stouffville march 6 1924 vf4smc the tribune grocery specials t i fresh arrival of choice head lettuce and celery oranges are now in their prime we have a very fine quality of sunkist navals and sealedsweet jk pineapples florida well worth trying 30 to 60c s per dozen j special for this week a splendid line of i salmon atl4c per can or 8 for 100 also choice fa valencia raisins at 2 lbs for 25c fancy cran- jjr berries at 3 lbs for 50c jf dont forget your sugar order our price is attrac tive just now for the best st lawrence sugar ratcliff co i m bargains in heavy rubbers reduced from 50c to 125 a pair also all winter goods greatly reduced in price have some bargains in the hosiery line- all pure wool slushy weather is on you will need rubbers f s glehm footwear of merit stouffville otft phone 43q1 ysttim cut prices still the order we are continuing our slaughter prices on all winter goods come in and see for yourself mens overcoats as low as 1200 boys overcoats down to 1000 stylish caps warm and good reg up to 250 only 100 leather mitts heavy quality reg 175 now 125 horsehide gloves reduced to 125 curlers boots warm and sure footed reduced to 350 overalls and union suits are not advanced here although wholesale prices are away up j l little west end stouffvill the dairy cow versus other food producing animals average dairy cow produces in milk jg j so hog produces 156 lbs calf produces- 81 lbs hens produces 51 lbs poultry produces 42 lbs steers produces 28 lbs sheep produces 26 lbs i keeep more cows and ship the cream to i stouffville creamery co j phone 18602 also agents for the delaval separator ia published thursday afternoon district doings with the final words the order terms 200 a year la dranc is gra issued by the ontario a v nolan publisher stouffville ont editorial comment ross brown the ford agentsays henry is the one ford that will not run a woman may exaggerate other things but it is different with her age the board of trade under drw a sangster are asking all kickers to kick toward the goal new regulations are coming in governing standard hotels duncan heise j j aitchison and norman mclean three local knights ot the road are hoping that they will in clude the changing of the jar of crackers and the bottle of pickles each week as there are a number ot measle cases in town it would be well to thoroughly probe every case where children are absent from school a few days to make sure that child ren with mild forms of the disease are not allowed to run at large it is from these cases the disease is spread and now is the time to nip in the bud any serious outbreak the chairman of uxbridge school board announces that they expect sixteen extra pupils at the opening of tljeir new s5000 high school as that town is abandoning what was considered a perfectly good school building until just recently it looks like a lot of money 5sso0o for 16 additional pupils it fur ther exemplifies the unreasonable demands of the provincial govern ment in the interests of education in two years the rural debenture debt of ontario increased by nearly 56 millions isnt that startling what will happen in ontario muni cipalities if it should come to the worst and the taxes collected were only sufficient to meet current ex penditures just the same course would- have to be taken as in battle- ford sask which is about the size of stouffville and which is insolvent largely through borrowing some two hundred thousand dollars to build a power dam which was utterly value less the bondholders have sent out a call for funds to determine how far they can legally go in collecting the towns debt goodwood crowded out last week mrs c cooper visited her sister- inlaw mrs j cooper the old fashioned snow storm of last week made our village very picturesque mr and mrs ed davis returned last week accompanied by mrs fockler of markham who spent a few days with them samuel whittleton of saskatche wan came home to see his mother who has been very ill but is improv ing mrs john whittleton of tor onto is also here attening motherinlaw her for sale government standard seeds v alslkx red clover sweet clover timothy- and- alfalfa f t hill co limited office phone 1401 house 1s9 l e todd managing director mount alberrt too late last week miss ruby hayes of sutton spent the week end at her home geo burnham drover shipped three car loads of live stock from here on saturday the womens institute will hold their annual banquet on the evening of march- 12th the gentlemen will furnish the program this year mr bohme or toronto spent a week at the home of his son wh bohme manager of the dominion bank here mr and mrs austin card of sandford spent sunday at the home of the latters mother mrs vande- water the cnr have placed a night operator in the station here the work being to much for the regular agent our village presented a rather de serted appearance for a few days last week on account of the almost impassable condition of the roads which were blocked with snow in every direction lome stokes who is attending medical college in toronto was a recent visitor at his home here also kenneth wagg from business col- lee spent a couple of days with his parents mr and mrs o wagg joseph jardine is moving his gar age business from mr burnhams shop to the rear of j f cooks