healthier stock at less expense for your dairy herd your young cattle your piss your horses schumachcs feed is the best sustaining ration you can use schumacher feed is scientifically prepared from milled products of corn barley oats and wheat with linseed meal it is cheaper than straight grain feeds on the basis of results secured and it is better because it is a perfectly balanced feed and never varies in quality the government guaranteed analysis appears on each sack stock eat schumacher greedily and dige3t it all it will keep your dairy herd healthy and increase their milk yield it will fatten your hogs quickly it is good for horses start feeding schumacher now write us regarding your hog and dairy problems our live stock service de partment can help you its advice is free i the quaker oats company peterborough nnd saskatoon i for sale by stiver bros unionville stiver bros stouffville my experience with tile a few seasons ago i handled a farm where the land was of good quality and reasonably fertile no man will bo able to produce maximum crops on that farm until the owner is willing to put a few hundred dollars in the farm in the way of proper drainage the owner is cheating himself out of the full benefit of his farm year after year while a tiling sytem would pay for itself in one or two seasons no one can get anything out of his farm if he isnt willing to put something in halfway methods in tile drainage will get halfway results it does not cost any more in proportion to tile the farm thoroughly at one time proper drainage keeps tho soil loose and con serves fertility makes it possible to get the ground in shape for seeding at the proper time causes it to warm up earlier in the spring thus lessen ing the danger of early and late late frosts and stimulates plant growth these advantages will be realized each season when the sea- ton is cold and backward during the early spring i have found the advan tage of tile drainage even more noticeable with our rather heavy black level soil which has a tendency to hold water for long periods during wet weather we have to drain at least every two rods to get uniform results on more rolling or gravelly land it is not necessary to drain quite this close tile should be deep enough that it will not be disturbed by the deepest plowing it is better if the drains have sufficient fall to carry the water out rapidly as they will drain the soil quicker and the force of the water will carry away sediment keeping the tile clean owing to too much or too little fall it is sometimes necessary to lay the head of the drain rather shallow it is not always possible to get below the frost line for this rea son we have found cement tile prefer able to clay despite the slight extra cost as they are not injured by the action of frost the old method of digging the trench and leveling and laying tile was a slow backbreaking and ex pensive task when elbow grease was the motive power used to get the work dene we find that a machine ditcher does as good or better work and is less expensive and less disagreeable than the old method the machine can work better in dry weather than in wet as the leveling is done by sur vey instead of by water a compet ent operator should be in charge of the machine and the owner of the farm should inspect frequently a very slight mistake may make an en tire drain worthless what is tho use of paying high taxes and making other improvements on land that will not produce good crops owing to lack of drainage this is about the only improvement on the farm that is permanent we have to paint build fences buy new machin ery build new buildings restore the fertility of tho soil and do other things of like nature several times in tho course of a natural lifetime tho farm once properly drained is drain ed to stay and the work that has been done goes on making money for its owner day and night and will do so for future generations with little attention if the work is done proper ly d p a great deal of success in raising early lambs lies with the care and feeding of the ewes during the time just previous to and just after the lambs are born a sheep is not a difficult animal to raise or feed when the proper management is followed in fact i know of no animal that re quires so little attention for the net return received for both the feed and labor put into it one practice we have always tried to follow with the breeding ewes was to provide them with stalk pasture all through the wniter they do not do so well when kept housed all winter they require plenty of exercise in the open to properly develop the fetus but we always provide shelter for them during rainy and snowy weather or extremely severe cold that is just as essential as keeping them out in the open in good weather for if the fleeces get very wet and they are then housed they take very heavy colds from which they do not quickly re cover if the stalk pasture is good they require little else except plenty of salt and perhaps some clover hay we feed very little if any corn because it produces excessive fat limiting any grain feeding to oats ewes in thin flesh however need some corn or suf ficient other grain to put them in good flesh and plenty of clover hay sheaf oats is an excellent winter feed for sheep two or three weeks before the iambs are due to arrive we like to give a good feed of oats to the ewc3 each day so that they wiji provide plenty of milk for the newborn iambs which if they happen to be twins or triplets will demand a great deal of milk to start them off right we have never found any feed that would answer this purpose so well as oats because of their combined bulkiness and protein content then they also help to de velop a strong iamb which will require little close attention after it has re ceived its fifth or sixth meal 1 would rather feed corn after the iambs ar rive than before though if too much is fed it has a tendency to make them lose their wool a 3 to get the maximum prcduction it will be necessary to provide focding- stufts that have a high per cent of protein i have found that by grind ing barley oats and wheat equal parts by weight and feeding one pound of grain per day for every four pounds of milk produced i get a good liberal flow of milk and by feeding all tho alfalfa hay the cows will eat the ration is a fairly well balanced one however to make the cows produce to their capacity one can