ftottiftrilte unburn vol xxxv no 14 stouffville ontario thursday june 5th 1924 paris green and arsenate of lead tfirltt drag stcre g collard druggist stouffvillb ontario t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors albert st stouffville office lours mornings 9 to 12 tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 to 830 pm other hours by appointment phone 5304 anne lehman at gm teacher of piano btudio over lehmans shoe store boadway s drug storb stouffvlllr extensive repairs at reservoir our meat display always attracts the pleaded attention of women who appreciate cleanliness in all things a visit to our shop will disclose a cleanliness pleasing to the most particular fresh lettuce vegetables h leadbetter butcher phone 9701 soouffville the regular meeting of stouffville council for june was held on men- day evening following the court of revision a report of which appears elsewhere in this issue reeve j s dougherty presided all members being present dr f a dales f w silversides e a lunau and f w silvester a complaint respecting a drain was received from l e toddwhich was reported to have since been fixed jos borinsky also requested council to repair the fountain at the corner of fire hall which was con tinually leaking the matter of appointing a con stable for the village was discussed but no action was taken although all the members appeared to be in sympathy with such an appointment repairs to the reservoirs came under discussion and thenecessary work is expected to be undertaken within a week or two this will prove to be quite an extensive piece of work involvipg the expenditure of several hundred dollars the walls on the new reservoir are prac tically useless three sides having been toppled over by the frostwhile the remaining sidefs cracked coun cil favored replacing the sides in much the same manner in which the first reservoir was built and which has proved itself to be the best method an account for 35 was paid dr s s ball medical health officer for attending the annual convention in toronto the treasurers bond was renewed the cost being 5 another account for lighting council chamber block and the clerks office was ordered raid also the sum or 44917 to the ii e power commission for power used in may the remaining rou tine accounts were settled as fol lows j nendick putting in water 300 j nendick roads ditches 875 w crossin drawing ashes 740 e isageer drawing ashes 750 c harper grading 900 tribune supplies 2175 municipal world supplies 655 northern electric costore sup 705 hydro account h burgess line work 19 20 a collard line work 225 c cadieux draying 660 c nendick line work 79 50 a b lehman freight v 750 w a ferrier 1923 ace poles 6600 meters mvs 8360 northern electric supplies 5905 district doings grist for york county council a rebekah lodge of the indepen ent order of oddfellows was instituted in markham last week port perry council is arranging to plant maple trees on its streets any citizen may procure them on application to the council and by increasing the admisiop fee from 25c to 40c is said f be responsible for keeping many away from uxbridge fair ther nothing on the program to warrant the increase it is rumored that sunderland is to carry out this measure will meet station to a flag station any attempt to be reduced from a residential with strenuous opposition from the villagers and naturally so at the annual class banquet of the business mens bible class in ux bridge to be held on sunday june 22nd hon ec drury will bethe afternoon speaker in the evening messrs staples and week of lindsay take the service w r the assessment roll fdr the town ship of uxbridge wfich is just when the york county council reassemble in the oldtime hon ored quarters on adelaide st east on june 16 and under the guidano of warden w j guardhouse reeve of etobicoke township it will not iace a very heavy agenda as june sessions go during the january session the outstanding question under discussion was equalizations and settled as satisfactorily as equalizations ever can be and the time of the june meeting will be largely taken up with deciding as to just what money will be spent during the coming year ease up on taxes during the summer o 1923 the provincial highway commission ex pended throughout tae cunty no less sum than 225000 and just how this money is to be paid will be one of the questions to engage the attention of the june session of the county council it by 20year de bentures the tax rate will not be derceptibly increasea but if by a tax spread over two or three years the county rate may get a rude jolt the june session always gives rise to the timehonored trip to ni agara falls the wardens tribute to colleagues and their lady personal notes completed shows thtownship to rie an1 t veir will be no ex have a population of 2129 the ception number of deaths du the year souvenirs of stouffville in white ivory moderately priced from 25c to 125 see our window display churchill miss jessie paisley wasjhome over the week end the bobbed hair style is still going on in this community miss irene paisley visited miss beatrice chapmans on sunday mrs walter rymill visited with mrs joseph martins on thursday sorry to hear that mrs harvey fairy also george robinson are on the sick list sorry to hear edgar robinson has blood poison in his arm and band mrs margaret graham and son delos graham at r hoppers near goodwood on wednesday see me and see better watch clock and jewelry repairing adam r yake optometrist watchmaker and jeweler 2 doors west of railway tracks phone 159 stouffville chiropractor i church st stouffville do you tire easily if you tire easily there may be subluxation of your