Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 3, 1924, p. 6

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dominion news in brief bt johns nfld with tho usual and 10000 horse employed in bush pomp and ceremony the newfound- 1 operation alone in ontario land sealing fleet recently cleared winnipeg man furs to the value from this port for its annual seal of 400000 were disposed of at the recent sale of the winnipeg fur auc tion sales co since the company commenced operations three years hunt in the gulf of st lawrence other steamers from halifax and st john will join the fleet later in the month and altogether ten ships will- ago approximately 1750000 worth engage in the hunt in 1924 of f unr have been sold in the three- halifax ns the formation of a years of operation the company has provincewide publicity bureau to ad- sold about 4000000 worth of furs vertise nova sctoia as a summer i regina sask over nine hundred tourist country was decided upon at travelling libraries are in circulation a conference of business men from at the present time according to a all parts of the province held here report of the provincial bureau of recently the objective is to raise publications in addition to the 10000 by popular subscription in i travelling libraries some 500 books which event tho provincial govern- i were sent out to districts where the ment will contribute an equal amount branch was unable to supply libraries edmonton alta about 40000 bushels of pure seed grain have al ready been marketed for seed growers and to launch an extensive publicity camnaign sherbrooke que a plant for the manufacture of hydrated lime ha3of the province through the provin- been completed at lime ridge by the cial government cleaning and grad- dominion lime co of sherbrooke ing plant here a good deal of this this product i3 used instead of lump has gone to eastern points and there lime for building purposes for mix- has also been a considerable quantity ing with cement as a waterproof the sold in tho province the demand companys quarries have a high qual- j for good seed continues strong ity of limestone particularly adapted vancouver bc tho woodward to the manufacture of hydrate- i elevator is practically completed in- toronto ont it is estimated that creasing the grain storage capacity 408000000 feet of timber 3170000 of tho port by 2900000 bushels ar- railway ties and 649700 cords of rangements are now being made to pulpwood will be the output of the load ships with wheat by means of present lumbering season on crown j lighters if this practice is establish- lands in the province of ontario alone i ed it will prove another great nssis- there are approximately 30000 men tance to handling of grain sir edmund walker cvo lld dcl president of tho canadian bank of commerce chancellor of the university of toronto and outstanding patron of art and music who passed away on march 27 at bis home lrcng garth 99 st george street toronto from an attack of pneumonia weekly market report toronto man wheat no 1 north 108 man oats no 3 cw 41e no 1 40c man barley nominal all the above cix bay ports ontario barley 65 to 70c american corn no 2 yellow 98c buckwheat no 2 76 to 80c ontario rvc 74 to 78c peas no 2 145 to 150 millfeed del montreal freights bgs included bran per ton 28 shorts per ton 30 middlings 36 good feed flour 210 ontario wheat no 2 white 98 to 102 outside ontario no 2 white oats 39 to 41c ontario corn nominal comb honey per doz no 1 378 tt 4 no 2 826 to 860 smoked meats hams mel 28 tf 24c cooked hams 84 to 36c sacked rolls 17 to 18c cottage rolls 19 to 21c breakfast bacon 28 to 26c spe cial breakfast bacon 28 to 30c backs boneless 28 to 83c cured meats long clear bacon 60 to 70 lbs 1850 70 to 90 lbs 18 90 lbs and up 17 light wcijht rollj in barrels 37 heavyweight roils 32 lard pure tierces 14 to 15ie tubs 15 to 15c pails 13 to 16c prints 18 to 18c shortening tierces 13 to 14c tubs 13 to 14c pails 14 to 15c prints 16 to 17c heavy steers choice 750 to 8 i butcher steers choice 7 to 7k ontario flour ninety per cent pat i do cood 6 to 650 do med 5 to in jute bags montreal prompt ship- 1 575 do com 450 to 475 butcher ment 460 toronto basis 460 heifers choice 675 to 760 do bulk seaboard 425 i med 5 to 575 do com 450 to manitoba flour 1st pats in jute 475 butcher cows choice 475 to sacks 620 per lib 2nd pats 570 i 550 do med 350 to 450 can- hay extra no 2 timothy per tonjrers and cutters 1 50 to 2 do com track toronto 1450 to 15 no 2 250 to 3o0 f eeaing steers choice 1450 no 3 1250 to 13 mixed a50 to 6 do fair 4 to 5 stockers 1250 j choice 4 to 5 do fair 350 to 4 straw carlots per ton 950 i milkers and springers choice 70 to standard recleaned screenings fo j100 calves choice 10 to 1150 do b bay ports per ton 2050 med 7 to 9 do com 550 to 6 cheese new large 18 to 19c lambs choice ewes 14 to 1550 do twins 19 to 20c triplets 20 to 20c bucks 1250 to 1350 do culls 8 stiltons 21 to 22c 27c twins 20 to 28c butter finest creamery to 42c no 1 creamery 40 to 41c no points 725 co off car 2 37 to 39c dairy 34c to 815 do selects 850 eggs extras fresh in cartons 83 canadas foreign trade shows gain ports were 30206920 an increase of over 1000000 united states swept sir william duff reid builder of the newfoundland railway to pay 500000000 twelve months record de notes 115000000 in crease in exports a despatch from ottawa says canadas foreign trade continues to show a remarkable expansion in the 12 months ended february this year the exports from the dominion total led 1029268881 an increase of more than 115000000 over the pre ceding 12 months and the imports into canada for the 12 months ended february this year totalled 898- 338916 an increase of more than 108000000 