Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 29, 1923, p. 7

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r- where and how insulin is made tucked away in an obscure corner are conducted in a large laboratory in of the university of toronto grounds j the northeast comer of the insulin overshadowed by the new electrical j building where beef and pork pan- engineering building and flanked by a row of venerable elms stands a two- storey redbrick building formerly occupied by the university ymca a year or two ago it was planned to remove the building as it was not suitable for any university purpose today housing- as it does the only insulin laboratory in canada the building together with its recently installed equipment is worth upwards of 35000 the insulin laboratory is one of the latest chapters in the romance of in sulin it stands as a confirmation of the success of the research of dr f gbantingnd his fellow-investiga- torjjctairles h best ma its man agement anoroperation are in the cap able hands of mr best who has from the beginning been in charge of the largescale production of insulin the laboratory is operated as a division of jj the famous connaught antitoxin v laboratories of which dr j g fitz- creas sweetbreads fresh from the abattoirs are first minced in a large meatgrinder dissolved in vats of alcohol and then placed in a large basket centrifuge the liquid is drawn j off from the centrifuge and furtherj clarified by filtration through paper j in glass funnels this liquid con- taining the soluble constituents of the pancreas is reduced to a small volume by evaporation of the alcohol and water content in a large vacuum still the residue contains the insulin the solution is purified in two chemical laboratories one on the main floor and one on the second floor by chemical procedures known as fractional pre cipitations the purified product is then sterilized standardized and filled into vials for distribution by the con- naught laboratories but the equipment of the insulin laboratory embraces more than the mere processes necessary to produce the serum a distilling room on the gerald is director and dr r d def- j main floor contains a large rectifying ries associate director the business still vacuum pumps and condensers administration is in charge of dr by which the used alcohol is reclaimed fitzgerald and dr def ries mr best i an oilburning f urnaco in the base- is assisted in the new laboratories by ment supplies steam for the vacuum d a scott ma as assistant direc- still and a refrigeration machine coob tor and a staff of twentysix people tho alcohol condenser and manufac- working night and day shifts with tures cakes of ice for small ref rigor the exceptionof throe trained chem- ators a large electric fan is kept ical technicians under direction of running continuously to ventilate the mr arthur wall who was the first laboratories and clear the air of rl technician to assist mr best when i cohol fumes the manufacture of insulin was begun on the second floor in addition to weekly market report toeonto manitoba wheat no 1 northern 104 manitoba oats no 8 cw 4214c no 1 extra feed 41c manitoba barley nominal ail the above track bay porta american com track toronto no 2 yellow 117 ontario barley 68 to 60c buckwheat no 2 72 to 76c ontario rye no 2 73 to 76c peas sample 150 to 165 millfeed del montreal freights bags included bra per ton 27 horts per ton 30 middling 36 jgood feed flour 205 i r to 14c 254ih tins 14 to l6cj comb honey per doi no 1 376 to 4 no 2 326 to 1350 smoked meats hams raed 26 to 27c cooked hams 39 to 41e smoke rolls 21 to 23c cottage rolls 22 to 24c breakfast bacon 25 to 27c spe- ial brand breakfast bacon 30 to 33c backs boneless 30 to 36c cured meats long clear bacon 60 70 lbs 18 70 to 90 lbs 1750 90 lbs and up 1650 lightweight rolls in barrels 36 heavyweight rolls 33 lard pure tierces 18 to 18hc tubs 18h to 19c pails 19 to 19e prints 20 to 214c shortening ontario wheacno 2 white 94 to to mge u1 15 to 96c outside ont no 2 white cats 38 to 40c ontario corn nominal 16c pails 16 to 1654c prints 18u to 18xc heavy steers choice 675 to 725f ontario flourninety per cent pat butcher steers chojee 576 to 6 do in jute bags montreal prompt ship- nent 475 toronto basis 47 bulk seaboard 425 manitoba flour 1st pats in jute sacks 630 per bbl 2nd pats 580 hay extra no 2 timothy per ton track toronto s1450 to 15 no 2 1450 no 3 s1250 mixed 12 straw car lots per ton 9 cheese new large 23 to 24c twins 24 to 25c triplets 25 to 26c stiltons 25 to 2cc old large 30 to com 3 to 4 butcher heifers choice 575 to 626 do med 4 to 6 do com 3 to 350 butcher cows choice 4 to 450 do med 3 to 4 can- nera and cutters 160 to 260 but cher bulls good 360 to 460 do com 260 to 360 feeding steers good 5 to 650 do fair 460 to 5 stackers good 4 to 5 do fair 5350 to 4 milkers and springers 80 to 110 calves choice 10 to 11 do med 8 to 9 do com 4 to 5 do grasscrs 860 to 460 taking big part in election campaign and four chemists the staff is largely the purification laboratory there is technically untrained during the a laboratory in which two chemists summer months