none better b403 grebn tea is the finest uncolored green tea procurable in the world superior to the best japans try it when hearts command- by elizabeth y rk miller when heart command from nbtdi tk tagtit ctmiuelmn depart ittwkrw al- success- the new babys wardrobe when the longexpected little pink bundle arrives that is to upset the whole routine of the house he should find everything in readiness for him i always found it a good idea to begin planning the wardrobe early so that i would not be rushed at the last min ute even by minor details even baby clothes have fads and at present tho dresses are made about twenty inches long these never have to be short ened and they do simplify the care of the baby n great deal after all the long dresses were only for show and to keep the feet warm and there are nice soft wool hose and the cunningest kinds of bootees to do that now another nice little fad in dressing infants at the present time is to put tapes on the dresses tapes on the shirts and tapes on the bands every thing ties which was pinned hereto fore this is a very good idea too if the garments are made to fit properly machine hemstitching is popular as a trimming on the little dresses and is not expensive of course all kinds of handwork that are not too elabor ate are always in good taste on baby gamete care is always observed ar qnd r 0 that no harsh trmmmgs are used the vinegar about the neck and wristbands where they might chafe tho delicate skin a good li3t of the necessary articles needed for an infant is given here with three shirts three dozen diapers outdoor wraps three gowns three pairs of hose four bands three baby blankets four plain slips three flannel skirts and three pairs of bootees the shirts should be of wool or western pioneer tells interesting experience frank rikert who left illin ois for california in covered wagon in 1864 wouldnt take 100 for bottle of tanlac 1 chapter xii contd i deception and for some reason ardeyne felt a3 though somebody known to himself the doctor was bad clubbed him half insensible ke lowing gaunt to think it was succ stood there dazed yet thoroughly com- 1 f ul prehending this man was alices he walked on his feet continuing father this uncle john whom mrs to take him in tho direction of the camay had kept so carefully from his teagardens alice was waiting for sight less than a month ago john him there waiting with that crafty baliss was hugo smarle tho criminal scheming little mother of her but at lunatic being ajudged a sane and j the thought of alice ardeynes heart therefore soontobefrce man the softened and trembled he was up medical board had sat upon his case against the terrible fact that he loved for the fourth and last time and j alice against his better judgment philip this if you like was a form of in- ardeyne had been forced to yield to sanity to love a girl with the blood the concensus of opinion frank rikert wellknown resident of north sacramento cal who came from illinois in a covered wagon in 1864 along with other h3rdy pioneers recently exhibited a bottle of tanlac which he had just purchased to a friend at his home and remarked it i thought this was the last bottle of tanlac i would ever be able to buy i wouldnt take one hundred dollars for it thus proving tho high valuation he places on the famous treatment i believe tanlac really saved -mr- life when i took it after the flu about a year ago continued mr rikert for the attack left me 20 pounds off in weight and unable to turn over la my bed without assistance i tell you i thought my time had surely come v but thanks to my wifes lnsist- anoe i kept on taking tanlac till i was able to do all my work again had back all my lost weight and ive been feeling years younger ever since im always telling my friends about tan lac and cant say too much for h tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists accept no substituted over 0 million bottles sold take tanlac vegetable pills librlura of the teatable and hurried alices j of a hugo smarle in her veins was off with an informal leavetaking perhaps ill see you all later we have a set to finish and its getting while ttanrwu bit moist d i 111 over th hand tnu and thenas poor jean had antici- tag way to oneself that one could risk and rub it well fpated might haopenphilip ardeynes it and marry her was downright mad- will keep dishwashing hands soft end fetffc a mo ncss white it was she poor pitiful silly woman ardeyne halted for a moment at it is well to buy lemons in sufficienv w na tr cn1 this clumsy the head of the nnrrow muddy lane quantities to get them cheap and al- deception she had brought smarle j which led down from the strada rom- ways to have them on hand they here or ho had been forced upon her ana to the tennis club and the tea keep best if they are covered with and she thought to pass him off as gardens should ho go on should fold cntpr which should be changed another man altogether alice must he too bo a party to this thing and t wit have been in the plot ardeyne shud- pretend that he was fooled it seem- once a wees dored then he thought of carrie ed necessary just for the time being to remove iron rust or ink stains m widow of man hugoj he conti down tho lane the mu the spots well with lemon then g had slain she was here too magic call of tea was clearing the cover with salt and lay in the sun jnder the same roof no wonder courts and the whiteclad players if tho spots are obstinate and do not mrs camay