stouffville april 10 1924 fea k i j y sgts3i the tribune 5 a spring diet spring with its change of weather is here and demands a change in our diet from the heavier foods of winter to the lighter ones of spring we are ready to supply your needs new maple syrup head lettuce california celery and juicy fruits special offering for saturday 5 kegs of fancy malaga grapes at 25c per lb while they last a snap finest red salmon 35c or 3 for 100 capilano salmon 14c or 8 for 100 new and old cheese also roquefort and limburger cheese ratcliff co ifctiiir2i fh smart tor women and girls in oxfords and straps- patent kid and calf we have them in black or brown and you can get stock ings to match our prices on hosiery are low and the quality is of the best all rips will be sewn free on boots bought from our stock headquarters for good footwear shoes m glehmalvf footwear of merit al a stouffville pho 43q1 here again is beautifulspring we are ready this week we open up ladies cardigan sweaters fine value and just the thing for this season ladies silk ilcse wear well make 125 pair see them other lines 75c to 200 mens spring work shirts- only 95c kharki pants for men and boys going at 175 to 200 each we have a fine line of boys oxfordslatest style at 450 a pair rubber rain coats 550 j l little west end stouffville t fox tox no 9 interest is increasing every year in silver fox fanning enquiries come to us from all parts of the united states and canada there is a keen- demand for quality foxes poor stuff is almost worthless it pays to buy the best for it takes as much to feed and care for a poor pair of foxes as it does a firstclass pair dont think of cheap ness when your are considering the purchase of a pair of silver foxes think in terms of quality the best obtainable it pays to buy from a reliable company we can furnish you with the best q references let us place before you our various propositions canada foxes limited ranches at sackville new brunswick and ringwood ont ranch manager at ringwood dr r g law for sale government standard seeds alsike red clovek sweet clovek timothy and alfalfa our prices will appeal to you f t hill co limited office phone 1401 house 139 l e todd managing director is published thursday afternoon rerms 200 a year in adranco a v nolan publisher stouffville ont district doings f editorial comment the honorable peter may be honest but even his friends will surely admit that he is easy honest but easy thats it what is home this time of year without a few little exemptions run ning around thinks the man as he makes out his income tax papers how do you do some pay when their debts come due others when overdue some never do how do you do the ontario legislature lias cut the school grants this year by nearly two million dollars this had been anticipated by many who realize that grants had been boosted in order to induce trustees into cer tain undertakings now the build ing demands of the department of education should also be reduced to a more saner basis m last week we made reference in this column to the war memorial that the citizens of aurora propose to build inferring that it was the same memorial which certain indivi duals were interested in having erec ted on vonge street within a few miles of aurora we are informed by the popular and genial mayor of the ambitious town on the west boundary of whitchurch that there is no connection between the two proposals and that aurora never sought to have the york county council build a shaft on yonge street we are glad to tell our readers that aurora is not seeking nor never was seeking to encourage county council to spend money on such a project the church union bill came before the private bills committee on tues day last week but not even the first clause was passed anglican add roman catholic members speak ing generally joined with those presbyterians opposed to the terms of the bill and supported an amend ment by w finlayson east simcoe that the law clerk draft a clause permitting dissenting congregations to remain ont of the union church and retain their name and property this is regarded by unionists as fatal to the success of the plan and c r mckeown mover of the bill is quoted as considering withdrawal of it several citizens of goodwood were in toronto last week calling on the provincial hydro with a view to gett ing a supply of power for that little hamlet it was suggested that the line should be extended from ux- bridge now why not supply good wood from stouffville a distance of little more than five miles which is between three or four miles less than from goodwood to uxbridge there is no doubt the cheaper power for goodwood would be got from this direction reeve dougherty and the hydro committee of the counci should keep in touch with this mat ter and see that another line is not allowed to invade our territory if we can furnish the power the more customers on the stouffville system the cheaper power will be for every user if the wll now before the legis lature goes into effect it will be un lawful for any person to carry on the business of horseshoeing in on tario unless he has obtained a cer tificate of registration the law however is not intended to affect those already engaged in the busi ness the bill proposes to have all applicants for certificates examined by a board of five examiners com posed of four master horseshoers and a veterinarian every practis ing horseshoer must file an affidavit stating the time he has practised his trade and on payment of a fee of two dollars he will receive his certificate of qualification the basis of school grants is to be changed again the qualification and experience of teachers havefor several years counted for extra grants this is to he changed the value of school property attendance of pupils and th school taxes paid by a section are to be what count for government grants in future a teacher with a firstclass certificate will not bring any larger grants to a school than one with a second- class special grants are to be con tinued for