undoubtedly get an increased yield by adding two selection of seed improve ment different selections of seed of various classes of grain have been carefully tested at the ontario agri cultural college for from six to nine years the average results show that even one years selection of seed grain has a marked influence on the result ing crop in every instance the large plump seed gave a greater yield of grain per acre than medium sized small plump shrunken or broken seed in the average of the six classes of grain the large plump surpassed the small plump in yield of grain per acre by 19 per cent and in the aver- pounds of cottonseed or oil meal per l of ule thre0 c of grain the day one can stimulate many cows to still further increased production by feeding more of the high concentrates cottonseed or oil meal but this in crease should be carefully done by ad ding no more than a halfpound extra per day and carefully watching each cow to make sure that the concen trates are not bringing on an un favorable reaction being the whole cheese in a com munity is too often had thing for the community plump seed gave a yield over the shrunken seed of 20 per cent it should bo understood that equal numbers of seed were used in this experiment the results throughout show that a largo plump seed will produce a larg er more vigorous and more produc tive plant than is produced from a small plump or from a shrunkon seed a worxcr is known by the condition of his tools where and in whav con- dition arc yours a place for grain bags one of the big expense items of the farm is the replacing of grain bags destroyed by mice and hats many farmers have no regular place for their grain bags they are lying around here and there and usually when wanted are found to have holes made by mice and rats in trying to get at the few pieces of grain left in them have a place for your grain bags and keep them there you will then know where to find them and will also know they will bo in good condition to use make a box about three feet each dimension put a partition in it so there will be a place for the best bags and one for the others that are not so good this saves much time in sorting when wanted for use quite often you can get from the junk deal er a piece of screen or woven wire cloth that has been used in an old grain separator this isusually heavy metal with small roundhole perfora tion or heavy wire woven together but with small enough openings so mico cannot get through put one piece on each of the two sides or ends of the box this will let air circulate and keep the bags from molding or rotting make the box of inch boards also make it tight so that no mice or rats can enter put on hinges and a rasp hook to the cover o a protected ax handle how many of us have had the ex perience of breaking or splitting our ax handle when chopping a limb or splitting a block of wood here is a plan i use and i find that it lengthens the life of a handle several times get a spool of copper wire twentygauge preferably and wind eight or sen inches of the handle next to the ax tightly with it as that is where most ax handles are droken drive a small nail in the handle the distance you wish to wrap it to a depth of half an inch then withdraw tho nail and cut off half an inch of the nail now put the end- of the wire in the nail hole and drivo tho piece of nail in flush with the handle wrap the wire tight and close to ward the ax first having made a hole clear through the handle close to the when the wire reaches the hole cut it off long enough to put the end through the hole a sewing grain sacks a bodkin or needle suitable for use with string or twine can be readily made from one of the openers that arc used to open tin containers the wire opened is straightened out and the ends rounded up with a file or on the grindstone that they may pass freely through the open weave of the sacking this simple modification is so easy that a few of the openers can be put aside until such time as the bodkins are needed when one or more may be straightened up and pointed for use this is a simple detail how ever it is most necessary when sewing the sacks and is a hint worth re membering for this need making a start with asparagus asparagus is unquestionably the most important of our edible stemmed plants it is one of the hardiest vege tables and although tho initial pre paration of the bed requires to be thoroughly and carefully carried out yet when properly made it may last a lifetime always provided that due attention be devoted to it so that noxious weeds will never be allowed to take up their habitation among the roots the gardener will be well repaid for keeping the bed scrupulously clean and free from weeds ft all times this to give them a chaiee to become some what established before they are buried deeply cultivation is then started as soon as the spike3 appear makeshift medicines it seems odd to call tooth powder a medicine yet ordinary camphorated chalk lias been used before now when the beds should be so rich in plant j bicarbonate ot soda was not available food that growth will be steady but if to check a violent attack of heartburn the tops at any time appear to be checked a light application of nitrate when a druggists shop is not with in reach rough and ready remedies established before any shoots are cut and all cutting should cease around the end of juno late cutting weak ens the growth of the plants beds in bearing will be greatly assisted by applying a little nitrate of soda dur ing the cutting season when cutting is over for the season bo given preferably in showery wea- they or following a rain never apply it when the ground is dust dry unless it be followed with a copious water ing do not cut down the tops until after the berries are red in the fall or the foliage has turned brown should in sects or disease bo suspected the tops should bo burned the bed is now dressed with partly decayed manure which in the spring j is dug in between the rows the plants necessitates occasional cultivation s be allowed two years to become during tho summer months though cultivation may be dispensed with by giving the- bed a good mulch of ma nure immediately cutting is finished for tho season after the tops have been cut down in the fall the mulch can be worked into the soil between the rows or this may be done early in spring asparagus can be successfully grown in almost