Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 3, 1924, p. 2

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ontario firs destroyed to supply i os demand for christmas trees over 2500000 young evergreens taken across border in december causing irreparable waste i a despatch from wiarton ont croker reserve on the bruce penin- ta shipments made just in time sula early in the month when in- for the christmas markets in united structions were received by agent states cities brought to a conclusion alex moore from the dominion gov- for the season an industry which has ernmcnt forbidding further cutting of grown to amazing proportions in this tree3 on the reserve and requiring province but one which can be viewed the collection of five cents on each with anything but equanimity by bundle from all that had already been those who have the future wellbeing cut the indians were very indignant of the forest lands of ontario at at the governments action as large heart this is the annual destruction sums had been made by them previ- of fir and other young trees to pro- ously in this business but the agent vide christmas trees for the homes was firm in upholding his orders and end institutions in the united states no further depletion took place on in recent years the new england the reserve the forbidding of this states supplied this demand and in destruction by the indians did not of a smaller measure the province of course ripply to private lands and the quebec but the washington govern- activities of the american dealers jnent placed an embargo both upon wero transferred to these and many the cutting and the shipment of home farmers and their help had several trees for this purpose with the result busy weeks in trying to catch up with that dealers across the line turned the demand their eyes to the apparently illimitj almost the entire output of the able supplies in ontario the consumer bruce peninsula was for the pitts- willingly paying the extra charges burg market alone and it is stated for freight necessitated by the longer that twentyfive railway cars with haul to the american markets an average of six hundred trees to each fall the buyers for the am- each car left wiarton last month for erican trade reach the localities select- the city of pittsburg these costing the ed by them and arrangements are dealer a total of about ten thousand made for the annual cut which dollars many of the trees shipped usually begins early in november stood as high as fifteen feet and this year it is computed that around would be retailed for as much as five thousand railway cars each con- twenty dollars in the city mentioned taining on an average from five to six the eastern side of the bruce pen- hundred trees have gone across the insula has scarcely any coniferous border from canada the grand total trees and those on the wooded west- of destruction being over two and a em side are required for windbreaks half million of young trees these are a movement is at present on foot by nearly all cut below the first branch- members of the county council to ask es on the trunk the result being that the government to formulate a policy device will 1 rap hens ramsay macdonald leader of the british labor party who may be called upon within a few weeks to form a government in great britain he is a man of charm and cul ture a widower with several young daughters the loss of his wife was a severe blow to him for she is described as a woman of rare sweetness and devotion she was a niece of lord kelvin who became deeply interested in socialism in her girlhood dominion news h brief the stump dies and rots in the ground of course all engaged in the business do not destroy the trees com pletely but cut them above the first branches but while the tree thus treated will not die the limbs only will grow and it will never be of much commercial value after the tunk has been deformed quito an agitation developed to regulate this treedestroying men ace in the future and to insist on the protection of the young timber and the reforestation of the areas not fit who fail to lay eggs british sergeant revealed as captor of jerusalem a despatch from london says how jerusalem was captured by a sergeant in the second battalion of a despatch from london says even barnyard hens will soon have to for cultivation it is understood that punc time clocks if an invention now invitations are being sent to the re- being exhibited at a london poultry j vk twrtrfrm nlz pi fetsskses representative to be sent to the jan- an ingenious dutchman is suspecting rev for the first time uary