Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 27, 1924, p. 5

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stouffville march 27 1924 mrs ceo boadway is nursing an injured arm as a result of a all on aa icy sidewalk the first meeting of the new fire brigade will be held on wednesday evening april 2nd in the fire hall losta grey glove on railway track between the station and the 9th con kindly leave at tribune office the busy bee mission band will hold an entertainment in the baptist church on monday evening march 31st at s oclock come along and encourage the children and enjoy the evening as well next tuesday is the first day april of the fire hall building is badly in need of paint the council might set a good example this spring by brightening up the building the municipal council will hold a ssesion for general business next monday evening instead of the re gular date a week later one of stouffvilles infielders on our baseball team has received a tempting offer to play ball with stratford this season bmmarks who pitched for uxbridge two sum mers ago is on the stratford lineup are you interested in organizing j a tennis club for the coming sum mer if so please attend a meeting at the home of dr dales on tues day evening april 1st come pre pared to help along and express your opinion afternoon tea is not complete without our delicious ice cream bricks just try one different flavor is our grocery department stocked with fresh goods h porter phoniu 198 spring hats notwithstanding the big rush of orders we are well prepared to serve you promptly the new est creations in ladies hats for spring call and see them mrs m e watts phoxe 812 boadway s drug store stouffville by a unanimous vote of york towuship council at a special meet ing friday jas e mcmulieu was appointed chief of the york town ship police force at a salary of 3000 which includes mileage numerous applications for positions of constables were received but not dealt with it is intended to ap point at least ten under chief mc mulieu the new chief is an old ballantrae boy having been born and raised there his father the late samuel mcmullen was a resi dent of the section about 50 years ago in anticipation of lots of sunshine this summer ben dotens barber shop and j boadway drug store have been equipped with new awn ings bedrooin living room dining room and kitchen paper in many designs of the latest patterns at jj raes your inspection invited 5 henry mcmullen nas purchased from dr ira freel executor for the estate of the late dr s lfreel the six acres of land lying just south of the stouffviile cemetery phone orders solicited and given careful selection from our fresh and varied stock also deliveries made to any part of the town geo j law- son phone 1s2 when writing to your friends tell them there will be a big celebration in stouffviile this year on july 1st the board of trade will endeavour to stage something entirely new and a committee is already appointed to draft the program a meeting of local farmers in the interests of turnip growing was held in stouffviile on monday and quite a number of firinofs turtod out which showed a keen interest in growing table turnips which is held to be a profitable farm product an adjourned meeting will be held next saturday morning at 1030 oclock to complete the business undertaken farmers who were unable to attend heretofore are urged to be on hand saturday one of the oldest landmarks in stouffviile was torn down this week we refer to the one time blacksmith shop on the property of the late henry dickson main street east for threequarters of a century this old frame did duty as a smithys shop and prior to that we are in formed that it was a dwelling house it stood out very close to the road way and will no boubt be remem- sered by all the old pioneers in these parts although the place had been in disuse for nearly twenty years the lumber was in excellent state of preservation and some fine plank and big boards were got out such as are not obtainable today mr walter dickson is wrecking the building to make way for a new driving shed it is believed the old landmark was at least a century old george mertens son of mr and mrs joseph mertens near the skat ing rink received a fractured ankle on monday evening as a result of a fall when playing with other boys the accident was very painful but no serious results are anticipated a quiet wedding took place at the christian church parsonage on wed nesday march 19th when lucy the daughter of mr and mrs charles degeer was united to victor paisley all of whitchurch township mr and mrs paisley will live in the house left by- his deceased father thomas paisley wc- vish them a long and happy life norman bunkers little son at altona received a severe cut on the forehead when he fell against an iron kettle it required several stitches to close the gash which pene trated to the bone although the little fellow is less than school age the surgeon informs us that he never shed a tear when the stitches were being put in pretty good stuff eh albert paisley of uxbridge town ship has purchased mr caleb marchs house and lot in the east end mr paisley will move to stouffviile very shortly and live re tired he has been in poor health for some time but hopes that the pure water and other natural ad vantages of our town will be sufficl- cent to restore him to good health again the first automobile to make the trip from toronto to stouffviile since the roads