for your health you should buy the best when hearts command by elizabeth ycrk miller when hearts command from minds the eagest centnselungs depart fifty million increase in deposits reported by royal bank of canada bnk makes remarkable progress in part fiscal year position further- strengthened by holdings of short term securities earning well maintained is the purest and most scientifically prepared tea sold today try it making thewindows pretty the pattern is so heavy or bright that bxasstssssss i jkbc i filled with delicate blooms carnations roses freesias violets all the genera j expenses ous wealth of the southern spring- chapter i mrs camay had their expenses vsttfoif the southern figured to the last penny long before ume massed in this one little room i the jaded express came to its final j but they were not t gift of the when drcttv 41a jsw ti v tiivvtjinv and the love we put into the work een selected come the making gained by changing says phyllu she is a consultant hanging and here the jw rt cheques into italia homemaker and i have seen her turn family will have to be mmi sj something to do with it the dreariest stiffest parlor into a vice rods may be used though it mother you are wonderful to its final halt in ventimiglia station with her mgement alice founda card on an arithmetical process was mental the wr inscribed with the she had learned to distrust even to respectful compliments of one hector fear things set down on paper and au gaunt she had no confidantes the girl by j expect j a mistake mumsey her side so precious so infinitely dear said a jy regretfully the flow- knew very little of what went on in j efs aren f us jean camays head mrs camay however busy dircct- a widow and her daughter a the 3 w to put the charming couple indeed whom only trunk called out casually that oh yea the stigmata of extreme poverty could she knew a mr gaunt who had a render undistinguished and for the flower f so back of bordi- had ho but hjuuk1 iv been small english moro or less ce explorer m currency had a wtm be sure to like him should they by any chance meet but he was a recluso and no doubt would remain fovelv homo living room bv the mere takes several pairs for a window if the tireless comment of the adoring hidden in the fastness of his moun taln- v f i i j urtnlns side draperies and and adored daughter twisting about of the furniture ad ea jurtelns sme araper s wonderfu decking the windows with gay hang- valance are to be hung iwt inge hangings have so much to do are those made for the purpose they with the ccjncts of a room says phyl- come two and three rods a to lis that they always receive her first one pair of fastenings be sure when consideration styles change with the in that they are hung high seasons but let the draperies be suit- enough to cover the woodwork corn- able and tasteful and one may laugh p for ft f jt at tho whims of fashion and use the aperies about a window should do same ones year after year i if a fitted valance is used or if you do she had hoarded jealously for a pur pose and now she felt very rich for obvious reasons they had travel led firstclass there might be in fact there were other passengers on the rapide who were bound for bor- dighera and the mimosa palace hotel a false step at tho start mightibe niidpahco side villa chapter ii alice was used to her mothers habit of reticence yet it seemed that on this occasion such an interesting and gen erous friend as mr hector augustus gaunt might have been mentioned one had so few friends at least the fatal to the perfect success of this little holiday likewiso with their next to the glass phyllis has a wide caro to use the rods a v alance j ho may ikew choiceof lovely things to use thei will be required any 55 ruffly curtains tied back so that theh t 11 not svow rtit dressin and roll of rugs outside view is not obstructed are al- should be long enough to fit across tho most always a safe selection but if top of the woodwork it need we are looking for something novel slul and lovely theatrical gauzo is the xjnles3 tho window 13 unusually ana loveiy wieauicat gauze 13 wiei v iitn u latest choice of smart decorators it ifcsb k5 is a charming inexpensive fabric h a j w1 j 8gft5 for s whjph lends itself to varied modes of f decoration the material is in rather coarse weave somewhat like a soft scrim and it comes in only a few shades a deep ecru and a gold are the mos easily obtained but it dyes easily and effectively its main charm is its lovely sheerness it bhould be hung extremely full if it is to be used to advantage thenthere is pongee a house with small windows and dark woodwork where no overdrapes are to be used can be treated effectively with it tho gay colors being supplied by cushions and chair coverings rugs and the like pongee curtains made with inch-and- ahalf hems and hung on small brass rods are