had kept smarle a priswore streaming across to the little yield to the first treatment repeat two oner i wistariaembowered chalet where two or three times during tho strained silence hugos enterprising english girls had cstab- it is well to put hot water over uncanny brain leapt to a conclusion their tea house lo ra lot frm rtmd in the ardeyne arc you tho doctor alice alice ana her mother sat apart at lemons and let them stand in tne d askej ardeyno tho back of the garden under a lemon steaming bah tor aew i a extra chair tipped against late to be continued fore squeezing them tho juice is more easily extracted and the quantity is nlsc increased when thero is no sour milk on hand hugo groaned and slapped his knee the table awaited philip ardeyne thats done it i he exclaimed rue- mrs camays hands moved feverishly fully my wife my sister i mean over a jumper she was knitting there didnt want you to know well as a were scarlet spots on her cheeks she and it is desired to use a recioe calling matter of fact sho didnt want any- looked breathless and alice looked for some fresh lemon juica may be body to know doubtless youro pre- j vaguely unhappy slcwly added to sweet milk stlmngjif you thmk because i was m ardeyne had no more till the milk thickens this product may be used precitely as srnir milk and the results will be quite satis factory when the family tires of lettuce ri d notice how thty will welccm iliange the oil that is centainrd in skins of lemons and increases i than seen that place i must have been like all them no more than nodded when the rest of em jean is going to be mrs egan rose up and confronted dreadfully cross with me what shall nim a startling and beautiful ap- ido iparition in her short and sleeveless nothing ardeyno said finding tennis frock hor fluffy hair repressed his voice at last you neednt let a net of scarlet ribbon mrs camay know that that weve qh phil what a miracle to catch ever met before do vou think you y alone she cried her voice in no can keep it to yourself f j wiso modified sit down with me hugo looked crafty im alone too trust me it was only that you ti sho turned her head and fol- took me by surprise im not likely lowed his glance shrugging her shoul- aproves the quaiy to f into that pit again qoantity of lemon- tho the ders and making a little mouth sorry i thats your girl over there isnt it and the woman is that her mother ardeyne held his breath as mrs ado that can be made from a given chapter xiii number of lemons to secure some of philip ardeyne went downstairs this oil cut the lemons into small and out into the air for the moment pieces after the juice has been i he vas utterly confused as he cross- j egan scrutinized jean camay whom i squeezed out cover with sugar and ed the terrace one of the lift boys ran apparently she had only just this mo- it c no t tio in oi jj i after him and gave him a note from noticed part wool for winter and of silk ovjvzm1 w jl alice which should have been deliver- jeans cheeks were hectic now and all wool is very j h en released j belor had he received it half an her hands flew rapidly but in a futile cotton for summer hard to wash one can buy the knit bands or the first bands can be straight strips of soft cloth about twentysix inches by five inches and can be replaced by the knit band3 with shoulder straps at about three weeks the hose for writer are better of wool and of cotton or silk for sum mer about the most satisfactory wrap for winter is the baby bunting and a cashmere coat does nicely for summer very few mothers nowadays put a great deal of work and money into the first dresses as they are scon outgrown lemon lore put a few drops of lemon juice in the food chopper before grinding sticky fruits such ns figs raisins or dates and the grinder will not only be easier to clean but food will be saved since it will not stick to the utensil a good furnituro polish can be made by adding one part of lemon juice to two parts of olive oil if there is no tooth paste on hand simply add a dash of lemon juice to tho water with which- the teeth are to be brushed and the result will be gratifying the discoloration so common to aluminum pans especially when alum is present in the cooking water can be removed by rubbing the vessels with a rag that is saturated with lemon juice a little tehiorfjulce sprinkled over apples that have been chopped for salad will provent their discoloring and add to the flavor of the dish immediately after dishwashing by this process should then be pressed hour earlier he wouldnt have gone up fashion out and added extracted to the juice js she was not counting the first to the camays sittingroom in the stitches hemmed in she could not hope of finding her he wouldnt have wake an excuse to alice and walk out made that unpleasant discovery for place without passing close to a whole week hugo smarle had been ardeyne and mrs egan no one but in the hotel and so had carrie egan herself knew actually what she suf- and the woman who called herself jean camay hadnt she known mrs egan was here it was possible that she hadnt the doctor tore open alices note dearest ive coaxed poor mumsey out for a breath of air shes nearly made her- the street o dreams i know a little cornish street that winds down to the sea a atreet of crazy cobbles neat as cobblestones can be it simply teems with life by day and yet at night it seems throughout its narrow moonlit way a fairyland of dreams the little houses seem