when you try you will realize tsie difference between saladaand jtast tea washing babys woolens cold weather calls for woolens for the wee ones and this means extra pan on the stone i filled a fruit can with hot coffee wrapped it in a news love island by owen oliver part iii j dealing with a woman you want to no one spoke for some time rich- humor whatever you do will be i ardson filled his pipe slowly and lit wrong but they might have a feel- it and puffed fortunately a box of about christmas miss brien tobacco had come ashore but they j says to me the other day you cant were rationed at three pipefuls a day blame anybody for being kind now anyhow he said presently any how theyve got no company but themselves and the least of the stores pretty ragged when i caught sight of them last and come to think of it they were laughing then theyre happy together i never thought they had their fair share mates was you were you i mean got to study grammar nowadays special- care with that part of the washing filled in all the space with crushed paper fitted it beside the potato dish with adies comin to for woolens will shrink at the slight est provocation i always buy the garments that are newspapers and laid a magazine on top there was a small space at the top of the box where i put in a small part cotton or silk as they do not jwf ihrink so easily as the all wool then after baby has his bath and has been tucked away for a nice long nap be fore putting his little tub away i fill it with tepid water to which has been added some soft flaky soap chips these i stir into a suds and place his woolens in to soak for five minutes at the end of that time i gently squeezo not wring the little garments out and then give them one rinsing in clear water of the same temperature when squeezed out i gently pull them into shape and hang them up much depends upon the way they are hung the little stockings should have the feet stretched as far as pos sible and be hung on the line with a pin in the toe and in the heel this ter sandwiches fresh fruit and cook ies the heat did not reach these as the magazine formed perfect insula tion the experiment was a success and i soon learned to pack potatoes a vege table and meat so that these and the coffee kept hot and with sandwiches cake or cookiss and fruit furnished my husband out at work with as well balanced a maal as we could serve on our home table we noticed that his health was far better than that ox the men who ate cold lunches now when the men work on a farm some distance from home i use the crate and swe but put the meat in a sixquart kettle the potatoes in a were you thinking of a little santa claus business tom carter asked a suit for him and one of the cooks overalls for her lane suggest ed shes a big gal and could wear it peace and good will and all that sort of thing eh mates might do it richardson proposed after weve taken things to the ladies and get plugged if we dont mind carter observed best go in the morning and let him see us coming fair and open merry christmas says we and a truce for today and theres a tinned ham and plum pud ding if you and your missus like to come to dinner thatll fetch him you know they didnt have their share of the tinned stuff they didnt richardson owned and thats a fact when a chap holds a loaded pistol at your head it doesnt make you feel over generous as dis posed to be too friendly or fair after ward looked down on us he did still its christmas time and id do it pan that fits into the kettle the ket- keeps ftrstockin7footttretehed until tle cover fits the p so everything is it is dry the shirts should be hung compact up by the shoulders or better still i send roast meat of some kind put on hangers the flannel petti- j jv sssi fl but what would our ladies say about coats should be hung by the shoulders gsjg s sgg it refuse to meet them most likely rather than by the seams of the slurt mash c or fried potatoes as the hem stretches out unevenly another box or basket holds paper when pinned up by the hem and an ner eatables when ironing woolens only a warm iron should be used as wool scorches easily and is often ruined in this way kvelma west sykes i have the middle of the day when they are away to myself knowing they are well fed and will not need something extra when night comes k c n whipping cream in the investigational work of the dairy department of the ontario agricultural college the following conclusions have been reached the temperature richness and age f cream are important factors cream rich in fat whips in less jime and stands up better than does thinner cream cream containing 28 per cent fat u a satisfactory whipping cream cream for whipping should be cool ed to 45 deg f if possible and bo held for at least 24 hours if cream is not held at a low tem perature there is danger of having too high acidity lemon juice