Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 17, 1924, p. 3

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o dominion news in brief 22hour fight business section of f in mexican city kapuskasing burned weekly market report toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern all tie above track bay ports ontario barley 61 to 63c american corn no 2 yellow 93c buckwheat no 2 69 to 72c ontario rye no 2- 70 to 72c honey per dot no 1 375 to if no 2 325 to 3 jo smoked meats hams med 25 26c cooked hams 37 to 39c smoked rolls 19 to 21c cottage rolls 22 to 24c breakfast bacon 25 to 27c spo cial brand breakfast bacon 80 to 33c backs boneless 30 to 35c curec meatslong clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 1850 70 to 90 lbs 18 90 lbs and up 17 lightweight rolls in barrels 37 heavyweight rolls 32 lard pure tierces 17 to lit tubs 18 to 18c pails 18 to 19c prints 20 to 20c shortening tierces 14 to 15c tubs 15 to 15c pails vincouver bc during the first records for late sailing the u s two generals killed in re- eleven buildings destroyed in fj mty weeks of 1923 sawmills report- steamer c o jenkins left harbor volutionary uprising rebel fire causing property loss 110 ing to the west coast lumbermens here on december 24 bound tor tif- f cffj mviiv f wtlw tlftf ftthl manitoba oats no 3 cw 44c association report cut of 5112850899 fin with 292500 bushels of wheat a r orces suffered rieaviiy of nearly 10000o no x extra feed 43t feet and shipments of 5193624212 cargo that is light enough to permit mexico city jan 13 for twenty- a despatch from north bay ont- manitoba barley nominal feet prediction has been made that the big freighter to pas down through two hours beginning at daybreak says fire which caused damage to production for 1923 will exceed that the canadian lock at the soo thursday the rebels under marcial the extent of close on 100000 wiped of 1922 by 20 per cent i montreal que arrangements are cavazos and otilio villegas fought out the business section of kapuskaj lloydminster alta reports of being made for the holding here next with the federal troops in the streets sing en the transcontinental railj phenomenal grain yields continue to juno of the annual convention of the of pachuca without completely con- way friday night burning eleven peassampler i45 to 150 he received the last being a yield of new york state bankers associa- trolling the city governor azuara buildings to the ground millfeed del montreal freights 140 bushels of oats per acre from a tion this will be one of the largest and generals benita garcia com- the blaze started shortly after twolags included bran per ton 27 farm near here thecrop was grown conventions ever held in montreal mander of the garrison victor oclock friday morning in one of the ho ris per ton 30 middlings 36 by r s symonds from 7 acres one hotel has been asked to reserve monter and seraphlo lopez defend- rooms of the ontario hotel and in a g0 5 jv l f he threshed 1050 bushels his other 700 rooms for the use of members ed the city against great odds the few moments the entire building was 6 ousfde j heaw steers choice 7 50to 8- oats ran 120 bushels per acre j during convention week rebels numbering more than eight in flames it spread to the riverview ontario no 2 white oats 38 to 40c butcher steers choice 650 to 7 do killarney man poultry raising in st john nb the popularity of hundred while the defending forces hotel on the one side and the mon- ontario corn nominal good 6 to 625 do med 5 to this district is beginning to assume new brunswick as a hunting ground totalled three hundred trcal store on the otheri as there is ontario flour ninety per cent pat 575 do com 450 to 5 butcher large proportions and shipments dur- for big game sportsmen continues to generals monter and lopez were no waterworks system in this part of in jute bags montreal prompt ship- heifers choice 625 to 7 do meij ing the past christmas season both grow with the big game season for killed during the battle while the the town the older portion of the dent toronto basis buk 5 to 6 do com 450 to 5 butcher in quantity and quality exceed those 1923 hardly closed inquiries regard- rebel forces suffered heavily place tho blaze could not be got under se flx- i t l stkfi j 6 t d ff2 of the previous year the following ing the game regulations anc require fording to witnesses the control ks ssffgfefis ffi85 shipments were made by the co-oper- ments of the provir are being re- rebels began their attack at 5 oclock the spruce falls pulp co nearby j extra no 2 timothy per ton 525 do com 2 to 3 feeding ative association 3725 turkeys 724 ceived from american hunters in an- thursday morning by surprising a rushed their locomotive and hose to track toronto 1450 to 15 no 2 steers