any soil provided the preparation of the bed is given proper attention firstclass grass is cut from quite light sandy soils as also from land that is very heavy though the most suitable medium is a good friable loam having a porous subsoil a wet retentive soil from which water is slow in getting away sjiould bo avoided unless it bo first drained pkeparino the bed instead of beginning with seed the amateur will be well advised to pur chase one or two year old roots though even then it is not advisable to cut from the bed until the third spring from planting and only for a limited period then it is always well to have tho bed prepared in the fall when a three- inch layer of fresh manure or its equi valent in leafy mold is spaded or plowed in very deeply and a dressing of soda will be beneficial it should i for many ailments are to be found in the pantry mustard in poultice form is about the finest known remedy for cold on the chest while a little ordin ary mustard rubbed behind the car will often ease toothache aud neural gia mustard ami hot watjjsagfigd emetic salt mixed with common washing soda is an excellent cure for stings and warnt brine has a wonderful ef fect in stopping the irritation of a chil blain warm brine not too strong is also a verygood thing for sniffing up the nose when one has a bad cold and as a gargle it will go far towards cur- ing a soro throat while sugar has no disinfecting qualities if it is applied to a clean wound it helps it to heal rapidly a poultice made of vinegar and stale bread applied nightly is one of the best possible dressings for a painful the entire bed without regard to the corn olive oil is a good thing to put rows should have a thorough cultivat ing to a depth of three inches then mulch with manure and there will be little further trouble from weeds live stock sales and prices prom january 1 to 24 inclusive the sales of cattle at tho five leading markets of tho country according to dominion live branch reports were 47207 compared with 46416 in the same period last year of calves 7362 compared with 6827 of hogs 88431 compared with 91043 and of sheep 20985 compared with 26662 a de crease is indicated in every instance on a burn and if olive oil is not avail able a handful of flour keeps the air from the injured spot and checks the pain a raw egg swallowed whole will carry down a fishbone which has stuck in the throat sunday night chores here is a- good plan to relieve the drudgery of sunday night chores where there are several men on n stock farm divide them into two groups then one group do the work one sunday night and the other the next this arrangement leaves everyone free for sunday afternoon and even- excepting of sales of cattle and calves of which there is a slight in- othor wcfik crease of hogs and sheep there is j noticeable decrease both in a chance to tget away is appreciated especially by a noticeaoie urease oomm sales m m dacj and billings through top prices for f nnd m vigit his f riends butcher steers at toronto j to take mother and go visit his friends i without feeling that he has to hurry montreal were 60c better and calves 60c and a dollar up for the week end- i ing january 24 this year compared of lime and wood ashes put on tho j with the corresponding date last year surface is then left rough over win- select bacon hogs showed an improve- jg m anitc a anil b ter when the ground has dried off ment over the previous week lambs one g b c in the spring the furrows are drawn were the same at nil markets except- invest in a few smiles daily and you will always have interest in re turn o 0 train the colls and get them uei to work now before spring work opens up out and good plump roots are then planted when the ground has to be prepar ed in the spring wellrotted manure should be used the rows should bo ing at toronto where there was a rise of 150 back to help milk if there is an uneven number of men on the farm say for example three it could be handled this way the next and c and a tho next etc live stock sales in january at the principal markets in canada reported by the market division of the dominion live stock branch the would creep over tho sides against 67873 of calves 9978 but not this one a tin washer ngalnst 8627 or hogs 119393 against the kind used for putting on prepared 111879 and of sheep 24430 against keeping the oil can clean in neighbor browns farm shop ni at least three feet apart four feet is 0 can s on tho bench ever ready j volume of business transacted during better the soil must be thoroughly t0 provide oil for a dry bearing a i january compared favorably with pulverized adding coarse bone meal rus nut or a shiny plowshare ordii that of the corresponding month of after the manure has- been turned nnr the can would leave a telltale l year tho total sales of cattle under the coarse bone meal may be rink 0 0 on the bench where the t toronto montreal winnipeg cnl- applicd directly in tho brond furrow lubricant that ran down the spout gary nnd edmonton were 59407 which will be made using a largo handful to each yard of furrow and touching it into the soil with the rake furrows are drawn out with the plow or spade eight inches deep thrco to four feet apart and nine to twelve inches wide the roots are set eighteen inches apart make sure that the crown of the roots is in the centre of tho furrow when in posi tion the roots arc covered with two inches of fine soil made firm so that it will not dry out quickly the furrow is gradually filled up as the season advances and should be quite level by late summer the reason we cover tho roots so lightly to begin with is roofing had been drilled out to fit tho spout the slight depression on the upper side collects whatever oil spills and when tho can is again used it runs out it a ewe loses a lamb use her for a nurse in raising the orphan iamb 80719 generally prices on cattle and lambs were about even with those of january 1923 while hogs wor somewhat lower the road lending to a permanent r scheme of orderly marketing will sooner or later pass through the field of orderly production horscsj and cows have better health and do better work if they are kept it is quite as important to ventilato the brain with a little good reading and by the inspiration of associating with some man of noble qualities nsj clean all animals need plenty of it is to ventilate the dairy barn i sunhinc cln watcf and good food