stouffville april 3 1924 churchhill albert clark is called to toronto to serve on jury on april 1st messrs w paisley and t kelling- ton are on the sick hist and we wish them a speedy recovery bert paisley spent sunday after noon and evening at the home ot joe martin dont forget endeavour every thursday night at eight oclock in the christian church albert paisley had a successful sale last friday which brought him in the neighbourhood of three thousand dollars we welcome mr and mrs chap man and family to our midst oltinnrga we have not all had the opportunity of doing so personally miss velma martin left on march 19th to spend a few days with her brother at craighnrst before resum ing her training at st andrews hospital midland a very s pleasant evening was spent at the home of albert paisley recently on account of bad roads not as many were present as would like to have been we will all miss the paisleys wilfred lazenby bad a lively experience when he emptied the cutter rather unexpectedly and left a small hole in the snowbank mr bert paisley has engaged with mr fred winn of stouffville for the coming summer house to rent house and 2 acres ot land at xot 33 con 7 markham ralph b hoover ringwood phone 4906 buubs for same choice gladiolus bulbs mixed var iety lor sale price only 150 per hundred or 25c dozen w jjacobs ringwood phone 9312 ttp bargains farm implements we now have on hand riding plows single or double plows of every kind also good harrows and all kinds of implements in firstclass order remember we pay highest prices for live poultry hides and junk h herman phone 1003 stouffville administrators sale of valuable 0 acre farm stock implements hay grain and furniture in the township of ixbridge county of ontario the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auc tion on the premises herein after described onehalf mile east of stouffville on thiusoay alhii 10th 1024 the property of the late melville hester horses clyesdale gelding 12 vears old pereheron gelding 9 yrs old cattle- holstein cow bred july 13th holstein cow bred aug 12th holstein heifer bred augts holstein cow bred dec 20 holstein cow bred jan 13 grade jersey cow bred in july pigs fat sow 1 shoat 9 pigs sweeks old harness set double harness set single harness implements masseyharris binder masseyharris mower masseyharris rake ph cultivator with seeder mh hoe drill steel roller set harrows cockshutt i sulkey plow fleury plow twin i plow scuffler chatham wagon mclaughlin buggy mclaughlin cut- ter set bobsleighs wagon box chatham fanningmill ph cutting- box gravel bottom wheelbarrow grindstone carpenters bench with vice set scales cap 240 lbs 14 bunches shingles hay and grain 3 tons mixed i hay 3 tons old hay 3 tons clover hay 2 tons timothy hay 300 bus oats 3 bus red clover seed about 10 ft ensilage furniture 2 sideboardsfall- leaf table kitchen table 2 small tables 2 bedroom- suites cupboard chatham kitchen cabinet 2 lounges arm chair dozen kitchen chairs 2 washstands hanging lamp quan tity carpet number dishes organ box stove cook and numerous other articles terms hay grain ensilagepigs and all sums of 1000 and under cash over that amount 7 months credit on approved joint notes or 3 per cent straight off for cash sale at one oclock ask your deawbr for merry wives pastry flour or white rose breab floclt bandied by almost every dealer refuse substitutes manufactured oy theuxbridge milling co limited the farm at the same time and place there will be offered for sale the farm consisting of the south west quarter of lot number two in the first concession of the town ship of uxbridge containing 50 acres more or less on the said farm there is a good farm house good barn on cement foundation driving house all in good state of repair the farm will be offered subject to a reserve bid terms made known on day of sale or in the meantime same may be obtained from the undersigned administrator the farm will be offered at 230 wm reesor administrator stouff ville f w silversidesi auctioneer it pays to use martin senour red school house paint for barns and outbuildings it has no equal write to head office montreal for free booklet home painting made easy sold by silvester bros stouffville ont dx30i ioboi loaoc 30e30i xoe30 massey harris order your machines now we protect you against any reduction in the price by our guarantee to refund you any reduction that may be made in our price prior to the season in which the implement is used in 1924 we have a special induce ment to place your orders early call and gee what it is d h0lden agent phone 184 stouffville the greater our show