our festive dinner thanksgiving dinner fruit cup roast turkey with swedish dressing celery rolls cranberry sauce mashed potatoes stewed tomatoes hot slaw cooking place the meat in a large kettle with sufficient water to cover and boil until tender then remove the meat place it in a pan and put into the oven to brown in this way much of the fat is boiled out and a thanksgiving pudding orange sauce delicious gravy can be made from the nuts raisins coffee stock on the following day put the i remaining stock or gravy into a a mock chicken pie is made by bakingdish thin with milk add a partly filling a pan with leftover j few bits of the leftover meat and roast pork cut into small pieces mols- bring to a boil on top of the stove ten well with gravy cover with a layer of biscuit dough and bake in the oven orange sauce whites of three eggs one cupful of powdered sugar juice and grated rind of two oranges juice of one lemon beat the egg whites until stiff add sugar gradually and continue beating while adding rind and fruit juices thanksgiving pudding onethird of a cupful of suet one teaspoonful of salt onehalf pound of figs finely chopped onehalf teaspoonful of grat ed nutmeg two and onehalf cupfuls of stale breadcrumbs onehalf cupful of english walnut meats two tea- spoonfuls of bakingpowder three- quarters of a cupful of milk two tablespoonfuls of flour one cupful of brown sugar four eggs threequarters of a teaspoonful of cinnamon one- half cupful of raisins seeded and cut then drop in dumplings made from a soft rich biscuit dough and finish cooking in the oven hot slaw is made thus remove the outer leaves and the heart from a head of cabbage chop the remainder put a piece of butter the size of an egg into a saucepan add one cupful of sugar one dessertspoonful of dry mustard pepper and salt to taste mix then add one egg well beaten and last of all threefourths of a cupful of vinegar and onefourth of a cupful of water melt then let come to a boil stirring all the time when it thickens remove from the fire lest it curdle and add the cabbage a handful at a time stirring until it is all moistened with the sauce keep warm until served united states will aid britain in solving european problems rt hon w l mackenzie king arrives at liverpool and is greeted by hon peter c larkln high commissioner for canada in london doctors banting and macleod awarded nobel prize for medicine a despatch from washington says in response to an official in quiry by the british government secretary of state hughes has in formed great britain that the united states is willing to participate in an advisory economic conference for the purpose of considering germanys ca pacity to pay reparations and methods of effecting such payments this cooperation is guaranteed only on the understanding that france and all other powers directly interested in german reparations con cur in the plan and participate in the conference if france or any other interested power should not ap prove of the project of a reparations survey by an economic conference and refuse to participate the united states would determine whether it would participate only after mature deliberation britain is revealed as putting forth a desperate effort to halt the dismem berment of germany and restore the status quo with germany and franco in agreement on the payment of rep- a despatch from stockholm says medicine on this continent was made tv i hv the council of teachers of the karo- to dr alexis carrel in 1912 for his ing no scales oa he legs and wuh lhlska institute thursday evening work in connection with surgery of threemile limit skin that tears easilv a turkev does declded t0 e the nobel pme to tho tho blood vessels and transplantation i gfnfrai ri ii f chop the suet and work with the hand not begin to be plump until it wc s t p c banting and h until creamy then add the figs soak about eight pounds so it is not ad- mi f t j the breadcrumbs in milk add the eggs disable to choose a bird weighing less in discovery well beaten then the sugar salt and dress the turkey twentyfour hours d spices combine the mixtures add before it is to be cooked and put aratious to this end great britain seeks the aid of the united states that there had been a formal ex change of views between london and washington on the european situa tion was disclosed by secretary hughes on thursday night a few- hours after former prime minister lloyd george had called on him and lunched with president coolidge and told the press that only the united states can bring about the solution of europes problems mr lloyd george declined however to comment on the hughes note as a culmination of the subtle driva of the canny welshman to