spine any impingement of the nerves that emerge from the spine restricts the v- i flow of vital force that is necessary to your well be ing come in lor analysis 100 grant to town athletics for the purpose of stimulating the necessary spirit of jport in stouffville the municipal council on monday evening acceded to the request of a strong representation from the base ball club and business men to give some financial assistance this year and granted them the sum of 100 the deputation was beaded by dr sangster president while others also spoke in support of the grant dr dales told them that an athletic association ought to be formed so that any assistance they might receive would be used for the general benefit of sport the deputa tion took the tip and immediately adjourned and formed what is termed the central athletic associa tion of stouffville representing the veterans baseball business men school board and the band the executive is to be composed of two members from each of these bodies dr ball was made president geo saunders vicepresident and f r crawford the secretarytreasurer when the organization was com plete the delegation again waited on the council which was addressed by dr ball and a c burkholder dr dales introduced the motion to make the grant and councillor lunau went on as seconder and it received the approval of the entire council in memoriam thomas j paisley ifrho departed this life june 9thl923 sleep on dear toothcr take thy rest thy willing hand shall toil no more on earth there is sorrow in heaven theres test 3 923 were 10 and births 25 the number of daysstatute labor total 2302 which means that six teams could be kepton the roads the year round a lady in flesherton has discov ered that her coal oil stove makes a good incubator after two weeks time on the job a setting hen for sook her nest and the eggs were transferred to the oven of the oil stove where with mild heat a brood of nice chicks we are told was brought forth the york pioneers will hold special services in the temple at sharon on saturday june 7ththe 144th anniversary of the birth of david willson the unllder of the temple and the founder of the children of peace in the evening at s oclock every window of the threestoried tempje will be illuminated and a grand concert will begiven u contracts representing an expendi ture of 33500 have been let by port perry council to king homes oakville for construction of concrete roadways and lanes in the town the contracts cover approximately one and a half miles of paving queen st is to be paved from the town to the lake and paving will be laid from the four corners to the railway tracks daylight saving went under in an avalanche of votes last friday in aurora there was a total of 725 votes cast 4s4 against and 241 for giving a majority of 243 against the scheme a great deal of interest was taken in the question as evidenced by the vote this settles the question and our citizens who travel by metro politan car can now figure out whether they are going or coming the question as to what date aurora would have for civic s holiday was decided in favor of observing the same day as toronto the first monday in august composed as it is of over 50 mem bers the council as today consti tuted is by all odds the largest in canada and one of the questions which may arise is how best to sol ve the problem of expansion which has rendered it by common consent large and unwieldy this may be done by the inclusion of the reeve only to the governing body but this is conjectural k that the work of the provincial highway commission is being cut to the bone is evidenced by the fact that whereas last years expenditure over the county amounted to 2251 000 this years estimates so far to tal around 12000 and this will be spent largely on repairs we loved you brol you best ler but god loved sister minnie boadways drug store stouffville employees from the government in deseronto were in beaverton on saturday with consignment of pick erel fry to be used in restocking lake simcoe five large cans containing 7000000 healthy young fry were taken to the lake and liber ated from the head of the govern ment wharf it will be at least three years be fore the effect of this transposition will be visible or whether the fish will survive there appears to be no good reason why pickerel were absent from these lakes but the fact remains that they were and the ex periment of stocking them with a fish not peculiar to their waters will be watched with interest the pickerel is one of the best of our inland water edible fish and a very gamey one for the sportsman with the churches baptist rev w w fleischer pastor sunday june sth 10 am sunday school 11 am church service 7 pm church service monday evening regular meeting of b y p u christian church edgar morton pastor stouffville sunday june 8th 10 am sunday school 11 am worship with your children 7 pm something good for all ringwood 10 am enjoyment at sunday sohool 7 pm try our service regular services at bloomington and churchill ringwood mrs hugh boyd pent the week end in toronto most of our citizens- are busy these days planting their gardens mr e r sincliar and family were mount albert visitors on sunday mr and mrs allen pipher of oshawa visited the formers parents mr and mrs wm pipher on sunday mr and mrs sylvanus baker of taker hill and mr isrc- miller and family of alberta were sunday visi tors at mr sam miller special arrangements are tetog made for a childrens day service fo be held in the church here some sunday evening in the near future uxbridge dramatic club will pre sent the express limited in rat- cliffs hall on thursday june 5tb for benefit of stouffville womens