Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 4, 1923, p. 7

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dusseldorf demonstration terminates in a massacre score of persons killed and hundreds wounded french authorities hold german green military police re sponsible for outbreak ed the city and a procession formed and marched behind innumerable green white and red republican em blems to hinterburg strassc a thor- dusseldorf sept 30 the great separatist demonstration here today terminated in a veritable massacre a score of persons are known to have been killed and the wounded are be lieved to be numbered in the hundreds dusseldorf is still seething with ex citement and more trouble is feared the french occupation authorities hold the german green military po lice the security police responsible for the outbreak declaring that they oughfare 200 feet wide by 1000 feet long adorned witl statues of william i bismarck and von moltke the procession filed past in impres sive marching order to the number of 15000 republicans but with curiosity seekers added the assembly probably totalled 40000 when the open air meeting place was reached started the shooting in which the standing directly under the statue communist groups later joined the of william i the separatist leader hospitals and police barracks are filled joseph matches began speaking with wounded and french military the sopartists he declared are doctors are rendering all possible assistance the french authorities late this evening sent out patrols to round up all the security police they could find animated by hatred toward none but only desire peace security and tran quility suddenly without warning several shots were fired from behind a lower- in the streets and placed under arrest ed steel curtair protecting the plate all those still held in reserve at head- glass entrance to a store in tho panic quarters that ensued a small group made a the city awoke early teeming with i concerted rush for the speaker the escaped convicts rob bank after clubbing the manager excitement thousnnds were abroad in spite of an appeal addressed to the population to remain indoors but street cars automobiles and other ve hicles were absent from the street and the hotels and stores had all lowered their iron and steel gratings about 11 oclock the first of the 25 trains bearing the manifestants to dussel dorf arrived and was received by a company of rhineland public militia which had just sworn allegiance to the green white and red flag soon after noon all the manifestants from points in the rhineland republic had reach- security police fired a fusilade and the shooting became general the police were especially active in smashing their way through the crowds and in taking prisoners many of whom were transferred to head- quarters j french military forces were rushed to the scene and ordered the green police to cease usng their revolvers but according to the french tho police refused and continued to fire the cavalry seized many of the poliee and surrounded their barracks quelling the disturbance in a few minutes refugees landing in vancouver from japan women who had been victims of the terrible japanese earthquake ar rived in vancouver with scant supplies of clothing and had to wear ships blankets in place of coats and to travel hatless ocean liners collide in a fog off southern coast of ireland blow open safe steal 10000 three men rob hamilton de partment store and bind watchmen hamilton ont oct 1 chances of capturing the three burglars who climbed into the secondstorey window of the right house a big department store blindfolded john gilbert and george m sweet watchmen blew the safe and made off with over 10000 were considered slim tonight when detectives crocker and chamberlain completed several hours work on the case no fresh clues were revealed and the only definite information available at the poliee station was that it was not ryan and his gang of escaped- convicts from kingston penii tentiary who recently staged the to ronto bank robbery the kingston convicts belong to a different order of criminals being daylight bank rob bers and holdup men whereas the men who looted the right house are ordinary safeblowers the three men gained access to the building by climbing up the fire escape to the secondstorey window they found their way down to the basement where tho two watchmen were having lunch and before they had an oppor tunity of defending themselves both men were blindfolded and taken up stairs in an elevator they were hand four armed desperadoes who recently broke away front kingston penitentiary stage holdup in oakwoodst clair branch of bank of nova scotia securing about 2000 make getaway in waiting car a despatch from toronto says i exit from tho city four men believed to be gordon simp- 1 staged during luncheon hour son thomas