Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 17, 1924, p. 8

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sixth line mr henry johnson has returnee ironi jury mrs kluinmerfelt is visiting witn her daughter mrs david pugh mr and mrs ross ratcliff had a lew friends into tea last thursday there was a splended attendance at providence church las sunday the boys have organized a hockey team wex hop to hear ot many victories soon we are glad to know that cather ine johnson has recovered ironi her recent illness miss slarjorle xlcely has returned home after spending a few days with friends in uoodwoodt mrs waller talbot has returned home after spending a month troth her mother at bratfebrldge mr and mrs levi hisey will soon be moving to the sixth line welcome them in our midst miss lehman miss delia steckley and miss grace nicely visited a ernest hatcliffs onsunday last the bypo has elected its officers for the coming year air lome hisey being the new president the providence b y p u are looking forward co entertaining the fitouttvilie b y p u in the near ffuture jj goodwood our new council met on monday j athenhurst in toronto on mon day kev c c otten in markhani on monday mrs j k iteid is in lindsay at tending her mother who is sick mrs 6 l scott and miss ida scott vlslted at the parsonage last week john aslienhurst and h a for syth are working in claremont this week fred middleton is home again alter spending nearly two years in whitchurch we regret to report that kev j macintosh will preach his farewell sermon in the baptist church next sunday llrcbas harper is in toronto to see ihlswife who is undergoing an opera tion e hope it will oe successful and see her home soon stouffville january 17 1924 lemonville miss lena tarr spent a few days with friends in the queen city glad to report that mrs j kaker is slowly recovering from ner illness a number from here attended the shaffer sale last wednesday af uetnesda miss clara cook has returned home afterspcnding a week with her sister mrs orval urewery dixon hill s then was a good attendance at the methodist church last sunday despite the snow dr williamson the pastor preached an instructive and profitable sermon the misses lillian and scynthia cook and j lepion spent last fri day jn toronto at the home of their aunt mrs mussellman a former resident here and in stoulfville it being her 7sth birthday congratu with the churches uaptist kev w w fleischer pastor sunday jan 20th 10 am sunday school 11 am church service 7 pm church service the bypu will render the pro- gran at 6th line church next monday evening come along 11 methodist sunday jan 20th pm the pastor boadways bug store st0uffv1lle mis dan wagg is giving a social evening in favor of the ladies aid next friday night james will be playedand lunch served mrs ed davis visited friends in stouffville thursday her daughter mrs geo lee of markham on fri day and friends in toronto over the week end bargains farm implements the sale register saturday jan 19 25 head ot choico holsteins and ayrshires to be sold at the mansion yards stouffville without reserve four months credit sale at one f we have big bargains for you in w silversides auctioneer tsleigtis cuttingboxes and in grain wednesday jan 23 entie grinders 8 up to 14 inch plate cornel large farm stock and implements ninth use 9urkham mrs mceiwain is visiting her sister near georgetown we hear mr blain has sold his place to mr a fryif gormley vivian batt returned home after spending his holidays with his mother mr and mrs davie of goodwood spent the week end with air and mrs lee born to mr and mrs hthomas on saturday jan 12 15124 a son herb is alsmiles s early while theire is a good selection we have several good cook stoves and heaters that must be sold see them also several food scales highest prices paid for hideswool horse hair and live poultry h herman phone 1003 stouffville belonging to jacob hoover lot 33 con 7 markbam positively no reserve sale at 12 noon sharp f w silversides auctioneer wednesday jan 30 at lot 5 con s whitchurch farm stock implements etc of william ray mond sale at one sharp f w silversides auctioneer gormley mr and mrs alvin farmer will reside in new uormley a number of young people and some older ones are attending the bible conference held by the river brethern at bertie we are sorry to learn of the lin gering illness of mrs s n doner we surely miss her from behind the counter and hope for her recov ery soon the miscellaneous shower held at jos cherrys on saturday evening for mr and mrs alvin farmer was the scene of about 130 friends and neighbors gathering 230 sunday school 7 pm the pastor monday jan 21st at 8 ptn young peoples league t christian