is a suitable substance to add to cream when it is too fresh this will cause it to whip better and give a larger yield cream whipped at a low temper ature whips in less time and gives a larger yield than that whipped at a higher temperature after whipping the cream should bo held at a low temperature until used if cream cannot be whipped in cool room the dish containing the cream should be placed in very cold water there is no advantage in adding milk powder to cream for whipping steel wool for scouring and bully us for suggesting it im not going to make trouble with our ladies we cant ask em unless the ladies agree carter stated decidedly were not going to chuck away the good feeling with them most like theyd take it as showing we approved of such things and feel nervous of us again mind you its a time weve got to be careful with them remem bering last year thats why tom was right to mention about the what- isnames toxicants aint it but he might suggest it to them r im not going to be the one to pro pose it to them richardson refused emphatically miss green gave me and had you been carter asked with a grin dont be a fool id be kind enough if shed allow it but you know she wouldnt look at me though as tom says a lady aint above tantalizing a chap well carter said they cant blame us for asking their opinion you put it in your fine way tom on another card in the end a second card was writ ten as follows honrd ladies this being a season of goodwill we do not know if you think we should ask the west island people to christ mas dinner we have nothing against them for a year and they seem to treat each other well and some stores of clothes are owing to them as they are getting ragged considering the season we are inclined to ask them if you do not object but shall strictly obey your honrd wishes if they are to come please hang up colored hand kerchief as well as duster and we shall act accordingly wishing you a merry christmas from all of us which make us sorry for them if you dont mind p s we do not feel we are good enough ourselves to throw stones at others though better for your honrd company which might have good in fluence on them if needed which we do not know he appears to treat her kindly while the men were thus discussing the current situation the ladies were catching shellfish as a christmas present for them and after this they sat down and also considered the po sition i suppose ruby green said that what happened last year ought to make us frightened of tomorrow but i am not she sighed as if it was a sad thing not to be frightened frightened of them stella raikes cried why we could turn them round our little fingers molly brien began to cry and we mustnt she sobbed when were rescued therell be an end of everything theyre impossible of course and sometimes i pray not to be rescued in the third republic the question great plenty across the ravine they found their christmas presents and the invitation and the letter in the barrel at their signal post- they looked in it it was the recognized post box rather expecting some kind of christmas card when they ran across with their offering and return ed they hung up both signals as agreement and then they cooed to be concluded ma names no mactavish no one is prouder of his name and lineage than a highland scot he is sensitive on the point of family above all others in an amusing book of sporting reminiscence maj harding cox tells how one highland man re venged himself on a jocose foreigner who had made light of his family pride a certain french count it seems was a guest of a scottish laird after dinner the noble host called in ronald macallster his very superior stalker and said to him it is my infernal luck ronald that i should sprain my ankle just as the count here arrives but you must take him out over the best ground and see that he has a fair chance oo aye ah my friend said the count it is zure i am zat ze good mctaveesh ma names no mactavish ye ken the deestalker interrupted him ah zat vas all right mac i call you mactaveesh because eet zounds so so vat you zay so scottle next day all was ready for the start macallster was garbed and accoutred for the hunt the genial count slapped him on the back exclaiming with hearty good will zy foot ees on zy native earth zy names macta veesh ma names no mactavish reiter ated the stalker angrily for he was fast losing patience in the evening when the count re turned to the castle he was worn out and fed up with life in general and deerstalking in particular not a stag had he seen all day his lordship could not understand it day after day the same thing occur red until at last the count was re duced to a shadow the soles of his boots were worn as thin as blotting paper and his feet were grievously chapped and blistered ho gave in at nurses the toronto uoplal cor incur- tolea in atfliutton