over the preceding 12 months r the largest commodity increase was the export of wood and paper which totalled 270346506 in the 12 months ended february this year an increase of about 48000000- over the preceding 12 months another feature is that in those 12 months the united states was by far a great- who died at hie home in montreal on er customer of canada than was the march 12 in his fiftysixth year united kingdom the imports intoj i w slnwnf th9 i germany will agree 603729056 and from the united kingdom 155179402 while tho ex ports to the united states were 426 148638 and the exports to the united kingdom 355838316 tho british empires sales to can ada in the 12 months ended february this year aggregated 197994994 an increase of more than 20000000 over the preceding 12 months and the em pires purchases from canada in the former period were 431917952 a de crease of over 7000000 exports to australia in the year ended february last were 20401275 an increase of over 8000000 ex ports to belgium increased from 12- 661705 to 16132035 and exports to germany totalled 15682625 an in crease of nearly 100 per cent exports to italy increased from 11898606 to 18170924 and exports to japan in creased from 16875157 to 26901- 73 or nearly 100 per cent exports ja norway nearly doubled the total for tho year ended february last be- ng 4922192 and exports to switz erland nearly doubled butter imports decreased 4812035 to 2693824 lbs and butter ex ports dropped from 21812295 lbs in the 12 months ended february 1928 to 12960715 in the 12 months ended jsebruary last cheese imports total led in valuo 569047 an increase of 100 per cent and cheese exports to talled 23371038 an increase of about 2000000 hard coal imports increased from 27003354 to 44 814115 and soft coal imports totalled 45277286 an increase of over 2- 600000 whilo coal exports dropped from 12247302 to 9190896 raw cotton imports increased by about 3- 000000 metal imports totalled 216- 085239 an increase of nearly 50- 000000 and metal exports increased from 89461573 to 128167765 or nearly 40000000 wool imports to talled 857556550 an increase of by severe storm to 34c extra loose 31c firsts 28 to 29c seconds 24 to 25c live poultry chickens 3 to 4 lbs 25c hens over 5 lbs 26c do 4 to 6 do miles up stream laid waste when both bs 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c spring flour man spring wheat pats ists montreal oats cw no 2 sic do no 3 49c do extra no 1 feed 47 to 48cf no 2 local white 44 to 44c- rivers meeting hero monongahela chickens 4 lbs and over 25c roosters j 620 do 2nds 570 do strong bak- to form the 15c ducklings over 5 lbs 19c do ers 550 do winter pats choice lohio left theirbanks today in pitts- to e los 18c 555 to 565 rolled oats bag 90 lbs twentyfive lives lost roads burghs greatest flood in ten years no dr poultrychickens 3 to 4 2 90 bran 2825 shorts 3025 an hens over 5 lbs 28c do middlings 3625 hay no 2 per ton car lots 16 blocked by swirling blizzard annual reparations to start after four years mora torium paris march 30 the reparation committee has reason to believe that the present german government will agree to pay two and a half billion gold marks annual reparations this important figure which is more than 500000000 is the total annual reparations figure and is to begin with the fourth year after a moratorium it is the central figure towards which the experts have strived in making their report to the reparations commission of ger manys ability to pay this is the figure which is expected to be the centre of the german inner struggle as to whether it is better to accept or refuse all other questions such as the establishment of a gold bank de bentures on railroads and industry are considered interior german af fairs if germany accepts and is able to carry out the payments as the ex perts recommend despite reverse reports coming from berlin indicating that germany will not accept the experts maintain that they have reason tobelieve ger many will accept and carry out tho plan the experts especially the americans are disturbedby reports that the final j accord was reached by compromise they are further per turbed over comments that they have been trying to arrive at political in stead of technical results they main tain the report when published will show that political consideration has not influenced them but that they concentrated on germanys ability to pay and in finally arriving at a-cen- cver 7000000 automobile exports j tral fi of two and a haif billions aggregated 86571450 an increase of the dld s0 on careful study of the bout 8000000 and automobile im- euros loss of life was reported j ff 24 to t 4 much oamage was caused to steel chickens 4 lbs and over 82c mills located along the river banks j roosters over 5 lbs 18c ducklings chicago march 30 old winter i tracks of both the baltimore ohio over 5 lbs 24c do 4 to 5 lbs 25c who has greatly overstayed his weland pittsburg lake erie railroads beans can handpicked lb 6c come slew twentyfive persons and were flooded in sections many f am- j p 6c did enormous property damage in hisilies were forced to leave their homes ap syrup per imp farewell fling which began friday j cumberland md march 30 six j hjaif 25c night and continues tonight although persons composing an entire family honey 60lb tins 11 io lic per in considerably lessened degree of were reported today as having lost lb 10lb tins 11 to 12c 5lb tins ferocity their lives at mccoole md 20 milesn to 12c 2lbtins 12 to 13c minnesota and adjacent northwest west of here when their home was states appear to have been the hard- swe from its foundation and carried wests membership est hit although the chief loss of life down the potomac river the