sg symptoms of debility royalty in haling louis philippe duke of orleans one of the french royalists who came surnames and tneirorigm goodwin variation godwin how to teu whether your blood back to london in very indifferent mow io leu vynciucr iuu a health as a result of his recent ex- needs revitalizing peditlon to africa unlike his sister j racial origin anglosaxon j win- queen amelia of portugal and his sour a name the symptoms of general debility kng manuel wno cm source a given name vary according to the cause but weak- stantjy t0 be teea around london there is no particular distinction in nees is always present a tendency to gqes about yery mtle perspire and fatigue easily ringing in the ears sometimes black spots pass ing before the eyes weak back verti go wakefulness caused by inability to stop thinking and unrefreshlng sleep the cause of the trouble may be some he is rather being able to trace ones family name grieved at being exiled from france though in nls young days you remem ber he more than ence insisted on go ing there claiming his right as a freuchman to serve as a conscript lu i the army he used to live at york drain on the system or it may be men- j house r 5 que tal or physical overwork sometimes in- amea was born at one sufficient nutrition disturbance due to digestive time i was a frequent visitor to the house the grounds are on the banks back to a normanfrench origin in old england probably a majority of eng lish family names are derived from norman sources which is strange at first thought considering that at no time was the bulk of the population in england norman the paradox is explained by the if you have any or all of these symp- of tnames witn the moet exquis fact that the normans being for sev n rose3 but the chief thi centuries the rulers of the land newscourlls through your veins i about york house is he bg marbe dominated it in the matter of language th7 should be itos in t svvjmmln8 poo specially bult by th0 names though numerically weak- thirt loud an increase in our decorated witq orleans er n the anglosaxon element un- appetite a better digestion and soon a renewal of strength and vigor you can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mall post paid at 50c a box from the dr wil liams medicine co brockvllle ont til finally they were absorbed and fol- private ogradys nerves lowing the political severance with their old land normandy drifted will ingly into the melting pot thus during this period of domin ance of the french tongue say through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the historical records show ye have seen practically nothing of the queen of the netherlands who with her prince consort and her daughter the princess juliana have been here in england for a months holiday in the poet wordsworths country at grasmere among the lakes veterans of the great war who of westmoreland they have had the a vry sn minority of the old anglo- served in the frontline trenches in quietest of times aud their wish for gaxon given names anglosaxon franco will be able to sympathize with unobtruslveness has been compiled names indeed disappeared for a time private ogrady some of them can i with the prince consort took his more completely even than anglo- remember seeing tho posts that held daughter juliana long climbs in the g speech the barbed wire out in front come to- j mountains while the queen devoted a j but nere an there they were to be gether on a moonlight night and ad- good deal of her time to watercolor t f among these rare instances vance in a stealthy and threatening painting of the lake scenery the 1 are seyera godwins spelled variously manner they know how they felt as dutch royal family never came near evening came and they prepared to j london really for fear they might get stand to they can understand how engulfed in the gaieties of the season i ogrady felt when after a day of hard j the mother of the murdered czar fighting under a blistering phlllpplna has been staying with her sister queen alexandra mother of the king the two widowed queens are lnsepar- able more than once recently when 1 1 have sauntered into hyde park on a i tto that the in goiq or sunny afternoon to listen to the band of the grenadier guards i have seen their open automobile drawn up under the trees so they might enjoy the music of course everybody knows who they are but no one is so bad mannered as to go near and stare at them queen alexandra however has always the brightest smile for anyone who salutes her as the car drives along but the dowager empress of russia always seems to be wrapped in sir sun he was assigned to sentry duty the battalion camp was not more that a quarter of a milo from a curv ing bead and ogradys post was at tho waters edge as darkness fell and the stars came out he felt weak and depressed he glanced at the line of a fire crested wave and watched it charge toward the shore he glanced nt a fiat rock lying some dozen paces away what did the rock move it certainly did he looked in the opposite direction another flametipped wave was rolling toward a number of rocks lying a short distance from the water those rocks moved too very slowly they i sadness as well she might be started to meet tho incoming wave john foster fraser he shouted halt and brought his gun to bear the rocks halted and ogrady rub bed his eyes what had happened to him he had glanced back over his shoulder toward camp a rock directly behind him was coming toward his ah sneaking up to bolo him in the back ogrady rushed madly at it and dashed the butt of his gun against its hard surface then he mopped his forehead just a common reckon the sand he looked up and down the shore there they were again rocks every where were moving toward the water edging creeping crawling by ones by twos by threes and in large groups then the sentinels nerves gave way the whole battalion was awakened by his yelling like a com anche as his rifle spat fire in the dark ness- when it was safe to approach him it took half an hour to calm him and to prove to him that his treacherous traveling rocks were only immense but innocent turtles making their godewin godwyne and godun they became familiar names as did other given names by tho addition of the termination son or the prefixing of the norman fltz with the same meaning and in the course of time these again have been dropped the form goodwin is explained by ally was pronounced long