good 550 to 660 do fair chickens 92 geese ed 80 ducks over ticipation of the opening season of group of volunteer state guards fore- be connected with the cnr water 1450 no 3 1250 mixed 12 4 to 5 stockers good 4 to 475- 620 turkeys graded special and 22231924 fng them to surrender after two tank but eleven buildings were de- straw car lts por ton 9 do fair 350 to 4 milkers and graded no 1 halifax ns canadas fisheries hours fighting when gen lopez stroyed before relief could be effected cheese new large 22 to 22 c spr 570 to 100 calves choice toronto ont the suitability of production during 1923 is estimated was killed governor azuara and tho roman catholic church three 5 22 z ntt il oa u j h n 9 to ontario for tho raising of silver black to bo worth 40000000 at the bo- generals moriter and garcia with the cafes and four stores were destroyed 30 twins 29 to 31c- triplets 30 to it l i grassc t foxes was amply demonstrated by the ginning of the year it was not thought remaining forces fortified a church there was little insurance as in many s2c 13 50 x bctolt 12 do successful showing of c a deeks that anything like this mark would in one of the citys suburbs and the cases it had been cancelled recently butter finest creamery prints 45 culls 7 to8 sheepflight ewes 560 foxes at the recent royal winter be reached for the fordney tariff had fighting continued for several hours a new townsite was built up last sum- to 46c no 1 creamery 43 to 44c no to s650 do fat heavy 4 to 450 show here nine out of sixteen scored cut deeply into exports to the united then a group of women carrying a mer on the east side of the river and 2 41 to 42c do culls 2 to 3 hogs fed and wat- an average of about 92 points out of state3 but as the year wore on the white flag appeared suggesting that the canadian national railway sta- eggs extras fresh in cartons ere j825 do fob 775 do coun- a possible 100 demand and prices generally improv- the federal troops surrender gov- tion was transferred there early in 5 fr extras 2 ac e try points 750 do selects 905 fort william ont positively theed thus giving fishermen along the ernor azuara refused and the battle december the old townsite would jsklj c vr iicokov 29 to last boat to clear with grain from this atlantic coast especially a much bet- harbor for 1923 and shattering all ter market prince leads hunt in french forest heir to british throne adds to his reputation in france remembers food sufferers paris jan 13 in a borrowed venizelos to assume premiership of greece governmental crisis finds only possible solution in proposed arrangement a despatch from athens says expremier venizelos has decided to continued- in the late afternoon the have been a thing of the past by the 43c firsts 36 to 37c seconds 29 to 30c montreal i oats no 2 cw 53c no 3 cw rebels dynamited the church this coming spring in any case live poultry spring chickens 4 51c oats extra no 1 feed 50c was followed by fierce fighting in several of the occupants of the on- lbs ant over 28c chickens 3 to 4 no 2 local white 47 to 48c flour which general monter lost his life tario hotel were forced to leap from lbs 22c hens over 5 lbs 22c do 4 man spring wheat pats firsts 610 falling with a bullet wound upper windows in their night attire to 5 lbs 15c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c seconds 5 60 stnmg bakers 040 at 2 oclock friday morning the they were uninjured the following roosters 15c uuckhngs over 5 atjt lit re burnt- ontario hotel v 507 ok surt eqnos ifrii rebels decided to abandon the city places were burnt- ontario hotel and up 2 learning of the approach of general proprietor o gelimas riverview y dresd poultry spring chickens 3625 hay no 2 per ton car lots herreros column from mexico city hotel the montreal store the for- 4 i an over 30c chickens 3 to 4 15 to 16 the federal forces rushed from est cafe j a lacroix general mer- lbs 25c hens over 5 lbs 28c do 4 cheese finest westerns 18 to 19c mexico city arrived at pachuca after chant a lafleur shoemaker o to 5 lbs 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 18c finest easterns 17 to 17c butter tho rebels evacuated it morel butcher c ellis druggist roosters 18c ducklings ove- 5 lbs no 1 creamery 42c no 1 pastd i t tcnn-skasinfl- fe avmak bv24c do 4 to 5 lbs 25c turkeys 43c eggs extras 40c no 1 stock form a cabinet in which h be britain adopts new i imj j w 28 i 2725 shorts 3025 middlings pota- felhpa sss5s ses betwss policy towards ruhr b h wrights cafe royal highness the prince of wales eader as forei ministe the i went stag hunting saturday through ony poie so of tho pro ji s qfo indicates a villerscatterets forest where some cd governmental criiis six years ago he watched the british m venizelos reached this decision troops fighting