to obtain the finest uncolored reen tea procurable buy 403 grebn tea superior to the best japans try it today wft when hearts command- by elizabeth yc rk miller when heart command from minds the sayest eountellings depart haunted by pontius pilate l a mountain named after pontius pilate and believed by country folk to j be haunted by hie ghost is one of the j curiosities of switzerland its lnter- estlng legend which provides a sequel i to the gospel story is related in the outline of the world today j it appears that after the crucifixion pontius pilate fell from imperial favor and killed himself in prison where- i upon his body was cast into the tiber which rose in protest and almost burst its banks ultimately the body nurss ttw toronto xioepttal for lacut- tble in affiliation with bllevu and allied uoapltala nw york city ctfm a tbrea year course of train ing to young woman bavlnjc th re quired education and dlruj of be coming nuraea thla hospital ha adopted th eulthour ay i tern tha puplla recelya uniforms of tne school a monthly allowance and travelling xren to and from new york for mr information apply to ta dirntndnt caused terrible trouble avalanchea and inundations devastating the dis trict amid a fiendish din in the recess- chapter 1l contd and saved and how i wasnt always s taken to a lonely poo at tne top perhaps even more than alice she too nice about having to go without- tne mountain which now bears its i revelled in this temporary taste of well you r iow dont you it name near lucerne luxury alice had the compensation will be worth it if we have to go according to another version pilate of youth and her future was not yet without things for the rest of our j retired hero during his lifetime and decided for jean camay the future lives run along and dress my petj w thrown into the pool by the wan- was already here however much she what will you wear i think the bering jew in any case his presence might try to cheat herself by years white telle with the pale pink girdle of stupid soulstarving penury one you mus ook very nice tonight coud purchase two months of life as first impressions in a place like this it ought to be lived that was all are so important as she did her hair at the white- mrs camay also dressed the lit- es ot th mountains flounced dressing table she played at e slip of a sittingroom separated- a spanish scholar volunteered to being young again and also won- two bedrooms but they left all exorcise the troubled spirit and all dered what there would be for dinner the doors open so that they could talk the way up he was beset by torrents for one thing a half bottle of cham- ct i as wide as rlvors abysses of inflnlte the woman who likes decorated i found out about itonly recentiy ana w b wj fof ffieohhes cakes yet is unsuccessful in the use i have blighted with results svttitttr thank tower brandlehing a terrific combat ensued and night while the rocked pilate was terms swearing to gumdrop gewgaws earth to cleanse the pores of the skin up the tiny offending confection that me she held endless possibilities for cake decoration in her good right hand when dropped the candy that caus ed the excitement was one of the tiny how nice and high up the rooms ln p doors alice as it hap- remain quiet in his pool except on frl- were what a comfortable lounge e w days when he might roam about the fullers earth is a soft clayey sub- ffiffig sssse occurred to her to show curlj in stance of a grayishwhite color and fetehcd a cushion a rug and a book osity the incident was too common- a a th none h m a goodsized package can be obtained and fe herself but the book was pgjej too tnvml to ca 11 for omment an from any druggist for a small sum merely for appearance sake ggk ve wlfd hlvltold euch as did so met pilate in red judi- measuring between tides everyone who has given any atten tion to the matter of geodetic survey ing knows the necessity for an ac curately measured base line on which all subsequent measurements are based the ideal site is a fairly level stretch of open ground three to ten miles in length along which the base line may be measured falling this the surveyor must clear away ob- strnctlng trees bridge over ravines and resort to other expedients re cently the geodetic survey of canada adopted a novel method in running a base line along the seashore in such a position that half the line is under water at high tide the location is oyster bay british columbia and the rough nature of the land formation left no option at to the place for the line in spite ot the fact that part of the line was under water or several hours every day the marking posts driven into the sand held well and tha measurements made while the tide was out proved entirely satisfactory highly flavored grn gumdrops that to apply add just enough water to nearly twenty years age since she j trzmlcytzorxt fill the cracks and crevices of so many colorful boxes of candy when pick ed up it was a cunning little trefoil with sugar dew sparkling all over it with an idea