became snowbound last fall was a star car belonging to baker bros the local agents the trip was made wednesday of last week in 214 hours since that time sev eral cars have come through and each day now sees aa improvement in the condition of this tarvia road between here and the city we have a fresh supply of september cheese kraft cheese celery and head lettuce bananas sunkist oranges lemons and all lines of fresh groceries at lowest prices also a new shipment of neilsons chocolates ic cream bricks and eskimo pies we deliver goods any place in town the tribune has been presented with 100000 marks the paper cur rency of germany before the war this hundred thousand marks were valued in canadian funds at approxi mately 25000 and here we have an advertising firm sending them to us without the asking truly did the poet speak when he said he who steals my purse steals trash he must have had a premonition of the impending doom that befel the mark the sale of western horses held in the mansion yards last saturday was a popular event farmers drove in as if coming to a fair while many outside buyers came by train auc tioneer silversidees states he had many anxious buyers who were not willing to pay up to the values placed on the animals however twelve or fourteen horses were sold the highest priced team running about 340 quality service government standard seeds grown in york county grimm alfalfa red clover alsike we have a limited quantity of the early variety white blosso msweet clover also timothy seed and seed grain stiver bros phone 4501 stouffviile is always loath to part with old friends and the old citizens hence it is with regret we announce that mr and mrs d m heise will move about 15th of april to toronto having rented their home for one year mr heise being a traveller for the seaman kent co will find it much more convenient to have tor- onto as headquarters they have i avenue lloyd turner phone 909 it pays to use martin senour 100 pure paint varnishes for every purpose fbc every sucface write to head office montreal for free booklet home paintinc made easy sold by silvester bros stouffviile ont the play welcome home jimmy put on by the young people of mel ville presbyterian church in rat- ciiffs hall last friday evening drew a capacity house and provided an excellent evenings enjoyment the play took well as did the little sketch entitled glioses or no glioses in each case the characters were well maintained luella gayman daugh ter mr and mrs jos gayman ex celled herself and fairly brought down the house with her imperson ations of harry lauder while the admission was moderate 25 and 35c a seat the proceeds amounted to 110 the entertainment was under auspices of the local presbyterian church taken a house on bel fair kew beach marimsenour 10h pure paint wlilth w- irinrantfe w ti pura wfwto lht iurooslic uf inc and puro lihi- oh with of ihumo tbo ejcm ir jorit lnxttmlutim antf dryr xuwcoltiuy trutfcui liny jn trt- fejv ilark tml3 lhu oitil pfotiuci from a ami zr- c if liitf or ja1 ko will shtw ihriii to uiiit ovtry tlijriilr ktaltiw if niil nlo- ii ly iy pr rmt 1uro ialut arl not n itii hti ration or sumutfuwu m aium li v iiim n 1 till xetlent trirt i l skoir rlvis ami custom it antthvr r wj rt n thil wo i ft itlfl o ih lint cot1 trtdllch fpjront ibroo knilmi5 of tho fillm p4 let w bv color cftrli ithowlqjf all tpoolr- ami nfmj tulo ire f for tin aaklotf- paint paint it pays to paint it pays best to use the best we all know that martin senour paint is absolutely pure and mixed so heavy it goes much farther than many other kinds we have a special paint for every purpose gloss paint flat paint floor paint fine enamels varnish stains auto enamels barn paint varnishes all kinds a paint brush to suit each job alabostine and muresco w finishes we can tell vou also how to get the best results on each job silvester bros stouffviile ont there is a popular desire for the mennonite camp meetings to be held here again this summer we understand that hanover has the first opportunity and failing their acceptance and ability to provide the necessary accomodation they niay again come here stouffviile is an ideal location on the good road system and within easy reach of toronto also the campinf grounds provided last year have special advantages not easily obtainable at one of the sunday camps a year ago more than 6000 people attended during the day the people of this section in general would be pleased to have this great religious camp in their midst again hydro power was turned off part of the town on tuesday morning during which time a larger trans former was placed in position on obrien avenue on account of this work being done on tuesday it occasioned a little inconvenience in the homes as so many of the ladies do their ironing on that day however hydro has given little or no interruptions since it was installed here last fall we have been informed by trus tees of some outside schools adjoin ing- stouffviile that they are most desirous to unite with stouffviile public school in holding a school fair here this year lemonville school and ringwood will both change from vandorf to stouffviile so that it is likely a large fair will be the outcome the children have already handed in their requisition for seeds etc and the interest will continue to grow from this on loudens dont wait for the busy season start right now and equip your barn with loudens hay fork and carriers and other barn fixtures we also