dairy p the increased price asked tho i mor treal market has established itself i is a superior or inferior cow born one 0 tne f ja markets on jor grown answering this common the north american continent and i question has called for a great deal of many of the best purebred rams that i investigation and the matter is by no jajd the foundation of this state of i i means settled as yet but some of the things were from ontario informa- j information may prove of aid to the tion received by the live stock branch i dairyman who is looking forward to shows that there is a widespread de- home education th childs firet school to the family fnebtw are you dulling your child sense of appreciation address communication toaaronsmu 73 adelaide st west toronto by helen gregg green papa bob i heard little mid say for two others for mid and baby getting a better foothold in the game m for highclass breeding rams in m there a little lamb in less than a year each one h ifiwi fii i an i i fte expens car was out of i until the foal is a yir early strawberries question york county ont i am i fed during would take a iar book to co au ableproduct mr arkell urges sheep know growing strawberries for the toronto thi ri j will i determine his these points a short article may con- breeders to do all ihey can to improve thing market but find the glen mary a little jv develodment many potential taln the substance of the facts thus their stock not only for the produttion get so many you really too late in ripening to catch the early wked and stunt- far earned by careful and well con- of a tasty and popular meat but as them her remark se j r araii norses are so ciiecivcu v ceived iniwtitra ii i j k fnmr ut t jn commission a wheel lost from one do you tne handle broken on another the bot- and who is not satisfied to just stand au par of the country due largely to i horses life is the time from weaning still feed is supposed to affect size the fact that canadian lamb is now boy in our block who gets only one old the am- type and production and though itrecognized as a high class and fashion- toy every christmas and quaintly i think its a good torn out of the third because papa bob when you the reason for such carelessness dont preciate too many toys 1 the children did not set me thinking appreciate them if they had you can market please advise me of earlier from a lack of proper kinds also tell me what is a good fd and well in order to obtain a more favorj most parents dull their childrens be assured the carriages would even there is no doubt that a heifer fed able standing in the wool market the sense of appreciation and enjoyment now be as good as new why even little mid herself admita gifts arent appreciated ijvu know one wise little mother a answer by the dominion horticuuyz firststettts to eet it feeding size is mucn more marked during the v more or less disappointed and quite mother who could if she were less turiat there are two or three var- larlv on in before weaning it few and less so at maturj sheep a iittie bored if ue doesnt come up wise fulfill every wish of her small ieties which are somewhat earlier with fr t a nature of oats and lty experiments show the height at to their expectations is it any kind- son and daughter who made this rui ns than the glen mary perhaps the l z th w fds to use for this the witners of an eighteenmonthsold the ewe lambs should be separated ness to teach a chud to cxpect to re ing at christmas one good toy from earliest is the excelsior an old variety wk the foal is feeding heavy heifer to be 35 inches more from the older members of the flock ceive everything his heart desires mother and father one god toy from which is poor in quality but a very hlv h wga without than for the p fed one whiie at an special care on account and eventually that will be his atti- grandparents and all other gifts f rim good yielder among the fairly early tvi check in trrowth maturit the difference was only one of being younger and timid the ewe tude if we shower him at christmas the many cousins and little friends to varieties is maggie and still another wu n iv if weaned ineh lambs if allowed to run wth the cwe birthdavs and other times with all come from the five and ten and is beder wood the latter being fairly b toehtfced fist if liberal feedin mav affect ty flo wi well known and perhaps as good in 2g xj h f t torin in thatheiferssofedwill require and consequently fail to ma quality as any i wtj n sff iu ls be heavier and sh beefncss of form ture as rapidly as they should ifttte strawberry patch could not be swwtisist instead of the angular conformation i vind it a good practice to separate plowed under by the middle of july it t be f y to use are oats ool for in the good dairy cow if the ewe lambs in the fall and winter g one christmas grand- girls with too much of this worlds would be difficult to get a cover crop nr rn hmn uttle linseed how8ver th heifer has inherited from