wttb bellvue ba allied hospital new tork cstr offer a three years course of train- to- to young- women baring the- re quired education and desirous of be- coming nurse this hospital has edopted the elamhour system the pupils receive uniforms of the school a monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from new tork for further information apply to to stinhntnrtnt simple serviceable morning dress 4523 this is a very pleasing and tlme be comfortable model it will develop a nasty knock last night it was lot the season came up early in the awful she said to think what drink i afternoon of christmas eve the could do with a really nice man like i flapper began to decorate the open- me but of course it only brought out ing of the cave with red berries and what was in people and made them she told the millionaire to come and do what they wanted to do made help even harmless little berries danger- 1 i suppose she said you know ous wed come upon some of those its christmas tomorrow i wonder white one and she shook her headhow they are getting on together it at them and laughed you know the will be richardson and ruby and way she has of shaking her head and carter and stella and lane and the rest of herself looked at me molly i suppose i liked molly brien and laughed all a lady and would have my head off for doing it again but not above tantalizing me neither shes specially down on the girl pears as they had a row over him and the mans worse she holds she wont meet em you never know what a woman will do lane thought as likely as not theyll think of it and blame us for not having the proper spirit for christmas peace and good will and all that theres only one rule about eric well kid its christmas time and of course we dont approve of them but everybody isnt so good and noble as you you see dont you think we might walk down tomorrow and wish them a merry christmas i feel more disposed to walk down and demand some more clothes he grunted early on christmas morning the ladies set out to carry shellfish in eofd nxft h w inrfator ps and i ft rzvv dummumware but al30 god for damask e0tge wll v r0 t oer wool fabrics the sleeve zrllm jl e t rcmovo be finished in wrist or short scorch from these metals so complete- jgngtj win aotrpo taxg 11 ana v s anl buteher knives and kitcheforks gsggsa iztrequtst by using steel wool for cleaning the n an lzri m v ntmw a gtesrs r tom pnttern maied fo an add pound and then back to the object to bo cleaned the different grades of steel wool givo it great adaptability as a cleaning agent ethel mcdonald receipt of 15c in silver or stamps by stories about weilknown people the princes correspondent in the opinion of the prlnco of wales who 1b as well qualified as any one to speak on the subject there is nothing like travel for educating and broadening the mind says an english writer as an instance of the lack of know ledge that prevails in some quarters hoard a little story which accentuates her modesty she was working in a french hos- pltajduting tho war doing everything thacwas required without tho slight est disinclination or snobbishness a now doctor at her hospital noticed a inurse busily engaged in polishing the floor he went up to her and said i hear there is a princess working my mans hot lunch two years ago when the graveling of the highway was in progress the work was done mostly by fanners they worked well into december and few of them went home for dinner with three small children it wa3 r possible for me to carry a hot din- r to the pit a onecompartment flreless cookor nd a thermos bottle would have solv ed tho problem but they were boyond ky reach i i had a wellbuilt egg crate with a ajosolyfitting cover a pile of clean newspapers and magazines and a apstono foot warmer minus a au3s5ejtijyi6so i went to work i lined the sides and bottom of tho ate with old magazines heated tho p stone as hot as possiblo without nlng the papers and placed it in bottom i warmed scene povatocs in a one s pan with a tight cover put two i of warm cooked moat on top of n put on tv cover and placed tho regarding even tho bestknown of our hore it is tru0 what kind of a wo- the wilson publishing co 73 west dominions tho prince stated recently mnn l3 ene adelaide street toronto allow two that ho had received a letter from a jugt an ordinal7 woman iiico weeks for receipt of pattern girl of fourteen who in congratulating myselfi slr r0 t polisher him on his safe return to this country stated that sho was anxious to know what the natives of canada look like a millionaires secret not long ago irord levcrhulme gave hia secret remedy for swelled head horo it is joins in their dislikes why is sho so popular with men sho knows how to join in their dli- llkca tv- thoro is a plant found in india and cuba named tho abrus whlrji is supposed to foretell earthquakes by changing its