poor schools those re siding more than three miles from a school are relieved from paying school taxes circulars containing the full text of the new regulations will be sent to school inspectors who will send them to the secretaries of schools claremont farmers club held an auction sale which realized good prices port perrjs municipal skating rink earned suiicient to piy i000 off its indebtedness the past winter a faker- has been going through the country collecting radio fees a number of radio owners in acton hav been victimized a stingless bee has been developed but until the more peppy varieties have been demolished full advan tage may not be realized from the modern invention canvas of the members of st andrews presbyterian church new market disclosed that a majority of the presbyterians in newmarket are opposed to church union the amount of uncollected taxes in the village of markham for 1923 is 73 according to the collector who returned his roll to the council last week markham is most for tunate in getting all the taxes sin on aprit 28th the ratepayers of markham village will vote on a bylaw to determine whether the school board should expend 45000 for the purpose of making additions alterations and permanent improve ments to their high school percy wldemans barber shop in markham was robbed last week during the night and s5 in cash taken as well as a quantity of goods f the question of personal safety is sometimes lost sight of in the rush and bustle of these times no thing but good can come of a gen eral effort to reduce the loses due to accidents in this country and the idea be careful today should be carried throughout the land m m j s honeys sale of grade hol- stein cows at milliken on thursday last week drew a large crowd and fair prices were realized everyone of the 28 head in the offering was sold the highest price realized being 130 the average price was a little over 75 a team of percherons a mare and a gelding brought 315 and went to cherrywood t t a hen part wyandotte and part leghorn with four legs and two crops which lays two eggs daily each of a different color is in the possession of wm halpenny an employe at the ontario hospital farm at brockville the bird has in reality two bodies the legs are joined in two pairs the hen is s months old last monday an increase in the fares on the metropolitan division of the hydroelectric railways went into effect the change will be an increase from two cents a mile to two and threequarter cents per mile this increase only affects the occasional rider as aspecial rate is quoted for the party who uses the cars frequently a substantial re duction is made when a return ticket is purchased there is no change in the time limit of the use of these tickets at present the return fare from aurora to toronto is 75c under the new rate the single fare is 55c and 100 return a number of the farmers from the claremont district as well as a num ber of ladies attended a successful meeting in claremont masonic hall one day last week to hear an address b mr a wilfred of toronto on cooperative marketing and egg- pooling at the conclusion of the address which was very highly ap preciated by the audience an egg- pool was organized the committee being d m morgan wm t wilson mrs morgan s pugh and mrs john pallister the committee met after the meeting and have engaged d a scott as manager and grader for this district they expect to be able to take eggsand grade them in about a week on tuesday afternoon nearly two score of pupils from pickering school journeyey to toronto by bus to visit the ontario legislature in session leaving at 12 oclock they arrived at the parliament buildings all of them for the first time and viewed with awe and respect the interior of the building in which our repre sentatives deliberate upon and pass the laws that make ontario such a peaceful progressive law abiding province their arrival at the house having been prearranged by the principal with the enthusiastic sanc tion of the local board of education they were conducted to an allotted space in the ladles gallery where they might face the main speaker of the day sir adam beck he it was who gave on the floor of the house in the debate on estimates the his tory of our ontario hydro develop ment at niagara the debate was very interesting and the pickering pupils were lucky to hear such elo quence and the language and fiery comment and retaliation hurled from the tongue of one saturated with his subject in hand perhaps the pre sent advantage of such a trip will not be entirely apparent but an im pression will have been gleaned by the local students that will never be forgotten i02s aoraox i0e30i ioe30s xoe39 the stouitvillc firn brigade hold their first pracilce 11113 season cu tuesday evening when the truck and brigade spetvl to the eust end and hooked onto a hydrair turnips and manjloufi fo chas atkinson phoft 2112 w h shaws o a o o a o o a o o d o 0 o d o a o o d o x0e30i ioe30i aocao weekly store news o t urts see our new spring goods new ginghams new prints new ratines new ratine gingham new voiles new curtain scrims new curtain nels new floor linoleums new floor oilcloths new wall paper o q o d o d o d o d o n o q o staunton semi trimmed wallpaper saves time the selvages are partially severed in the process of manufacture and all that is needed to accurately trim the rolls is to tap the ends on the table these papers can be hung quite easily and successfully by folks who do their own papering and paperhangers find that with these papers they can do the work much more quickly and that they always give complete satisfaction you will enjoy choosing wallpaper from our mew stock the patterns are so novel and varied the colour harmonies are so effective that you will soon find an ideal paper for each room that needs renovating that will make your home as charming as you wish it were now aocaoi ioe xosaos o q o 0 d o 01 w e shaw phone 9512 stouffville during winter months store closes every evening except saturday 30e30e soe303 aoi