stunning though cotton crepe can be used in the same way at much less expense phyllis decorated a big room with beamed celling and rough plaster walls in this manner and the result was delightful when choosing the inside window draperies the wall covering must bo carefully considered if the walls are papered in plain neutral tints any gaypatterned cretonne flowery chintz or figured material the heart desire3 can be used it cannot be too glowing lined or not as desired weights sew ed in the hem will do wonders in mak ing the curtains hang prettily a hem at least an inch wide should finish the curtain at the inside edge when the valance board is used all tho curtains may be attached to it before the board is put in place making the work very easy the long side curtains are tack ed at the sides and the valanco tacked over this the valance allows for all sorts of pretty treatments it can be plain with a slightly curved edge finished with a bit of narrow drapery fringe though if the plain valance is used it must bo cut so that the pattern is alike at each window some patterns can bo used crosswise for the valance and these are best if the fitted sort is desired a combination of little plaits and plain sections is good and if your pattern has a design with bunches of flowers or other decided figures it will be lovely hung in this way cut the material in a suitable length for the valance allowing for the hem and heading and matching the design then when it i3 tacked to the board let the figure be the plain part would look very well arriving at the mimosa palace under the eye of the critical verandah audience which ex perience of long ago warned mrs car- nay would not be lacking now with coats and skirts well often felt their isolation as for rela tives there were some distant cousins in england with whom her mother corresponded at log intervals one of them christopher smarle being a solicitor he looked after their small affairs and once when alice was a child they had gone to boulogne to meet him for a discussion of money matters travelling about they made many acquaintances but jean camay brushed veils adjusted and umbrellas j seemod not to c for the more inti tightly furled the adventuring couple mate relation of friendship were ready to embark upon the lastj lunc came up after which mrs sta f their long journey i camay had a great many things to yes said jean camay to herself do she pe alice to change we are adventuresses or at least one of ihe new wh5te f and i am but her eyes sparkled merrily i out a utile shopping list some at the thought and her conscience was thwg to purchased at the chemists as clear as the blue sky for years and a ound of chocolates also alice she had put aside such bits and pieces was to buy one of those fascinating of small coin as could be squeezed out rush b a blue one of an income frequently described to ithout w no woman visitor feels alice as too small to be seen with the ite complete so useful darling naked eye moving frugally from one for sm parcels foreign pension to another as advan- alice wan to stay and help her tages waxed or waned practicing such motherunpack and then they could go heartbreaking economies as only an- together but she was an obedient impoverished woman of gentle birth chi and yielded without much pro- can conceive and execute yet through tesfc to the older womans wish it all maintaining a cheerful hope that i jean camays head was in the bot- the future often a remote future of a trunk when her daughter de- might have something very pleasarit pa but it came up again at once up its sleeve if not for herself then j and for a uttle while the unpacking for alice was suspended in her petticoat and the hope was now crystallised and dre jacket she sat down at the the future had become the actual pres- wr and choosing paper and ent they were to have two months pen began a note making a very in bordighera at the height of the pre picture in spite of her thirty- spring season two months at tho mlj y and gently fading charms mosa palace accompanied by two jjer hair not so bright a gold as in trunkfuls of parisian clothes and the her youth had loosened a little and promise of fine weather february wavy tendrils clustered about her ears t 1 a v t 1 j and a little bunch of plaits take up the warm or colorful a faint shadowy v sii hi lifcf- tracery of leaves and vines in the fullness between you will be delight ed with the professional effect a wall paper is almost as simple todeal contrast or something withta striped f effect can be used here to advantage i alv bi l wg c 1 used to cover the tacks at the top if need be but by all means have-9-vai- nnce of some sort itjjive the finish ing touch to the window drapery if the valanco board has two or decided paper one with a bright all- over pattern caution is necessary a plain or striped cretonne is best