and feed them liberally on muscle and ma grace paid lwenty dollars for a goods it may be a lot of fun for us f i i j her parents the factor of heavy milk bonemaking food alfalfa or clover do carriage for the youngest of the but our children will be happier if wo s and hrsht corn fodder children and twentyfour dollars each do not dull their sense of appreciation roughages corn silage source of succulence and birthdays and other times with all come from the fivo and ten and receive the food they the toys and clothes wished for you should know these children they little mid ha3 two younger sisters are the most appreciative little folks these very interesting children have you could imagine two sets of admiring indulgent let us not surfeit our boys and stand plowing it under the following issmti svinm valuable velop into as good a producer as her can be fed safely if not too rich in spring hubam clover might be worth than anv other roulhate and i horse i more scantilyfed mate grain a trial as it is a fast grower and as wers would be welf advised to under certain conditions such as roughages alone should not be de- it is an annual does not carry with it ss t effort to rrow enough preparin p stock for sale orpended upon for developing the ewe the danger of becoming a weed fz vjtzt 1 ja ill exhibition or when it is desirable to lambs i fed a light grain ration con- forcing vegetable crops of this feed for their foals and also the brood mares if possible good quality hays rank next to alfalfa live stock movements in ontario ontario marketed 297180 cattle 120505 calves 694693 hogs and 327- 427 sheep and lambs in 1920 383474 questionl should like to get some in va roughage and good results information on forcing cucumbers toj also bo obtamed from thera matoes peppers cabbage and squash iorvs hoftn if gpp mm mm m 10032 must be said that there is no fear of j twice daily r injuring heifers in doing this for if i feed should be given three times a day at as nearly as possible regular in getting rapid growthespecially the m tb should be wat- cucumbers i before feeding tho foal is easily i succeed in raising the plants but not taught to drink before feeding and once the habit is formed no further trouble will be experienced salt should be available at all times a small block of rock salt in the corner of the manger is the most satisfactory method of supplying it the amounts of feed necessary will it would be well to apply nitrate of w d ercn aniraa v t xv will very seldom eat more than it can this answer by the dominion horticul turist the failure to get rapii growth would indicate a lack of avail able plant food at the proper time such crops ns cucumbers peppers and squash require a soil that will warm up quickly and respond to cultivation by yielding up the plant food rapidly it would be well to apply nitrate of soda at the rate of 300 pounds per wui ve j cat t acre if this is not done until after p a differing planting scatter a small amount of the nitrate of soda along each row of plants and cultivate it into the soil a similar quantity of 16 per cent superphosphate applied with the ni trate of soda would also help develop- i ment of the fruit especially the pepj pers squash and cucumbers treat- i meht for the growing of these crops 3t fr hu a effhty is found in pamphlets distributed bv aw upward price m point from older horses reasonably generous feeding will be amply re paid in theextra growth and develop ment good sound thirteen-hundred- pound horses flood the market at low prices while well built sound horses of seventeen hundred pounds or over are readily saleable in the same dis- pamphlets distributed by the publications branch of the de partment of agriculture at ottawa feeding the weaning foal the most important period of a properly regular exercise each day is just as important as plenty of good feed and should be regarded as part of the feeding operations for without exer cise the feed would not be utilized the cows are bred right they will lose the surplus fat soon after calving but in general the most profitable course to follow will be an intermedi ate one between the two extremes on very good pasture no concentrate ontarios greatest grain cropc in 1923 oats were grown more ex tensively in ontario than all other grains combined it is probably safe and at other times ail the clover hayi that threequarters of the oats th win o i j which are now grown in this province they will consume with ensilage and roots when available and a grain al lowance of from two to three pounds per animal per day according to age grown in wis province are of the oac no 72 and the ban ner varieties according to extensive experiments and accumulated records at the college at guelph and in west ern eastern and northern ontario the oac no 72 has surpassed the and 319407 sheep and lambs in 1921 and 307500 cattle 182427 calves 1- 080270 hogs and 266226 sheep and lambs in 1922 report no- 3 of the