1 hellenic throne vacant pending i decision of the national assembly king george of greece and queen elizabeth withdraw from the country temporarily at least admiral coundoriotis appointed regent a despatch from athens says tears came to her eyes as one woman george ii king of the hellenes who after another dartodfrom a group of her friends and in tears and with succeeded his father king constan- g lips utteredt be with tine on that monarchs abdication has y0 been requested by the government to the kings turn to shed tears came withdraw from greece temporarily at when a guard in picturesque uniform least but whether he will be permit- claspea the monarch s hand fairly ted to return depends upon the na- shouting a safe voyage and a speedy tional assembly accompanied by the return queen who was princess elizabeth of premier gonatas v as among those roumania he departed from athens who said farewell to the king and for bucharest queen rt the landing stage the official gazette publishes a when the party embarked there decree appointing admiral coundori- were no cheers the crowd waved otis regent he took the oath before farewells and the king responded by the cabinet on thursday the gov- waving his hat as the daphne steamed ernment hos informed the diplomatic way representatives that the departure of the day passed in absolute calm government cross tho dominion en route to their home premies bruce the king and 0 is only temporary in athens it was the name dav of spend some time at the capital negotiating upon trade conditions between pending settlement by the constituent col plastiras one of the leaders of canada and australia d premier massey will speak at several canadian assembly of the question of the regimoi the revolution and thousands visited cities and also discuss the sending ot new zealand malls across canada in it is understood that a decree will head quarters to present congratulaj order to secure more speed promulgated prescribing anzac premiers coming to canada canada is to have two distinguished visitors when premier bruce right of australia the youthful and successful chief of the australian government and premier massev loft the popular and veteran chief of the new zealand bo as ajtions i canada from coast to coast kentville ns the nova scotia plant has already leen purchased and evapoiators are making urge shipi in a short time the company wiljl bo ments of apple pomace to rotterdam turning out a product for which there this material is originating at the j is already an established deblaud and various annapolis valley plants of giving employment to at least 100 winnipeg man one of the larg est farm deals in recent years is re- m frovuverpool were eightlkm- pf now in wsw i woodsmen who had been engaged in u s ft mksfftsl this firm st john nb among the passen gers who arrived here on the mont- clare ed woocsmen who had been engaged j r ci the shelled forest areas of france i- aune benard ss9 they are jugosiavs but all have a ort distance west of wmnipe eood knowledge of the enzish lan- saie p ls sald to h gooo knowledge ot tne ngisn lan 525000 or 105 an acre m- guage due to service with british ggwj g cconnel troops in various war zones the eight uaing cquipuwtu men have been placed with lumbermen new la rf tho p in new brunswick where there existsj seven c a scarcity of skilled labor of this type ot dressed lurkcys and montreal que demand for finish- chickens will be made shortly from ed iron and steel is showing steady p in saskatchewan states w u j j ac markets commission formula for the deputies oath faith j a despatch from paris says it thr peeresses have seats brand devotion to tho interest of the j was learned that nothing in the news country instead of devotion to the coming out of greece has caused fori in tsntlsn commons constitutional king as heretofore the departure of the sovereigns from athens was without incident they traveled by automobile from tho palace to the point of embarka tion the route being guarded at in tervals by cavalry the king wore civilian dress and maintainedperfect composure the queen was attired in mauve with a large picture hat and carried a bouquet of flowers she seemed upset at the leave taking and mer premier venizelos to modify in any way the attitude he has held since the beginning of the recent agitation a despatch from london says as t a result of the election three peeresses there resulting from the election the j w s in the house of commons when former premier is still waiting until it convenes january 8 and will have the situation growing out of sundays the company of their husbands