induce tho united states to take a strong hand in european affairs the american reply to the london sounding falls short of what he had hoped for though he regards it as a step in tho right direction from the british point of view mr lloyd george however does not despair of the united states which he foresees eventually setting the european house in order of toronto doctors f g banting and the other nobel awards made to r americans are one in physics to aj xtension the nut meats and raisins dredged away in a cold place for this will help ftjlztll wpwl with flour add the bakingpowder to make it tender thoroughly washj l archibald hill because and beat thoroughly turn to aand dry the bird cover with a coat of fjzfi buttered mold steam three hours and melted butter dust with salt and pep- the muscles and the second half to a cerning oxygen lactic acid and con sumption of muscles this is only the second time that a nobel prize for outstanding service in the field of medicine has been awarded in america it is the first time that any nobel prize has ever fallen to the lot of a canadian the previous award of the prize in serve with orange sauce i per then cover with flour if the bird j e university of kiel for fruit cup cut apples bananas is cooked properly and is well basted i researches con- and canned pineapple in small cubes every fifteen minutes this treatment peel and cut oranges in small sec- will insure juiciness place the turkey tions halve and seed white grapes breast down in a dripping pan or mix fruit with granulated sugar and roaster that is halffull of boiling wa- a little lemonjuice then place in ter turning the bird over the last lemonade or sherbet glasses or in halfhour to insure an even brown glass sauce dishes place the glass or allow fifteen minutes to a pound for dish on a small plate top each serving a young bird and twenty minutes to with a maraschino cherry and serve the pound for an old one as the cold grease rises in the water skim it off turkey dressing in swedish style and use tho water that is left for is recommended it requires two cup- gravy fuls of stale breadcrumbs twothirds turkey souj the following method of a cupful of melted butter one- is better than boiling meat bones and half cupful of rnisins seeded and cut stuffing together as the stuffing ab- in pieces onehalf cupful of english sorbs the oil and gives the soup a walnut meats broken in pieces salt strong flavor take the bones and pepper and sage to taste mix the in- scraps left from roast turkey scrape gredients in the order given the meat from the bones and lay aside a rich cranberry sauce is made any nice pieces no matter how small thus use an equal measure of berries remove all the stuffing and keep it father looked at her pink cheeks and and sugar wash drain and put the separate break bones and pack them happy eyes and said softly and we berries in an enamel kettle with just closely in a kettle cover with cold thought we should have to have our a michelson one in chemistry to t w richards and prizes for efforts in furthering peace to the late theodore roosevelt honorable elihu root and expresident woodrow wilson the total value of the award to be divided between dr banting and dr macleod amounts to about 40000 it is understood that the prize was awarded jointly in view of the fact that professor macleod as head of the department of physiology at the university of toronto directed the work in the laboratories where dr banting conducted the investigations which led up to the discovery of insulin to twelve miles applies only to craft carrying liquor london oct 2s in connection if it isnt the children all back home again just as they used to be heres alice mary and little ben he went around the table and hug ged each one of them before he took his place and the children didnt even notice that he had called them by dif ferent names grandmother had slipped into her place at the foot of the table grand- enough cold water to show when the j water add one small onion sliced berries are pressed down when the one teaspoonful of salt and a little berries boil add onefourth of the pepper simmer two or three hours r sugar sprinkling it over the berries until the bones are clean strain and without stirring let it boil for a remove the fat put the liquor on to minute add another fourth of the boil again and add for every quart sugar and repeat until all the sugar of liquid one cupful of turkey meat is used boil up once more cooking cut fine and half a cupful of stuffing slowly and do not stir i if the stuffing is omitted thicken the if you serve roast pork for thanks- soup with flour simmer until the giving dinner try this method of 1 meat is tender