for their lives and ge danglisj who consen to for the empire over which ho mayj endeavor to form a ministry had some day reign faiie i the attempt despite an all- in france where a sport is now far more the mode than it was in his grandfathers time the prince has made his reputation the hunt was fixed up at the dinner at the british embassy friday night by 2 oclock the stag was raised and down the forest roads over tim ber and ditches the royal huntsman night effort gen danglis failure caused the keenest disappointment to venizelos and his decision to become premier himself was taken as apparently the only course remaining open the most prominent orthodox lib erals refused to cooperate in the forming of a danglis cabinet m dominion parliament to meet on february 28 followed to a chorus of hunting hor jjkauandaris was next approached and protected by all the ghosts of hut he declined the difficult task and hunting francis and louis the kings the situation continued confused of france who loved tho chase in as showing the impatience of veni- tneir day zelos he told a group of cretans on before the end the stag a gallant friday night that unless his political one led the hunt nearly ten miles friends cooperated with hlmhe would through the forest and killed a hound again quit greece in his final battle one of the greatest days of my life the prince srid to a huntsman who told him how in 1914 he acted as a guide through the forest to the re treating british troops and helped in 1918 when the australians held the forest against ludendorff i am glad i have seen it in peace majestic makes slow passage because of suffering child change in attitude so think foreign diplomats a despatch from berlin says the beginning of a new policy to ward the ruhr is seen in lord cur- zons palatinate separatist note to france the protest against separ atism is believed in the wilhelm- strasse and also among foreign dip lomats to be a preliminary to great britains new policy in the ruhr watch british moves in the ruhr the time has come for the british to carry out the intimations they have repeatedly given berlin is the hint j zanzibar en fete coming from a reliable diplomatic s0urc to greet british naval r orce the ruhr was occupied just a yeac ago on jan 11 the berliner tage- blatt says the cost 0 germany has been four billion gold marks the ottawa jan 14 parliament will open on thursday february 28th announcement of the date of the opening was made by premier king it the close of a cabinet meeting this evening the date is almost a month later thanthat of last year when parliament assembled on january 31 in contrast to last year when the opening was on a wednesday the timehonored custom of meeting on thursday will be observed this year beans can handpicked lb 7c i cows slightly better than cutter primes 6c i quality 250 to 325 canners 150 maple products syrup per imp to 175 com bulls 250 to 3 good j gal 250 per 5 gal tin 240 per veal calves 11 do com 7 to 9 gal maple sugar lb 25c grass calves 350 to 4 good lambs honey 60lb tin3 11 to 12c per lb tops 10 do com 8 to 9 sheep 10lb tins 11 to 12c 6lb tins 12 to 4 to 6 hogs thick smooths and 13c 2lb tins 18 to 14c comb butcher hogs 9 zanzibar jan 14 the sultan of zanzibar and crowds of europeans and natives watched the arrival here same amount as the indemnity france h tho british naval force now on an paid germany in 1871 industry has i empire cruise a detachment from lost nearly two billions during the each ship marched along the streets switzerland to have exhibit at 1924 fair space allotted in international building at canadian national exhibition a despatch from toronto says switzerland is to have an exhibit at the 1924 canadian national exhibi tion while a number of other foreign countries have also made tentative proposals to managing director john g kent for space at the big fair this year dr huebscher the swiss consul- general for canada recently accom- to plant fruit trees under soviet rule new brunswick man pro cures nursery stock for siberia a despatch from frederlcton nb says roscoo fillmore formerly manager of a fruit farm at burton sunbury county will take his family consisting of his wife and four chil dren and probably some other resi dents of new brunswick who want to try life under tho russian soviets along with him when he goes back to the province of tomsk siberia about panied mr kent on a tour of thei the end of nexttnonth grounds and decided to take a liberal mr fillmore who recently return- a despatch from new york says because a fouryearold girl lay ill in one of the cabins the giant white star liner majestic cu down her time the prince told him for my speed to less than three knots last memories of this corner in war time i sunday while she was