session of the county council to some 0 his hens 0 loafing on the job i 7 1 trmaeeddo explain what steps the government h has accordingly evolved a system exclusive with the fist mongst the indians on the cape are prepared to take in this matter by which fitted on the back of each of which dralsemuusively with the hght- his chickens a leather strap is attach- fntellinvofhis adventurehurcomb ed with a piece of colored chalk at the said that on december 3 1917 he wa3 vancouver bc excavation work on the new dominion government dry- dock at esquimalt has been progress ing so rapidly during the past few months that the basin is almost ready for the construction works laying of concrete has commenced the instal lation of the pumps and machinery will be started in all probability next summer taber alta a registered seed company to be known as the taber seed growers limited is being organ ized here it will own equipment for cleaning seed will grow seed and carry on registered seed operations and marketing generally the clean ing plant is expected to be in opera tion in time to handle seed this season regina sask in a preliminary re port the secretary of the canadian seed growers association makes the following estimate of the market sup ply of registered and no 1 seed wheat 264014 bushels on 12612 acres oats 61240 bushels on 8560 acres barley 17025 bushels on 336 acres corn 4360 bushels on 33s acres the great bulk of this seed was produced in alberta and saskat chewan brandon man that the develop- ment of good roads in manitoba and particulcrly in the brandon district has made rapid strides within the past three years was emphasized when over one hundred good roads boosters gtthered at brandon for the district associations meeting recently each year finds manitoba in greater favor with the travelling public and in this respect the district surrounding bran don is taking a leading part in t construction and maintenance of good highways toronto ont the total value of metalliferous production for the first nine months of 1923 exceeded that during the corresponding period of 1922 by s4879007 or 18 per cent thus demonstrating the strong posi tion which ontarios metal mining in dustry occupies at the present time the value of production for the first nine months this year was 31802644 compared with 26923637 in the cor responding period of the previous year gold production shows a slight decline silver however shows an in crease of over one million ounces tho nickelcopper industry is back again on a prewar basis montreal que the lee puncture- proof tire co of canada ltd is lo cating in this vicinity where a mod ern manufacturing plant will be erect ed having a capacity of 250 tires and 500 tubes daily this is a branch of the lee tire rubber co of con- shokocken pa manufacturers of punctureproof pneumatic tires sydney ns satisfactory pro gress is being made in the sale of syd ney coke the sales so far have been largely confined to the maritime pro vinces no difficulty has been ex perienced in getting dealers to handla the product and these could sell mora than they can get with the new bat tery of ovens going there will be a larger supply which should come near meeting the demand it is understood that coke will be sent to quebec pro vince shortly and arrangements ara now being made to handle it there the weeks markets a cure for tuberculosis dr spahlinger a young swiss scient ist who has practically achieved a cure for tuberculosis through lack of funds he has never yet acquired a complete serum but eighty per cent of the cases treated with his incom plete serum have recovered though they had failed to respond to any other treatment the serum requires con tributions from vaccines from twenty- two horses ontario is negotiating for the use of tho serum celebratttradium discovery by curie twentyfifth anniversary of notable event is fitly com memorated in paris e i sent out on patrol with twelve men above the door of each trap nest he and corporai with ordors to for places a paper and a memorandum ward untn fired th crawled the door is so constructed that the turkish trenches in the dark hen cannot enter the nest without wthout encountering anything but at making a mark on the paper as he daw th tted a houso whieh fta uses different colored chalk for each t chicken he is now jubilant at having band j tq sergeant approached with a rifle in a despatch from paris says been awe tg rout m unproductive a cold draughty barn on a back street bens from nis flock- of paris twentyfive years ago pierre the inventor alleges he has not yet and marie curie