bryans alfred slade and the holdup was staged during lunch arthur brown convicts who made a hoar at the bank when the viulta sensational escape from the kingston j were locked which accounts for tho penitentiary three weeks ago staged small amount secured by tho robbers a holdup about one oclock on thurs- j the three men were armed so day in the oakwoodst clair branch j weru members of the staff in the bank of tho bank of nova scotia and made but the latter were caught unawares gvod their escape with between 1500 by the robbers who had them covered and 2000 i with their guns before they had a tho manager of the bank percy o chance to make a move towards th oke was temporarily knocked out by j places where rested the revolvers a blow on the head and the three other i loaded and ready for use manage members of the staff were herded into oko was clubbed over the head with the managers office while the robbors j a blunt instrument of some kind which took possession of the tellers cage the police have reason to believe was three of tho robbers entered the j the buttend of a revolver mr oka bank and it is supposed that the fourth i rocovered consciousness before tho man bryans remained in charge of the overland car in which the quar tette made their escape inspector of detectives george guthrie stated that the bank staff had furnished the police department with descriptions of the men which tally with those of the es caped convicts from kingston threo of whom are wellknown to the local police within a few minutes after the police learned of the robbery all available detectives and plainclothes- men were scouring tho city in search of the fleeing robbers special officers were despatched to watch the rallway trio left the bank but was carefully guarded by one of the men the entire staff was paraded into the managers office and ordered to keep their mouths closed or they would be shot down powerless to act and without chance of getting outsido assistance as the telephone wires had boon disconnected the manager and his staff were obliged to watch tho robbers hurriedly empty the cash drawers following the entry of tho robbers to the bank one customer ap peared on the scene to make a de posit and he likewise was compelled veteran statesman dies lord imorley the famous british statesman and man of letters is dead after a public life that extended over half a century he was eightyfive years of age neither the cedric nor the scythia was badly damaged however and there were no casualties quecnstown sept 30 the white i and landed passengers she proceeded star line steamer cedric bound from and was off tuskar when she came new york to liverpool and the cuninto collision with the scythia ard line steamer scythia which sailed the cunard line issued the follow- sunday from liverpool for boston ing statement regarding the collision j collided during a dense fog early this during a dense fog sunday mov- morning off the southern coast of ing the scythia outward bound arfl ireland the cedric inward bound came into t- i- t neither vessel w badly damaged i collision off south irelaad causing fr g i according to reports and it is believed slight damage to the scythia d germany has ceased pas- there were no casualties the scythia as a measure of precaution the h t jsz itzzll t i c v t four of some one hundred ordinances is putting back to liverpool for an scythia is returning to liverpool with wn f rpvoke examination and the cedric arrived her passengers to enable a full exam- monday morning the cedric had ination to be made of the damage called at cork between 6 and 7 oclock which is nil above the water line stations and all avenues affording an to stand by and do as he was instructed only four decrees in ruhr revoked i france wants tangible evi dence that germany has surrendered a despatch from paris says open safety pin taken from throat operation performed in new york saved babys life a despatch from philadelphia says a race of more than 800 miles and an operation by dr chev alier jackson professor of laryng ology at jefferson medical college in removing an open safety pin from the throat of a five-months- old baby saved the infants life little william w johnson jr lay pale and wan on a bed in the hospital when dr jackson entered the room five minutes later he was gurgling at his happy mother while dr jackson was receiving the fervent congratula- ontarios health bill tions of the ther who is principal of is less satlsfactoryi trainine i i dr jackson used the bronchoscope plte and polncares policy has scored increase in disease is shown his own invention no anaesthetic a victory for france x w v r viv polncare triumphant germany has surrendered uncondi tionally to france in the ruhr dis- in figures for september was required and the operation was et i u- pronounced a complete success september of this