markets intelligence service of the dominion live stock branch from which these figures are quoted gives detail of the movements of live stock from every district not only in on tario but in quebec and in each of the prairie provinces in the three years 192022 the report suggests y among other things that the heavy marketing of calves in- 1922 is likely to cut down the 7- the childrens hour bruin is caught in a mans trap very early in- the morning it was when bruin and roily breakfasted both were up with the sun for they had planned a busy day roily was going to can some of the nice fresh vegetables from their gar den for winter use and bruin was go ing over to charlie cottontails housa to exchange a bushel of corn for a bushel of wheat charlies home was way over oiijthe hillside several miles away buin had been there before he had always gone around by the prospective beef supply the fact is banner in both quality of grain and j revealed that of the hogs marketed i road but this day hedecided he would yield of grain per acre the difference well over 60 per cent went direct to take a shortcut if he went straight on the menu cards of some of the lead- t0 tne oa lands of ontario would ing hotels in the big cities of the mean millions of dollars annually in favor of the oac no 72 in eastern states mr h s arkell do- canadian lamb in demand canadian iamb has obtained such a reputation on the new york and bol ton markets that it is now a specialty de these two varieties if applied slaughter at canadian packing plants north after turning the bend in the m that practically all the choice to good road just b willie woodchuaks finished cattle marketed are from the house an around the east end of province of ontario it is apparent sleepy hollow frog pond he would says the report that considerable come directly to cottontails house overmarketing has occurred in con- the road was not quite so good this nection with sheepmuch of it from way but it would save him about the districts where our breeding stock two miles of toting the bag of corn is largely recruited relative to que- 1 walking along in the morning sun- bee the remark is made in the report s and fresh air bruin was so that well over 50 per cent of the h tha he sang as he went cattle calves and hogs marketed at as the sun filially climbed higher in public stock yards in that province are the sky it became warmer bruin sat down to rest and to eat an apple to minion live stock commissioner statj ed recently that the duty has made no hay properly stored for a long pe- marked difference as regards demand i riod of time does not deteriorate to as customers had showna willingness any marked degree in feeding value farm scales a good invesfraert harvesting the winter stump crop by gaston farmer said a neighbor to me the other day the stump the more charges required i have been plowing and cultivating and the deeper the holes should be the big crop of stumps on my place this method is effective on all stumps for five years now and i cant see thatj regardless of size or kind when prop- they are improving at all so im go- erly loaded it is slightly more ex- ing to harvest theml i have bought pensive than fuse shooting but is also dynamite and a blasting machine and less dangerous more effective andi am going to blow them out as you did takes less time and labor last year j with the inexperienced man too previous to this the same neighbor much dynamite is wasted on account had asked about the effectiveness and of improper loading that is not load- cost of stump blasting and i gladly ed deep enough or not sufficiently con- gave him my experience fined for best results the holes first he wanted to know if stump should seldom be less than four feet blowing is expensive i told him yes dee and should be completely closed any method of getting rid of stumps with dam soii p tight after the will cost something still more ex- dynamite is placed loaded in this pensive however is the method of wa the explosion should make very waiting for them to rot and thus proj noise and the stump will not be hibiting the use of improved machm- thrown over the field when there is a ery for years and years machinery ioud sharp explosion the force of the which would pay for- itself and they is being wasted and when stumps fly all over the field too much dynamite is being used how much does it cost next my neighbor wanted to know by r b the average farmer has no idea how much he loses each year because he has not a pair of good reliable scales on the farm if you feed a number of hogs you should have a pair of platform scales to weigh them when you commence to feed them and then by weighing the rushing on a load of wheat that fell short 500 pounds and the other was wool and still some will say that it does not pay to bother with weighing everything received from eastern ontario 1 protect the lawn in winter refresh himself he was nearing sleepy hollow frog pond when