poor and unknown discovered a way to register the discovered radium today that event entering of neststhat is the hen chalking up a mark without was commemorated in a grandiose laying any eggs celebration at the sorbonne with the president of the republic and a dozen reports of london tower the window he other public dignitaries participating and paying homage to the modest wo man scientist but mine curie did not let those falling down are denied a despatch from london says londons tower is falling down fall- j w fa own is the latest rhyme for how they had once neglected her she told of the barn that served as labor- 71 v a tyu has been going around the last few atory for her and her husband of the tw th pitnrifi slnwiv loose planks that let in wind and rain london children due to a report which has been going around the last few weeks that the historic citadel slowly british peers getting rid of their estates romantic but to us these romantic elements were not advantages they used up our strength and delayed our results under better conditions we might have reduced our first five a despatch from london says in- years work to two this lesson should come and other taxes again have not be lost for the future j proved virtually confiscatory in the pierre curie died in 1906 at the cases of baron glanusk and the earl age of sixtyfour after his head had of lathom both of whom have given been crushed under tho wheel of a tip their country scats tho former truck in a street accident has transferred his estates by deed of gift to his heir major the hon wil fred russell bailey who served in tho grenadier guards during the war winning the dso lord lathom who has sold 4000 acres to mr a deben- ham of london for about 250000 is now on a world tour for his health with his widowed sister lady bar bara ann seymour whose husband was killed in the war lord glanusk who is 59 moved ts a little fishing cottage near his castle i is crumbling away of the sma least iron stove that failed autnohtie3 at the towcr to warm the place even when they ftat much had fuel enough to feed it j exaggerated the tower of london mme curie in an austere black the fa safe for another th robe spoke without any resentment and stories cracks however ending thus ft buiidi and da of earl c0 the discovery of radium was made j should not bo believed under precarious conditions and the vi ij wil barn where it took place is now found to send post cards from the north pole a despatch from new york says the north pole expedition of captain roald amundsen discoverer of the south pole will take specially stamp ed postcards from spitzbergen its hopping off place with the aim to take them to bo cancelled at the glanwye two years ago on accounvof north pole from where they will bo the expense of keeping his houso at sent through regular mail distribution glanusk park open lord lathoms agencies to all parts of the world property includes a grecian bath and proceeds from the cards will help de- taircaso f ra the expeditions expenses there aro some gabled houses built against the inner wall of the tower facing the green which have broken away from the tower wall and begun to lean forward but experts insist that these ancient houses never were in danger of falling anyway the weakness which so alarmed some of londons citizens now has been reme died and all the buildings which go to make up tho tower are being minute ly examined for possible weak spots big army of ladybirds to fight plant parasites a despatch from london says a huge army of ladybird beetles is be ing mobilized at balham to wage war on plant parasites in all parts of eng land next summer cantonments have been erected on the estate of e crabbo fellow of the entomological society and 500000 ladybirds aro be ing enlisted for the fray they are implacable enemies of the deadly aphis which attacks rambler roses carna tions and other flowers and plants and aro very pleased to eat tho aphis on all occasions a woman at shouted hands up but she apparently an american replied with good morning and told him the turks had all gone presently a party of about twenty led by the chief man of the town bear ing a white flag approached and in broken english surrendered the city to the sergeant toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern 105 manitoba oats no 8 cw 42c no 1 extra feed 41c i manitoba barley nominal i all the above track bay ports j ontario barley 61 to 63c american corn no 2 yellow 88c buckwheat no 2 69 to 72c ontario rye no 2 72 to 74c peas sample- 150 to 155 millfeed del montreal freights tags included bran per