Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 28, 1924, p. 2

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v 1 eaton si address communication to aaronoatlea 73 adelaide st west toronu complete radio map of canada and the united states showing all broad- comfort of any h casting stations giving call heat of thn kmm numbers and locations the ice sj i it n- difficult in p f dairying during tti to on without a supply o s less one has a parts deed un- a supply of ice a st patrick s day party in honor of pat and his pig diehards of hog tra dition 2 heavy feeding just after wean- ithe chief causes of pigs of the right type not grading select are 1 overweightover 210 lbs at the mo people oojecc m marke fed too long possibly wait- call propaganda in favor of the bacon risin market hog and claim that they can raise the h fccdi just lardtype hog more economically in hed on h fatt k work slx feeds such as barley buckwheat and breeds both fat and bacon type we corn affer weani have never been able to pick out any 3 poor feedink stilrved or one breed as better than others for- stuntcd fa or hew untn odj economy of production as a matter coarse anj r0 h before th are of fact strain has more influence than markct wei ht breed upon this point 4 under finish the statement was made by profes- t the desired the new eaton edition price 15c t eaton c toronto canada bubn9ke3sef heat of the season dari h by myrtle jamison trachsel ice is a very simple ttv-ntun- a pasteboard pig bearing the verse poor piggie should she laugh or occupied corner or a fven below might be used to summon even smile vrhile saying it she be- lor the purpose a f guests a pig cut from an adcomes the piggie and miist squeal h closure ten ifeet squan vertismg page could be used as aj best while on her hands anj knees high will hold enough to pro vide p tter before one of the rae should she the turkey and its peculiarities the wild turkey is a native wastage the smallc f stored however the la th quantity portion of waste s the p- provision must be drainage of an ice stf f the soil underneath is ojp j unless it is well to cover th texture of few inches of gravel ij wlth a t of saw- j ould brogue so plaze dont stay away march 17th time place- v t- i va north america and years ago ranged dust should then be putlc 11 ta i from canada to mexico and through- the ice the ice should fcc if til z out the vast forests that extended a pond in blocks which i remembers to scratch his back against the leg of her chair next you might play pigs i the you might let an old irish motto f partl for this game are hung up in a conspicuous place greet 10und x cutting heads tails legs the guests as they arrive the letters f or ot cardboard pigs the receive should be in green on a white card search for the girl who has the piece needed to finish al college but there is a still weightier reason against the objection to the bacon hog it is that the lard hog as a paying line i want my hotbed ready ahead of time probably j english sham- t d0vs ca piffs from their po- tho rocks potatoes pipes irish hats and usln the toothpicks for tails gradually becoming extinct the wild breeds known j in i be riven vorhnllv in wni o ine ooys carv tion increased the wild turkeys reced- period provided a roof pit k13 ene l v yca iuaii imitj linu j p v ui3 pasteboard harps might be used as the girls may make dress- is a mistake to wait until you are for farming in canada is at the end actually ready to sow seeds before of the rope but the field for the starting the hotbed start it up now bacon type is onlv just being opened ami have everything in readiness duras live on worms insects berries agriculture at ottawa this is not a new poslhonf tat the even if you dont plan to make your seeds and grass they flock together made to ice wells which are of t eveninglwyll keep the brin their chairs tnto i fact needs renewed and ever new re- t planting for a week or two yet in october and direct their course to some parts of the western p minds and tongues of the early guests yrf to p moving piggie petition so that the farmers may not the heart of the hotbed is the heal the fertile plains through which large these are constructed about busy while others are arriving to take man of tto ps be misguided the market for i hog s material that is put into it this rivers flow then they disperse in deep and a diameter to suit g ma true irishmen othe quests vs f tw0 hnnds ca that is the farmers product as it is prepared from manure the f resh- ooks eating the fruits of the menta six feet in di they should be given an opportunity nririw l them y i plans of ice storages of i gs vot bu t