stouffville april- 24 1s24 wss special this week i finest cocoa 10c per lb or 3 lbs for 25c new cheese 20c per lb or 10 lb lots at 18c lb sugars are lown in price get cur prices easier tid bits pure maple syrups 250 per imperial gallon crisp malaga grapes 25c per lb bananas at 35c per dozen try a pound of our 30c chocolates mixed flavors and very fine sweet juicy oranges at 25c per dozen or fancy full flavored florida oranges 40c per doz ratcliff co jjtsist smart shoes for women and girls in oxfords and straps- patent kid and calf we have them in black or thrown and you can get stock- 3ngs to match our prices on hosiery are low t t quality is of the best all rips will be sewn free on iwots bought from our stock headquarters for good footwear s gle footwear of merit stouffville otl phoke43q1- here- again is beautiful spring we are ready this week we open up ladies cardigan sweaters fine value and just the thing for this season ladies silk hcse wear well make 125 pair see them other lines 75c to 200 mens spring work shirts- only 95c kharki pants for men and boys going at 175 to 200 each we have a fine line of boys oxfords latest style at 450 a pair rubber rain coats 550 j l little west end stouffville see the overland model before buying any car this spring ask for a demonstration dunlop tires guaranteed only 1050 per tire show rooms at wh todds stouffville ontario todd scott it pays to use martin senour 100 pure paint varnishes for freryftapose foe every surface write to hood office moot real for free booklet home paintinc made easy sold by silvester bros stouffville ont the tribune is published thursday afternoon rerms200 a year in advance- ra v nolan publisher stouffville ont markea31 tp council siktiaii mketixg editorial comment mkihts directory of canadian publications mr 1923 just issued shows a considerable mortality in newspapers there are now 1409 newspapers and regularly published periodicals in canada against 1553 a year ago daily newspapers have decreased from 121 to 114 semi- weeklies from 34 to 30 weeklies from 1022 to 975 high publication costs accounts mostly for the reduc tion in numbers thetown of uxbridge is distin guishing itself in the matter of high taxation with not more than a dozen exceptions uxbridge has the highest tax rate in the province and yet they have neither gotod roads nor domestic water service this years rate is 51 mills which is 21 mills more than stouffville tax pay ers were called upon to pay while enjoying cheap domestic water and good roads through the main street 1 now that the king government at ottawa are doing so well in cutt ing down the civil service staff at the capital they should not over look lopping off the position created for hon duncan marshall institu ted merely to give that gentleman a job the honorable duncan has grown wealthy since he entered poli tical life and he should be content to quit without this safe position of live stock commissioner which will surely be wiped out of exis tence when the king government make heir retirement if not he- fore hospitals are being filled with patients and the hospital authorities do not even have to try to collect from the patient all that is neces- saryis to demand the money 150 per day from the municipality in which the patient last resided and the money comes easy thanks to the enabling law put on the statutes by the drury government any institu tion or physician can send a patient to the hospital without consulting the municipality surely the mun icipality which has to do the paying should have some say in the matter and be able to protect its treasury against careless or scheming phy sicians and relatives to saddle fam ily obligations on the ratepayers of the municipality markham econo mist there is a growing and popular desire on the part of the owners not the bosses of ontarios hydro electric system to demand that the ontario government ourtail the sal aries paid to sir adam beck and a number of highup officials in the system in a great many cases these salaries are outrageous and men could be got todo the work some of these men do for half the money now paid we understand beck gets asalary direct from the hydro of 18000 per year and the next two officials to him pull down 500 a month gaby the chief engineer gets 17500 a year handed to him this comment on the part of the tribune must not be construed to mean that stouffville is dissatisfied with hydro par be it we are getting current now cheaper and bet ter than under the old town plant but we voice this protest in the hope that public ownership might not be spoiled for the people if it were not for these enormous salaries hydro power would be nearly as cheap as the splendid water system this town owns moxgolta school report the average is 60 per cent or more on subjects daring term ex cept primer sr iv b rennie t rennie jr iv d wagg b silverthorn sr ill anna reesor jr ill n reesor c wagg sr ii w hopkins w taylor j harris g vanzant jr ii m spofford l wagg r brown sr i v hopkins e green e green primer 1 percy grown primer v brown e wagg m hopkins e taylor k taylor n teacher- e lemon atha schooi report names in order of merit honors denoted by sr iv a spang a lehman g byer o cox sr ill f thompson v leh man f draper m thompson e mcbrlde h spang b marshman e carruthers e talbot d spang absent sr ii e thompson m leh man sr irj spang a gray jr i a hoover j tran n spang n lehman primer l hoover wahnoita taun teacher ss no f uxbrlds report of easter examinations pass marks for fourth class 540 for third class 4s0 for second class 360 for first class 330 jr iv n odgen 529 v helm- kny 475 sr ill to jr iv ii haynes 700 irene storry 681 lome tindajl 646 ruth hope 635 jr ill e roe 459 t odgen 388 jr ii g morgason 333 whope 342 s irwin 333 first to jr ii h storry 448 sr primer r allan h allan jr primer g morgason reeve gohn called a special meet- j ingbf the council for tuesday last week and before settling down to business the council visited the allen farm on the 6th concession to look over the situation again and try and solve the drainage problem