on each leaf for the st patricks day cake at that moment baking for a young nephews birth day talk of coincidence if a pink or a purple one had fallen there would have been no results but a green one on the irish saints day started some thing clal robes and returned blinded or maimed for life in the sixteenth century however the ghost was finally laid and a pro- lnto the pool make a stiff paste and apply to the had been here last and bordighera lected parl 8pot for their face allowing it to dry it is ad- was changed so many new hotels h outing it was in fact visable to assume the pleasantest ex- and villas had sprung up and the no less than an announcement pression you can for you will havo to s ttntry was being ruin- j f the recent arriva at the mimosa cess we ud every year headed by hold it for half an hour dont laugh sssg t f sh thso luclrnetocast stoned or talk or youll break the mask the 5 ssf s 1 nttk p phill a celebrated harley best mnwmmt i havn found is bu j tow m be f a street specialist of london england best arrangement 1 nave found ls and the old vllia tatina could she thig then the omrortune ref- reading i generally have a serial brin herself to take a 6urreptiuous that i canread at such times after peep through the gates of the villa to bordighera in spite of the fact anywhere from a half to three-quar- tatina almost she wished she hadnt t j neighborhood had special ters of an hour you can wash the come here memories are queer things memories for her which if revived maskoff using an old piece of cheese- 9 lm v be quite j m be a little painful in short cloth or something that you can throw dcad and done for yetwell she had she was on a matchmaking errand p vtvi rtn a hnaa nonnnnt tint- ftt hfl- apart from sanitary reasons a 140- pound promenade could scarcely be taken over each gumdrop but a knife neatly vacuumed for that is just vnmiinjaa come on alices account not for her- 12l jz y elf i the child must havo her chance blade dipped lnhot water quickly what fullers earth does it absorbs presses the gummy candy into a thin j oil and draws out blackheads and all flat sheet and embroidery scissors or a tiny sharp tin cutter finishes the work if graceful connecting stem3 are needed they can be made from thinned stringlike bits of candy or painted on the icing with a fine water- color brush dipped in the diluted green color paste which no one is afraid to use nowadays christmas offers great opportun ities for the exercise of ones original ity in gumdrop garniture the tiny cutters used in preparing carrots and beets for soups and salads will cut stars crescents clovers and tlie like to ones hearts content for valentine eakes bright red gumdrops can be used to form the in evitable hearts and drops of blood on layer cakes individual- cakes can be outlined with sparkling red drops pink gum paste with the aid of em broidery scissors can be cut into the pointed petaled daisies from lilac and yellow drop3 quaint pansles can be formed at the risk of being suspected of having an interest in a gumdrop fac tory i am going to claim kindergar ten possibilities for them two young sters are occasionally parked with me for an afternoon well not loner aero a stormy day with few materials on hand a demand for a pretty cake and a promise to eat only a tiny slice resulted in a product worthy of a delicatessen shop for gaudinoss and bad form but it interested them and taught them something i pink icing an outline of young gumdrops of every color in the box and as it happened to be no ones birthday a lone candle in the centre for everyones happy next year wore the features of tho cake but by the time tho candle had burned they know amethyst purple topaz yellow ruby red pearl white sapphiro bluo and have always remembered it as their jewel cake these same children tako great prido in a noahs ark cake for this a light spongecake batter that any child can digest is baked in a squaro pan iced and sot aside to dry tho thinnest of cooky dough is cut out with duck rabbit cat camel and other animal cutters baked thoroughly and attached with a drop of sugar syrup to tho iced sides of the cake if the frosting is chocolate tho cookies are left as they aro but if white icing is used tho animals are lightly touched up with color paste or chocolate tho gratifying feature is that the young visitors aro usually so pleased with tho solemn nnlmal procession that they cat very little cake thus reliev ing tho hostess of considerable anxiety as to possiblo aches in their little tummies dirt from the pores josephine wylie the end of the path go follow down whatever way whatever path you will or wander into echo land where pipes of pleasures trill if you are seeking happiness and mirth and joy my friend youll find the happiest path of all has children at the end jay b iden blind musicians have won derful memories blind musicians have bo long accus tomed us to their remarkable powers of quick memorization that the follow- isnt the basket sweet her mother thought that the girl