blacksmith believing this to be a better stand for his business on account of being more centrally located mrs middleton who has been con fined to her home through illness for the past month or more died on sunday morning in her 53rd year the deceased came from england some years ago and was employed the greater part of her time as a nurse she possessed a kind and cheerful disposition and was beloved by a wrde circle of friends the funeral on tuesday afternoon was largely attended in terment taking place in mt albert cemetery o- railway and municipal board osliawa becomes a city at twelve oclock march 8th 1924 the quarterly official board of victoria square and richmond hill methodist churches at the last meet ing expressed hearty appreciation of the faithful pastoral work and pulpit efforts of their pastor rev h s warren and gave him a un animous invitation to remain the third year at a meeting of the york county council all the county constables were dismissed and the following constables reappointed their ap pointment to take place from april 1 george stewart wui brlmma- combe george thompson thomas kirk william myers and we mar- tindale the old boarding house at the lake shore road jacksons point lake siiucoe for many years kept by joseph mcneil and known as gleu sibbald has been pur chased and generously donated by a mrs bonnick to the samaritan club to b used by exservice men and will be known as the valdai rest home in memory of mrs bon- nicks daughter valdai walter rollings has sold his farm of fifty acres part of lot 10 con 4 markham to w l clark of agin- court for 9000 since mr clark purchased th farm a few weeks ago he has soid ten acres off the west part to a toronto man for 2000 this part will be used for market gardening mr rollings is moving to norfolk county near port dover to take charge of a fiftyacre fruit farm belonging to his uncle he will hold an auction sale of regis tered ayrshires and other live stock and farm implements on march 7th potatoes growers of zephyr dis trict in ontario county are organ izing a cooperative marketing asso ciation they intend to go in for eertified seed for which the de mand in ontario is far from being met and to market the seed direct messrs w j rynard myers miller lockie and silverside are active in the work of organization and have had the assistance of r f cross- grove of the dept of agriculture at the 4gth annual meeting of the canadian national exhibition asso ciation held in toronto last week robert miller of stouffville was re elected president col fred h dea con the owner of glenburn farms south of stouffville on the unionville road was elected by acclamation to the board of directors to succeed joss russell who retires through ill health on thursday feby 14th edward graham oldham passed peacefully away at the residence lot 22 con 1 scarboro his serious illness was brief blood poisoning setting in im mediately after an operation for mastoid he was the youngest son of the late william oldham and was born in whitchurch townshijyork county and resided there until his marriage when he moved onto a farm in scott township he farmed there for a few years then bought property and settled in scarboro and his farm fine residence and well equipped buildings speak for his suc cess as a farmer goodwood miss haynes was sick a few days but is recovered mr and mrs foskett spent a day in markham recently mr and mrs w j slack visited at mr shavers on sunday miss jessie todd has h longfield and wife assisting her at present mrs isaac wagg spent a few days last week with her daughter in ox bridge mrs maye sr is eaving for oak- ville with her daughter to spend a time we are glad she is so much improved e morgason was in stouffville on day recently nd purchased something for the kitchen shower held friday evening the supply was short in goodwood but the storekeepers may stock up in case of another shower on friday feb 29th an enjoy- abe time was spent at the home of jesse tindall by about 35 members of the young peoples league and other friends much interest was taken in the contests while miss myrtle watson entertained some of the older ones with piano selections owing to the approaching marriage of two of the family the friends took this opportunity of remember ing them with a few useful articles or kitchen shower the finest legacy that a father can leave his son is a good name and a good education now is the time to plan vour spring planting in the warm comfort of your home this is the time to figure out how to make your land abundantly fertile this year use ontario fertilizers they ar considered best by thousands of successful farmers judiclouly used they save expense and labor let us tell you why facts and figures about the results of ontario ferti lizers will surprise you ontario fhrtilizehfv limited west toronto ontario rrilmnger bivos azrnt stouffville phone 174 mid 1o0s weekly store news m remnant sale having purchased a large number of table linens towelings in short ends by the pound we are going to dispose of them with a great number o f other remnants out of our stock at a very low figure here is a chance to buy your linen supply at less than the wholesale price w h shaw phonk 9512 stouffvillb during winter months store closes every evening except saturday