and serve at once thanksgiving dinner alone then he bowed his head and gave thanks for all the good things and these children that bring back dear j scenes and for thanksgiving grandmoth ers and grandfathers added lula lee softly youths companion a thanksgiving grand mother by myrtle jamison trachsel janie ran out of her house just as lula lee appeared on the porch of the house next door oh look lulu lee there is a big snowflake i do believe tomorrow will be a white thanksgiving wouldnt that be perfect i dont know said lula lee doubtfully i dont think it can be perfect without a thanksgiving grandmother and i shant have one this year what is a thanksgiving grand mother asked bobby who came run ning from across the street a thanksgiving grandmother is one that cooks the dinner for you her self i havent any grandmothers at all sighed janie oh exclaimed lula lee sudden ly the little old lady that lives at the end of the street looks exactly like a thanksgiving grandmother we can ask her to be ours oh i hope she will be lt was a daring thought but all thrco made off down the street roll ing their hoops in f re nt of them no sooner had they knocked on the door of the cottage than a little old northern saskatchewan has 2700 winter jobs open for british harvest ers 300 of whom can be placed imme diately according to f j oleary district superintendent of the soldier settlement board for northern sas katchewan the vacancies are divided with the acceptance in principle of secretary of states hughes proposals for a twelvemile limit in tho search tor contraband liquor the british gov ernment it was stated today desires to make it clear that there is no in tention of extending the existing threemile limit governing fisheries and maritime rights generally the governments adoption of the united states suggestion is designed solely to enable united states officials to search specifically for liquor contra band on britishowned boats within the twelvemile area in return for this the united states will permit legitimate alcohol stores on steamers commissioner e j ashton of the soldiers settlement board intended for consumption on eastward j who announcos that 29566 men have voyages to come into its ports under been placed on the land so far and seal according to the pending arrange- financial assistance amounting to 90- ment i 000000 ns basil extended to 23000 of the plan of the expert committee them those who have left the farms of the imperial conference which has j number 3766 been studying the question of the vital points of the united states re- quest without sacrificing any of great i 1 1 r britains interests in foreign terri- irish prisoners torial waters as already announced tho imperial conference is expected next week to adopt tho committees recommendations woman heads labor congress miss m bondfield elected president of the british trade union congress she is the first woman to occupy the post tortoises are very tenacious of life one of these animals existed appar- eternal flame over french soldiers tomb cease their hunger strike dublin oct 28- following the gov ernments pronouncement that hone of the numerous hunger strikers would be released from prison it was announced officially today that 1490 persons who were refusing food abandoned their strike during the paris oct 2s- eternal flame will rise above the tomb of the unknown j week end soldier beneath napoleons arch of richard mulcahy minister of de- trl p fence replying to the cork corpora te administration of fine arts is lions demand for the release of the making a classic bronze lamp which prisoners said in a note- will be an undying symbollic flame surely your corporation may con- kept alive perpetually by war veterans sider it its duty to offer to those uv one ui mest annuals existed appar- vrihimarv tnnrhno- tho c 1 7 into 1700 industrial and 1000 farm ently quite unconcerned for eight itnlt remem- charged with the grave responsibility ou fo orance of semiring nnm positions months after its brain was removed harvey makes an offer ambassador harvey of the united states renewed the offer of tho hughes plan for a settlement of tho reparations trouble in his farewell speech in london the plan provides for a cot mission of experts to investi gate germanys ability to pay repara tions grandmother said they might set the table set five places she said but there are only four of us lady with white hair was smiling j counted lula iec one two three own upon them through the open four dor came delicious cookery smells j grandmother looked mysterious wl l i is s0ne ese 1i as im- hats her i can smell it cooking p0 as a thanksgiving grand- he whispered cautiously to lanie we wondered