five medical students j are employed on research work in con- were employed in the laboratories and nection with insulin clean well- during the winter two students are ventilated rooms are provided for the most of the canadian candi- engaged in parttime work animals used and a small operating th the allied debts you have often proclaimed that the payment of debts is a matter of national honor of france the united states and britain may shortly press for the payment of the french war debts erection of such a completely i room is near at hand equipped plant was made possible j the preparation of insulin is con- through the ontario governments trolled by patents applied for in var- grant of 25000 the remaining 10- ious countries of the world by the 000 to 15000 being secured from original investigators these patents funds of the laboratory and from pri- j havo been assigned to the university vate donations the plant is now pro- of toronto and a committeg appointed ducing in the neighborhood of 250000 j by the board of governors is respon- units a week for distribution through- sible for the administration of patent out canada ireland south africa and other rights and for the promo- central and south america new zea- j tion of efficient production and distri land australia and other countries bution of insulin in all countries of the where plants have not been establish- world the original investigators ed the average dosage for the-dia- dr banting and mr best receive no betic patients for whom such a large j financial benefit from the patent but quantity of insulin is being prepared desired to prevent the filing of other varies from 15 to 20 units a day patents which might restrict the pre- the price for which insulin is dis- j paration of insulin in great britain tributed is as with other products of complete patent rights have been as- the connaught laboratories governed i signed to the british medical re- entirely by costs of material and of search council and in the united production tho connaught laboraj states the ely lilly company of tories are not engaged in commercial indianapolis has been licensed by the business but constitute a department university cf toronto to manufacture of the university of toronto mr insulin the licensing of other firms best has called attention to the gradj in the united states is at present ual fall in the price of insulin in under consideration rights in all may 1923 the material was sold ai countries except great britain have 5 cents per unit in june at 3 cents been retained by the university of per unit and now at 2 cents per unit toronto the patents for insulin the distribution of insulin is ef- have been obtained largely through fected through two channels the the efforts of c h riches a patent sic twins 31 to 32c butter finest creamery prints 41 iambs choice 10 25 to 10 5 do to 43c no 1 creamery 38 to 40c no bucks 9 to 925 do com 8 to s 3g to 38c 850 sheep light ewes good 6 to eggs extras freh in cartons 70 650 do fat heavy 4 to 6 do to 74c extras suva- in cartons 46 cubs 2 to 250 hog thick smooth true my dar fellows but i was speaking always of germany never to f 38 foztryvol 760 do selecto live poultry spring chickens 4- montreal lbs and over 25c chickens 3 to 4 n w v wito kk m t lbs 22c hens over 5 lbs 22c do 4 1 oats can west no 2 55c no 3 to 5 lbs 15c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c extra no 1 feed 62 c no 2 roosters 15c ducklings over 5 lbs local whte 51 e flour man spring 20c do 4 to 5 lbs 18c turkeys wheat pats lste 630 2nds 580 nn ii voun 10 lbs and ud 28c strong bakers 560 winter pats mayor of winnipeg j y poultryfpvingchickens 4 choice 575 to 5 85 rolled oats libs and over 33c chickens 3 to 4 bags 0 lbs 305 bran 2725 lbs 80c hens over 6 lbs 28c do 4 shorts 3025 middlings 3626 s j farmer reelected dates in field having a hard fight a despatch from london says the empire in one way or another is playing a big part in the general elec tion premier baldwin has been greatly encouraged in his campaign by messages of appreciation he has been receiving from the dominions canada included lord beaverbrook after some apparent wavering has now plumped in his newspaper for an out and out policy of imperial prefer ence no matter by whom expounded canadian candidates are in the field for election and most of them are having a hard fight there will now probably be a threecornered contest newfoundland and britain a despatch from winnipeg says s j farmer labor was reelected to mayor of winnipeg on friday by a majority of 4899 the unsuccessful candidate was robert jacob tho contest was fought on variety of issues including the record of mr farmer as mayor during the past year the platform of the independent labor party which endorsed his can uidature the policy and personnel of the winnipeg civic association which brought mr jacob into the field the alleged intentions of the winnipeg electric railway in the matter of their city franchise and the general question of public utilities and the city hydro system in particular first is hospitals which have organ ized departments for the administra tion of