herself was about the sweetest thing she had ever seen they resembled apple and cabbage salad ll shave cabbage fine and soak for one beautifully formed jean was fair hour in celery water made by adding ner daughter dark alices coloring one teaspoon of celery salt to each was a little unusual a golden cream quart of water drain and dry on soft complexion warning to piat jn the towel add an equal amount of apple eleekbones eves like brown vevet cut into matchlike pieces mix with pansi bn s- during their very brief association bhs k with dr ardeyne in rome nearly two lng feats whieh ar6 v f 5 years ago she had decided that ho the national institute for the blind was the one man in the world for wlllbe the more readily accredited alice he had been immensely at- fred turner one of the most accom- traoted she knew although alice at pilshed blind musicians in scotland that time was merely a school giri r6cen memorized the whole of but now one might say that alice bva mat passion and in though not yet nineteen was grow h t fl h cnolr and him up and jean camay for reasons of her own wanted her daughter to lf accompanied the entire work on mrs carnay young and naturally she want- tbe organ sinclair logan the blind composer and organist memorized in every way i somervells the passion of christ j mrs camay nodded smiling ser- a fairly complicated cantata occupying enely as she fastened a little bunch of violets in her belt ready she- called out mother mrs camay gave a start she had actually fallen asleep for a few mo ments and somehow that made her feel a little guilty oh is that you darling mumsey you oughtnt to sit out there the suns going down no of course not came in from the balcony dragging fa riamagetb betsuitable one the rug and cushion with her well ive got everything alice said boiled dressing our complexions do you know about using fullers a spare time money maker someone required in every town in canada to sell fi necessary product which u universally used you can dd to your present income by secur ing the exclusive rights to tell this avw product in your borne town btndenu or anyone wishing to earn pioney for themselves can offer this proauot during their leisure time only a very small capital is required as the proflu are urge end a start can be made by purchasing a small quantity wrlto rilir products company m ztrvixo qtreet turonto rcr lights in it so lik her lather thought jean camay with a quick intake of breath that straight finely modelled nose of hers was like his and the slightly full pouting lower draining glassware many people who drain china still think it necessary to polish glass- j lip the resemblance struck her more ware howover if washed in hot forcibly this evening than it had ever soapsuds and rinsed immediately i don before and she was suddenly said mrs carniy glasses will drain crystal clear the af raid of lt- there were reasons why but after all would it have to be 75 minutes in performance trained his choir and accompanied asuccess uj iihki out- f j r all inside the period of alice showed herself in her white yy tulle frock with the pink girdle and mess than two months during vfhlch he they admired each other with little was working under the stress of other naive cries and loving pats heavy memorization work for an lm- mumsey youve no idea how nice portant recital in liverpool for the you look i never knew before that national institute for the blind in ad- your eyes wore the color of violets dont be silly look at yourself wait a minute let me pull out that skirt its got a little crushed turn around oh mother if only this could go on for ever were just cinderellas you and i never miu i something may turn up perhaps a miracle may happen to his normal professional point is not to let the soapy water stand on them a moment one of the seasons youth ful modtls mrs carnav did not want the girl to a miracle was it too much to expect look like her father s a may go too deep dition duties to carry in the memory beethovens thirtytwo pianoforte sonatas as wil liam wolstenholme does and the en- pair of tire fortyeight preludes and fugues of bach as in the case of h v spanner two blind musicians resident in lon don would seem no light achieve ment and yet these form but a small portion of the range of works pigeon- he do you know all the new dances she all of them up to four oclockt this afternoon women dye faded v things new again dye or tint any worn shab- by garment or drapery alice went into her own bedroom then came back and stood in the door way mrs camay was busy undoing the parcel from tho chemists mother didnt you wonder why i was so long mrs camay looked selfconscious resemblances fhat philip ariey tvouid fall htce r bt0reh0u38 with alice and ask her to be his wifei t 6l men of chapter iii two weeks later they were planning what promised to be a most interest ing excursion just the three of them mrs camay her daughter and and became very preoccupied with a philip ardeyne two weeks of the ex- refractory knot pensive