gave her release she will le very much missed by all the community being a kind friend a good neighbor thoughtful inselfish cheery and always a sup porter of the good work she vas very active in kelville chufch cir cles taking part in the work of the wms the young peoples society the choir and the bible class the tribrne unites with her many friends in expressing sympathy with the bereaved husband and relatives field fence garden fence poultry fence lawn fence vtes gates our prices are right aftermay 1st we open tuesdaythursday and saturday nights closed friday afternoon silvester bros the first public meeting auspices ot the newly rormed stouff vilie horticultural society was held in ratcliffs hall on wednesday evening last week the speaker was mr george moore of islington whose knowledge ot flowers and plants appeared to be inexhaustible at the outset mr moore commended the local society for adopting as their motto the words beauty brings business and he showed in a variety of ways how it worked out in actual fact beautification begins at home he said therefore each member should start there to make improvements in speaking about lawns he advised against planting shrubs in the centre of the green the proper idea was to work out a border effect frame your lawn in this border in much the same manner as you would frame a picture it the border is to be planted with perennials then keep out the shrubs and if it is to be planted with shrubs then keep out the perennials as the two do not thrive well together he thought shrubs were preferrable j to perennials and the- planting should be done in groups of 3 to 5 of a kind with the tall plants to the back and lowest to the front make your selection and do the planting so that there will be a continuous form of beauty 3ll season and not merely for a few weeks if stouffvilie would advance in population the greatest opportunity is through making the town beautiful beauty is greater than power and factories are looking for beautiful towns to locate in american autoists are looking for beauty there is a moral side to tho question also for the child who is taught to love beauty and i surrounded with these things which speak- of love and goodness has a chance even if they had a shady inheritance owing to the lateness at which the meeting closed the intended drive for members for the society could not be carried out but we understand there will be a personal cunvas made in the near future the society is now b0 strong stouffville school report primary room class a margaret schmidt cora sodan and claude brilllnger and george bartholomew charles cad- ieux and lorraine vanzant and geo swift and garnie fleischer class b velma stover harry woodcock may memulien class c agnes klinck donald closson and evelyn baker jim law- son jr i mary ferristommy castle harry baker murray holden sr i hazel davis blanche h00- ver isabel coulter and isabel col- lard jr ii edna birkett jack hill brma holden sr ii edward galloway audrey fleischer olive baker and flossie- hoover and kenneth phillips jr iiierma grubin and bruco j rowbotham mary byer janet butr ton jr ill edwin smith and edna pugh lenord byer and velma leh- 1 man ivy wild and gertrude barker sr ill betty booth erie col- the young people of the clare mont baptist church entertained the bypu of stouffvilie on mon- j lard robert ferris day evening of last week the pro- class iv george lawsoa giain took the form of a mock par- j booth anne barnes liament in which the government maintained against strenuous opposi- tion that a graduate of a medical college has a larger sphere tor ser vice than the graduate of a theo logical college the stouffvilie young people succeeded in convinc ing the judges that they had the best side of the argument re freshments and a general good time followed the debate and the visi tors left declaring that claremont cookery and good fellowship was not excelled anywhere isabel the opining game of the york baseliall league was played between stouffvilie and aurora on the lat- ters grounds on friday evening last and resulted in a tie game 8 to 8 this game was advertised as a twihlight game to commence at 530 pm and the stouffvilie team was on the field ready to play at that hour bjit the aurora boys did not turn up till six oclock and it was some minutes later before the game got under way and like all evening games had to be cut down to 7 innings and then part of it was played in the dark cowie pitched dont you buy a separator or gasoline engine un til you ask us to demonstrate tho mellotte separator the lister e ngine or the page milker they give satisfaction all class of farm bought and sold admflvagonj4ors3leneaplynw frank baker stouffvilie big special sale of millinery now going on of stylisbc summer hats mrs m e watts phone 812 p 4ts three innings for stouffvilie under struck out 6 men and yielded 4 runs lennox pitched the last four innings slruck ou 8 men and yielded 4 runs tho game was marred by the worst umpiring over seen in this league representa tives from the five clubs happened to be on hand and saw the game and at an executive meeting held the same evening promptly notified the oba not to send out such umps again to this league it was also arranged that the game should be replayed during tho season if it had any bearing on the result stouffvilie has a good line up this year and with decent umpiring would have easily won the opening game however the game was a nice work out for the boys who showed up very well considering that they had had no previous practice to speak of with a couple of weeks practice they should e ready for all comers and we bespeak for the team the hearty support of the citizens of stouffvilie renfrew cream s e pa rators we have taken the stouffvilla agency for renfrew cream separators and all other irenr frew lines such as scales etc dont fail to call on us for barn fixtures of every kind let us quote you geo j lawson phone 182 the west end grocer stouffville the last word in service a 5000 policy lit the commonwealth xilfe and accident insurance company guarantees at age 85 annual fremhtm ordinary life j13175 twenty payment life 17275 twenty year endowment s first that in case of death from any cause the face of the policy will be paid viz y 3000 second that in case of accidental death double the face of the policy will be paid viz 10000 third that it totally disabled from sickness or accident the company will pay to the insured during such disability a monthly income of 10o and will waive the payment of premium hereunder such disability the commonwealth life and accident insurance company hamiiton ontario j o reaman agent stouffville ont

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