as in hole and that the spelling 00 also at one time had the same pronunciation oake3 variations oake oakbolt oakley oakover oakshot oakslade oker nokes racial origin english sourcea locality i here is another group of family names belonging to the locality classl- i ficatlonj one and all of these names apparently sprang up simultaneously and quite naturally in nearly all parts of england at least in all parts where oak trees grew consequently the pos session of thi3 name is no guarantee of relationship even a remote one with other persons bearing the same name or ones similar to it the original forms of the name of course were nearly always preceded by words that show it was at first merely a descriptive phrase in the old records we find the norman pre fixes del and de meaning of used with it and also the anglosaxon atte at the old spellings of the names include dell oke atte oke atte ok del okes de okolt de okholt de ocleedo akelegh de okovere de ocslado and oker the last of these is simply oaker that is a contraction of the old- were meaning man with the word oak an oak holt is an oak thicket an oak s ade is a grasscovered open space in an oak forest an oak lev lee or legh is either a shelter or pasture near oaks an over is flat land near the sea or a river if oaks grew upon it the medieval english called it an okovere or okeovere the termination shot in the name oakshot is simply a contraction of holt to be found in a great many english place names the name of nokes is a contraction of the form atten okes inwhlch the n of the prefix has beci carried over to the name fill jour pipe with its cut plug itsaiisfies is if you iohyour owrv asklor babys own tablets of great value mrs hermadis chagnon ste theo- dosle que writes babys own a personal instrument the general popularity of the piano that instrument which has long been a j classic unit of the furniture of the home is not the result of somo arbi trary choice of the householder ac cording to a famous pianist the satis faction which the listener finds in this instrument is the result of the com plex tonal effects which it is capable of producing and also of its peculiar adaptability for conveying fully and directly the message of the performer what a remarkably personal instru ment tho piano is it is capable of im pressing upon auditors with unique thoroughness the personality of the artist or the character of a work if music has any value that fact may be determined by playing it over on the piano we frequently hear composers say that their compositions for orches tra show to advantage only when pre sented by an orchestra and that they should never be judged when played upon the piano this- it seems is only an excuso for hiding utterly worthless nightly visit to the water in search of rtuftunder a maze of orche color- lng if a composition has xeal musical attributes these may be easily discern ed when played upon the piano in fact the piano is such a peculiar per sonal instrument that it is possible for the works of certain composers to bo properly set forth only by their creator work let me but do my work from day to day in field or forest at the desk or loom in roaring marketplace or tranquil room let me but find it in my heart to say when vagrant wishes beckon me astray this is my work my blessing not my doom of nil who live i am the one by whom this work can best bo dono in the right way then shall i see it not too great nor small to suit my spirit and to prove my powers then shall i cheerfully greet the laboring hours and cheerful turn when the long shadows fall at eventide to play and lovo and rest because 1 know for me my work is best henry van dyke i tablets have been of great value to me in keeping my- little one well and i would not be without them thou sands of other mothers say the same thing they have learned by actual experience the value of the tablets in regulating the bowels and stomach banishing constipation and indiges tion breaking up colds and simple fevers and keeping the baby freo from the many simple ailments of childhood the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont the two lovers how do you know you love me the modest maiden said the lovers eyes were big round eyes and high he held his head because youre fair as angels are because your eyes are dreams because without you all tho world but tamo and empty seems because when i am far from you life seems but death al way i cannot livo without you dearl she sent the man away one neighbor of another old mistress so you are going to my friend over the way bridget did you tell her that you have been with me only two months bridget yes maam and she said it i could stay with you two months that was a good enough reference for her ask for mlnards and take no other white rhinos handicap african travelers teu us that the white rhinoceros frequently dies from eating poisonous plants which have no effect on the black one probably be cause the fine scent of the latter tells him it is dangerous you have heard of the old lady who always had something good to say about everybody and when someone was slandering the devil she protested that at least he had something com mendable and that was his per sistency jrinc fory eyes she its hard to realize there are thousands and thousands of people in europe of the lower classes only half clothed rector yes and there are thous ands and thousands in this country of the upper classes in the same condi tion money orders pay your outoftown accounts by dominion express money order five dollars costs three cents oysters are nervous creatures and it is said that a sudden shock such as a loud thunderclap will kill many hun dreds of them keep mlnards liniment in tho houso pays a man to wed her so she can be briton how do you kuow you love me again the maiden said the lovers eyes were sleepy eyes and down he cast his head because when eer i knot my tie i always think of you i wonder if youd like the red or would prefer the blue because wheneer i shave myself your face comes in the glass and i am sure to cut myself ho won the little lass gelett burgess speculation and respectable graft there is plenty of work to do busi ness is merely work speculation la tilings already produced that is not business it is just more or less re spectable graft but it cannot be leg islated out of existence laws can do very little law never does anythiug constructive it can never be more than