year was not so cuffed together and locked safely away healthful for the public as that of a tl iic v i i while the bandits operated on the year ago according to the monthlv thre u vault the trio entered the store at statistics issued by the provincial fort william with grain 10 oclock at night and after con- health department scarlet fever liner breaks record on eastward run a despatch from southampton it is understood premier poincare will insist on formal withdrawal of every one of these decrees in view of the chaotic situation of the rest of germany he will refuse to listen eo any german proposals until germany proves her readiness to cooperate in working the ruhr industries a wellinformed diplomat was asked if france would consider the german reparation proposals of june 7 possibly he said but they must be officially renewed m poincare is willing to discus3 methods of reparation collection with to investigate waterpower problem hon charles stewart minister of the interior has been named the mem ber of the dominion cabinet respons ible for the dominions interests in britain and belgium but as a matter j international waters he accompanied of form it is insisted the reparations commission is the proper body for dis cussion of details it is recognized here that a mora torium will have to be granted ger many probably a fairly long one pour oil on fire two persons dead explosion follows blaze on farm in saskatchewan saskatoon sask sept 30 anna hemingway aged 18 wife of harry hemingway of hanley sask died in hospital friday night of burns re ceived when an oil can exploded whilo she was pouring oil on a smouldering -says- the white star liner majestic i vre tho explosion killed the eight- arrived at cherbourg from new york monthsold baby of mr and mrs 017 h e y tvj eou diphtheria apd tyl a despatch from fort william ont 5j u a dsbd p ai1 recorded an increasing pre- saysseven vessels took out 739000 at 911 pm thursday night having frank lynn and seriously burned the ana tne heavy steel valency the figures of the depart- bushels of wheat 84000 oats 45000 crossed the atlantic in tho record time parents and another child the acci- open ware and meat are barley and 50000 of flax last week of five days five hours and 21 min- 1923 1922 included among these were three un- jutes at an average speed of 24 knots cases cases ited states boats the luzon cletus 76 points deaths deaths schneider and the lewiston which all the combination door was thrown open bars drills were used to gain entrance to the inner chamber two more ex plosions were heard by the watchmen before the cash was reached tied to- smallpox 25 gether the employes remained locked scarlet fever 270 away until 730 oclock this morning diphtheria 245 when the first workers arrived i measles 95 it was the work of experts who whoopg cgh 230 laid cleverly devised plans the of fi- typhoid 131 cers stated tuberculosis 1g9 infantile par g cerebro spl m 2 plunges into creek pneumonia flsj train in wyoming 0 19 6 180 17 180 0 62 8 196 25 79 74 180 2 55 1 8 7 98 1 4 19 0 8 7 111 9 6 4 76 unknown number of victims still in the submerged cars i seven soldiers hurt a despatch from casper wyo when hit by auto in making excuses points this is the fastest time ever done by a liner on the eastward run cleared for buffalo with wheat seven boats are loading now of which three are united states vessels and ten more boats are reported on their way up the lakes light for grain it is reported by grain men that there is plenty of tonnage coming to fill orders a despatch from valieyfield que and that even yet there is some trouble says a coroners jury found walter new yorker is held guilty of slaying valieyfield man in picking up a cargo without moving from one house to another several times owing to the variety of grades and the small quantity as yet in store muir of new york city guilty of the slaying of henri laviolette 50 of this town who was fatally shot during an altercation over hunting dogs ed ward carroll of new york city and joseph plante of valieyfield were says an unknown number of vie tims of the wreck of the burlingtons mnrnruf wkr nkj i casperdenver passenger train no 30 m w into marching unit held for negligence youll find it difficult to make your way in life if you have no difficulty also arrested and charged with being -i- accomplices to the murder dent- occurred on the farm of carl siogler near hanley where mr and mrs hemingway were employed a committee to niagara to investigate the damage done to the lake levels by the chicago water diversion hands shattered by dynamite caps frontenac man badly injured while taking them from box a despatch from kingston says edward delyea aged 56 whoso home is at harlowe met with a serious ac cident he was engaged in construc tion work on the addington road and while taking the lid off a box of dyna mite