church sunday jan 20th stoulfville 10 am sunday school 11 am worshi 7 pm worship bloomington 10 am sunday school 11 am worship and reception of new members churchill 2 pm sunday school 3 pm worship ringwood 10 am sunday school 7 pm worship if you do not go elsewhere to wor ship we invite you to try any of the christian church services m menxonitk church w m mcguire pastor sunday jan 20th stouffville sunday jan 20th 10 am sunday school classes for young and old come 1 1 am preaching by pastor 7 pm preaching service by local helper l pipner altona 1030 union sunday school 7 pm preaching by pastor nb should the pastor be unable to fill his appointments they will be filled in stouffville and altona by a student from the toronto bible college some used articles to be sold at a sacrifice 1 sewing machine good for both light and heavy work i 2700 2 b flat clarionets reg 4500 for 1500 for band work 1 organ 6 octave dominion 4500 1 portable phonograph reg 5000 for 3500 no selections at this price 1 mandolin guitar 400- 1 violin outfit reg 2750 for 1475 1 violin new 575 1 boys size violin reg 900 for 7475 new cornets at 1600 and 2200 these goods are all keai bargains first comef we are starting a new class in the band get the boys in now boys from 7 year and up can 6tart with one of the best leaders on the con tinent capt john slatter geo e baker phone 17902 stouffville notice to creditors sleighs i we are prepared to supply your wants with sleighs either long or in the matter op the estate short reaches a good supply always op axxie barkevdeceased on hand we also have a few second j hand sleighs at bargain prices n laxktree masseyharris agent stouffvslte great pre stock taking sale at the goodwood economical general store v sale starts monday morning jan 21st and lasts one week only mens fleece underwear good quality shirts or drawers per garment 75c mens fleece combinations 149 and 175 penmans mens kibbed underwear shirts or drawers per garment 85c boys fleece underwear sizes 28 to 32 shirts or drawers per garment 50c ladies allwool vests half sleeves regular 175 value at 125 ladies fleece underwear vests or drawers all sizes garment 69c ladies fleece bloomers all size color white 55c pr moodies hygein wooltex underwear vets or drawers per garment 75c blankets seavy allwool blankets fine quality size 64x84 weight 7 lbs only 725 pr flannelette blankets size 124 white or grey at 299 pr a few allwool babies shawls 150 and 200 each curtains a few pairs lace window curtains reg 275 selling at 199 curtain scrim white or cream at 18c yard white 23c yd table linen 2 yds wide highest quality 150 yd 75 yds table linen 56 wide 79c yd towelling turkish towelling 19c yd crash towelling 15c yd heavy linen crash natural white or stripped regular 26c selling at 19cts yd scotch crash towelling regular 30c yd selling at 23c yd ladies hosiery all wool lovat and brown heather value 100 selling at 69cts pr all wool brown heather fullfashioned 80cts pr yard goods cotton eider down suitable for both robes etc- 27 inches wide regular 65c selling for 50c yd white flannelette also white in a blue check 27 inches wide 20cts yd white flannelette also pink or grey stripe 36 inches wide at 25cts pr yd feather ticking 35cts pr yd a nice assortment of ginghams in pink and blue checks 27 inches wide 19cts yd a nice assortment of prints uri light colors k 21cts pr yd sweaters mens fancy allwool v neck pullovers si 36 38 40 at 369 mens allwool monarck knit sweates coats size 38 40 42 449 a o g w h 33 co h o z co 33 ms oco q m co ho w a co h co s3 h o 3 l so h g c h 25 ra co o o o 3 h mens heavy allwool sweatercoats collar size 38 44 regular 600 selling at 459 mens heavy everyday sweatercoats selling at 159 boys everyday sweatercoats shawl collars size 30 32 only 100 boys all wool pullovers rolled neck size 30 32 ii only 285 mens top shirts mens fine shirts large assortment to pick from sizes 14 h 17 only 95c mens reapheavy cotton every day shirts khaki color only 125 mens flannel khaki shirts carhartts make guaranteed only 195 overalls and smocks railroad and b b broad black and blue and white stripe only 150 5 doz smocks black different good makes 225 value to clear during sale 150 just a few lined smocks with corduroy collars 265 mens sunday and everyday pants blue with viite stripe or brown with white stripe 450 value to clear 345 grey pants with blue stripe 350 value to sell 275 heavy grey or black wool pants just right for winter season to sell 250 molskin pants 500 value to clear at 399 corduroy pants light or dark color at 325 mens breeches made of good whipcord to sell 399 mens rubbers 24 pair mens rubber boots with white rolled edge sole 550 value only 449 heavy rubbers