nunmn ii t stouffville jnovkmsjslt 29 1923 3 peels we have just received our shipment oi new orange citron and lemon feel english made and very- fancy a combination of these and our fancy cleaned gulf currants and jthe other lines of pure leaf lard raisins spices etc that we are so particular about with reference to quality will make the perfection of christmas sweetmeats ratcliff co phone 7112 stouffville the feet of your etidrezz the growing feet of growing children are shaped by the shoes they wear simply as a health measure you should bring themlhere to be fitted with the kind of shoes that little ones should jivear and the wear qualities of our shoes ma tch their ex cellent style y a g lehman phone 4301 stouffville reduced prices in millinery also wools and wool goods monarch wools ottk special fancy goods for the christmas trade rsf wilsons phone 4308 x y our winter underwear demands your early consideration if you value fit and comfort as well as service you are sure to appreciate the underwear we show price 50c and upwards serviceable winter footwear and excellent winter socks for men at lower prices than many oher places j l little west end stouffville flour feed goal grain having taken over the elevator formerly i rim by morden lonsborough i am in the market for all kinds of grain at highest market prices flour full stock choice manitoba and ontario flours feed bran shorts chop feed oats etc coali ah sizes of best quality seeds highest prices paid for alsike red clover sweet clover alfalfa v- s- cook telephones office 169 residence 171 the tribune jl is published thursday afternoon terms 200 a year in advance at vxnolan publisher stouffvilde ont here and there editorial comment a zebra is a pony with a football sweater on says the auiston herald i the click of the lawn mower in the land is giving way to the scrape of the snow shovel the trustees of the toronto gen eral hospital have entered action at osgoode hall against the town ship of king to recover 1140 for the maintenance of alexander kus- sell from ocober sth 1921 to nov ember 7th 1923 760 days at the rate of 1050 per week a monster plow that turns a furrow ten feet wide is sam to be the latest implement for use on sugar plantations gangs of blades that have a circular motion doth turn and pulverize the soil at the same time the plow is hauled by on internal- combustion engine ot 120 horse power with caterpillar traction under favorable conditions the plow will turn over about twentyrive acres a day with gate receipts of over a mil lion dollars for series of six baseball matches between two new york teams another million taken in at the dempseyfirpo fight and 400000 tor a threeminute horse race did we hear some one remark that money is scarce or that we are going through a peroid or financial degression in view of these facts it should be ea3y financing for the stoutrville ana district bible society to raise 1000 in their canvas soon to be made a i at toronto four members of the police force are put on trial charged with manslaughter because in their effort to capture a number of men caught unloading liquor from a launch one of the rumrunners by tne name of grego was killed the coroners jury which enquired fnto the death of urego stated tnat the police were not justified in using their revolvers and now ia grand jury has returned- true jiills against the four policemen charging them with manslaughter in addressing the jnrymen justice keily stated that he did not think the use- of firearms was justified in the enforcement or the ontario temperance act and gave as his opinion that the police should use their guns only as a last resort in any case if this view is to be taken one might almost expect a wholesale res ignation or policemen throughout the province in effect it means that the policemen should wait until the man he is after has the first shot if the policeman survives he may then shoot the post office- at glen major in uxbrldge township was closed on the 15th of november this mall is now delivered from oxbridge k k no 4 to those who have boxes mrs thos ifeasdy of uxbrldge wife of the former treasurer of the township was taken to toronto last week for a special medical examina tion owing to uer continued 111 health robt balrd aged 91 years died in uxbrldge last thursday he was a pioneer settler in brock township locating rt wick long before the railroad passed through those parts vvm baird of sunderland- is a brother to the deceased the town of uxbridge which is much out of date for water service is agitating for a domestic supply the householders are all desirous of having tbe new and improved system such as stouflvllle has but taxes are so burdensome in the town to the north that they can scarce ly afford any additional improve ments col j k farewell the veteran croivn attorney oi ontario county is recovering from his recent in juries received in a motor accident william cordon of kingston mills was arrested last week near ash- burn on a charge or reckless driving in connection with the injuries of col farewell since the robbery at clitrord last week a peculiar circumstance has occurred in the case of mrs wendt who was robbed of over 1500 worth of jewelry for many years back she lias been troubled with deafness causing her much discomfort sup posedly as an alterinatii of the ex citement caused by the robberyher hearing has been restored to normal the new joyous condition acts as one solace to the otner exceedingly serious blow the highest honors for honey at the international horticultural ex