ton 27 shorts per ton 30 middlings 36 good feed flour 205 ontario wheat no 2 white 92 to 94c outside 1 ontario no 2 white oats 38 to 40c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt ship- ment 460 toronto basis 460 bulk j prince erik of denmark- q seaboard 425 cousin of king george who is to manitoba flour 1st pats in jute marry miss lois frances booth of ot- sacks 610 per bbl 2nd pat3 560 tawa a granddaughter of the cana- hay extra no 2 timothy per ton dian mm king j r booth he is track toronto 1450 to 15 no 2 success rancher having a place j 1450 no 3 12 50 mxl 12 near prince of wales in chlleslnea tttosshc alberta and miss booth is a gir fond i twins 23 to24c triplets 24 tc 25c of sports and outdoor life they mot stiltons 25 to 26c old large 28 to seven years ago and are reported to 30c twins 29 to 31c triplets 30 to have fallen in love with each other 32c immediately she will assume his butter finest creamery prints 44 rank and n be the flrat canadian to 45c no 1 creamery 42 to 48c no gri fo become a princess and bear the fresh in cartons 70 he of royal highness to 71c extras storage in cartons 45 to 47c extras 43 to 44c firsts 37 to crs chcice 6 to 650 do med 425 38c seconds 29 to 30c to 525 do com 3 to 4 butchr live poultry spring chickens 4 c choice 4 to 425 do med lbs an over 28c chickens 8 to 4 3 to 4 canners and cutters 125 lbs 22c hens over 5 lbs 22c do 4 to 250 butcher bulls choice 4 to to 5 lbs 15c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c 450 do com 2 to 3 feeding roosters 15c ducklings over 5 lbs steers good 5 to 550 do fair 4 19c do 4 to 5 lbs 18c turkeys to 475 stockers good 4 to 5 do young 10 lbs and up 20c f 250 to 4 milkers and spring- dressed poultry spring chickens ers 80 to 110 calves choice 1050 4 lbs and over soc chickens 3 to 4 to 12 do med 6 to 950 do com lbs 25c hens over 5 lbs 28c do 44 to 5 do grassers 275 to 4 to 5 lbs 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 18c ilnmbs choice 1050 to 11 do bucks roosters 18c ducklings over 5 ibb s850 to 950 do com 750 to 825 24c do 4 to 5 lbs 25c turkeys sheep light ewes good 5 to 6 do young 10 lbs and up 27c geese 24c fat hetvy 4 to 5 do culls 2 to 250 hogs fed and watered 8 to 825 do selects 905 montreal oats no 2 cw 51 to 61c no 3 cw 48 extra no 1 feed 46c irljjn fennel rr general manager of the port of montreal who points out that the con struction of the last link of a water way at lockport designed to connect j tho present end of the canal at lock- port iii with lasalle the head of navigation on the illinois river will mean tho illegal diversion of more water from the great lakes at chi- cago and will bo used tor the develop- ment of more power in illinois while j reducing the levels in the lakes and st lawrence river to the detriment of i all the canadian ports along that i route power is already being de- 1 llvered in illinois from the diverted water to the value of one million dol- lars a year beans can handpicked lb 7c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 250 per 5 gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25c honey 60lb tins 11 to 12c per lb ytxn man spring wheatpatsistsi 10lb tins 11 to 12c 5lb tins 12 to 610 2 560 strong bakers 13c 2lb tins 13 to 14c comb 540 winter pats choice 565 to honey per doz no 1 375 to 4 5 65 r- oats bag 90 lbs 295 no 2 325 to 350 bran 2725 shorts 3025 mid- smoked meats hams med 26 to idlings 3625 moullio 40 to 42 27c cooked hams 37 to 89c smoked hay no 2 per ton car lots 15 to rolls 21 to 23c cottage rolls 22 rjjio 24c breakfast bacon 26 to 27cspe- cheese finest westerns 18 to 18c cial brand breakfast bacon 30 to 83c finest easterns 17 to 17c butter backs boneless 80 to s6c i no 1 pasteurized 41 c no 2 cured meats long clear bacon 60 creamery 40c eggs fresh spe- to 70 lbs and up 1650 lightweight cials 80c fresh extras 60c fresh rolls in barrels 36 heavyweight rolls 33 lard pure tierces 17 to 18c tubs 18 to 18c pails 18 to 19c prints 20 to 20c shortening tierces 14 to 15c tubs 15 to 15c pails 15 to lcc prints 17 to 18c heavy steers hoice 660 to 725 butcher steers choice 6 to 650 do good 550 to 6 do med 425 to 525 do com 3 to 4 butcher heif- firsts 46c storage extras 89 to 40c no 1 stock 84 to 35o lambs fair to med 960 to 10 hogs 875 to 9 for thick smooths and butcher hogs of good quality veal calves 9 to 10 grassers 325 to 375 we prize most that which has cost us most in rabbitboro jhs prope twclvot i suppose he confides all his business cares j t you 1 fvr- every tlfae r want a little money to go shopping vr

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