to the satisfaction of the parties concerned the members returned to the council chambers divided in their opinions and the matter is no nearer solution than it ever has been the reeve urged that the matter be turned over to the township engineer to make his award and if this did not prove satisfactory to the parties interes ted they could appeal to the county judge as provided by the ditches and watercourses act councillor clarry took the view that the council should not take any action and councillor campbell would like to give the matter more consideration the reeve reported that he had interviewed north york township council re supplying water for high land park subdivision yonge street and they had agreed to sup- ply same at 20 cents per 1000 gal lons james iproctor redfern estimated the cost of laying the mains 3000 feet at not over 9000 this would be levied on the front age on both sides of the road served under the local improvement act mr haley the president of the sub division company said that there were already thirty lots sold on the street to be served this property they were selling at 1250 a foot the reeve thought that a guarantee bond of 3000 for five years in ad dition to the lands would be an ample safeguard tb the municipality mr clarry thought the company should give a fifteen years bondand mr campbell would like to give it further consideration after much talk a resolution was carried that a bylaw be passed to provide for ttr laying of the mains and issuing debentures therefor by the township providing that mr haley gave a bond satisfactory the council after a lengthy discus sion passed a resolution appointing road commissioners and apportion ing the roads as follows div no 1 the whole of the 2nd and 3rd concessions and the side- roads therein contained 36 miles mr gohn commissioner div no 2 the whole of the 4th and 5th concessions together with the sideroads 34 miles r l siver commissioner div no 3 the whole of the 7th concession and the sideroads be tween concessions 6 and s 19 miles r a smith commissioner div no 4 concession 8 from the whitchurch townline to markham village and the 9th and 10th con cessions to lot 21 and the sideroads included 21 miles j r campbell commissioner v div 5 concession 8 from the scarboro townline to markham vil lage and concessions v 9 and 10 to lot 20 and all of the 11th conces sion 23 miles h s clarry com missioner the commissioners are limited to an expenditure of 100 per mile any extra expenditure must be by grant the rate of wages was fixed at 60c per hour for man and team lator at 30c per hour and foreman 40c per hour mr clark of orr clark con tractors made a proposition to crush gravel in the pit for 90c a yard pro vided the township contracted for a minimum of 3000 yards the gra vel would be crushed to 1 inch cubes if desired and delivered in bins or into the wagons they would if desired contract to deliver same on the roads where required at 22c per yard per mile haulage the jcouncil promised mr clark that they would arrange to visit the pits with him and if the material could be purchased at a satisfactory price they would likely enter into a contract with him a resolution was passed appoint ing constables for the township as follows w degeer box grove a rush unionville fred heming way hagermari milton findlay unionville wm clapman thornhill russell drewery dixon hill alex armstrong locust hill a couple of small accounts were ordered paid e a button for wire 1060 and a w- imilroy teaming logs and lumber 1158 the laurier memoimal the ontario womens liberal association after careful considera tion have decided that the most fitting memorial to their late beloved leader sir wilfrid laurier would be the foundation for a perpetual yearly scholarship of 100 each in the three ontario universities to ronto queens and london said scholarship to be for proficiency in the french language to be awarded to canadian born english speaking students the son or daughter of a naturalized british subject not of french parentage said scholarship to be known as the sir wilfrid laurier memorial scholarship the sum to provide this fundation to be given by the liberals throughout the province of ontario therefore they earnestly nk for the assist ance of every man and woman who loved our late leader and feel they would like to do honor to his mem ory in this fitting manner as the short time will not allow us to personally canvas everyone we trust we may count upon your im- nifdiate interest and cooperation av sized contribution will be grate- fjiv roived kindly hand samo to miss edith sangster mrsblake san ders mrs g lee mrs jas mowat or mrs ludwick hoover on or be fore may 1st 1924 stouffville womens liberal assoc oe xo w h shaws reg sure for sale brown clyde mare registered for sale apply h grice phone 7814 rt- i lozsoi socio o d o o a o a o o 0 o weekly store news seexour new jiij spring goods new new new new new new new new new new ginghams prints ratines ratine gingham voiles curtain scrims curtain nets floor linoleums floor oilcloths wall paper xo o d o o d o o d o d o q o q g o d o staunton semi trimmed wallpaper saves time the selvages are partially severed in the process or manufacture and all that is needed to accurately trim the rolls is to- tap the ends on the table these- papers can be hung quite easily and successfully by folks who do their own papering and paperhanger f indthat with these papers they can do the work much more quickly and that they always give complete satisfaction you will enjoy choosing wallpaper from our new stock the patterns are so novel and varied the colour harmonies are so effective that you will soon find ah ideal paperior each room that needs renovating that will make your home as charming as you wish it were now we shaw phone 9512 stouffvillb during winter months store closes every evening except saturday 30e30j 30e303 for sale government standard seeds alsike red clover sweet clover timothx and alfalfa our prices will appeal to you f t hill co limited office phone 1401 house 189 l e todd managing director