in palm to lean across the stones discussing all the days affairs in whispered undertones quaint shadows in the moonlight dance to music of the breeze and if to see them you should chance do not disturb them please i call my street the street o dreams the name appeals to me because its every cobble seems to breathe of phantasy the cornish air the cornish skies explain in part and then my street is hk the dreamblue eyes of cornish fishermen i love my little cornish street that winds down to the sea i love its roughness gainst my feet its quaint antiquity the timbered- cottages roseclad the crystal roadsldie streams aid those dear memories- make me glad of you dear street o dreams leslie m hurd warmed by a star it is a little known fact that the earth receives heat from the stars so small however ie the amount ol warmth imparted to our world from the nearest star that it would take 1000000000000 years for it to boll a pint of water the heat felt is about equal to that of a candle burning flftythree milei away the heat of the stars is mea sured with an instrument called a thermocouple which consists of two pieces of wire soldered together to moko a circle these pieces of wire oro of different metals one piece be ing of bismuth and the other a mixture of bismuth and another metal the light coming from the star it allowed to fall through tho leas of a large telescope on to one of the joints of the thermocouple and the heat la just sufficient to set up a current which can be detected by a very deli cate galvonometer women dye faded things new again dye or tint any worn shab by garment or drapery a popular house or day dress 4645 easy to adjust and withal comfortable is the style here depicted ficent jungle animal surprised scent- self ill looking after uncle john as ing possible danger you know we have a little shopping phil i should like to meet miss to do and will be at the english tea- camays mother she said after this gardens about four oclock please momentary pause shall we all have forgive me for not showing up for tea together what could he do or say the things i miss an easy thing o power divine to thank thee for these gifts of 6hlne for summers sunshine winters snow for hearts- that kindle thoughts- that glow but when shall i attain to this i to thank thee for the things i miss is ait i- fered but the doctor guessed mrs egan was staring at her in a z wf ps quiet puzzled fashion but most in- the dreamedof joys that stilt are tent the shapely brown arms hung dreams inert the womans head was reared a j hopes unfulfilled and pleasures known little her nostrils slightly distended i through others fortunes not my own her attitude was that of some magni- and blessings seen that are not glyen each 15oent package of diamond dyes contains directions so simple that any woman con dye or tint any old worn faded thing new even if shs has never dyed before choose sny color at drug store and neer will be this side of heaven tennis there seemed no way of evading it but tho mischief if any was your own alice ardeyno realized that he had his tennis racquet under his arm and done and one could only go on with had expected to spend a pleasant the elaborate pretence which mrs afternoon on the courts he had gone camay had set up to the club and when he did not find i ardeyne heard himself assuring alice there had resigned their place j carrie egan that for his part he to another couple then he had gone would be delighted he lingered to back to the hotel and discovered uncle get the attention of one of the flutter- john he handed the racquet to tho i ing young waitresses and mrs egan lift boy and walked straight down j went onahead of him after he had had i too shared the joys i see would there have been a heaven for me could i have felt thy presence near had i possessed what i held dear already my deepest fortune highest bliss have grown perchance from things i miss a epfdemlo the teadher explained to the closs that an epldemlowas something that spreads teacher now tommy glv me an example of an epidemic tommy jam miss making use of monkey the malays for centuries have do mesticated monkeys and have trained them to climb cocoanut trees and pick the nuts mlnards liniment heal cuts sometimes there comes an hour of calm grief turns to blessing pain to balm a power that works above my will still leads me onward upward still webster part8 and service auto starter and generator repair company b59a yonoo st toron through the terraced gardens to the settled the matter of cakes and scones i and then my heart attains to this- strada romana his feet were taking him h the direction of tho english teagardens he walked along slowly and prtsently there hove into view he joined them everything seemed all right ar deyne felt that his delay might be called cowardly but for tho life of coming towards him a curious little him he had been unable to force him procession at its head walked or j self to be present at the meeting be strode magnificently the farmer tween those two women he wonder- hector augustus gaunt in tweed ed if they had known each other well knickerbockers with a grey flannel j or porhaps not at all in the long ago shirt open at tho neck and an olddishe himself was abroad at the time to thank thee for the things i miss thomas wentworth higginson colored panama on his head then of hugo smarles trial a student at came two mule3 heavily laden with bonn scarcely more than a boy his siicks of provisions and