whether you were a thanksgiving grandmother explain ed lula ieo why i the little old lady ha4- tnted because if you are spoke janie wo want you to be our grandmother and let us eat thanksgiving dinner with you the little old lady threw the doo wide open come right in i am so glad to have you she led the way to the kitchen saying i wonder whether we couldnt have our thanksgiving din ner today since you arc already here it is only one day early the children were quite willing i think said grandmother as she fluttered about we had better have thick slices of country ham instead of turkey there wont be time to roast a turkey may lee mother she said smiling who i cant tell you yet but be stiro you set five places what fun it was and how beautiful the blueandwhite dishes were that i they brought so carefully from thej pantry bobby hoppedabout first on one foot and then on the other try- ing to see what it was grandmother was taking from that jar and this pan when everything was steaming on the table grandmother said take your places now and be as still as little mice i want you to surprise some one the three wanted to ask one an other who it could be but they never made a sound while grandmother went out to the shed then a man stood in the doorway a tall man with white j hair and surprised blue eyes t our thanksgiving grandfather ot securing peace and effective asslst- the flame will bo lighted next ance toward that end than that of armis day unreasonable telegrams weekly markei report manitoba wheat 1 northern j cohoney pet dozno y m 51 4 no 2 325 to 350 1 pw wll n l eatshams met 27 to 3 sis 2 c 40 to 42c all the above track bay ports american corn track toronto no 2 yellow 126 ontario barley 60 to 62c ontario wheat no 2 nominal ontario rye no 2 70 to 72c peas no 2 nominal millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 27 shorts per ton 30 middlings 30 good feed flour 205 ontario wheat no 2 white 95c to 1 outside ontario no 2 white oats 40 to 44c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt ship ment 450 toronto basis 450 tlifin bulk seaboard 440 29a 5 5 5 1 22 to nti it iii 15350 butcher cows choice 425 to j5 do mod 3 to 4 canners and rolls 22 to 24c cottage rolls 23 to 27c breakfast bacon 30 to 34c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 34 to 38c backs boneless 31 to 38c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 18 70 to 90 lbs 1750 90 lbs and up 1650 lightweight rolls in barrels 36 heavyweight rolls 33 lard pure tierces 17 to 18c tubs 18 to 18c pails 18 to 19c prints 20 to 21c shortening tierce3 15 to 15c tubs 15to 16c pails 16 to 16c prints 18u to 18 heavy steers choice 725 to 750 do good 550 to 6 do med 450 to 550 do com 3 to 4 butcher heifers choice 625 to 650 do com i com a to sou sheep light ewes 1 good 050 to s7 do fat heavy 4 to if 5 do cuils to hogs thick to 39c smooth fw 850 to 875 do fob cheese new large 25 to 26c and springers 80 to 110 calves if 2 o v en k to 11 do med 8 to 9 27c stiltons 2 to 28c old large do com 4 to 5 do grassers 350 32c twins 33 to 33c i to 450 lambs choice 1125 to butter finest creamery prints 40 n50 do bucks 975 to 10 do k crcamer 37 to 33c com 8 to 850 sheep light ewes io c 00 to c eggs extras in cartons 44 1 extras 42 to 43c firsts 38 to scc u s2 u- v dt country point vyi live poultry spring chickens 4 to 8 do elects 030 to 950 lbs and over 2c chwkens 3 to 4i montrfal lbs 22c hens over 5 lbs 22c do 4 1 oatcan westno 2 57 to rlll vr dv 4 lb3 c do no 3 56 to 57c extra no roosters loc ducklings over 5 lbs 1 feed 55 to 55c 20c do 4 to 5 lbs 18c turkeys 54 to 54 c young 10 lbs and up 25c no 2 local white flour man spring 1 wheat pats lsts 630 do 2nds dressed poultry spring chickens 4 580 strong bakers 560 winter lbs and over 33c chickens 3 to 4 pats choice 575 to 5585 rolled lbs 30c hens over 5 lbs 28c do 4 onts bag of 90 lbs 305 bran to 5 lbs 24c do l to 4 lbs 18c 2725 shorts 3025 middlings- roosters 18c ducklings over 5 lbs 3625 kay no 2 per ton c lots 2sc do 4 to 5 lbs 25c turkeys 15 to 16 young 10 lbs and un 30c lightweight bulls 2 to 225- beans canadian handpicked lb heavier bulu 250 to 275 cutter ic primes 6c cows 150 to 225 canncr3 81 btt- t comre with h totab the united state contestant for the honors j smgl c0w 2 the champion of the sea the canadian champion fishing ship the famous blucncse which is ay we help you asked lula exclaimed lula lee under her breath international 1 ishermens race the biuenose has held the cham- 8 ma s 2c thick smooths and shop hog 88 50o nd jsru 1 w i vow said the tall man rionship for several years i honey colb tins 12 to 13c per 875 o selects 925 sows 6 to lb 10lb tins 12 to 13c 5ib tins 676 i i hp 1 1 11