who balloting has been made entirely clear s in the house of lords when re- and the belief is still expressed in turning from late sessions quarters close to him that he will not accept the invitation to return unless there is a united call from the greek people for him to do so french trawlers aided by radio in locating fish a despatch from paris says even the poor fish of the deep is no longer exempt from the horrors ef the radio for his presence if he travels in rchools as is his wont is to be bioad- ast by wirejess on detection even though heswim 100 miles from dan gerous land such are the instructions issued by the french navy and the merchant marine messages bearing tidingsof herring or other sea delicacies will be picked up by government radio sta tions at st nazaire brest cherbourg havre and boulogne whence they will be relayed to the fishing centres in this manner twelve schools have been located in a day whereupon fishing smacks set out for the banks and up turned with gunwales almost touching the water british labor protests hymns on rich and poor a despatch from london says the town council of bath in which labor members predominate has pro tested against theday school hymn books which have been in use many years in county council schools there are hymns saying providence has de fined the status of the rich and the prof j g fltznerald profesor of hygiene at the univer sity of toronto and director ot the connaught antitoxin laboratories who has been appointed a member of the international health board an organi zation supported by the rockefeller foundation it is a coveted distinc tion in the scientific world princess marys son not a royal prince poor the bath councillors object to royal warrant decrees that v omillv nil sr n iiij pi n i a stanza in one hymn especially as follows the rich man in his castle the poor man at his gate godmade them high and and ordered their estate the councillors say the hymn is out of keeping with present tendencies in kings grandchild shall be called honorable henry lascelles london dec 23 ever since prin cess marys son and heir came into the world last winter there has been much speculation as to whether he is a plain one of these is the duchess of atholl wife of the lord chamberlain who will represent the kinross and western division of perth and kinross scotland she was katherine mar jory ramsay daughtw- of sir james ramsey it the last election her con stituency returned a national liberal unopposed the duke of atholl also heads a british syndicate which is to invest 3000000 in a sugar factory in jamaica lady terrington the wife of baron terrington as a liberal was elected in the wycombe division of bucking hamshire she was formerly the wife of guy ivo sebright who died and be came lady terrington five years ago lady astor conservative is the third of the group of titled women whose husbands sit in the upper house great britain when labor is on the commoner or a prince of the royal threshold of assuming government it blood but the speculation is ended is expected other town councils having and great britain now knows that the a heavy labor membership will follow buifc cr canada hears england by amateur radio a despatch from toronto says e s rogers carried on a radio conversa tion with a london station rfnd estab- lished what is believed to be the first warrant of december 11 1917 do kings grandson is not a prince of the royal blood but simply the honor able henry hubert lascelles or master lascelles for short this decisive information is con veyedby the 1924 debrett the un questioned guido to the genealogy of royalty and the aristocracy of the kingdom the now issue says that a royal the new year yesterday now is a part of forever bound up in a sheaf which god holds tight with glad days and sad days and bad days which never shall visit us more with their bloom and their blight their fulness of sunshine or sorrow- j ful night let them go since we cannot relive them canrot undo and cannot atone i god in his mercy receive forgive them only the new days are our own today is ours and today alone every day is a fresh beginning listen my soul to the glad refrain and spite of old sorrow and older sinning and puzzles forecasted and possible pain taice heart with the day and begin again susan coolidge i natural resources bulletin tho natural resources intel ligence service of the depart ment of the interior ottawa says few people in ontario realize the extent to which nonmetallic minerals enter into the produc tion of some of our more com mon articles of use in the manufacture of prepared roof ings and