handle the reliable dodd struthers lightning sys tem we examined the record of the various lightning rod companies and we are satisfied that the very best protection to be secured is the dodd system their record is simply won derful in fact we are prepared to issue a guarantee that you will get your money back or have the pro perty repaired in case of damage not that we think there will be any damage but this guarantee shows the confidence the makers have and the confidence we have in the goods drop us a line or call us up and we will gladly give you an estimate geo j lawson phone 182 the west end grocer stouffville all the latest magazines roadways drug store can you see straight if you cant theres trouble ahead for you better come around and see us we are eye experts and can help you it costs nothng to have your eyes examined and may save you serious trouble eye glasses sold here are re liable reasonable consult us on optical work our watch and jewelry repair dept is at your service adam r yakfi optometrist watchmaker and jeweler 2 doors west of railway tracks phone 159 stouffville at thew c t u meeting held at mrs robinson march 11th 1924 the following officers were elected for the ensuing year president mrs mcleod 1st vice prest mrs ge coulter 2nd vice prest mrs r young 3rd vice prest mrs fleischer recsec mrs j w brown and mrs warriner cor sec mrs j heise treas mrs dr ball and mrs w j mather supt of departments supt of l tl mrs a stouffer and mrs fairies evangelistic mrs tarr and mrs truman travellers aid mrs robinson and mrs stouffer parlor meetings mrs e a storry mrs sanders and mrs booth s s supt mrs w b sanders mrs hodgins pianist mrs george lee surprise soap wrappers mrs truman stouffviile fire brigade recently reorganized is composed of the fol lowing officers and men chief blake sanders deputy chief clayt baker captain robt hare reel no 1 lieut o lehman d davis a lehman chas sliakel ambrose stover e stouffer ptarr j gayman f crossen hydrant reel no 2 lieut we smith p stover c cadieux a collard b tait f goudie a goudie nbyer it strong hydrant hook and ladder captain g courtney h leadbetter wstover wardens m t leavens frank rowbotham ws cook wjmather auction sales of farm stock have been selling well the past few days and there have been four large sales within a week where the farmers are giving up tilling the soil charles leadbetters sale in markham town ship totalled about 2600 cows sold at an average of 80 mrlead- better moved on monday to mark- ham where he has taken over a butchering business albert pals- leys sale over in uxbridge township the following day friday realized si000 mr paisley had been on the farm for a good many years and had a lot of implements accumulated prices ranged well throughout the sale george lees giving-np-fnrm- ing sale in markham on monday was very well attended although the roads were almost impassable in places it was perhaps the largest sale of the season running up to 4000 grade holsteins cows sold up to 100 abner bakers sale at ringwood on tuesday was the final big sale advertised for march selling heifers sold up to 50 while mr bakers registered mares ranged in price from 14050 to 215 the total sale amounted to 2500 the local curlers are planing to hold an oyster supper or perhaps they will serve turkey as a final windup of the seasons sport there are said to be strong advocates for either menu so they might quite properly serve both as they have been united for centuries at the dinner feast how blessdphow envied were our life could we but knife but man scape the poulterers prey cursed man on turkeys and curlers shortens all our days sometimes with oysters we combine sometimes assist the savory chime from stouffviile curlers to the king the thought of turks a pleasant thing for satisfaction burn lehigh valley coal it lasts longer burns steadier gives more heat present prices chestnut and stove sizes 1500 per ton large furnace size 1400 per ton pea size 1150 per ton also full stock high grade government standard seeds at special prices manitoba feed oats bran shorts sampson feed manitoba flour salt etc about 15 tons anthracite briquets to clear at 800 per ton telephones office 169 residence 171 preserve your car by having it repainted at our garage a familiar figure in this locality and a resident of mongolia for neariy fifty years thomas smales passed away at his late home on saturday afternoon aged 77 years mr smale3 had worked up to friday night for robt spoffarl and on his way home slipped and fell apparently striking his face he arrived home in an exhausted condition and nert morn ing a doctor was summoned it was found that mr smales had ruptured a blood vessel from which cause he passed away at 5 oclock that after noon mr smales was a respected resident of markham and his old neighbors testify to his integrity of character he also possessed a keen memory besides his wife whose maiden name was mary ramsey a resident of the 7th of pickering he is survived by two sons albert and david mr smales was born in england but was brought to canada at the age of 8 years the funeral on monday was in charge of rev wmmcguire local mennonite pastor interment took place at stouffviile cemetery right now before the busy season starts again we can quote you special attractive prices consult us 0 personally o by telephone biker bros dealers stouffviile phone 8109 agents for star and durant motor cars

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