institute the play was written by one of the participants see it methodist rev g e coulter pastor sunday june sth attendance at sunday school last sunday was 9s make it 100 this sunday young people we were glad to see you in the church service last sunday morning be on hand next sunday evening service 7 pm monday june 9th 8 pm young peoples league 13 present last monday a good meeting wednesday june 11th prayer ser vice 8 pm mennonite church w m mcgnlre pastor stouffville sunday june 8th 1 0 am sunday school with classes for all ages 11 am preaching abrahams consecration 7 pm evangelistic service sub ject the doom of the eternally lost- the pastor will be in charge of both services aitona 1030 union sunday school 7 pm preaching by l r pipher an offering and subscription will be taken for home missions dont forget the date and hour of the quarterly meeting service to be held at aitona 10 am june 15 elder w brown will preach to night thursday and friday night of this week the pastor w m mc- guire will continue the services un til sunday night the attendance is good and interest is running high dont miss the closing days of this spiritual feast everybody come george stewart of the nova scotia bank toronto spent june 3rd at home mr and mrs j lunau of rich mond hill visitors a ti n forsyths on sunday mr and mrs c h byani of maple spent the week ena at the home of mrs w t byam miss annie robb of toronto spent a few days with her siser mrs stevens of obrien avenue mr and mrs max gray of toronto also mrs ab gray of king visited mrs w h wilson over sunday mr and mrs wm malloy left on monday to spend two or three months at coldstream near london also at forest ontario mr and mrs bryant and son murray and mr and mrs lawton all of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs g n forsyth mr and mrs t w klinck mrs f c rowbotham and helen atten ded the annual convention of the churches of christ held in toronto last week mrs albert gray of swan river manitoba attended tne womans missionary council as delegato of the presbyterian church at montreal last week and spent sunday with mrs stewart mill street rev s- goudie left on monday for goshen indiana to attend the an nual meeting of the united mission- j ary society of the mennonite church being held this week goshen is a city of nearly ten thousand people mr j b wurts attended the fun eral of his cousin wm byron for- ster at locust hill on tuesday june 3rd the late mr forster who passed away at the home of his son h r forster was in his 78th year mr and mrs george emmerson vandorf wish to announce the en gagement of their youngest daugh ter delia mae to mr thos george son of mr and mrs abijah brown mongolia the marriage is to take place the latter part of june mrs n forsyth mrs a e booth miss middleton and miss waters attended the missionary society convention in toronto last week as delegates from the wmsand circle of the local methodist church mrs w j thompson was also in attend ance mr and mrs wesley hill havenre- turned home from a trip to detroit wyandotte pontiac oxford and other points in michigan they found tne spring crops advanced more here at home than in any other part i neil smith son of dr d c and mrs smith is among the successful students at dental college passing the fourth year examinations if neil shows his usual ability during the next term he will be numbered with the professional men by this time next year how will dr neil smith do on the shingle with a name like that it wont be necessary to add that the practitioner is no irishman business cards legal mccullough button barristers solicitous cox vevances ac hlttoxs block stoufkv11ios money to loan medical dr s s ball phyeiclan and surgeon office cor obrien ard main phone 100 dental dr d c smith dentist 8tour1u honor graduate or cklctgo ee toronto university and the royal college ef dental burgee office over shaws store phone offtoe 1011 realrtenee ims no outride appointment e s barker lds dds dcntltt stouffville honor graduate of royal college dental surgeons and of the unltr- aity of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office geo crosbys store veterinary r g law v s b v sc graduate university of toronto ringwood phone 6014 try our milk and we feel sure you will be satisfied our premises are absolutely sanitary and we invite you to call and inspect the dairy- back of that the milk and cream comes from good healthy cows fresh buttermilk and sweet- cream the maple leaf dairy h gilroy prop phone us and our rig will call phone 8108 stonfftlile iok30i just think of it three picnics a day breakfastplcnio lunch eonpicnic and dinnerpicnic it you eat our bread it is mighty palatable and highly nutritious it contains just tho proper food units for body building and just the proper tastequalities to encourage your appetite a stover we deliver to your home i t t card of thanks rccs and clara maekenie wish to thank their many friends for their beautiful floral offerings and expressions of sympathy attended to them in their recent sad bereave ment in the loss of their father card of thanks mrs elliott and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness sympathy and floral tributes in thelh recent bereavement and to tb orange lodge no 1020 which so kindly offered their services in the loss of a beloved husband and devoted father sft dominion redpath chautauqua 8 -attractions- including gre t comedy success cappyicks 8 plantation jtibilelsingers n jtibi clomps the marko company magicians columbus entertainers the melody trio special childrens programs notable lectures on timely subjects 4big days4 july 9 to 12 dominion redpath chautaulqua season tickets 200 amusements tax extra