a policeman and so it is a waste of time to look to our state capitals or to washington to do that which the law was not designed to do as long j as wo look to legislation to cure pov- jerty or to abolish special privilege we i what is wisdom but having a greatre going to see poverty spread and evidence lacking why did she fall in her breach-of- promise suit she made the mlstako of letting him makolove to her by radio instead of through the mails twopronged forks were introduced into england in 1608 they were first made in sheffield threepronged forks came into use in 1750 americas pioneer dog remedies book 00 dog diseases nd how to feed mailed free to any addresi by the author h clay glover co ina 129 weit 24th street new york usa large eals ifs classified advertisements silver roxes motes fhom 11y dia2t booklrt mica rean experience rtnehloi lost 18 cent dr uideu truro not scotlt washington hand press wk have an knquuit for a washing ton ilia pita uuu will at 4 wi o i relumm lone wllka iuoutnlnj oo ii fl aaculd rtt w- toronto onfaceltchedandburned cause loss of s i was troubled awfully with pim ples on my face little white spots formed at first which later broke out in large red pimples that festered and scaled over they itched and burned causing loss of sleep and my face was disfigured other remedies were used with out success a friend recommended cuticura soap and ointment so i purchased some and after using them about a week i got relief i continued using them and in a month was completely healed signed miss lilian warner wil liamsburg ontario daily use of cuticura soap oint ment and talcum helps to prevent skin troubles simple eechfreebrhtu address lttusi un ited 314 at real st w mont sold every where soap2sc ointmentendgoctejeame sost cuticura soap ilurci without mug j cleanses and beautifies j 5xj write murine co chicago for free book oa eye caro attractive proposition for man ultb all round weekly rewpmpr oxptwlonco and hm or 60 apply box 24 wluoa publishing co ltd s adelaide street west js minards applied fre quently dries up aud removes warts hftrmuif priy ytftume infants ctuiclrcat refilaur forncl em crery label goannttet nonnarcotic donalcobolic amwinsiors syrup th lufifit tad cltililrtai rexolclor children arrow healthy and freo from colic diarrhoea flatulncy constipation and other trouble ix i given it at teething time safe pleasant always brings re markable and sratif ylnar results at all draught l unless you see the name bayer on tablets you are not getting aspirin at all deal to say and keeping silent special privilege grow henry ford some peoples idea of taking life it takes less effort to make good there are more ways than one of impressions than to remake bad im- easy seems to be making it hard for coming a british subject and one pressions the rest of of the strangest yot revealed that- is for- a foreignborn woman to pay 150 for tho prlvilego of going through a marrlago form with an englishman whereupon she automatically takes on her husbands nationality it is said that recently an austrian woman who had difficulty in becom- relieved rheumatism too says contractor thousards of people everywhere weeks with this rheumatism and a bad have learned of tanlac througl the case of grippe i lost about eight ing naturalized and wished to take the statements of others and havo taken pounds and felt miserable chort catotfered an elderly and im- the treatment with such splendid re- three bottles of the tanlac treat- pocunlous bachelor of her acquaint ance about 150 if ho would marry her on sis agreement the ceremony took place at tho rtogltry office tho brldo and bridegroom agreeing as they left tho building never to see each other again the home office states that several marriages of this sort hava taken place recently ilue is the only high rod to suits that they in turn deem it onlyjment besides greatly improving my fair to relate their experience for the benefit of suffering humanity is the case with l dcsormeaux well- known electrical contractor living at 1066 borrl st montreal who says i couldnt do otherwise than pub licly indorse tanlac for i was lucky gists accept no substitute to find out about the medicine the million bottles sojd same way myself for nearly a yearl lis i suffered from indigestion and also tanlac vegetable pills are natures had rheumatism in my legs about j own remedy for constipation for sale month ago i ras laid up in bed for two everywhere rheumatism has made my eating and digestion better than they ever were i have regained my lost weight and am feeling extremely well tanlac is great tanlac is for sale by all good drug- over 37 accept only an unbroken package of bayer tablets of aspirin which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by- millions for headache rheumatism womansuffered for months weak and nervous made well by lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound webbwood ont i was ina very weak end rundown nervous condition always tired from the time i got up until i vent to bed sleep did not rest me at all my sister recommended lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound to me and others told me about it but it was from my sisters advice that i took it it did not take long until i feit stronger headaches left me and my appetite came back to me i am a farmers wife and have many things to do outside the house such as milking looking after the poultry and other chores 1 neartily recommend the vegetable compound to all who have the same troublo i had for it fs a fine medi cine for women mrs louie f elsas- seb hillcrest farm wesbwood ont another nerrons woman fincu relief port huron michigan suffered for two years with pains in my side and if i worked vcrjr much i was nervous andjuat as tired in the morning as when colds toothache earache neuralgia lumbago neuritis pain pain nandy bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of u and 100 druggi- aplrln i iho tr mrk rltrcd tn cnia of br mnofjetor of mono- rjirirer of sallrrtlcacld whl it 1 wlt known that aslln mn byr in to ummgni wlu tbolr oncro tr4 nuxk uo bojor croso wilt 0j c lytkaj s nvuiu unv ldy dlgc nails one of my friends told me about lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound and it helped me so much that i soonfeltfine mrscharles beeler 601huj st port huron mich women who sustei from any feminine ailment should try lydia e pinkham vegetable compound o issue no 3s 11