caps there was an explosion und he had both hands shattered he was brought to the general hospital by w w pringle by whom he was employ ed and w h head delyea was about to fire n hole and was getting the dynamite caps for this work when the accident oc curred weekly market report toronto man wheat no 1 northern 111 man barley nominal all the above track bay ports am corn no 2 yellow 109 barley nominal buckwheat no 2 nominal rye no 2 nominal peas no 2 nominal millfeod del montreal freights to 70 lbs 18 70 to 90 lbs 1750 90 lbs and up 1650 lightweight rolls in barrels 36 heavyweight rolls 33 lard pure tierces 17 to 17c tubs 17 to 18c pails 18 to 18c prints 20c shortening rierccs 15 to 15c tubs 15 v4 to 16c pails 16 to 16c prints 18 to 18c heavy steers choice 725 to 775 bags included bran per ton 3025 butcher steers choice 050 to 7 do i nan n jijji trnna sft in sft tift an mea in hz 7k- wrecked friday night near lockett yyo jtill were in the submerged cars of the wrecked train a conservative estimate of the dead is believed to be forty some persons maintaining that many others lost their lives while rail road authorities say fewer were lost the train composed ofa locomotive baggage car mail and express cars two day coaches and toronto oct 2 running his motor car into the rear ranks of the to ronto regiment while it was marching along university avenue last night j john mcclurc galley avenue struck down seven of the citizen soldiers two pullmans si injuring them all of the in- jurod men were taken to the general k shortly after leaving here at ios nnd ftcr being given treat- oclock the train was made up five them wcr0 able to so asper and was due to arrive in loli the accident mc- plunged through a bridge across coal creek 830 o in ccspl denver at 1005 vclock in the morn- rc was taken into cu by p sj ing all the train except the rearn 1 o p c dn of west pullman dropped into the creek which statlon on charge of crim- was over its banks because of recent ln l an william webster rains i chicago a friend of his was ar- rescue workers rendered helpless f a ge of being drunk by rain nnd snow that fell intermit- 1 rc wns parading north on tcntly throughout the day and the ir- umversltv avenue when the car ran rcnistablc torrent that was surging lnto l tho stricken men were through the normally dry creek bod i scatter ab k ninepins under stood by unable to do anything qui- the ns j the vehicle j of the eighty persons believed to have when difficulties arc in front of hen on the train about 40 have been you as a rule there aro inefficiencies 1 outside ont no 2 white oats nominal ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat 6 do com 350 to 450 butchor cows choice 425 to 5 do med 3 to 4 canners and cutters 150 to 250 butcher bulls good 4 to 5 toronto basis kd 550 to 650 do fair 450 to nboard 440 i 525 stockers good 450 to 5 do its in cotton i 9t milkers nnd spring- ton in oioa l l 0ii recounted for behind every worm has its turning tu price of foods in england is alleged to be higher than circumstances warrant and public opinion io fcsgianlng to make itself felt from the liverpool post in jute bags montreal prompt ship- j do com 82 50 to 350 feeding strtsrs ment 550 to 500 toroni 540 to 550 bulk seaboard man flour 1st pats in sacks 670 per bbl 2nd pats 620 ers 80 to 120 calves- choice 11 hay extra no 2 timothy per ton to 1250 do mod 8 to 10 do com track toronto 14 no 2 1350 no4 to 7 do gntsscrs 350 to 450 3 1250 mixed 11 to s12 iambs choice 1075 to 1125 do ca r w n so bucks 92o to 975 do com 8 to strawcnr lots per ton f- u shec ht e d 6 to lfe ftwr5 do fat heavy 4 to 5 do culls cry solids 35 to 36c prints 36 to 37e 2 to 2 ll0ks s f ordinary creamery solids s3 to 34c do jgvg do c prints 33v to 34c o joints 850 do selects 1030 eggs extras 35 to 37c firsts 32 v vnvtppii to 84c seconds 24 to 26c j montreal live poultry spring chickens 3v4 corn am no 2 yellow 105 oats lbs and over 24c chickens 2 to 3 con west- no 2 58v4 to 59c do no lbs 20c do under 2 lbs 17c hens 3 57 to 57 he extra no 1 feed 56 over 5 lbs 20c do 4 to 5 lbs 18c to 56c no 2 local white 55 to do 3 to 4 lbs lie roosters 12c 55c flour man spring wheat pats ducklings over 6 lbs 18c do 4 to 5lsts 670 2nds 620 strong bak- lbs 15c turkeys young 10 lbs and ers 6 winter pats choice 575 to up 20c 585 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 315 smoked meats hams mod 27 tobrnn 3025 shorts 3329 mid- 29c cooked hams 40 to 43c smoked dimes 4025 hay no 2 per ton i rolls 22 to 24c cottage rolls 23 to car lots 15 27c breakfast bacon 30 to 34c spcl calves good vtnit op to 10 grasa cial brand breakfast bacon 31 to 38c j calves 3 to 450 hogs thick smths backs boneless 34 to 40c ond ungrnded lots 5950 to 975 do j cured meats long clear bacon 50 teloct bacox hcx graded out 1035

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