color o mlnarde liniment heals cut and sho spoke truly since it was tho then lady louise mountbatton herself then pandemonium reigned stories about laughable mlstakos made in court by witnesses are com mon enough but few aro so funny as f you meet anyone afflicted with a that told by mr justice itlgby swift swollen head advise him to go to some english judge recently public meeting and ask himself theso it concerned a dullwlttcd country questions how many present know yokel who had been subpoenaed to mo how many have over heard of glvo evidence in regard to a motor mo or my work if i got killed right smash up now how many of tho crowd would i tho point in dispute was whether or not it wa3 a collision but tho word collision was too much for tho witness who was obviously puzzled by it when two things come unexpected ly together that is a collision ex plained counsel and on seeing a sud den gloam of intelligence shoot across the mans face remarked tell tho court what a collision is so we may all bo sure that you under stand twins was tho prompt reply glvon obviously in all good faith and pandemonium broke loose j miss mo my work is important to roe i wonder if it is so important that all these pcoplo would bo thrown ont of their stride if i were to drop his lordship says that this remedy has never failed he knows hes tried it hlmsolf a modest princess tho crown princess of sweden is a most charming and unassuming lady and tho crown prlnco may consldor himself truly fortunate in having se cured hor for his brldo i have just last and departed for the south the laird called macallster in an4- interrogated him sternly what la heavens name has come to the forest since i have been laid up ronaldt are there no beasts left in it oo aye yere lordship forty theres mony an many a bonnte beastle i the corrlea how is it then that you have not even shown my esteemed friend the count a stag then the murder was out mt names no mactavish i exclaimed macallster tersely and turning on his heel he stalked majestically from the presence of his master genesis of shears shears for cutting cloth were in vented in italy about 400 bc but it was two or three centuries more be fore scissors were made by fitting them to the fingers 0 johnnya dog is johnnys new dog a setter or pointer asked mrs jones hes neither replied her neighbor hes an upsetter and a dlsappolnter c minards liniment for dandruff hatches first in safely rrstinconvenieiks firstineconomy mways i ask sox eddys hatches 200 weather prophetonly 125 will it be rain or shine tomorrow h wondarful prophet tails you m aiunrer todr iti a beautiful alnutur bous stucco finish tlxe fl ij x t li decorated with decr head toy thermometer bird on perch etc not a tor but a scientifically constructed instrument working automstkallr reltabla and emlastlnx ilia witch comes out to foretell bad weather and the children for fin rtttber aight to twenty four hour in advance satisfaction 18 guaranteed this perfected watthtr prophet rll prove to yea it superior worth over cheaper edodels sent postpaid to any address for only 125 or two for 220 agents wanted 5n jour nelchbor dont tolsi this chance order today chant 4 ucmlllan cq dspt wwui 867 clinton 8tternu montreal eleven hundred rooms each with private bath from 93 a day t tnus aiilalns esksnln up famous cuisine serving variety of restaurants from main dining room to grill room and cafeteria centre of the citys social life comfort and hospitality vernon q cwiry ktinioer dtrectloni unllid httli company of arlm m in view of tho great demand for farm help existing in canada tho canadian pacific railway will continue its arm help service during 1924 and will enlarge its scope to in clude women domestics and boys the company is in touch with large numbers of good farm laborers in great britain norway sweden denmark france holland switzerland and other european countries and through its widespread organization can promptly filj applications for help received from canadian farmers in order to have the help reach canada in time for tho spring operations farmers needing help should arrange to get their applications in early tho earlier the better as naturally thoso applications which aro received early will receive firs attention blank application forms and full information regarding tho service may be obtained from any cpr agent or from ans of the officials listed below the service is entirely free of charge the canadian pacific railway company department of colonization and development w1nnipecm e thornton saperlnttnoent of vonustlon t 8 achecon cwwrel aerlcnllarsl agent saskatoon w j gerow lnd asent if f komor spccul colonization aftnt caicary t o f hrr ami to sujit of colonization edmonton j mltlr lend ant montbeai- donrsll cncrsl acrlcnllnral agent l fine norwood land agent i b pennij chief lmlewr e g white anlitant coracbeioner