family oi tit7 nw a rmrm t a tt7 was in oklahoma and missouri in consisted of mr and mrs john devil- vjohi a the twin cities the blizzard is the buss and th four children all worst in their history more than a res into the town were broken by redistribution bill will give thousand automobiles are buried in and th report could not be western canada twelve the snowdrifts in the streets and the j verified j roofs of abandoned street cars end other vehicles appear at frequent labor has 25 seats intervals above the drifts the one bright note comes from tho farmers of the northwest who say the immense snowfall will be worth butter no 1 pasteurized 85 to 36c do no 1 creamery 84 to 35c do seconds 33 to s4c eggs fresh extras 82c do fresh firsts 29c po tatoes per bag car lots 155 to 160 r com cows 325 to 360 canners 150 med quality calves 6 do com 475 good veals 150 to 180 lbs 850 hogs 825 to 835 se lects 9 sows 6 in australian house a despatch from perth says the results of the elections in the elec- 50000000 to the crops as it will torate3 of west australia give the prevent any danger of drouth thousands of telegraph and tele phone poles have been broken and wire service is badly crippled nebraska and adjacent states are heavily plastered with snow which has been falling steadily for more than fortyeight hours a stiff wind has piled it into high drifts blocking railways and countiy roads and transportation of all kinds is para lyzed in pennsylvania west virginia maryland and other eastern states serious damage from floods is re ported trains are being rerouted because of destroyed bridges and all are hours late more representatives- winnipeg march 30 the present representation the west has at ot tawa is totally inadequate and until we have a real voice in the settlement of our own affairs canada as a whole will not go ahead efficiently declared dr r g brett lieutenantgovernor of alberta here saturday en route to edmonton from the east the most important problem at the following state of parties labor 25 ministerialists 10 ministerial coun try party 7 antiministerial country party 6 a member of the cabinet moment tie said was the absolute expresses the opinion that if the gov- necessity of the west urging ade- ernment wins the two deferred elec- representation at ottawa al- tions it will ask the governor for dis- though no one could desire separation solution and if it loses one or both it will resign severe earth tremor recorded at victoria victoria bc march 30 a severe earthquake disturbance 440 miles south of victoria beginning at 410 oclock and continuing for two hours pittsburg march 30 a score of was recorded by the seismograph of city blocks in tho lower sections were the dominion meteorological bureau inundated and sections for several here on saturday a historical episode occurred at the houso of commons eng when arthur henderson was introduced to the speaker as a member of parliament by his two sons both members of parliament father and sons are shown arriving at the house for one moment such a thing would be the ruination of the country nevertheless the east had to sit right up and realize that the west had to be given a proper voice in the man agement of its affairs ottawa march 30 a redistribu tion bill to be brought down this ses sion by the government will give western canada twelve more mem bers and reduce nova scotias total membership by two under the terms of the british north america act which fixes canadas parliamentary representation on the basis of one- sixtyfifth of quebecs population british columbia is increased from 13 to 14 members manitoba from 15 to 17 alberta from 12 to 16 and saskatchewan from 16 to 21 catherine breshkovsky little grandmother of the russian revolution who on her 80th birthday just passed finds plenty of time to direct the work in the different school she has founded in czechoslovakia landslides continue in stricken amain district rome march 30 fifty huge land the slips and many more still threatened number of members of parliament bv the trembcing earth are adding new and prospective horrors to the amain disaster which began with a waterspout from rainladen skies and continued with an earthquake shock- heavy seas make the landing ofi food clothing and tents for the thouj will be increased if the bill goes through from 235 to 245 e pipers play crofters on- ship sailing for canada t t r t t1 sands of homeless impossible moun- london march soremarkable d scenes attended the arrival and d out by the hundreds and great chasms parture of the steamer marloch yes- ckft ks fc veltn quakoj terday at south ust to pi up four downpourg of it raln set torrents of mud into moltenlike liquid glaciers in tho middle of this desolate situation tho refugees and victims of italys latest disaster are hundred crofters from barra and south uist who are emigrating to canada pipers played appropriate highland airs as the island emi grants accompanied by hundreds of natives filed aboard at loch boisdalo pier several families of from 7 to 12 persons are included in the party but there are many young single men also affecting scenes were witness ed as the depleted population watched the embarkation of their relatives this is only the second time in his shivering and homeless main roads from twin cities open for automobiles port arthur march 30 the main trunk roads between port arthur and the country arc open autos are now tory that a big liner has called at running to murillo and kakabeka loch boisdale j falu in rabbitboro ma ll give voo a lll rock an sin6 vou to sleep gee whi2 woolcw t you think dummy would hftve sen5e enough to pretend he wat a5leeph ss nr m kwwjrjj

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