he stopped suddenly and during the winter the area which in summer is a lush green carpet in held his head near the ground you sell they are satisfied as long as- front of the house is often abused j sniff sniff niffff they see the weighing done but even frequently it is not only neglected but this is not always safe i have in mind a pair of scales that cost of stumping many times oyer firing with fuses there are two geperal methods of blowing stumps with dynamite at the present time one is by firing the the co of stu blowing i told him charge with fuse and the other by an depended on the size age and electric firing machine tho first method is most generally used at present and gives the best re- kind of stump and the nature of the soil green stumps require more dynamite than old ones lateralrooted stumps more than taprooted ones it grain that is fed them you should be can be thrown short 200 pounds right able to tell whether you are feeding in front of your eyes and eleven men at a profit when you are ready to out of every dozen would not notice it deliver to the market it takes just a when i first purchased my scales my few minutes to weigh your wagon j neighbors thought i was just sinking empty and again after the hogs are that much money in the ground un loaded then you are able to tell where necessarily but i have learned to con- you are of course you must allow iu a little for shrinkage from my own experience i would say that fat hogs will shrink about two pounds apiece hauling four miles sider them a good paying investment custom weighing my custom weighing at ton cents a draft paid good interest on the invest ment the first year and has every was that the smell of man his maltreated occupants of the house i mother had taught him to fear and during sessions of cold weather are prone to remind themselves that a straight line is tlie shortest distance avoid snif sniff niffff no it couldnt be away out here between two points and often they bruin thought to himself he had only economize in distance travelled at the gone a little way when a saucy wood- expense of the lawn pecker chatting gaily up in a big tree a wellbeaten path madeacross the attracted his attention without stop- lawn in winter will probably work png he looked up to see him permanent damage the grass may be suddenly he yowled f killed and the soil so compacted that ouchie ow oh my me my foot grass seed sown thereon the next seajoh my foot son will not thrive such a path will j was it another swarm of bees ho generally be obvious for a number of wondered he tried to run but could here in our neighborhood many mjsrsince tboueht astondard make- years a path is distinct an j m he the m hu the hogs and cattle are sold to the ls a unattractive feature on a aw tho fcot hurt buyers who comoand buy them at tmi for the frame and platform the farm and unless there is a pair sume and mason work cost meabout of scales the animals are generally an even 100 j a fifty pound lumped off this is too uncertain tst weig the buyers are buying all the time you buy a set of scae3 be and are very likely to make a pce gure to get a test weight then if you that is more than safe for themselves j kee the scaeg tegted they willbe as besides there is not the satisfaction in sta as any and you need not tho deal that there is when you can see them weighed on your own scales guessing the weight of hay if you do not feed stock you sell your hay and grain to feeders you take a back seat for short weight a pound is a pound and you are entitled to it when you get ready to buy a set of scales do not let a few dollars differ- suits when shooting taprooted pinei u p buy a pair 0 good scales if you do set that will stand up and one that stumps where ono charge of dynamite ai n much business if you sell your corn you can stand behind and be sure that certainly do need a pair of scales you ence in the price stand in the way and b ita can not afford to guess the weight of lead you to buy inferior scales if murjl ll a load of hay what you would lose you are buying a set of wagon scales in this way in a year would usually for a lifetime which you are got a buy a pair of good scales if you do set that will stand up and one that lawn sign of summer keep off the- something held him fast he couli paths that are making may well be not move what could it be with heeded throughout the year i his free foot he pokedaway the leaves another sin against a lawn is to to fi his foot held securely in iron flood it for the purpose of making a jaws so sharp they pierced his flesh skating rink a body of ice over the j and blood trickled down over his toes lawn in winter is almost certain to he was held ina mans trap and completely kill the grass the grass try as he might he couldoiot get away will not tolerate for a long time a i hearing his groans a little stranger covering which precludes movement of squirrel came to help him but he was a too small to do