hibition at great britain come to ontario mr mclntyre was the pro ducer three exhibits were selected by the canadian government for the canadian government exhibit one of them from jesse l bysr of markham mr byer received word the other day that the containers containing two of the exhibits of which his was one had been robbed or punctured eji voyage or after lending leaving only one sample from ontario to compete egainst the whole world yet the highest award was given to the ontario product ar facts back ik 1838 eightyeight years ago lemonvulles new school of knowledge a copy of the glty of toronto and the home district and commercial directory and register for 1837pub- llshed by geo walton furnishes some interesting historical facts the home district was composed or the then counties of york and simcoe which comprised the townships of adjala albion ibroclc caiedonchln- quacousy etoblcoke flos north gwillimbury west gwilllmbury georjina inhisltl king mara mark- ham medonte mono north ortllia ore pickering reach scarborough sunnidale scott tiny and tay toronto vecumscth thorah ux brldge vaughan vespra whit church whitby gore or toronto york the town or barrle and tne villages or springfield- and streets- rille the city or toronto was rough ly then bounded qn the north by j moor street on the east by the klver don and on the west by bathurst street find its population in 1836 was 9 652 which did not include the prisoners in the jail or newly arrived immigrants the population or the home dis trict in 1799 is given as 224 and in 1836 as 54764 markham town- ship had a population in 1836 ofj 4127 scarboro 1997 ilckerlng 3012 vaughan 3039 york 4 320 whitchurch 2580 whitby 394s uxbrldge 462 king 2059 i the magistrates for markham township were wm parsons wm cruickshankspeter mflne archibald barker john button peter keesor richard g gapper wm tyler and james young for scarboro alex mclean and robert dhnmilton for whitchurch wm v robinson and james henderson for york robert harding artd john sojrlatt for vaughan jas miles hector jlc- quarrle john uarw hntthorne john anderson for bcjorlng joan galbralth francisxeys cha3iothcr- gill there was a- stage route from to ronto via scarboro tilaricham soif- j vllle lo uxbhdqe leaving toronn j on fridays and roacnlng uxbrmcel i on saturdays and rviarning leaving 1xbrldse onmondavs and reaching j toronto on tsesdavs i the ratepayers of lemonville school section may justly elalm to have the finest and most uptodate public school in the whole township of whitchurch e new school was completed ancf lirst occupied on the 13th of december just three months from the commencement of building operations so that a very good record in time was establish ed in this regard the building is 35 foot square and has seating for 5 pupils the whole structure is a model of neatness being brick veneer with becoming porches or ehtratrcb ways for both boys and girls the interior is composed of the class room two ciojk rooms teachers room and a basement with furnace foonl nd a play room for the children tn cold or wet weather the class room is designed to give the correct lighting while all the main floor is finished hp georgia pine lumber while the basement ls floored with cement the play room also has a hardwood flooring similar to the main floor of the building this new building has cost approxi mately j5000 although it was be lieved at the start that the cost would not exceed 3000 in com pensation however for the outlay the ratepayers have the satisfac tion of possessing a model school which has been approved and pro nounced as grade a ny the inspec tor what does grade a mean v just this our section will now draw the maximum amount or grant for equipment and other purposes that it is possible to obtain it means that our grants will exceed those of other sections where out or date schools are in use or it means we draw more grants than had we built a 3000 school minus several or the necessities this school possesses contractor john ashentiurst or goodwood is to be congratulated tor the workmanship of the building which looks good to everybody the local trustees are m jhut- chfnson geo hood and s w hast ings fcecretaryj and no doubt the ratepayers all feel proud of the work theso men put up for them as there is to be a scnool concert on dec 20th all win have a lirst chance to see the new home of- the kiddles if they have not heretofore inspected it w h shaw winter in the ontario highlands the canadian national hallways ivive just issued a very interesting ajjtl attractive booklet on winter vohs in ontario highlands dealing specially with algonquin iark copy or this booklet may he had on application to any canadian national ticket agent boadway s drug store stouffville hosiery sale ladies and children hose 25 dozen ladies and childrens hose one and one ribbed and plain cashmere consisting of black and heather hosiery sale pair 75c ladies hose 25 dozen ladies hose in popular shades of brown mode reindeer camel fawn grey heather black also plain colors with clox hosiery sale 100 pair fancy hose 25 dozen ladies fancy ribbed and plain in all the popular shades also plain cashmere with clox hosiery sale 139 pair mens hose- mens half hose in worsteds green grey and black hosiery sale 50c pair cashmere hose mens purecashmere hose black brown grey fawn and heather hosiery sale 60c pair silk hose mens cashmere hose silk and wool fawns green 3 heather mixtures hosiery sale 125 pair v i whshaw phone 9512 stouffville store opened tuesday thursday and saturday evenings m offfl