to use with the colorings in rather a dull neutral tone t cretonno of corese is the first thought whettoare planning draner- les but tiiere are a number of other fabrics which can be used with charm ing results some of the prettiest things the smart decorators use are purchased in dress material depart ments cotton crepe comes in the most alluring shades and it has such a soft weave that it is sure to hang grace fully also it is inexpensive we can do wonders with the quaint old- fashioned prints of calico that are tucked in the corners of many country stores and- can bo bought for a song one clover woman used a bright yellow calico with a tiny figure scat tered over it it had been in the shop for i dont know how many years be fore she discovered it and decided it was just the thing for her living room furnished with oldtime pieces handed down in tho family for years she hung narrow strips at the sides of tho windows and then made a full valance over tho top to relieve the plrtnness she ran three rows of cord- irg through the valance and the effect sfcas as pretty as could bo wished but window draperies need not be all of one color or material phyllis sometimes uses plain material for tho side drapories with a fitted valanco in a gay pattern over tho top of tho window this treatment is useful if the room is not large or you feel that fvhnbng stocks w itfcfsliza la th thxr of ill northern oa- urla limine companies hlftt nwtlal facilities for 4j5e etkutlcnof order wbca rccvlr th pronpt and careful attention of a member of ui firm informultn eonctrtac any cokjidt cladlj furslshod market ranxaarr fr on rtqucil uluad ism heron co member toronto stock exchange 4 colb6rne st toronto issue no 2 24 three holes drilled through it long nails can be put through them directly into the top of the window frame all the draperies must be made neatly and carefully and hung with exactness the hems must be even and the curtains all the same length if the curtains require lining the thin nest of unbleached muslin is the thing some decorators interline curtains with canton flannel but whatever is done tho materials are fastened to gether at the sides and the hems are separate otherwiso wo could never make the curtains hang gracefully and without ugly bulgingthe length of the side draperies is a matter of taste usually the glass curtains hang even with the sill or a tiny bit above so that they will not soil easily but the briglt inside draperies reach to the lowest line of the woodwork or even the floor length depends greatly on the shape and location of tho winow a wide window can stand this treat ment but a long oldfashioned window will seem only tho longer with the ex tended draperies small windows may have tho valance board extended at the sides so the draperies will not cover tho glass and thus will not keep out a particle of welcome light low windows can have the jvalance board raised on shelf brackets giving an added appearanco of height likewise if tho window is long a deep yalanco will decrease tho length was just merging into march and it would be nearly may before they trail ed back to the pension in florence which was the very cheapest of its kind mrs camay had yet discovered two months of calculated extrava and at the white nape of her neck her blue eyes had a faraway expres sion as she gently nibbled the pen holder what to say to him what-rab- surd man he was apywayt he flowers gance and luxury ahead of them and had been 5ouuine surprise it was who could tell it might not end because of hector gaunt that she had come to bordighera although it was true that a man had lured her to this romantic spot or the rumor of a certain man her own past life was cast resolutely behind her for fifteen years jean camay had lived only for tier daughter before then her hus- fc advice im thinking of dabbling a little in stocks whats- something good to put your monoy in your inside pocket the claim of an american astron omer to have discovered an additional moon revolving round our earth brings the number up to four as a german scientist brought forward a theory of two moons twenty years ago and a canadian professor added a third a few years later mlnards liniment heals cuts there whc riade yon think of going to bordighera alice asked as they walked briskly in the wake of their luggage for the customs examination her mother replied vaguely oh i dont know i was there once about a year before you were born its a delightful little place and of course the italian exchange was it on your honeymoon mum sey darling jean camays delicate face flushed and her eyes were a little misty she looked like a girl thinking of her lover well yes i suppose you would call it a honeymoon sho said the prosaic customs interfered at this point a trunk and one of tho dressing bag3 had to be opened and mrs camay was secretly perturbed over