p enty o u ffl for the pigs start it up nownorth american mexican and h pfci is m gg of efcsptor hai j sufficiently admired ask the refj piggie party the brogue of old ireland the bee leaves the farm can onlv be wide er the manure the better it may be cultivated lands and if hungry during fil six feet in depth with be the winter are apt to become so bold said to hold about four tons f united states millers n our wheat c and assured when the market for the taken from a fermenting pile or outcome of that hog that is the collected for several days and saved packers product in the form of bacon u for the purpose in either case is also wide and reasonably assured a l straw and coarse litter should only in- the home market is there room bo taken out manure that has burn- for the lard types and even that is ed or firefanged w be useless for declining because of the growing taste the purpose in canada for leaner bacon with close unless there is a considerable am- 1 m v trimming to remove the fat and with ount of hodding in the manure it on their trail and loudly express their wheat in the fo quotation consequent waste supply has already should be mixed with about a third of lov h heyer it may be in their december is and familiar as to enter farmyards in search of food the mating season 1 the northwestern national early in spring the hens leave the keview published at minne cocks actually shunning them and minne pays high tribute roost apart the males however are m of canadian hard i arly overtaken the permanent de- 1 lt3 ovm bu of litter or leaves pile nd up the whole in a neat square heap ackers must more and more lookj cover and in as warm a place fhe export field as the only one inj possible and give it a thorough ich they can expect enlarged trade wetting to start rapid fermentation r the english bacon trade only aft three or four daysfork it over select hogs of definite bacon type turning it inside out and pile it up that soft strain peculiar to the cock j issue flourmills in this city are expressed by the word gobble at one capacity or less the disposition of the female is as the output is booked almost enti to kisstho blarney stone7hefirst s 0n the they are to ta thing p on around the circle as rapidly the stone in this instance is a pyri- shouid a p drop a mid of stones some of the stones w l t recover ifc by are pieces of taffy candy colored the srff a p mossgreen and wrapped in bits of thl fe he then start paraffin paper with twisted ends s l the way again but ha others are bits of pebbles or smal tz remain f his c how- rocks wrapped in the same manner m remains ln pace the guests in turn are blindfolded h left the circle and allowed to kiss the blarnev tlj v per tluetly take him into stone then theyare told to take i rnlgsg serve the best buyers those who object to what they call propaganda in favor of the bacon hir may choose for themselves either tio continued raising of a hog of which there are already too many and so choose entering into still keener competition among themselves or they may take the more businesslike way of dropping their prejudices and chang ing the types of their hogs to conform to market prospects the average farmer also will have to choose for himself whether he will listen to the eomewhat insidious propaganda of those who object to bacon hog propa ganda the die hards of the old tradition or examine the reasonable ness of the public statements made by men who handle the product after it has left the farmers hands these piece as a souvenir should they thevshould m j ii it -v- wvw draw a piece of taffy thev are in i be spirited a a rata more mim and gentle than that trade canadian mi jf t a stone they may u w iettin others of the male when leading out her tv i k ji j i 7 y may know what is iroino- n twvw away and again tramping it down firmly as you do so add enough water to make it protection against the attacks of any again thoroughly moist rapacious animal that may approach for the best results this operation tilem sh rather warns them to shift should be repeated three or four tiftjfcs for themselves and does not prepare so that the whole mass will be heated to defend them evenly through and through other wise the hotbeki when made up will be spotty and the results will be very uneven especially along the edges for a small frame of two or three sashes half a cord will be suffi cient it should be placed in tha frame after it is fermenting hotly and firm ly packed down in a solid mass one or two feet deep on top of this i put from fourto six inches of soil six if any plants are to be grown directly in the soil per sonally i always prefer to use flats