rooms just north of the former todd carriage factory is nofftfed up and we invite you to call and see the new model overland cars now on exhibition better still ask for a demonstration agent stouffville overland model 91 is 710 tires and tubes r card of thaxkf mrs m kestertdesites to convey 1 her sincere thank arm appreciation to the many frlemis and neighbors i for the kindnestnown during her recent bereavement in the death of i her husband i mailik syrup i orders taken now for new maple syrup w e taylor plion- 3707 stove follsaub good cook stove fsrsal apply wes schell no 2 flues court eggs for hatching from bred to lay barred rocks it curtis phone s611 5p for sauk reg mare in foaiyaam of lloyd turners gelding abo tier colt ris ing 2 yearsold of me size w d forster phone 1501 markham p for saue plymouth rock eggs for hatching from pure breed 50c for 15 j o span phone 6610 6p ijaxd to rent about three or four acres of good garden land also barn in east end stouffville fruit trees etc apply to mrs w harding phone 6707 np lemonville for saue a yorkshire sow with 10 pigs 1 weeks old also tamworth sow with 8 pigs 4 weeks old j u basing- waite phone 6406 j rhode 1suand reds eggs for hatching from pure bred r i reds 50c for 15 s hfretz fisher gormley 6np rabbits wanted 100 or 200 rabbits wanted at once phone- evenings 4213 geo h fisher 6np for saue peerless incubator 220 egg cap apply to r stewart albert street stouffville p for saue one grade cow due april 24 newton rae lot 12 con s whit church phone s403 6p suabs for saue we have a quantity of slab wood for sale also lxs and 10 dry pine suitable for barn siding robt rat- cliff phone 4809 bulu cauves i have a number of bull calves for sale apply this week prices right also water bowls for saleto attach to woodwork for stock drinking edw lloyd 10th concession whit church np poultry appues and potatoes wanted highest prices paid for good qual ity prompt attention phone after 6 pm max fine markham phone j c103 or at stouffville market 6p alfred dixon is all smiles over the arrival of that boy mr and mrs r drury of dixon hill visited his fathers c drurys last week miss ethel saunders has returned home after being with her cousin mrs ridell of ringwood farmers are engaged in repair work in readiness for the spring seeding which we hope they will be at in a few weeks time last sunday was missionary day in the sunday school with miss coultix in charge a missionary collection was lifted rev dr williamson our pastor occupied the pulpit last sunday he delivered an impressive sermon nxt sunday an evening service will be held mrs j holman of toronto spent a couple of weeks with mrs m- cook and daughters also mrs ed pennock and two sons were guests of their mother last week omitted by mistake from lenion- ville public school report of last week primer class albert richard son lewis wells elda hutohinson reta wells blake yake may coultis teacher u f o notice this is the last call for mangold seed binder twine and wire fencing before th orders are sent in we will have no shingles for the spring trade order your needs now with d h rusnell secretary for farmers club stouffville public notice a meeting will be held in the old council chamber stouffville on friday april 11th at 8 pm for the purpose of organizing the stouff ville horticultural society all in terested please attend dr f a dales norman m mclean conveners doing any roofing i have taken an agency for a re liable steel roofing it will pay you to put it on your barns and other buildings special low prices ralph davis ringwood 5p seed oats about 200 bus yellow russian variety clean and sound seneca baker phone 8409 fat hens i will pay a special price for fat hens sam golden apply at pen- nocks liv for sale one sow and 7 pigs 5 weeks old one sow and 9 pigs 1 week old also 1 registered clydesdale mare rising 4 years old simeon hoover lot 25 con 8 markham phone 6214 6np house for sale 7 roomed solid brick dwelling on albert street stouffville splendid corner lot fruit trees frame barn apply to david mcconnochie 3p hatching eggs from well bred utility stock selec ted barred rocks 100 per 13 eggs improved r i reds 150 per 15 eggs r i red eggs have special price per 100 paul roadway ufo notice a business meeting will be held in council chambers on thursday morning april 10th at 10 aim all members should be present order now turnip seed seed corn hard and steam coal d h ruspell sec phone 6413 machinery for saue having purchased all the machin ery in the old willow factory- i can offer for sale a number of good pul leys line shafting and hangers and helting