insulin the second is through physicians trained in the use of in sulin for these latter a special short course of instruction was provided at the university of toronto last july lawyer of toronto who has given his services to the university without charge r in addition to carrying out his du ties as director of the insulin labora tory mr best is continuing the fifth year of his course in medicine which under the direction of professor dun- he interrupted in 1921 to collaborate can graham the preliminary stages in the pre paration of the healthgiving extract with dr f g banting in the re searches which led to the discovery of the insulin treatment of diabetes king georges sons to be created dukes younger members of royal household to succeed to ancient titles a despatch from london says king george will create two more royal dukes in thp persons of his younger sons prince henry and prince george it is stated by some court intimates this step has been urged for some time as there hayp been royal dukes in england since the days of george iii whose ample fam ily supplied seven holders of duke doms this number gradually dwindled until in the latter part of queen vic torias reign they were confined to her three sons and at the coronation of george v there were only two the princo of wales as duke of cornwall and tho duke of connaught at pres ent this has only been supplemented by the creation of prince albert in 3920 as duke of york and- the exist- several canadian cities ing number is barely sufficient to offi- iij ttiateat the opening of bazaars and he unvcilingof monuments and to atr end to the other duties which fall ipon royal shoulders current rumors have opoicd ud speculation ns to the titles which will be chosen from the list of those which have been connected generally with the royal family the title of duke of edinburgh is a concession to scotj tish pride and for several centuries i has always fallen upon some royal j son this title probably will bo chosen j for prince henry it was last borne by the second son of queen victoria and discardedwhen he assumed the german title this father the dukej of saxccobourggotha j the titles duke of kent and duke of sussex which were borne by queen victorias father and uncle respective- ly and duke of gloucester and duke in the isle of wight where a straight fight between general seely and peter macdonald a canadian had been ex pected col maurice alexander who last year snatched southwark from labor by 2000 votes is running against his defeated opponent col c hamilton gault has set himself a hard task in taunton where sir arthur griffithboscawen was defeated a year ago col gault in three weeks campaigning must bring about a turn over of 1600 votes if personality counts for anything col gaults fight may not prove altogether a forlorn hope in his whirlwind campaign he makes good friends and wins votes wherever he goes he is waging his campaign with the assistance of gen macbrien chief of the canadian gen eral staff o describes 3 infractions of- lav in 17 words gossip over radio st johns nfld nov 26 hello hello hello this is the british isles speaking these words quite arid distinct reached j morris electrical superintendent with the reid newfoundland co at st johns from zlostation london england over his radio receiving set last night he also heard the station at new castle 6 lbs 24e do s to 4 lbs 18c roosters 18c ducklings over 5 lbs 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 25c turkeys young 10 lbs and up 38c beans canadian handpicked lb 7c primes 6c maple products syrup cer irp gal 250 per 5gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25c honey 60lb tins 12 to 13e per lb 10lb tina 12 to 13c 6lb tins hay no 2 per ton car lots 15 to 16 cheese finest westerns 19v1 to 19c finest easterns 18 to18c butter no 1 creamery 38 to 38o eggs extras 40 to 41c no 1 stock 36 to 37c no 2 stock so to 32c canners 140 cutters 2 to 225 bulls 225 to 275 good veal calves 10 grassers 3 hogs thick smooths and butcher 850 sows 660 to 7 ilk sit victoria bc the whaling season this year did not come up to expecta tions bad weather in september and october spoiled what might have been an unusually successful year r the total catch this year was 454 whales alleg- winnipeg nov 26 a letter alleg ing three law infractions in seventeen words was received today by deputy minister of agriculture j h evans who for obvious reasons is with holding the place of origin and the name of the informant the letter reads my neighbor has guns he kill deer him am selleiof whiskey too bull runs at large mr evans describes the letter as the pithicst of his experience carrying about a million dollars worth of fursand a number of pas sengers the hudsons bay company steamer baychimo arrived at van couver recently from arctic waters the vessel which operated as a pas senger carrier during the summer on the siberian coast the arctic as far as north cape old world archives riches for canada col hamilton gault famous canadian soldier and com mander of the princess pats in the great war who is entering british dominion archivist succeeds in securing for