holiday already gone like a i did tather perhaps you flash it seemed but oh how delight- youll never guess whos stopping f u it had been here the girl tried to make her voice casual but there was a delicious little throb in it which betrayed her somebody we know possibly you dont remember himf mrs camay had spent most of tha time in gentle occupations sho sat on her own balcony a great deal and read or on tho big hotel verandah with the knitting ingade everybody that nice doctor man we mot at the liked her and tho young girls could archers two summers ago fancy not very well be jealous of alice when his being here mumsey jit was explained that dr ardeyne mrs camay wrinkled her thought- was an old friend ardeyne himself ful brow i fostered this illusion indeed it seem- let mo see doctor what was cd to him that they were old friends his name now and again mrs camay went philip ardeyne dont you remem- j down into the town for a little shop- bor mumsey taken with 1 much only ho nad to go back to lonj quick glances right and left paying don almost at once i particular attention to such members mrs camay dimpled he liked of tho english villa colony as she you very much oh yes of coiirso chanced to meet it did not matter i remember dr ardoyne the arch- at all if sho wore recognized but no crs talked of nothing else fright- j doubt sho had changed considerably fully rich isnt he ivjin twenty years one or two rniddle- i dont know about that alicp re- aged women sho remembered as girls plied but they did say ho was so when sho herself was mme doustos clevor and hns the most wonderful companion at tho yilla tatina she futuro ahead of him why mumsey was much shocked to observe how un i already hes alienist in ordinary to kindly timohad dealt with them his majesty tho king whatever that 4655 jersey wool crepo or knshn mav mean i cloth could be used for this stylo itj mrs camay burst into a peal of has tho new flare fulness in plait ef- laughter feet at the sides and smart useful i suppose it moans hes n clever pocket topping tho plaits brain specialist she said but you the pattern is cut in 5 sizes 12 jsi- to bo continued 14 10 18 and 20 years a 10yoar child and so you ran into dr ar- uzzrzkszst on j an u ideync and thats why you wcro so sizo requires 3m yards of 40inch niaj a torial for vest of contrasting ma j met him in the ruovit- torlal h yard 24 inches wldo is rctorio emmanuele and ho romemhored quired tho width of the skirt at me at once hes staying in this very lower odgo is 2 yards i hotel wo had tea in the lovoliest pattern mailed to any address on plnco with a garden and theres go- receipt of 16c in silvor or stamps by to be a danco in the hotel tonight tho wilson publishing co 73 wcst5 j ardeyne adolalde street toronto allow two wonders if youd caro to go down to i tho casino weeks for recei of pattern vftw see about that mrs car- tttu iz n i7i 1 nay replied even if i dont feel up when tho flour sifter hat become jji nothng to prcvcnt your too shabby for work as a sieve it ko you camo hero to havo a good makes an excellent egg boiler it can j timo and youro to en joy every bless- be placed inside the saucepan and the cd minute of it im glad theres used t ravo about tho color of my eggs can bo placed in tho water at somcono hero wo know that will and m hair once and all can bo removed together mako it so pleasant for you from tho he thats beforo i found out that mother dear youro so good to 7 tereited in was the me when i think how youve stinted color of my monoy she before wo woro married you when done mlafcfs liniment heals cuts the wifes christmas present say bill if you tako out any more llfo insurance the rates is gonna be awful high how so im engaged in no har- ardous tasks you are if you keep smoking thoso cigars content to remain patients no been each 15cent package of diamond dyes contains directions so simple that any woman can dye or tint any old worn faded thing new even if she has never dyed before choose any color at drug store h this the best bovril poster wire from salt a wonderful discovery has made by a russian scientist who f claims to havo found a method of mak- 1 lng wire stronger than steel out of common rock salt his discovery is tho result of a series of extraordinary experiments in tho mutability of met- als by structural chemistry j tho scientist found that by submit ting tho rock salt to high heat pres sure before the olomentary crystals began to decay he arrested tho decay by changing tho structural arrange ment ot tho atoms and molecules and this change incronsed tho durability and ductablllty of tho substance 300 times ho is continuing his experi ments with other metal sub3tances if this discovery can be applied to metals it will revolutionize tho world it will mean amongst othor things trains capable ot running at 200 miles an hour and turblno steamers that could reach australia in ten days a cup of hot bovril 5 bridges tho gap between mealv i mlnards liniment for dandruff look f3r the name on the box i issoe no 3 24