smashing are particularly bitter j through heavy seas and a terrific in a different field from his grand- gale it was revealed when the liner father the prince found his way to docked at pier 59 north river french heart3 thirtysix hours iato it was the the last thought of the prince of trip the majestic ever made wales before leaving the hotel where i passengers told how sir bertram he made his headquarters was for the hayes the captain disregarding his sufferers of the recent floods in paris j marine reputation ordered the speed the scenes of which he visited he sent f the giant liner cut down so that a neat sum of money to premier poini the suffering of little betty read ly- care to be distributed among the vie- an ir bed in one of the cabins year of the occupation 132 germans which were gaily bedecked with flags spa allotment in the international i ed from russia where he went about have been killed and thirtynine offi- an1 palms thousands of natives wit- building subject to the approval of j a year ago to carry on demonstration cials and families numbering 106000 nessed the march past the sultan j his government formal instructions and experimental work in connection have been expelled germans im- taking the salute natives who were to complete arrangements were re- 1 with horticulture and agriculture is prisoned number 2021 recalls passenger plane by wireless message tims through one of the numerous charitablo organizations with which madame poincare is connected 9 bulgaria forbidden to main tain small standing army might be alleviated dors were aboard o- two ambassa- more immigrants for ontario from hebrides london jan 13 arrangements have been made with the government a despatch from sofia bulgaria gays the council of ambassadors of ontario for another party of emi- has rejected tho bulgarian request grants numbering 300 mon prepared allowed to visit the ships were speech- 1 ceived by cable on thursday and a also taking with him a collection of less with amazement at the magnitude space occupying 106 feet frontage has seedlings and nursery stock for ex perimental horticultural work for tho soviet government in siberia of the cruisers and the size of the guns paris jan 13 an aeroplane which left paris for switzerland sat urday morning was recalled over a wireless telephone half an hour after it started embargo placed on grain shipments from west a despatch from winnipeg says an embargo on grain shipments from the aeroplane was taking passen- the prairie provinces to the head of gers to geneva and when it left the the lakes over canadian national le bourget aerodrome r 945 oclock railways became effective at mid- the weather reports from along the night january 14 route were satisfactory half an hour the announcement carried a pro- later however other reports reached viso that in the event of hardships been reserved there are a number of leading swiss firms now doing business in canada and it is expected that they will join with their government in making the exhibit an outstanding one british coins off color are called hypocrite a despatch from london says since the percentage of pure metal in great britains silver coinage was re- le bourget to the effect that a vie- arising as in the case of elevators at lent wind and rain storm was begin- individual points being filled while dced f rom 92 to 50 in 1920 the coins i 1- t tit1a 1 j have earned the sobrinuet of hvno- builder of eiffel tower to be buried under same in the jura mountains and it farmers have largo quantities of j have earned the sobriquet of hypp- lecided if possible to recall the gra on hand permits to cover these m f of the r leases may be issued on application to discoloration for permission to maintain a small standing army made up of conscripts for insuring internal order some dissatisfaction has been caus ed by this official announcement as 10 common belief is that the country is menaced by russian agitators ning was decided pilot the distance the aeroplane had the superintendent of car service at flown was calculated and a wireless winnipeg telephone call was given advising the sufficient ears are stated to be pilot to abandon the flight the air- under load io fiu ali available space to work on farms in ontario and 5o nian had tho receiver to hjs ear pickj a the lake head this does not affect women as domestic servants to leave the hebrides on april 26 the cpr steamer marloch will embark the emigrants at stornoway and tho ontario government will as sist them to their final destination cd up the message and immediately allrail shipments to the east or ship- flew back to bourget ments to the pacific coast handicap on canadas export floor trade temporarily removed a despatch from ottawa says made by tho canadian flour trade