also have circular sawing machine band saw wood lathe bor ing machine shaper 6 hp gas en gine steam engine and boiler all machines will be put in 1st clas3 order barkey bros stouffville foundry phono 3101 paibi for saub 125 acres more or less at lot 33 con 8 pickering one of the nest farms in the township 1st class brick bouse and good barns this farm is in al condition and well nnderdralned flowing well only two tenants in 28 years cpr station mile excellent grain or t w ve sf ter stiver bros stouffville thog williamon stouffville ringwood robt wilson of toronto visited in our busy center last week miss alma brownsberger has been on the sick list we hope for a speedy recovery mrs sutton of welland spent a few days last week with her daugh ter mrs jesse grove arthur bassett was a toronto visitor on tuesday this week also wm pipher visited the queen city the same day a number of our people are suf fering from colds the weather is starting in quite backward this month cars and trucks are beginning to iass this way again since the roads are getting into shape well soon need a traffic cop there is no truth in the state ment that a ringwood lady is apply ing for a divorce because her bus- band keeps live frogs in the bath tub as frogs are more plentiful around the lake the report must refer to ballantrae we are still waiting for hydro rates here further south a number of services have been cut in and we understand the system from yonge street to stouffville is making a neat surplus on this its first year of oper ation a popular marriage took place in stouffville on wednesday last week when two of our people embarked on the journey of life together namely mr george johnson and miss erma vague only daughter of mr and mrs thos vague of baker hill the knot was tied by rev g e coulter of stouffville at the parsonage there the newly weds will take up their home a half mile north of ringwooo success to them golden yellow syrup 2 lb and 5 lb tins bulk syrup 8c per lb tillsons rolled oats each package contains an aluminum premium f g rowbotham choice groceries and high class confeclionery village orders delivered phone 5601 auto accessories we carry a big line of supplies this season for all common makes of cars tfrestone tires special at 1250 y see this tirf its a dandy 30x3 1 wifts garage phone 3005 jersey cow sale public auction sale of high grade and reg jerseys the property belonging to j w reesor lot 4 ninth line whit church on monday aikiu 14th 1024 no l jersey cow fresh test 56 no 2 jersey cow full flow bred no 3 jersey cow full flow bred test 5 no 4 jersey heifer milking good due in sept test 54 no 5 reg heifer bred ieleen of medow- lawn no6 reg heifer bred olive of medowlawn no7 reg heifer 11 months old betty of medowlawn no 8 jersey heifer 5 weeks old quantity alfalfa hay sow and pigs 4 weeks old no reserve as mr reesor is giving up the dairy business terms no7 s jersey heifers sow and pigs hay cash balance 6 months credit or 4 per cent straight off for cash sale at 2 oclock fw silversldes auctioneer vulcanite hexagon slabs most satisfactory for reroofing you will get the greatest satisfaction from your re- roofing job if you use vul canite hexagon slab shingles or vulcanite roll hoofing vulcanite roofing lays read ily right over the old shingles vulcanite hexagon slabs are easy and economical to apply because of their extra width and because they space automatically saving time and money their patented design makes the roof double thick everywhere giving absolute protection a pleas ing tilelike appearance a solid fireresisting roof for years and years let us show you samples of vulcanite hexagon slabs and other highgrade vulcan ite roofings prices and esti mates on request stouffville planing mills v phone 194 stouffville ont distributors for ontario wind engine and pum company limited dealers in the best building supplies of all kinds it always bakes the same sometimes your homebaking does not turn out quite so well as usual a variation in the quality of the flour will cause trouble home bakers who use quaker flour always get the same good results quaker flour does not vary it is tested every hour during the milling process it is always the same it always bakes the same homemade bread is easy if made the quaker way write for our tested recipes they are free quaker flour atwatjs the sameafarags the best quaker k flour m p aw mmwmiw jgl vaf i r frfji7itfif iffiv every sack of quaker flour is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction a product of the quaker mills peterborough and saskatoon 2j7 distributors w s lapp uxbrid