sfctlmite vol xxxvi no 1 stoukfvillk ontario thursday march 6 1924 do you cough at night bronchial irritation is most noticeable when one wants to sleep and loss of sleep saps strength mai creophos relieves bronchitis and persis tent coughs and builds up general strength buy a bottle now and learn from personal experience that creophos will do all we say it will 100 bottle at market drug store g collard druggist stouffville ontario delegations wait on town fathers start now get ready for a busi ness career by attending elliott yonge charles sts toronto our former graduates have succeed ed you can also we admit students at any time write ror particulars w j elliottt principal t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors albert st stouffville ottlce hours mornings 9 to 12 tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 to 830 pm other hours by appointment phone 5304 anne lehman a t gm teacher 01 piano studio over lehmans shoe store putting in the oven a roast of our beef is assur ance of a fine meal it is sure to be tender and juicy if ordin ary care is taken choice pork veal lamb and fish in season also vegetables h leadbettee phone 701 cut flowers and ferns wedding bouquets and funeral designs muston sons stouffville s phone 7001 chiropractor i church st i stouffville looking for the truth look tor the chiropractic truth if you would enjoy the blessings of a vigorous life chiropractic is the de monstrated truth abouti your backbone when one of the vertebrae presses upon a nerve that is emer ging from it a scientific ad justment relieves the sub luxation and the nerve re sumes its energetic func tion at the regular council meeting on monday evening tor march three deputations waited on that body and many others were jammed into the chamber to hear the proceedings the largest deputation was from the fire brigade dissention in the ranks made it impossible for the members to unite on a fire chief and they carried the grievance to the council who in the final analysis make the appointment upon recom mendation from the brigade the secretary everton smith stated that at a meeting on feby 12th the brigade adjourned to meet the coun cil at this time cecil shackel presented a petition for the reappointment of fire chic joe mertens but council would not recognize a petition insisting that the brigade must be unanimous in their choice otherwise it would be a serious matter mr mertens said unanimity could not be reached with certain members left in the brigade after much talk the question was dropped vvith no definite results accomplished on behalf of the library board rev r young and wilmot brown requested the usual statutory grant of 50c per capita of population this was granted making a sum of 55750 to be paid this year dr wa saiigster drd csmith and roy f crawford as a deputa tion from the board of trade peti tioned for assistance for the park this coming summer dr sangster presidentspoke first then drsmith it was suggested that council lease the grounds so that they may be throw wide open to town organiza tions tills coming summer other wise it may be necessary to make a substantial charge to every organiza tion iisinpr them the petitioners told tlie council the reeve said that asihe saw things at present the tax rate would be i much higher than last year over crowding at the school is costing money county rale would be in creased at the same time he recog- nized the board of trade had done much work for the park but coun cil must move cautiously at present no other expressions of opinion was advanced tr dales introduced the milk pasteurization question he said that according to the press he learn ed another route was to start if this cohncil ionsidered pasteuriza tion of milk in fairness to the new dealer he should be advised now the present bylaw he believed a good one if each oealer was forced to respect it the bylaw was examined and j council was of the opinion if the provisions therein contained were kept by each dealer little- demand would be felt for pasteurized milk sterilization of bottles it was said should be rigidly watched by the m oh also the stables should be in spected and milk forbidden to come here from unclean bams or cattle if this is not properly done council could at any time resort to pasteur ization with these expressions the matter stands for the present collector h perry presented his tax roll which was accepted by the council showing uncollected taxes of 45563 and of this amount 177 was returned against the old vine gar tactory the balance was owing in smaller amounts mostly by pri vate householders the matter of advertising for sale the contents and building of the old electric light plant was discussed but no action taften reeve dougherty presided at the meeting all councillors being pre sent namely silvester lunau sil versides and dr dales jlrtants passed e lageer drawing 240 ab lehman supplies etc 310 j nendick shov enow 2410 j nendick water works 200 e pennock trip to- industrial home 200 w crossin draying 180 northern electric store sup 10274 j