all white rolled soles 6 inch leather tops only 325 heavy all white rubbers 3 eyelets 299 heavy all white rubbers 4 eyelets none better at 385 black rubbers with red soles 4 eyelets only 310 black rubbers with rolled edge white sole 4 eyelets 5 at 350 colonial rubbers black with red soles 5 eyelets 350 motorman rubbers 4 buckles cant be beat for driving or outside work only 375 arctic overshoes 185 and 210 avalon overshoes 3 buckles 300 rubbers with 12 inch leather tops 500 and 525 mens leather leggings 175 pr these rubbers are all first class quality guaranteed by the makers mens boots valentines high top leather boots 700 value to sell 550 solid leather working boots color tan all sizes to go at 350 mens fine brown boots good- wide last 500 value only 399 young mens brown boots french toes good year welt only 399 ladies footwear just a fewpair of ladies overshoes 8 inch tops only 135 ladies storm rubbers 115 hats and caps mens felt hats all shades and sizes 300 value only 199 mens leather caps hunting caps and all other winter caps all greatly reduced prices boys winter caps 50 and 75 cts mens sheepskin coats mens sheepskin coats very best sheepskin lining with moleskin tops 1500 only 1125 10 boys and young mens- overcoats to sell for near half price youths rubbers youths rubbers size 10 to 1 69cents suits 1 only mens corduroy 3 piece suit sie 38 only 700 1 only blue serge suit size 40 to sell for 1450 a few boys and young mens suits to sell at a very low price gloves and mitts 5 dozen mens muleskin mitts 49c pr 3 dozen lined cowhide gloves with leather cuffs 69c pr pullover mitts and a lot of other kinas of mitts and gloves to sell at low prices groceries red cross and tiger brand salmon tall size during sale 23c horse shoe salmon large tin 39c size tin 21c sunflower salmon tall size 15c magic baking powder 1 lb tins 34c kitchen queen b powder 1 lb tins 21c christies broken sweet biscuits lie lb mixed nuts 15c lb bulk tea orange pekoe black 64c lb 3 boxes matches only 34c bulk mixed tea 53c lb soap chips 2 lbs for 25c laundry soap 14 bars for 100 including 5 of quick naphtha rest your choice any other laundry soap palmolive soap 3 cakes for 24c toilet soap 6 cakes for r 25c post toasties corn flakes 3 boxes for 25c lard 19c lb 5 lb pails pure lard 99c 3 lb pails pure lard 59c 3 lb pails shortening 54c gold rock cleanser 3 tins for 20c scores of other articles on bargain not mentioned we are selling beef best quality best cuts 16c lb satisfaction guaranted with every thing you buy during sale or at all times or your money back notice is hereby given pursu ant to section 56 of the trustee act rso chap 121 that all cre ditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the above named annie barkey late of the township of markham in the county of york spinster deceased who died on or about the 13th day of november 1923 are requlredon or before the 26th day of january i24 to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned the soli citor for the executors of the last will of the said deceased their christian names and surnames ad dresses and descriptions the full particulars in writing ot their claims a statement of their accountsand the nature of the security if any held by them and take notice that afer such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to dis tribute the assets ot the said de ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said citrcuioia will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribu tion dated the 27th day of december 1923 eli raymer john r barkey executors of the will of above deceased a f wilson markham ont their solicitor properties for sale phone 5921 h borinsky prop goodwood v16o0 house property on church street stouffville 912o0 one pair houses on main street at 1200 each 2600 we have good properties for sale tt this price 2000 16 acres with house and bank barn 90000 60 acres of land and two six roomed houses also nice piece ol bush on the property 91000 100 acres with brick bout and plenty outbuildings 98000 we have 2 farms of 1c0 acres each at this price also on at 9000 call and 8kb jacob takb jeweller buttons block stoufftllle phone res 8004 office 1904 8toufpviijjc ask your dearer for merry wives pastry flour or white rose bread flour handled by almost every dealer t refuse substitutes manufactured by the uxbridge milling co limited sixty days clearing sale having disposed of my factory and showrooms i am selling tne entire stock of wagons buggies sleighs and cutters harness robes and blankets a quantity ot other goods come and get a bargain i will still handle the willys over land oars w h todd at the old stand

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