anything bruin sent young lawns should have a covering him rijht away with a message for of show a windswept lawn blown help to roily rabbit free of snow in winter is likely to lose is placed in an augur hole in the centre of the main root where these i a stump in sandy soil than it will in to feeders you are liable to lose money the weights aro correct by guessing off a crib of corn or by when you set your scales put them young clover brush spread about tends to deflect the wind and holds tho snow keeping egg and poultry accounts the dominion poultry husbandman soft bacon experimental work at the ontario agricultural college has proven that soft bacon comes from pigs that have been fed heavily during early life on fattening feeds while enclosed in pens usual effect of such a shot is to blow the dirt away leaving the stump split but intact a second or third shot will then bo necessary and with the the windmill the windmill spinning round and groun i loose and the stump split it is ro next to impossible to confine the a drc snarlng sound charge so as to do a clean job j so v prchanco well say the clccric method consists of plac- you shouid s around a da lng tvo or rath charges around the stump anu firing all at tho same timo potatoes must breathe so they must with ft blasting machine the larger havo air or thoy die is not a safe way to do business put them in a corner where no one rcques continue to be received by his por exercise to tho animals oac the first year i had my scales i got can get to them have them handy to division of the dominion experimental experiments havo also proven that enough more money on two deals to drive onto and collect ten cents for f ottawa for the monthly egg prs grown to 125 pounds weight on i and poultry account forms for the use mixed feeds cll balanced with skim of poultrymen this he points out milk 2 pounds milk to 1 pound ct half pay for my scales ono deal was all custom weighing conditions are found the fuse method jj e3tac 5 5 measuring it this as you plainly see where they are handy to use dont mr f c elford reports that many or yards so small as to prevent pro of blasting is very satisfactory and gkk m v iwhtwood economical as it cuts off the taproot f the average cost was ninety- below the plow line and splite the ents each the estimated cost of tump into easilyhandled pieces i ftgw themmade by myself and t ii i- j t other farmers was 160 to 5 each it has the disadvantage of labor and most pine stumps can be blown for time required to bore the hole into the les3f and taking pine stumps as they root from twelve to thirtysix inches come the cost wil be between forty according to the size of the stump a and sixt cents each taking all kinds satisfactory method of boring such of stumps as thcy come the cost wu1 holes by machinery has not been de- bc still lower vised for the average farmer j in flgurinj thc cost however one stlu another method of loading for mu remember that blown stumps fuse shooting is to bore a hole down especially lightwood ones have a by the taproot and place the charge fue va whiio in the field they arc outside the root ths works satisfac- doubly expensive because they occupy torily on small stumps but on large va space nnd prevent the use of ones it is not effective because only machinery one charge can bo fired at a timo tho s x j zsrttraih ii xsm w n a lft what would you charge for a llfeslzo miniature of me 1m supply the paint from the loajoi moil indicates their usefulness to those who meal or tankago up to 10 per cent desire to know more of tho profit- n the ration may bo finished on corn making capabilities in their poultry or barley and still produce a firm high flocks where accounts of the revenue quality product dairy byproducts and expenditure aro properly kept tend to offset the trouble arising from they indicate that the profits from the f exercise but both exercise and industry compare favorably with the skim milk are better thnn eitner alone profits from any other branch of farm ing as a rule where a simple system is followed such as that provided by the forms referred to the progress of the business may bc ascertained at any fox farms in canada there are 977 fox farms in canada valued at 7610877 of these 434 tmo nnd a fairly accurate balance yaucd at 53c are in prince ed- sheet can bo drawn up annually the ward isian 107 valued at 17404 in forms are available to poultry keepers nova scouaf 86 valued at 5339705 j en request new b 146 valued at 773- the stomach of the young animal is 324 in quebec 120 valued at 765115 not sufficiently developed to assimilate in ontario 10 valued at 654510 in bulky fibrous foods capacity to do manitoba 4 valued at 91825 in sas- this comes slowly but can be encourkatchewan 24 valued at 133932 in aged by starting lightly on grass hay alberta 21 valued at 122850 in bri- or other materials which are easily tish columbia and 16 valued a 102- digested j 0c0 in yukon territory