or seed pans in which to start the i t the other hand have been report be allowed to try again later of tt ry goi on th who brood of young to collect their food a3 la an ex t demand feue any amount of blarney fa per t v i and are trying though so large and apparently so nimdl even at the high rateissible after one hase 1 krd to retain their powerful she affords them yery little duty ft ls be found desirable famous stone rtll 0 ftp vfsfi and get protection aamst the tteck of nnv wheat across t border p jg q i them across the evergrowing num- neapolis for domestic use though tlid game that never fails to bring wik l t tlut event amount is not large there was a me reams of laughter the players are vrane o y tha ticeable increase during novembepated in a circle a bov is asked to i y iff importations into this districochiefe the poor piggie he gets down on teria mt wf ref hments cafe- ly if not entirely for manufacture ife hands and knees before one of the t j wji t a green si minneapolisare reported by 0arjg ladies and squeals in his most ll attenln tothw t- tawo customs service at duluth as arthetic manner while he saueals s s food plled b g02631 bushels during 1920 87 ikes faces and does anything else blawevjlf 5 m le 687 bushels in 1921 343165 bushels oming a pig the girl must show l y sod sandwiches in 1922 and 1010123 bushels for the appreciation by comuouslv f2 in the last resort must be the men p and the greater depth who will pay him either a high price is not nee except where radishes or a low according as his hogs suit let beans or some other vege- or do not suit their customers de table is to be grown dirctly in the soil mand a definite premium for the only two or three sash are right type is already in force and is wanted and there is a pile of ferment- being generally paid by packers who- ing manure available the hotbed may ever may now be intercepting that be built dlrectly on the manure pile premium on its way to the farmer j by embedding in it a bottomless frame that should be enough to prove the i suita size and putting the soil good faith of the packing industry in on top of tho 151anure within this urging a greater production of tho frame- a frame 6x9 feet will accom- with our domesticated turkeys lay ing starts in spring they hide their nests in some retired obscure place the hen sits with remarkable perse verance and if not removed will al most perish with hunger before entire ly leaving the nest she generally lays in the morning and often continues daily until from fifteen to twenty eggs are laid in a season governed according to the age of the hen young hens lay fewer eggs than older hens in the second laying the hen hardly ever exceeds ten or fifteen eggs best ages for mating the best matings are either two- first eleven months in 1923 bacon hog not simply because it dif fers from a lard type but because mil lions of consumers after the packer insist on getting a lean not a fat bacon seeds for sale frel county 1 notrd for iu mtthqullty aoods feel seed house kranroton out is located in tho 1- m r7 dirtrlcu it hai largo quantities the sash left on then it will be saf sfcrtinm variegated and special alfalfas lied modate three standard 3x6foot sash i have used this simple method very effectively the manure must be actively fermenting and the pile must be in the full sunlight after the hotbed has been made up and tho soil put in a thermometer should be plunged into the bed and watched for a few days when it only registers 75 or 80 degrees with potato disease investigation investigational work carried on byj the department of botany of the on tario agricultural college during the past six years has brought out the following facts that selected certified seed pota toes give much better results than the yea7-oldcockswlthpullevotacock- se potatoes which have erel with twoyearold hens one ser- b commonly used by the farmers vice of the gobbler is sufficient forj of 1 p th past each setting of eggs and a single male tha nort ontario seed pota- can take care of from fifteen to twenjj toes fiff as t s av ty hens while the gobbler has al as those lm from the man- greater influence on color and shape time provinces of the progeny large hens are needed i ln s of old tario excellent seed potatoes can be produced by continued selection and roguing 0 continuously of the sound of the names the food ijkirig his head and murmuring is most inviting and digestible that noise was inthe bedroom and we cant getoiit tho window hero is a knothole we will run in here for a while until everything is quiet said billy but right in that little knofcholo roily had set a trap for naughty thieving