oxendale draying 30 w j mather rep chairs 350 dog tags 328 c nendick work on hydro 4700 ferranti meter co rep trans formers etc 33725 g patton work 140 electric store supplies 9305 j g mertens painting truck 1500 j g mertens caretaking 1000 e smith secretary fb 500 fine orations by local pupils personal notes friday 9t012am at stouffville omt private sale of household effects one large size range with warming closet re servoir and hot water front fa the best ofcondition some bed room fumitmg coligoleum rugs electric fictwesjrtid numerous other articles jcsprbe seen at my resi dence matti street stouffville also a few second hand farm implements to go at sacrifice prices if taken at once n lanktrbe phone 173 annual meeting the annual meeting of the heise hill cemetery plot holders will be held on friday march 7th at two oclock in the tunkard church gormley a very important move is on foot to take care of the grounds so every one interested is urgently requested to be on hand by order of trustees levi heise secy ira baker c g widoman trustees all the latest magazines boadways drug store the annual oritorical contest by pupils of the stouffville continua tion school is becoming increasing ly popular each year as was evi denced on friday evening when this years oratory ana concert was heard in ratcliffs hall before an audience of some four hundred people the feature of the evening was the oratory by seven contestants namely win vanzant helen row- botham margaret baker frank yake william allan francis judd and enna heise four prizes were awarded between these seven and the judges messrs a d bruce revis stouffer and a reynolds all outside men had no easy task in making the awards they declared the winners in the following order helen rowbotham 1st enna heise 2nd margaret baker 3rd and wm allan 4th mr bruce announced the winners and paidgreat credit to each contestant a creditable showing was made by each of the sevenand it was with great difficulty he stated the judges made their de cision the speakers and their subjects were wm vanzant some problem facing our empire helen rowbotham a new faith in canada margaret baker true great ness frank yake history of the bri tish navy wm allan true success francis judd dr grenfell of labrador enna heise universal peace while the judges were summing up their pointy behind the screen speculation was rife as to what their decision would be frankly it was not made in accordance with the ideas of the audience the general impression so far as we could gather was that while the judges had picked the most worthy four they failed to place them in the proper order of merit th audience may liave been wrong and the judges right if cer tain points only were considered and in future it would be well for the judges to state at the outset what basis they proposed to judge the speakers on then the audience would have a more intelligent un derstanding of the finding of the judges arid perhaps be more in harmony with their decision how ever the whole seven pupils are to be congratulated on their splendid effort each address was from eight to thirteen minutes in length miss baker being the shortest speaker while the others mostly spoke from 10 to 12 minutes there were other items on the program including elocutionary con test won by stanley rose and maxine baker other contestants were doris sinclair and francis judd school song drill piano duet by enna heise and the school orchestra provided an additional interest to the evening dr dc smith acted as chairman in an acceptable manner and at the close mr a sfouffer principal tendered the thanft of the school to the judges and those who assisted in any way to the evenings suc cess miss annie lehman has returned i to vivian with miss alma valentine air and mrs james mowai have both been quito ill for the past week mrs aylesworth and daughter-in- law of toronto were the guests of miss huxtable last week mrs clendening and 3irs mustard of markham visited this week with mrs geo urquhart miss ruby rennis of mongolia spent the week end with vera tarr tarr east end john f madill a former clerk in hatcliffs store for many years was in town wednesday dr s s ball spent a tew days in the old home town of hanover the fore part of this week miss aim i valentino returned to her home at vivian after spending a week with friends in town miss norah macklem of lemon- ville is spending a few days with her aunt mrs lemon baker jessie alexander entertainer was the guest of mrs w h shaw dur- j ing her stay in town this week i while visiting toronto friends mrs richard rae was successful in winning the ladies first prize in euchre a silver cake basket held by parkdale lodge af am no 510 grc it being their third an nual ladies night local manager saw bank bandit business cards legal churchill welcome to mr and mrs chap man and family our farmers are through draw ing ice for this season mrs f irwin of island lake is somewhat indisposed miss gladys paisley is suffering from a felon on her thumb two of the eaton employers wero at shadow lake over sunday