a broken box of french cigarettes which she had debated whether to de clare or not to declare and was now rather sorry to have decided in favor of smuggling tho customs official however failed to discover thorn and with a suppressed sigh of relief tho guilty woman relocked her bag while alice made friends with a young man who wore n cap marked mimosa pal ace in bright gold letters away then in tho smart hotel om nibus to bordighera it was an un- attractive dusty road but on the right lay the sea and on the left above mysterious and intriguing valleys towered the mountains so that by turning ones head or raising ones eyes there were pleasant things to look upon fifteen or twenty minutes later and they were in beautiful bordighera climbing up and up and up the cleverly graded driveway to the mimosa pal ace in a stage set of palms and flow- crs against the background of the bife white hotel then they found themselves in the charming little suite which jean car- nay had engaged after tho one stuf fy bedroom they had shared in their pension in all their pensions this was opulence indeed oh mother oh what lovely low ers who could have sent them have we nny friends hero you never told me pretty little mrs camay blushed a furious crimson this time not merely pink and murmured something about the management no doubt the hotel thought it worth while to welcome them so lavishly the sittingroom was a gain of fifty millions to deposits liquid assets of approximately 50 and cash amounting to no less than 2s of liabilities to the public are among the outstanding features of a remarkably strong statement which the royal bank of canada is forward ing to its shareholders for the fiscal year ending november soth a wo- 000009 gain in deposits is really pren- omenal under conditions that prevail ed during the past year and must be accepted as unmistakable testimony of the confidence that is everywhere placed in this strong canadian bank ing institution what will make such a large gain still more satisfactory from the shareholders standpoint is that owing to the general character of the business done by tho bank there are no especially large deposits of any nature general position further strengthened the general business of the bank continues to 6how an expanding ten dency total assets are now 538358- 554 as compared with 479362366 for the previous year or a gain of about 59000000 liquid assets are 233- 125474 as compared with 216048331 while cash on hand amounts to 81- 604539 against 71935920 a year ago in the liquid assets a number of other large increases are shown the princi pal being a gain in short term govern ment securities dominion and provin cial government securities now stand at 28783050 up from 22950224 and canadian municipal and british for eign and colonial government securi ties other than canadian amount to 16900363 against 7901927 a year the principal accounts in the statement of assets and llabllltlea as com pared with 1922 are as follows 1923 liquid assets 233125474 total assets 638358654 call and short loans 46372674 deposits not bearing interest 109575137 deposits bearing interest 311759127 total deposits 421334265 dominion and provincial govt securities 28783050 canadian municipal securities and british for eign and colonial public securities other than canadian 15900363 current loans and discounts 264722987 deposit in central gold reserves 11500000 notes of bank in circulation 31226541 balance due to dominion government ago can loans total 46372574 com pared with 48610020 last year larger business handled in the many fields of industry itl commerce served by the bank ther has evidently been a demand for in- creased accommodation this is tr fleeted in a gala in current loans which now stand at 24722t against 2429s777 during 1923 the balance due to the dominion govern ment of 17461750 reported a year ago has been entirely paid off growth in deposits in the large gain of 50000000 in deposits it is to be noted tht those in the savings department now amount to 311759127 as compared with 277595882 an increase of no less than 34163245 tor the year earnings well maintained the earnings for the year were well- maintained profits having amounted to 3909316 this compares with 3- 958469 in the previous year thj profits added to the balance carried forward from the preceding year brought the total amount available for distribution np to 4916880 this wasdlstrlbuted as follows dividends and bonuses to shareholders 2856000 transferred to ofqcera pension fund 100000 appropriation for bank premises 400000 reserve for dominion gov ernment taxes including war tax on bank note circulation 475000 j leaving an amount to be carried for ward of 1085836 as against 1007- 514 at the end of the previous year 1922 216048331 479362366 48510120 94408078 877695882 72003961 2950224 7901927 242937476 8000000 6645902 