mineral wallboard for instance five factories are en gaged in ontario during the year ending march last these companies used among others the following quantities of non- metallic minerals actinolite 100000 pounds asbestos 181- 000 pounds asbestos sand 118- 000 pounds asphalt 12912450 pounds ground dolomite 2509- 80g pounds ground feldspar 42344 pounds ground magne- site 637772 pounds marble dust 2100 pounds ground mica 230000 pounds silica sand 1- 792550 pounds slate granules 9293000 pounds and talc 1- 816705 pounds with the ex ception of the silica sand all these nonmetallic minerals are of canadian origin this line of industry is one which is rapidly expanding and will consequently require in creased quantities of these ma terials many other manufac tures make use of nonmetallic minerals notably the paint in dustry pottery stoneware por celain and enamelware making rubber goods soaps and toilet preparations etc roadmaking also requires enormous quanti ties as does also building con struction improvement in the domestic and ex port market it is reported that the steel company of canada and the british empire steel corporation have recently closed extensive orders for bars for shipment to japan the domestic demand for bars is improv ing although the market is some what dull at present a stronger de mand for sheets is noted canadian mills have received inquiries for ton nage for japan st catharines ont within a i short time the city of st catharines i is to have a new industry in operation j under the name of the climax rubber co of canada the building and er for saskatchewan these ship ments will be made under the auspices of local farmers organizations and will be supervised by representatives of the saskatchewan dept of agri culture edmonton alta mclnnies fish co will employ one hundred men and from fifty to sixty teams this season in their fishing operations in buffalo lake situated ninety miles east of chiecham willaw bc a muskrat farm has been established here by messrs davis brothers well known farmers and trappers heads ufo again w a amos reelected president of the united farmers of ontario for a second term the program of the uyo calls for dominionwide pyohi- j bition and rigid enforcement of the laws already in force greek king and queen arrive at bucharest bucharest dec 23 king george and queen elizabeth of greece arriv ed hero yesterday afternoon from athens the king and queen were welcomed by tho crown prince and princess of roumania and prince paul and prin cess irene of greece king ferdinand and queen marie members of the roumanian government representa tives of the army and navy and mem bers of the greek colony met them on their arrival in bucharest the party was cheered as it left the railway sta tion king george and queen eliza beth will reside at the royal palace at controceni man is an unfinished article and far from perfect sir oliver lodge saskatchewan laboi bureaux are not only filling the forests of their own province with laborers for the ainter but contributing- substantially to the needs of their eastern neigh bors of the 1796 men sent out to lumber camps from saskatchewan labor bureaux since the beginning of the season 327 wore for ontario camps and 116 for manitoba the re maining 1353 went into the forests of northern saskatchewan weekly market reprt toronto 1 northern in borneo the superstitious pearl fisher preserves carefully every ninth pearl he finds puts it in a bottle with two grains of rice for each pearl and stops the bottle with the finger of a dead man in the belief that these pearls will reproduce others one of londons last farms near dulwich park is now being razed to the ground to make way for houses amateur radio voice communication between canada and england p l hogg of 37 bishops road lon don was the amateur with whom ro bars young lascelles from being a royal prince the warrant asserts that none but children of the sons of the sovereign and the eldest living gers carried on the conversation hogg son of the prince of wales shall have asked rogers to relay a message to and hold th style title and tribute of the bowdoin in which donald mcj r highness- with titular dignity of millan is exploring the arctic regions p and princess asking whether the ships wireless op- 1 the warrant does not mention orator had been able to receive mesj grandchildren of the king who may sages from english amateur stations 1 be children of the monarchs daugh ters a labor mp miss susan lawrence a newly lectcd laboi member of the british houso of commons new world record for hydroplane paris dec 23 a new world re cord