frank reynolds of western can ada is visiting his aunt mrs fred graham mr and mrs h degeer are here from the west visiting his brother c degeer mrs h fockler and mrs g har- nian of bloomington called on mrs delos graham last week while making an axe handle harry farry received a severe cut on tw- fingers be careful harry we regret the loss of russel gray and family mr gray was born on the place he is leaving here and we wish them success in their new home miss velma martin is home for a while after undergoing an opera tion in the midland hospital where she was training for a nurse division court at newmarket the most interesting court held in newmarket for years took place oh wednesday before his honor judge widdifield one or two cases were from whitchurch township the suit of particular interest was that of dr ames vs the board of health of newmarket in which he sued for 124 for services to an in digent family stricken with diph theria which the council refused to pay t w evans for the cor poration and brock currey for the piaintift the case commenced at five minutes to eleven oclock and continued till one oclock when the case was called mr evans on behalf of the corporation offered to settle for 50 but the doctor refused dr ames being called related the circumstances which commenced by mrs stephenson calling at his office on account of illness and an exam ination showed signs of diphtheria he reported the case to the medi cal health officer who- confirmed his diagnosis the following morning and gave his permission to take charge of the case as an indigent patient the house was quarantined with seven people three of whom were affected with same disease the icharge made was 2 a visit to each patient while he was entitled to charge as much as 4 a visit for in fectious diseases the medicines were supplied by mr broughton and the authority for charging the same to the board of health was confirm ed by the mho to mr evans under the circum stances he did not think the charge exhorbitant although he had offered to make the charge 1 a visit but the mho said the corporation would pay the usual charge he had lost practice because of attend ing to this family as people were afraid of the disease all the visits were absolutely necessary mr broughton was called to prove the correctness of dr ames state ment and that the items were charged to the board of health dr scott drboyd and drwesley were called and all agreed that under the circumstances the offer of 50to settle the bill was reasonable in fact they thought it was very liberal judgment reserved the docket was quite a lengthy one and the legal fraternity were represented b a dozen or more in cluding messrs mathews currey widdifieldwoodcock courtisevans case davidson button harrisand two or three from toronto some of the other suits of inter est were tunney vs knight disputed ac count of 3155 on which a balance of 16 was unpaid judgment for 1350 in two cases from whitchurch kirby vs mould and sloan vsmoulds one for an unpaid note and the other for wages were both decided in favor of the plaintiffs mr a c burkholder and one other citizen from this locality had the thrilling experience of being be hind the bars in wellington county jail at uuelph last week where they had the opportunity of seeing one of the alleged criminals who robbed the stouffville bank of over 100000 in cash and securities in october 1922 as the manager of th3 local bank and his associate ar3 reticent to discuss their experience it guelph one can only imagine them bting led to the inner cell to see the bird in his cage namely lewis austin who was captured at little rock arkansas and brought back to guelph to await trial in bbing the bank at mount forest austin having been extradi ted on the specific charge of robbing the royal bank of canada at mt forest cannot now be tried on the charge of robbing the standard bank at stouffville bonds stolen from the mount forest bank were found on austin when he was arrested in the pennsylvania station at new york city other bonds stolen from mount forest were dug up on a farm near islington none of the bonds or money stolen from stouff ville has been recovered mccullough button barristers solicitors oo veyakces c buttons block 8t0ulvllms money to loan glasgow mrs jno davis spent the week end with friends mrand mrs win weir of ux- bridge visited at mr ed lewis last week mr and mrs l hophins and children of brougham visited at mr f slacks on friday last edgar latcham has secured a position in toronto and left on tuesday of last week we are pleased to learn that mrs thos lewis sr is recovering from her recent accident mr and mrs c armstrong and miss evelyn of claremont spent sunday at mr d croziers we are pleased to learn that mrs wm pearson who is taking the insulin treatment in toronto gen eral hospital is progressing favor ably the question are you in favor of local option for the sale of spiritu ous liquors and beers under govern ment control is likely to be ans wered at the polls by the people of this province sometime next fall premier