17461750 band had claimed a greatdeal of her attention but after his departure from this world she had been free to de vote herself exclusively to alice as for hector augustus gaunt he be longed to a period so remote and so brief that at times she often forgot his existence- yet she had remember ed it sufficiently to send him a post card from florence although not at all sure he was still living at that ridiculous little farm of his high up on the slopes of monte nero dear h a she wrote why did you do such a thing all the same it was very very kind of you alice found your card before i had quite suspected who sent the flowers we are both very well but i am get ting old my hair is not so here she interrupted herself and got up to have a look in the mirror resuming the note nice as it used to be and of course there are other changes however one cannot expect to remain young forever i i last heard from christopher smarle about six months ago and at that time hugo was quite well i do not keep in close touch with the f aml ily needless to say that if you run i into us here make no mention of th i unfortunate business which has spoilj ed so many lives i enclose a littler snapshot of alice yon might be in- terested to see what she looks like thank you so much for the lovely flowers affectionately yours jean camay this finished mrs camay enclosed it in an envelope with the snapshot 01 alice and sent it down to the con cierge with instructions that it was to be despatched by hand then she returned to her unpacking to be continued women dye faded things new again dye or tint any worn shab by garment or drapery each ibcent package of diamond dyes contains directions so simple that any woman can dye or tint any old worn faded thing now even if she has never dyed before choose any color at drug store b i la a am issn rbm tra a a a a matches the more youuse themthe better youll like them gs a a m a o b q a 0 u g b a e s a a i a oh sale everywhere in ca11asa ask tor tiieu by name mlnards liniment for dandruff save time and work use more- 2r3e concentrated beefgoodness easily imparted to dozens oi diihcs making them more tasty and nutritious in tnjo4 1050 and 100 slu horse cover or stable blanket the outride of th horse jajtyr ofiuble blanket raid of iwurprbof brown cotton dock lined vtj iuon nuttcrta ezundlnb from under the hm to th diri sli to inches j5- s inchei at top depth of neck 3512 inches depth of bade end 85 inches two ur- cimict each three inches wide strongly stitched and reinforced it u the ennlof article atrona curable warm and will fit any ral alzed hone buy the real thin and order rfv a few blankets while the supply last you will nerer duplicate them aailn at jj b l ib the price ire are offering them to you weight b pounds shipping weight lllt wij 225 horse brushes oct together with your neighbors and order a bale containing 10 blankiti et the wholesale price of 60c brand n shaped size 6 12x4 11 each 600 dozen curry combs new it s army sip n tuff jg o us army mcclellan saddles brand new steel ftlrrupa shipping weight sb pounds sftoo 925 h25 each all fioods guaranteed as repre sentcd or money refunded each all leather saddles brand new wooden stirrup shipping weight is pounds 160 dozen unused double rein and double bit bridles brand new 8pound oiwo drab wool bed blankets size rax s j silverman bros inc 694 broadway new york ny u8a send checks or money orders to dept oda note ve pay no forwarding charges or duty wholesale and retail distributors iwtlgut so pt 800 in view of tho great demand for farm help existing in canada tho canadian pacific railway will continue its farm help service during 1924 and will enlarge its scope to in clude women domestics and boys the company is in touch with large numbers of good farm laborers in great britain norway sweden denmark france holland switzerland and other european countries and through its widespread oruanization can promptly fill applications foe help received from canadian farmers in order to havo the help reach canada in time for tho spring operations farmers needing help should arrange to get thels applications in early tho earlier tho better as naturally thosa applications which aro received early will receive first attention blank anplicction forms and full information regarding tha service may bo obtained from any cvtl agent or from ans of the officials listed below the service is entirely free of charge the canadian pacific railway company department of colonization and development weoctzgji e tiomton 6aperlntenirit of coienliuja t s acicjon ctnrl asricnltaraj axent saskatoon v j csrow land agent p ii p keaor bpkui coonzton airat calcaryt o f utmr amu to sopt ol cjlonliauoh ldontofj minor land acnt- montiu2aij dowrill conorol asrlontnn asoat r c ifl jjao norwood ind accnt e o wntte akisut crajaiuloner f b prtois cmef comralwlanf i