mice so that was the last of mackie and billy mouse powdered skim milk the comparative values of powder- to produce big turkeys turkeys are more creatures of habit than any other of our feathered fowl and will come home to roost at night if one will make a practice of feeding them however lightly in the selection of breeding stock the aim should not be for great size t for active vitality and sure breeding in experiments carried on at the on- the male must not be too large in agricultural college the v- selecting hens one must not be influl total gains per pig were 1210 diced by great weight good form p for those fed on the sklm mllk the greedy mouse afternoon roily rabbit tigluin sat reading the latest edl- 1 woodland news ne glcnnie squirrel who lives nu fell out of a hickory yjo and broke his leg doctor jjjjek set it for him and he is ag nicely said bruin read- it of the latest news xiiw cvmyuiuuve vuiues ox powuer- 1 ti ed skim milk and powdered butter- ng fi when he was return milk were found to be about equal from jcnwood that is not far bruina we must be careful theif special alfalfas lied clovers alsue sweet cloiers tlmothr etc which are sold direct to farmers any part in any alio lota wrlto at once for price list peel seed house brampton ontario baby chicks queen city hatchery breeder and distributor of husky healthy chicks and ducks ten rarlotlc3 write for catalogue and price list 2 llnsrnore crescent toronto ont to begin sowing seeds no plants should be set in the frame however until it is 10 to 15 degrees cooler f f r take no chances tvtit ud fmi i ha nitjr jour horta cannot sit from tha safety snip on tha safety llal- m sfunk not- sack to prawar prlcai shtnk complcta for 25 cota 30 cent weat of fort wilhaia heap only fell at 5 ni each for rir protecuoa the safet haltar sfcice la now aupplleu with blue thread ninninc through lt iuist on tha cenuloa thy coat oo mora rood a post car now for book of atabla fcalpa ahowjn th oaiireat rooneytatlng hont apeclajtlea sjsnpi i watar 81 stratford oat poultry there are two main points to be con sidered first the selection of birds that have the characters desired and secondly a further selection from these of birds that can produce off spring as good as or better than themselves so says professor w r graham of the ontario agricultural college many are of the opinion that like fine stout legs square bodies and- p and 1228 pounds for those all mouse with his clothes j 7 i taa hnftainillr al 1nj facfi flirfv dnl nritr o underground garden irrigation where the natural rainfall is insuf ficient for intensive gardening pur poses one of the best and most effec tive ways of furnishing the moisture p for such a little fellow to the plants is by underground irri- tomo can over to see him gation this will be found advanta- held f saya tliat a fohher geous for three reasons in the first no i7n place the water thus supplied reaches tho roots where it is wanted and there is a minimum loss by evapora tion in the second place water is saved and in the third there is no crust to form on top as there is when the water is applied to the top of tho ground v wateh fox and stole his gold roily tfjmtle tap tap tap stt viply opened the door there breasts are needed practically the fed on buttermilk tho feeding- value of t powder although lvei- l face dirty and with a when tho ground is plowed in tho if theso products is t bf upon hls thin face spring it is gone over with a lister same is true in the male it is im- tl10 feeding- value of these products is i ct tnf u nls i lace spring it is gone over with a lister portent to have an unrelated male in ood the market price for hogs and gri w mr rabbit im hun- forming alternate ridges and fur- the nockasinbeedin7windomuchi hi the skim milk and v buttermilk powder makes its use pro- hibitivc as live stock feed we have an asparagus bed by margaret henry mother had raised and sold aspara- for us children to have for our own she begets like in general this ls true t a tv but it is true for genera and wt is p a 5- a aui and w particular qualities it is true that f p dishes ctr mortcace lifters 130 egg hot water incubators 10 7c foil onaraatksi 4iui io krrlabt paid to yoor craml hm sutlua ilaila la canada oftlfar bc nd lar beawl- lltv oelttrd full- and dttrablj flaubed arlui tfwtiui door jbicvalm anta air avtea baas todpar tauk ablpgrd vtlop rt4s for sua im st hataatr locobatar ctatefsts lax7 iz cblok brood- with ircufcafar h91s i0 hon csmaky qrala skmrtar tm llr trr arfour t rara axprrlneo baa pxeraa tbu tlt is seora dtm7 ba doultrr tbaa aas otha lis atoox lfcl bwtstor aid poultrr rauloat boasr ni ihsstratail wkji