for hydroplanes was made today over a measured course in the river seine the boat piloted by m cani- vet averaged about 86 miles per hour in three trials with and against tho wind thfi former record was about 5 riiics an hour france grants pension to radium discoverer a despatch from paris says tho chamber of deputies has unanimously voted a pension of 40000 francs year ly for mmc curie professor of the university of paris as tho nations tribute to her work in tho discovery of radium and its developments cov ering a period of twentyfive years the pension reverts to mme curies two daughters upon her decease manitoba wheat no 105 manitoba oats no 3 cw 43c no 1 extra feed 41 9ic manitoba barley nominal all tlcdbove track bay ports ontario barley 61 to 63c american corn no 2 yellow 91c buckwheat no 2 69 to 72c ontario rye no 2 72 to 74c peas sample 5150 to 155 millfeed del montreal freights tags included bran per ton 27 shorts per ton 30 middlings 36 good feed flour 205 ontario wheat no 2 white 92 to 94c outside ontario no 2 white oats 38 to 40c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt ship ment 460 toronto basis 460 bulk seaboard 425 manitoba flour 1st pats in jute sacks 610 per bbl 2nd pats 560 hay extra no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 1450 to 15 no 2 1450 no 3 1250 mixed 12 straw car lots per ton 9 prints 20 to20c shortening tierces 14 to 15vic tubs 15 to 15c pails 15 to 16c prints 17 to 18c heavy steers choice 650 to 725 butcher steers choice 6 to 650 do good 550 to 6 do med 425 to 525 do com 3 to 4 butcher heif ers choice 6 to 650 do med 425 to 525 do com 3 to 4 butcher cows choice 4 to 425 do med 3 to 4 canners and cutters 125 to 250 butcher bulls choice 4 to 450 do com 2 to 3 feeding steers good 5 to 550 do fair 4 to 475 stackers good 4 to 5 do fair 250 to 4 milkers and spring ers 80 to 110 calves choice 1050 to 12 do med 6 to 950 do coin 4 to 5 do grassers 275 to- 4 lambs choice 1050 to 11 do bucks 850 to 950 do com 750 to 825 sheep light ewes good 5 to 6 do fat heavy 4 to 5 do culls 2 to 250 hogs fed and watered 8 to 825 dofob 775 do country points 750 do selects 905 montreal oats no 2 cw 52 c no 3 cw 50c extra no 1 feed 48c flour man spring wheat pats lsts 610 thi- ske ton in the 6upboard conservative liberal and labor parties together ohi no wo never mention it reduced taxation no one thing likely to securo unanimous support in britain has been raised by none of the parties from london opinion cheese new large 23 toi23oj2hds 560 strong bakers 540 trtfini 1vu to 24c- triplets 24- tc 25c winter pats choice 555 tp 505 stilton 5 to 26c old large 28 to rolled oats bag 90 lbs 295 bran fflc- twins 29 to 31c triplets 30 to 2725 shorts 3025 middlings 30c twins ij to aic m i moullie 40 to 42 hay no butterfinest creamery printa 44 2 per ton car lots 15 tc 16 to 45c no 1 creamery 42 to 43c cheese finest westerns 18 to i8uc o an in 41c finest easterns 17 to 17c butter eggsextras fresh in cartons 70 no 1 creamery 40 to 41c no 1 to 74c77xtras storage in cartons 45posteurzed 41 to 42c eggs fresh ojtio a ta 44c- firsts 38 to special 85c fresh extras 65c fresh seconds 30 to 32c firsts 50c extras 39 to 40c no 1 s9c seconds 30 to v 4 1 stock 34 to 35c no 2 stock 28 to 30c lbs v chfeken 1 to 4 caivcs 10 fambs 9 to 11 hogs liu oo vzimw lh 22c- do 4 thick smooths and good quality butch- uo 5 lbs 15 dotstol lbs idetjers 840 poor quality 8 to 825 1 roosters 16c ducklings over 5 lbs j20c do 4 to 5 lbs 18c turkeys young 10 lbs and up 23c dressed poultry sprinjr chickens 4 lbs and over 30c chickens 3 to 4 lbs 25c hens over 5 lbs 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 18o roosters 18c ducklings over 5 lbs 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 25c turkeys young 10 lbs and up 30c geese 26c bcnnscan handpicked lb 7c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 250 per 5 gl tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 5c hopey 60lb tir4 12 to 13c per lb ilolb tins 12 to 13c 5lb tins 13 to 14c 2vlb tins 14 to 15c comb honey per do no 1 375 to 4 no 2 325 to 356 smoked meatsrhams med 2g to 27c- cooked hams 37 to 39c smoked rolls 21 to 23c cottage rolls 22 t 24c breakfast bacon 25 to 27c spc- cial brand breakfast bacon 30 to s3c backs boneless 30 to 35c i cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs and up 1650 lightweight rolls in barrels 36 heavyweight tierces 17 to 18sembly respecting the regime best b tubs 18 to 18c pails 18 to i9c ths country klna georoe of grptce who with queen elizabeth has taken his departure for roumania to await tho decision of the national as-