last plodded friend tony egan was considerably the old old woman of the farm bare- older smarle ho had not known ex- footed carrying her shoes and with cept by hearsay but those two wo- there was once a road through the woods they shut the road through the woods seventy years ago weathor and rain have undone it again and now you would never know mohair with plaid suiting for the an immense burden of empty flower men jean camay as she called her- it allmwlateo appetite and aids digestion it mahci your food do jroo mora good note bow- it relieves tout rlnjtfy teeung altr hearty eating tjvtiltaao toolb broataataa trathjaoar ktfcst lhhk could other oh yes we like it here very much indeed but shortly we must be moving on i dont know that the weeks supplies crepe with- a wave of his hand gaunt tho pattern is cut in 6 sizes 34 j halted the procession and spoke to 36 38 40 42 and 44 inches bust mea- philip ardeyne sure a 38inch size requires 4i did mrs camays brother arrive yards of 36inch material collar and safely he asked without the formal- climate absolutely agrees with me it pocket facings of contrasting material w greeting j isnt everybodys climate i find mrs require yard tho width of the ji rr ri carnay was speaking her nervous dress at the foot is 2 vards a little abruptly smile included ardeyne she looked dress at tne loot is yards go hector gaunt wns in t ot to as though in a high fever with her pattern mailed tony address on deceive him also flushed face and brilliant terrified receipt of 15 cents in silver by thej give mrs camay my kindest rc- wllson publishing co 73 westgards said gaunt tell her adelaido st toronto allow two weeks for receipt of pattern send 12c in silver for our up-to- date spring and summer 1024 book of fashions consolation wo are consoled for the loss of thoao confiding persons who doffed the heavy undies two weeks too soon by tho comfortable reflection that theyd nave oniy hved to rock tho boat or etlh later in the season carry the old fowling piece at full cock fy mammoth bone from sea the shoulder blade of a mammoth was recently dredged from the sea by a trawler and landed at douglas in um isle of man eyes their tea arrived and was disposed of vy hurriedly mrs egan too fell upon the cll- mate of the italian riviera never had it received such a blasting he hesitated for a second tell her to bring her brother up to the farm when she feels like it the littlo cavalcade made a for- ward movement a3 though to go on j treacherous fit only for old women of both sexes who knew enough to creep indoors before sunset and al ways kept a bottle of quinine tablets in their pbekots said mrs egan then she got up with an ungainly movement which endangered the cqui- but ardeyne checked it you knowmr baliss the doctor asked i havent seen him for a good many years gaunt replied i hope hes well ardoyno spoke of the flu and hugos mild attack of it oh then ns soon as hos hotter toll mrs camay to bring him up to tho farm goodday to you sir i off theywent tho talf lonely lookj m ksssass ing man striding ahead tho barefoot- tmmi w tt n w svu sr cd old woman bringing up tho rear j jjiir e coxijieji uvjm br nooutt it had all been most casual too x ud wuuiuuoa fm wm rvuraufi casual hector gaunt know must mtcon ititut limited id ciit nave been a party to the attempted tw wora irttk hftlr ou hm ran bftrt uut bltmljll prnntly rtijto1 bf xbatroljiik meh if was once a road through the woods before they planted the trees it is underneath the coppice and- heath and the thin anemones only tho keeper see3 that where the ringdovo broods and the badgers roll at ease there was once a road through the woods j yet if you enter tho woods j of a summer evening late when the nightair cools on the troutr ringed pools j where the ottor whistles his mate i you will hear tho beat of a iiorxerf feet and the swish of a skirt in tho dew steadily cantering through tho misty solitudes as though- they perfectly knew tho old- lost road through the woods but there is no road through the woods rudyard kipling when in tononto visit tht royal ontario museum 13 bloor st west now avenue road lwta txrmtnrtit exhibition in ctnidt ajroaeoloc qmiokt ulnermlgiy falieontoloir zooloty op datlf 10 m to 0 pm sundir afternoon an thurcda cvenloci bloor lur and church can direct subscription service careful and intelligent attention given to all inquiries regarding your favorfta publication from england united states or canada or mall us tho re- newals on the magasines or papers yoa now receive wo will send tho bill at lowest prices later highest reference tho holdcn browno conpnny 130 richmond streot west toront amazing values- remnants from warehouse fox8 iudigo serge pure wool navy blue black 6 lnche 1150 yard postpaid remnants only 1 to 4m yds mall order now monoy back guarantee mill distributor 397 st paul west montreal roofing wo sell metal shingles and corrugated galvanized sheets direct to consumers at vert low prices write far particulars the gordon roofing co 724 spadlna ave toronto tho spider monkey the spider monkey is so called on account of its extremely long slender limbs and long tall a clock as savings bank to nvo money an inventor has made a clock that has- to havo small change dropped in it beforo winding there is but one tragedy it is to ba prttyy to give up and to bo afraid minardo liniment for dandruff jigsaw puzzle fob toe children jut send four ttrappen from to oio limllaj 232 lemeln su monll i88ue no 24v