nothing priceless historical records a despatch from london says dr a g doughty dominion archi vist sailed on saturday for canada after a most successful raid on the private treasures in england and france for documents of historical importance for the dominion can adas chief archivist who as a tire less collector for his department has won international fame for his ability to get something for nothing is said to have surpassed himself oh this occasion besides sir leicester harmsworths gift of the wolfe pa pers tho decision of the hudson bay company to make its record available and an arrangement for tho publica tion of a series of biographies of makers of canada mr doughty has been promised a mass of other ma terial of priceless historical value it is hoped to obtain from english banks and trading houses records which will throw a new light on early commerce with the new world from earl of cavan chief of the imperial general staff wlio is leaving for a- visit to singapore and on his return will be a visitor at iffy elected by acclamation x to british parliament london nov 26 fifty candidates were elected to the british parliament by acclamation today as follows conservatives 3 liberals 11 laborites 3 nationalist 1 total 50 the odds quoted in financial quar ters are 4 to 1 against a liberal vic tory and 14 to 1 against labor there seems to be a general view that tho goveniment will be returned by a majority of at least forty or fifty i at the court of st jamess frank b kellogg the new united penetrated into states ambassador to great britain who replaces ambassador harvey the greatest sin is laziness the second greatest sin is too great self- satisfaction mr gordon selridge influence is more than power influ ence holds but power breaks lord burnham the spillers milling and associated industries limited london england may establish a large flour mill and wheat exporting business in western canada according to a statement made byl lloyd tanner secretary of the company who was recently in winnipeg investigating conditions in the grain trade the company are one j of the largest concerns of their kind in england and arc heavily interested in the western canada wheat in dustry politics as a supporter of the protec- france it is hoped to obtain elocu tion policy ments relating to the famous company ments relating to the famous company of one hundred associates as well as papers preserved by descendants of bigot talon and other great figures in the early history of new france more interesting than all perhaps is the likelihood of securing a docu ment signed in canada in 1535 by jacques cartierlt will be the oldest record in all america anfedating that now possessed by the canadian arch ives which is dated 1542 the money values of these collections aggregates thousands of pounds canada is se curing them for nothing the production of lumber in british of clarence all of which are now in columbia for the first eight months boyancc are expected to furnish the of 1923 was twenty per cent higher necessary apprssation for prince than the best previous record this george iinlif hismniesty decides to will easily be the best year in the hs- brcalc new ground with a hitherto un- tory of the lumber industry in the used nemo for his youngest son j province when oeath wipes out political barriers a significant picture at bonar laws funeral in which the leajers of the three great political parties in great erlwln arc grouped around the heir to thethrone the prince of wales is conversing with ramsay mac- pwiald tc leader of the british laborsocialists h h asquith leader or the liberal party is at the left and 1rexler bildwln iradcr of the conservatives on the rlshl this is a picture which could scarcely be duplicated in any country ir the uorld for british statesmen of rival parties are often ccod friends in private life poincare reverses his foreign policy aims to conciliate great bri tain and puts reparations issue in second place paris nov 24 premier poincare finally has reversed his foreign policy no longer will he put reparations for france uncompromisingly first and frienjly relations with great britain and the united states second hereafter he may be expected to follow in the footsteps of the premiers who have preceded him and- whose policies he condemned sobitterly in the recent battle of yellow book notes with lord curzon he aims now to conciliate great i britain at almost any cost and to i interest her and the united statct once more in frances security if it is not too late tonight the seml- official temps and the journal des i debate begin to prepare the way j the temps takes the tliemcthc- french government must neglect no thing in order to act in concert with the other allies and the journal j des dcbats says no form of uar- j antcer will provide us an efficacious i security signatory governments i would nevertheless decide their action j according to circumstsnccj- and tho condition of their public sentiment i we must therefore entertain with th united states and great britain amic- able and cordial relations

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