ferguson stated when the legislature opened atew weeks ago that he would not permit such a vote until he is satisfied in his own mind that the people as a whole really wish to vote on temperance medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien ard hattf phone ibs dental dr d c smith dentist utouffrille honor graduate of chicago aa toronto university and the royal college of dental surgeon office over shaws store phone office 1011 residenoe it if no outside appointment e s barker lds dds dentist stouffville honor graduate of royal cohege t dental surgeons and ef the univer sity ot toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office ottat geo crosbys store veterinary r g law v s b v sc graduate university of torontq ringwood phone 6014 stouffville lodqe no 384 meet every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows haut- visiting brethern welcome clay baker ng wr sanders- recflew in memoriam harding in loving memory pfwil- ham harding who diedmarch 3 1922 only a memor and a sign for but a consta alone knows j been lygone days unseen illng that god what should have wife and family barkey in loving memory of my dear mother mrs ross barkey who died feby 21 1921 she was a loving motner a mother kind and true a better friend never lived and her equals ar bur few sadly mlsejkby son jack widdifield in loving memory of mabel beloved daughter of mr and mrs john h davis wife of wllbert l widdifield who passed to a higher life march 10 1923 just as the day was dawning just as the night was spent god called her home and heavenward she went sadly missed by father and mother the regular monthly meeting of the altona womens institute will be held at the home of mrs jmeyer on march 12th music readings and exchange of garden seeds if you have seeds that you would like to exchange with others bring them along wanted atonce- five tons of good tinfothy hay ambrose stover pjaone 5602 wanted to buy sell or exchange a young white pekin drake for particulars ph 7905 margery mortens np seed for sale quantity peas and sprin for sale suitable for seid bertired buggy good as e a stor phone 920 for sale brood sowdue march 20 3 yearl ing red heifers 1 red heifer 2 years old 30 rods rail fence w e mc- bride 8th con pickering phone claremont 1515 2op the sale register saturpay march 8th at lot 6 con 3 whitchurch farm stock etc including firstclass horses belonging to james jones no reserve sale at one f w sil- versldes auctioneer tuesday march 11th at lot 32 con 8 markham farm stock and implements the property of alex mitchell sale at one f w sil- versides auctioneer wednesday march 12th at gambols corners yonge st ex tensive sale highclass holsteins horses and farm machinery be longing to e d gamble sale at 12 noon no reserve f w silversides auctioneer thursday march 13th at lot 23 con 4 whitchurch purebred reg and shorthorn cattle farm stock implements etc belonging to estate of late george oliver sale at 12 noon f w silver- sides auctioneer wednesday march 19th lot 16 on 3 uxbridge farm stock and implements belonging to cecil lee who is giving up farming sale at one f w silversides auctioneer thursday march 20th at lot 28 con 7 markham farm stock and implements new ford tractor and tractor implements of chas leadbetter sale at 12 noon f w silversides auctioneer friday march 21st at lot 18 con 1 uxbridge extensive sale 24 cattle 8 horses sheep etc be longing to albert paisley sale at 12 noon f w silvorsides auctioneer saturday march 22nd auc- tton sale- of -percheron- horses 20 animals weighing 14 to 1600 and from 4 to 6 years old to be sold at mansion house stouffville the property of james dixon sale at one 7 months credit or 7 per cent per annum off for cash these horses are all broken to harness and will be guaranteed f w silversides auctioneer tuesday march 25th at lot 7 con 8 whitchurch reg cly desdales farm stock etc pro perty of a bner baker sate at 12 noon sharp f w silversides auctioneer wednesday march 26th at lot 18 con 10 markham farm stock and implements the pro perty of george middleton sale at one f w silversides auc tioneer thursday march 27th at lot 29 con 1 uxbridge the farm stock and implements belonging to chas badgero sale at one f w silversides auctioneer m halt financial secretary mrs a griffiths corsetiere for spirella corsets for stouffville and vicinity stouffville phone 15303 itfheer good jbaking- makes folks happyj s theres a lot lof mealtime cheer in the bread we bake its plumb full of nourishment that comes from the proper vit alized breadmaking elements add a little sunshine to your every meal by adding the name of our bread to your grocery order a stover we deliver to 1 tour home jmingnqommo kitch neef5 let one thing percolate through your conscious ness your wife la just as fond of p r e t ty useful ssm nickle and silver electric utilities as you are of get ting along in the worlu if you want to make her home life more happy buy the electric necessities for her everyday use leuhs irennedy electrical supplies fixtures over lehmans shoe store stouffville- ont