mlocr duto troa i r oclld irobatar oah rtakwaw oat the third fall it was very bushy gus as a moneymaking proposition nn rank and we cut the stalks with when she was a girl and thought it a scythe and later burned them would be nice to start a bed for us rn f 1 the fourth spring the bed was a of nice fat stalks every morning we arranged to sell it to the gro- white plumage yellow legs and white i abovo g every morning with a knife going earlobes but of these offspring there fr8t s s hel w below the ground it was sorted will be no two chicks exactly alike 8 m 7 u ma the all inferior or spindly stalks being nr- r rows so she could hoo it and keep mot of them k dow the wceds7 she coud hfelvimfe some do some small eggs and to pasuv please have something i rows these will differ probably ten sevf250llittle i have eaten forjmches in height it will be necessary i senfiegged the little mouse i to ff a over the ground with the poor little mouse iste and th second covering should what we can find res j fu twenty inches deep or better in these the two-and-one- 1 meal was prepared half t1 iaid j the furrows iiouso and how he did aro t ci together the tile need ad finished his little be lad on every other one they ull he just could not n smpy with the joints as eyer f with an env as p th farend of each and l the remaining food i with concrete or clay the wish eupboard ho onds are fi off with a t o ce lat more section and another section added to mfcitice r i bring tho inlet well above tho top of never go broody but t 1 t v the markct if we could not take lay iargeegg others 5 f f r ifc to market every day wo put it in l p- 8 others from the nursery at a very small cost the cavo with d j h p f uia nuscry at a very a gr i and thus gained a year or more en a s t ft n cbbs pr the crop but she wanted to start duced by different hens v i selection is made on the basis that auumnicr mother kept the plants like will produce like but experience ccnn and we hoed and the next has taught all breeders that to so- spring they were spaded up and sot issue no ka ssst thby must i the permanent bed there were snrl t over four hundred plants and it made fistris ujf l a large bed we kept it- hoed clean isj rjisk r ihdn 2 p 1xtt rto fork sr consecutive months m that summ and put au the drop- ssbfeis s ptag the chicken coop on it daughter that wiutay1oo i im put 0n c wmki f ypi tss wo raked the cover radlng habit is oa to cultlvat he to r i burned it profitable third summer we cut the young i plnnts occasionally for home use the first year we sold over 15 worth besides using it nearly three times a day on our table and giving lots away to our friends it has been itsre profitable each year and the nice thing about an asparagus bed is that t will grow better as it gets older now it requires almost no care we try to keep the wceds out in tho cut ting season later they are smothered out by the stalks asparagus has almost no insect enemies or diseases that prey on it wn fork it up as soon as tho frost is out in the spring and put wellrotted manure on it in the fall after we cut and burn the stalks following a killing frost t thank you so a j the ground then tho ground is pa much better i aja and p in the ordi- i nary way mousie jam jf water is poured into one lino for j a few minutes it can be filled it will ollj and mousie then soak into the ground in ai dil i tions thereafter the water is added aekie mouse for 0jlly whcn neces3ary to keep the sub- an old friend soi in tho propcr condition in tho was very liun- thc lines need not necessarily be had been that rcmovcd b left for use thc follow- ing year ire is a lot of i 9 said mackie jt ilag bcen condugjyeiy pj at 1 w2t esjwe inet t in muc said y alwa othorl went la that billy igry mjjsei afternot w i file mousew v do il mouse righje g if he caflto so off theses quietly ffiate house b its not lir8- all ril quiet affi e in a vsroie both nibbhi goodies sai run hushed vi y a i i c said hilly gtnaned gan to foci as more himself rollys house iir around the ay to get in m vindow billy be awfully rom 7 h they wore the other rd a noise billy in a mackie the dominion experimental station cap rouge quebec that well develop ed heifers over six months of age carrying a reasonable amount of flesh are better wintered in an open front single board shed than if closely housed these are tho days when the fruit man should get into the orchard and cut out the blight cankers from trunk limbs and branches good books are worthy friends for any man they help you forget your- self one of the hardest but most beneficial thing one can do t

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