discriminatory rates on shipments of canadian representatives at the im- canadian flour to the united kingperinl economic conference brought iiom havo been removed temporarily j up tho question and it was referred and ouorts are being put forth to make tho change permanent it was announced at the department of trade and commerce for several years a discriminatory rate averaging about five cents per hundred pounds or ten cents per bar rel has been charged upon all ocean shipments of canadian flour to the united kingdom in excess of the rate applied to similar shipments from tho united states for several years the quantity of canadian flour shipped to the united kingdom has been on the increase while united states ship ments have declined removal of the surcharge will it is believed still fur ther strengthen the canadian trade hon t a ixwe minister of trade nd commorco gave consideration to to the imperial shipping committee for action as a result the extra charge has been suspended and the imperial shipping committee is con sidering the advisability of making tho suspension permanent the do minions interests in the matter aro being pressed by the canadian high commissioner who is being kept in formed through the department of trade and commerce of canadian de velopments levelling of tho rates on canadian flour shipments it is clajmed by de partmental officials will act as n tonic to tho trade and will benefit western grain growers the railways and can adian atlantic ports suspension of j the surcharge it is estimated will the greenishyellow hue of tho silver pieces caused much criticism as each new batch was turn ed out the mint authorities have produced for the 1923 issues silver coins which made a better showing than the hypocrites as they are bright and shiny due to a new meth- of of pickling which gives each piece a coating of almost pure silver the oxperts say this coating will wear off in about a year revealing the same discoloration letters dropped from dix- mude picked up on desert a despatch from marseilles says tho steamer algeciras reached port on thursday from constantine al- a despatch from paris says gustave eiffel noted french engineer who died recently at the age of ninety- one will be buried eventually under the tower bearing his name the great skeleton structure a thousand feet high built as ohe of the attractions of the 1900 exposition owes its prolonged life to wireless telegraphy after the structure had lost its value as an attraction paris j began to ask for its destruction then wireless came and tho tower was found to be just the thing for a wireless station according to popular belief the tower saved france during the first battle of the marne interception of wireless orders sent to von klucks army is credited with having given the first news of the movement that enabled tho french to outflank von kluck s demand for insulin in london makes sweetbreads scarce a despatch from london says insulin tho new scientific discovery besides curing diabetes bids fair to cure some people of a taste for sweet- breads for that delicacy has almost geria having n board n mail bag disappeared from english bills of dropped by the crew of tho dirigible fare such is tho demand for calves dixmudc when the aircraft was above sweetbreads by the manufacturers of insalah northern africa december 19 letters in tho bng addressed to families of the men or friends show that tho crew was then in good spirits the mail bag was carried by camel- back from insalah to ouragla south ern algeria france and belgium pay interest due canada mean an approximate reduction of j this matter shortly after assuming two cents a bushel on tho wheat cost office as a result of representations basis insulin that when they are obtainable at all in tho market it is invariably at very high prices a west end butcher recently charged 11 for 8 pounds germans feast their eyes on big canadian apples a despatch from berlin says canadian and american apples ro- tailedin tho streets of berlin bring 1400000000000 paper marks or ono gold mark 40 pfennigs per pound boxes of jonathans from salmon arm bc wenatchcc wain and payette idaho along with arkansas the latest wireless jonathan suro ill be right over to help pluck the boscbe goose from too news of the world debt to canada a despatch from london says the french government has deposited with tho canadian governments agent here 157500 representing in terest due in december on french de bentures amounting to 5700000 tho belgian government has do- 1 blacks from white salmon wash posited a credit bill for 50000 covj winter bananas from hood cring interest for six months on bel- kivor oregon are attracting great crowds but not many buyers i

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